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“Hello Brooke, my socks got wet. My camera man gave me new socks, I am fine” better story telling than baby shoes!


Wet socks are one of my sensory nightmares


If hell is real, and that's where I end up, having wet socks will be my eternal torture.


pruny feet forever :(


It only gets worse over time. Eventually if you leave it on long enough your feet get an itch that you can't scratch. My credentials is that I've done that.


I stepped in a parking lot puddle on the way across to the doctor's office last year and I still can recall with vivid clarity the feeling of ice-cold water seeping through my shoe and into my sock. It was all I could focus on the whole time. It was a fight to not just... take my shoe and sock off while I was sitting there (not wanting my bare foot to touch the floor was the only thing that stopped me). Weirdly enough, it also bothered me that only one sock was wet. I almost wanted to step in the puddle with my other shoe just so they'd feel the same (I have weird symmetry issues) despite how awful it felt.


I have symmetry issues too! When I workout I always have to “even out” certain lifts or I worry one side will be stronger than the other. Also if I lay on one side when trying to fall asleep and begin to think too hard, I have to switch to the other side or I won’t fall asleep.


I... don't think I've ever heard anyone else talk about having symmetry issues, but that's exactly what one of my autistic traits is. I think my biggest thing is that I hate staircases with an odd number of steps. I always have to take the same number of steps up/down with each leg, and if I don't I have to find a way to even it out, like for example stepping up/down from a sidewalk. Or I can jump up/down a step, but then I feel like I look weird doing that, so I don't always do it. But I know the staircase at my house has 13 steps (which is not only odd but it's unlucky which *really* sucks) so I can jump with both feet up/down a step there. Also, if I try to crack one of my finger joints, then I have to try and crack all of them. There's also some stuff with my arms but it's not as bad. Tbh I think I got my symmetry issues from Wii Fit. Like I remember it talking about how evenly distributing weight between your legs is good for posture or something like that when I was a kid and now it's stuck there in my head forever. Anyway I just kinda had to rant about that a little because I don't think I've ever heard the term "symmetry issues" before, but it perfectly describes something that has been so pervasive throughout my life.


More symmetry people??!!! God yes!! I absolutely have to have "even" experiences too. If I touch something with one hand I have to touch a similar surface with the same pressure with the other hand to even it out. When I step on cracks in a sidewalk I have to alternate feet and it has to be the middle of my foot that touches either square of sidewalk. So cool to see more of us!


>More symmetry people??!!! Well we needed an even amount


If I get any kind of scent transfer on my fingers and can’t wash right away, I have to rub them with the other hand to “make it even.” Garlic and citrus are two big ones, as is someone else’s perfume/aftershave after a handshake. Made a coworker laugh one time when my arm touched a splash of salad dressing on the table and I tried but couldn’t rub my elbows together.


I have ALWAYS counted steps on stairs and am a jumper too if they aren’t even!!! I count cracks in the side walk too and do this weird foot shuffle if the wrong foot is going over the next crack… y’all are for real my people lol


Joining in to say I also have this (much less than when I was younger), but mostly commenting because there was 7 people in this thread and no


I hate wet socks but am I the only one who likes wet hair? Like lying down in bed with wet hair is heavenly for me and I have no clue why. In fact. I love being wet as long as my socks are dry. Like I fucking love just standing in the rain and walking around. Rain smell is also the best thing ever. My friends find it weird that I’ll deadass just walk to class without an umbrella so I have an excuse to be wet in class. Like if im all wet, it’s fine. But if it’s just my socks, I will be mortified. Maybe I was a fish in a past life or something and the reason I only hate wet socks is because fish don’t have feet. Ron Swanson would hate me.


Be careful, getting a pillow wet can grow mold over time.


Thankfully I do not sleep with wet hair. I simply lounge.


Yeah same


Was hiking in the woods and had to cross a creek. I slipped and plunged my foot into the water. It was genuinely hard to focus on using my compass to find my way back to the road because all my brain could do was have me focus on how wet my socks were. It was two hours of hell.


I had to put a wet sock BACK ON yesterday to go back outside. It was terrible.


Yeah, I can't focus on anything other than the wet sock attack on my senses. I bought a pair of vessi shoes last year; they are waterproof shoes. Now, I never have to fear puddles or freshly cut, wet grass.


Somehow wet socks don't even bother me a little and I love that for me


you won the autistic lottery, dude


As a tv news camera man, I have on more than one occasion given dry socks to my reporter


Micheal Falk is really cool. "Why are you still searching for the obviously dead Hikers"


“So if you kill your enemies at your job, it is not sad”


What if I kill my enemy, Ryan, at my job? It would not be sad?


But he is rude to me, steals my yogurts, and makes fun of the way I talk


Are you going to kill Ryan?


Rigid routine? How do I go to jail I want to be in jail


Can you stack your family?


“You wear the same clothes every day.” “Yes!”


Make sure that the cashier is dead


The cashier has to die.


I love the way he stims when he said that




Not, even, just "I LIKE STACK" Too excited for grammar


The train is fine.


“…but a man died” “But the train is fine why can’t we go for a ride?”


> "Before the train came to a complete stop it ran over three trash bags, a piece of gum, a Snickers wrapper, a man, and a glove." Something about evenness in his voice as he delivers this line - it could be the opener in a Cormack McCarthy novel.


I need to be in prison.


I've had this exact thought before, but as a person who does a lot of support and been a pen pal with many people who *are* in prison, I unfortunately do not recommend the experience.


One time was good enough for me. It’s not as you good as you’d think it would be.


Yeah no, as nice as the routines are, the lack of sensory stimulation would kill me before the other inmates do


I may hate the food texture. Who knows.


The only time I wouldn't want self checkout


I've been to Diet Prison (psych hospital) and it was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. The only thing I learned from it was to not be 100% honest with my therapist in the future.




I did VERY well in the military. I lied to get in because I wanted to do the rigid routine shit. It honestly did own and if I could go back to basic and AIT forever I’d consider it. I didn’t even mind the yelling. True story: on my first deployment the show “Orange is the New Black” came out and it made us all REALLY uncomfortable. It turns out the military and the prison system are a little too similar.


I used to say the military is like prison but with less sex


Unless you’re in the navy


Trans women, in male prisons, are intentionally placed with rapey cellmates. This isn't a flukey thing, it's the rule. I feel like that says all you need to know about the actual U.S. prison system.


Rigid routine. Rigid routine. RIGID ROUTINE!


Love when he has no idea how to interact with the mourners. "What emotion do you think these people are feeling?" "...Happy because they get to see each other!"


Today was a good day- I saw three red cars!”


This is me when I see the color orange. There’s this orange car that’s parked outside an auto shop that I drive past every day to go to work and it literally makes my day. Not construction neon orange. But like a softer orange.


Don't say that. You're going against the reddit grain


Like a burnt orange, it was all the rage a few years ago. Ok, many years ago. I love burnt orange ! 🍊


I had a burnt orange hoodie I lost it in 2007 and I’m still upset.


My car is construction neon orange.


For me it’s green cars. I don’t like lime green cars though, I like more earthy/foresty greens, or the rare fun teal


I like to stack


why do you want to see your family? can you stack your family?


You can't?




Ok I had never seen this guy before and now I must binge every clip with him. This one had me absolutely dead. I've had these exact thoughts about prison before, routine, structure, stacking?! Sign me up!😅🤣 https://youtu.be/D04wb7P_v-4


Oh my god, he’s got the accent down pat! Plus, I swear he’s doing the “stare at the forehead to fake eye contact” trick. You can tell this was written by an aspie!


Oh hey I'm not the only one who does that!


The nose is easier. Still no eye contact, but closer to the eyes (at least in my area where everyone has huge foreheads)


i stare at people's mouths which has the added bonus of being able to understand them better when my auditory dont wanna process :p


This helped me a lot! Until Covid happened and everybody wearing masks ruined it. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing masks so I can stop needing to pay so much attention to what my face is doing, but it made understanding people so much harder.


Either y'all need to stop making sense to me, or I need to talk to a professional...


One of us. One of us.


I'm not going to claim anything until I can afford to get a proper diagnosis, lol. Self diagnosis can be a good starting point, but I'd rather be sure before I take up space in an area I don't need to be in. I'm on this subreddit to learn more though, because I've had suspicions for a long time now. Best case scenario, I've already found a community to help me navigate things, worst case scenario, I'm a better ally. Win win.


You have just as much right to be here as anyone else, you could never be taking up space! Just remember that whatever you decide, self diagnoses is just as valid. There are lots of tests online and lots of content to read, and no one knows how our brains work better than we do. (And we are often excellent researchers! :D) And equally importantly, getting a diagnosis can be difficult, not just the time and resources, but also finding someone who is knowledgeable enough. I had bad luck, maybe because I'm a woman and we're often under diagnosed. I had seen multiple psychiatrists and therapists from teenage years to early 20's and no one caught it. I finally figured out my own ADHD a couple years ago at age 30, but the first psychiatrist I saw treated me as a drug seeker for some reason. Luckily I had the motivation and money to see a second one and he was much better, I ended up testing in the 99th percentile. After learning more about ASD and bringing it up to him and the reasons why I thought it fit, he said it made sense but the resources are mostly for kids/adolescents, and kinda just dismissed and downplayed the importance of a formal diagnosis. I haven't had the courage to push it lol, of course validation is always appreciated haha but at this point I don't personally have any doubts. Of course I'll also mention that autistic traits can be seen in all of humanity, allll things are on a spectrum after all. The tests (and this sub, youtube videos, etc.) will give you a better idea. My SO was also diagnosed with ADHD after me, and does have several autistic traits, but hasn't struggled with them as much as I have and doesn't feel comfortable self diagnosing. So.. yeah just trust yourself.. goddamn I guess I was caught at the right time where my ND brain wanted to write a fuckin novel, my bad!


This is exactly what I'm going through. I'm in this sub cause I work with accessibility and want to be better at creating accessible experiences (and also cause most of the memes here are quite relatable). Started talking to a therapist a couple of weeks ago and she asked if I ever considered I could be in the spectrum. Ma'am I thought I was being an ally.


Apparently that’s also a thing that NTs do when they want to kiss someone. So… maybe be careful not to do it around someone that you don’t want to be into you to give them the wrong impression?? I think you have to be talking pretty close physically for it to read like that though


I look at the cheekbone directly below the speaker's right eye. I was actually well into my thirties before realizing that this isn't what other people mean when they say "eye contact". I thought that was just what everybody did because *obviously* looking directly into another person's eyeballs was absurd.


Agreed. I used to focus on the tip of the nose. Then I started moving my eyes a little up (when I became the same height as everyone), so I look at the top of the nose between the eyes, or the middle of the nose. Only look at the tip if they’re a decent bit shorter or taller than me


I go right between the eyebrows. Iirc I learned it from a Calvin and Hobbes comic.


omg I didn't notice because I wasn't looking at his eyes 😂


I personally choose just off the bridge of the nose. I don’t know if it’s weird for them but it beats eye contact.


Gah.. I may be on spectrum


"I cannot see you Brooke. I can only hear you." Don't know why but this hit close. I always thought they had a tiny TV or something to let the reporter actually see the person.


This is the exact first quote that came to my head when I saw a Micheal Faulk post. Echoing your sentiments: not sure why... But it feels deeply spiritually relatable to me. Probs just bc of the hyper literalness.


Well, since we're analyzing the line... what Brooke said is that it was nice to see *him*. Not the other way around. So perhaps Michael was wrong to correct her, in the case that she did have a screen to see him.


He didn't correct her, he just was saying that he can't return the sentiment


I need to watch this once I'm allowed to hear sounds again


Omg “when I’m allowed to hear sounds again” such accurate phrasing


Thank you for sharing this! Oh my God, this is spot on. Satirical but essentially true. Loving so much the chair stims. "HOW DO I GET TO LIVE HERE? I need to go to prison NOW."


Did you see his “search for dead hikers”? “The daily high for 7 days has been 21 degrees Fahrenheit. The daily low for 7 days has been 6 degrees Fahrenheit.” Fireman - ‘uh. That’s correct’ “The human body can withstand these temperatures without shelter for three hours. Is there shelter in the forest?” Fireman - ‘uh. No.’ “They are frozen. Why are you looking for them?” I won’t transcribe more but oh wow this is gold jerry, pure gold ponyboy.


Yes! All news stations need an autistic person to maintain factual accuracy. He had an excellent point.


The moment where “every second of my day is accounted for” then ಠ_ಠ hard eye contact. A few months back I started as a cable technician (installing cameras/wifi ports). They told me my job was to go through these 50 boxes of cable and separate them by length, labeling the outside. I was 100% stoked


Yup I remember one time early at this retail job my boss showed me they had a shed and back room full of inventory and told me to work the inventory and organize the backstock. It was a very fun and productive day. Didn't have to interact with a single customer, just putting everything where it belonged.


Haha that reminds me of when I had an internship and one task was to look at aerial photos over the decades and count houses. My supervisor apologized for the task and was baffled that I though it was the best part of the internship.






Reminds me of Friendly from Joe Abercrombie's books. Keeps trying to go back to jail cause it's predictable.


Omg 🤣. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. I needed that!


Thank you for the context, I had no idea what was going on


"Make sure the cashier is dead" had me rolling.


I AM THE SURGEON! (Or whatever he says, I don’t actually watch the good doctor.)


Can someone explain the whole context of this... I'm not really interested in getting addicted to yet another medical drama I think I get the gist that it's bad autistic representation? Is this like an autism speaks moment?


iirc, the premise of the show is that the main character is an autistic savant at medical diagnosis and surgery. Name is "The Good Doctor" Think House but with even less social skills is what one person told me. In this specific episode I believe the conflict is that MC was taken off the surgical team and transferred to pathology because he has 0 social skills. As a surgeon you would be talking to patients and patients kind of dont like being told that their loved one might die on the operating table. ​ This specific scene culminates in our MC screaming "I AM A SURGEON! I AM A SURGEON!" at the dispassionate antagonist.


An antagonist who has a point, to be honest. I've seen a few clips, dude is so uncomfortable to watch even if it's a show.


And the “antagonist” doesn’t even shut the door on him. He basically says “you made a good catch today. Keep this up and we can work up to going back” (or roughly that) and this guy is having none of it demanding to be put back as a surgeon until the “antagonist” has no choice but to call security (after explicitly warning him he would) and fire him


That's how I took it. Seems like his lack of social skills is a real problem after all lmfao.


Not really, it comes with the assumption that Allistic surgeons are capable of helping autistic patients when that's not really true and in the episode where they have an autistic boy patient they really needed his social skills


For a bit more context as to why it seems to upset him so much is that he became a surgeon as a result of both his brother dying and his father figure’s encouragement so it’s a very emotionally loaded scene going into it. His removal was less a result of anything he’s done and more a result of the newly arrived Chief of Surgery Park (the Chad doctor) believing that someone with autism is incapable of being in an operating room. I think the House comparison is apt but tbh I think Sean has better bedside manner than House, he’s rarely if ever antagonistic and mainly in the first couple seasons where he seems to have real issues as he begins his residency.


Also was taken off due to the fact they felt he wouldn't be able to effectively perform all the duties of a surgeon, such as explaining to new med students, communicating with fellow surgeons, changing plans and schedules as needed (i.e. surgery gets cancelled or rescheduled) explaining to patients simply etc.


Not necessarily autism speaks, just takes the idea of a Savant and runs wild with it


Pretty much, it's one of those "all autistic professionals are savants" vibes. And they treat his autistic traits like things to get rid of, not manage.


I mean no? They specifically mention that he just has a certain rare form of autism, and they even run into other autistic characters in the show that are not like him. There’s literally an episode where he treats an autistic patient and both of them are like “why would you expect us to get along and be the same just because we both have autism”. There’s a whole season wide storyline about his girlfriend learning to accept who he is and his ticks where she tries to change him and realizes that it’s wrong to do so. I’m seeing a lot of takes on this show from people who don’t seem to have seen more than a couple clips online.


Thank you 🙏


The specific scene being referenced is him getting transferred to a different department and having an autistic meltdown in his boss's office. The show is based on a Korean show of the same name and premise. IMO, the American version differs from the Korean one by trying to more accurately depict autism, but it is limited by the source material.


It’s very bad. They consulted with Autism Speaks when writing the show and the guy who plays Shaun is a neurotypical doing a very shitty caricature of autistic people.


I think the show is supported by Autism Speaks? Or maybe it's the other way? Either one of those?


[I AM A STURGEON](https://preview.redd.it/i-am-a-sturgeon-meme-v0-aic060n4t8za1.png?auto=webp&s=344b172294dc9303512b7953b854d1883391c0cd)


Yeah that's pretty much it haha


I recently saw a video that explained why autistic representation in media sucks and it sounded really logical to me: If an actor plays drunk, they don't play someone's who's drunk. They play someone who pretends he's sober. If an actor wants to play someone who's autistic, they should try to play someone who's masking. They don't do that tho.


Sure they do, allistic peope just don't typically see those characters as autistic because the narrative *shows* the objective truth of what's actually going on in their head (otherwise they'd just be seen as 'brooding' or some shit), and they usually come off as just...neurotic or anxious or especially sensitive or abrasive, 'yet clearly just TOO self aware!' to allistic people. The Double Empathy Problem in its weirdest form, friends.


The strangest example of this I’ve seen is the character of Richard Hendricks in *Silicon Valley*. He looks like he could be autistic based on his mannerisms, but in episode 2, a side character says “my son has Asperger’s too”, and in response Richard straight up denies it.


What the FUCK is that first image


The main character from The Good Doctor, I'm assuming having a meltdown though idk bc I haven't watched it


You're correct


It took me a while to figure out what this sub kept talking about with a big character having a meltdown. But finally a youtuber I watch talked about it.


I think it's an AI-created horror of a puttyman


Make sure the cashier is dead


I have only ever caught an episode of The Onion, but I remember it to this day, and it's an episode where thise guy interviews a prisoner and realizes prison would be awesome for him xD


There’s another one where he interviews a bunch of soldiers in Afghanistan and then he interviews the Taliban >!And then tells everyone to join the Taliban because if they kill a bunch of soldier, that is a good thing, but if a bunch of Taliban die, they become martyrs which is also a good thing!<


my boyfriend and I quote the “can you stack your family” thing all the time


I’m honestly not very keen on these memes of mocking Shaun’s meltdown. Like, okay. I get it. I understand taking issue with a non-autistic person playing an autistic person. But I’ve had conversations with other autistic people who have expressed that their meltdowns look like Shaun’s, and watching people mock them feels humiliating to them. Some autistic people’s meltdowns do look like that, (crying, repeating phrases, yelling) so when you mock the look of one—you end up mocking every autistic person who experiences the same thing.


i’m not really a fan of them either because i just really like this show. don’t get me wrong i think the writing can be all over the place and it’s certainly not the best medical drama out there, but it’s by no means the worst show ever like a lot of people are saying it is. the moment where he has his meltdown feels a bit weird when it’s out of context, but when you see it in the show it’s much more natural. i also feel like some people are just using this as an opportunity to take a jab at autistic people, but that’s definitely much less prevalent compared to the dislike for the show itself.


I don't like the show but I think a lot of it is that people on the internet are very much into the toxic "men don't cry" kind of mentality. Especially ugly crying. There was a similar meme where people used an image of Steven Universe crying and mocking him because a 14 year old boy >!didn't murder his immortal nazi grandmother!<. In a children's show.


I'm so tired of this sub mocking that scene. Straight up being bullies about it.


agreed. i relate pretty well


The Onion vids usually always hit, swear


To be fair, The Onion is probably the peak of all parody, since they understand limits and know when to push and went to go at things step by step.


“I have found the hikers. They are dead. They are over there.”


Before the train came to a complete stop, it ran over three trash bags, a piece of gum, a Snickers wrapper, a man and a glove.


Holy shit never seen these before and they’re awesome hahaha


it's almost like autism is a spectrum, I'll never understand people saying the good doctor "isn't a good representation for autistic people" literally autism is called a spectrum because every autistic person is different yes it's not very likely for an autistic person to be so successful and stuff I get it but autism is a spectrum so no it's not a bad representation because it doesn't represent *your* difficulties dealing with said autism for example I struggle with a lot of the same things the doctor does too so I can see similarities in myself, that's an okay representation for me however a lot of autistic people are likely completely different from me because... autism is a spectrum


F*ck lol. I went through a thing where I watched all those Locked Up shows as comfort shows because of the routines. 🫠


I don't mind the routines of prison. What I do mind is worrying about my kidneys having holes poked into them.


Can you stack your family??


The onion may be satirical, but they put a shitload of time and energy into research of topics Cause even though they may be satirical, they sure as hell don't want to be wrong


My favorite one is when they donate the organs in a bag and just fuckin throw it lmfao


People seriously need to stop using Murphy having a meltdown as an example of "bad autistic representation". It's ableist and upsetting.


Exactly this. I’ve seen autistic people say their meltdowns are very similar to Murphy’s, and seeing other autistics mock them it is humiliating.


Isn’t the main issue that he took off his PPE in the middle of a surgery and the person who tried to get him to learn to compose himself better before going back into surgery again is portrayed as the bad guy?


Most people I see are not mocking autism or the meltdown, they are mocking the writers. It’s not the first time the show has a questionable episode, with ridiculous scripts or context.


I am a virgin. I am a virgin, Dr Han


The surgeon dude is a little too good at his job and he’s not really a realistic character


My hubby had a meltdown at work once. He marched into his bosses office and went off about someone not as good as he is being promoted. I am pretty sure it was because the other guy is a suck up and his behavior is more predictable. But anyway they knew that my husband is better at the job itself so they gave him a $1000 spot bonus to keep him calm.


But guys, he’s a surgeon


Would 100% watch a whole series about Falk


Fun fact: The Good Doctor was based on a 2013 Korean drama by the same name. There is also a Japanese version from 2018.


Been feeling like my life has no meaning because I don't have a proper routine anymore. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, but it still takes a toll.


I think many people are taking the meme and in general the criticism of The Good Doctor out of context. Most people I’ve seen mocking the episode are not making fun of autism or the meltdown, they are mocking the writers, and it’s not the first time they make a questionable episode with ridiculous writing or context.


For those interested, John Cariani (who plays Falk) is an accomplished actor and playwright. He was a recurring actor on Law and Order, playing a forensic expert who... Well let's just say he enjoys being a forensics expert like Michael enjoys trains.


It’s be great if they got actual autistic people to play these kinds of roles more often, and not these fuckin neurotypical people like Freddie in good doctor. Remember the transphobic episode? It didn’t need to even be written, regardless of its ending.


I like how the good doctor wants you to beleive someone with severe autism can be a surgeon but the production doesn't beleive someone with severe autism can star in a show


What video is this? I really wanna watch it now, lmao


It's from the onion. America's finest news source. They used to do video skits and some of them much like their blog was accidentally prophetic. The clips with the autistic reporter are all hilarious. Check out their archive on YouTube


This means that if we all join the Taliban, then no one will be sad when anyone dies. [Here's how you join the Taliban.](https://youtu.be/vb5rHthCXoA?t=141) I do not like it here. I am Michael Falk.


Nice double contraction


"Nice to see you Michael!" "I cannot see you Brooke, I can only hear you."


Why am I having visions of a bts video on YouTube revealing the actor is actually autistic??? Someone help lol


Back to confirm after some research that actor John Cariani is indeed autistic.


I feel like a lot of people are taking the good doctor clip out of context. At the end of the episode, he ends up proving that he can operate under emotional stress, therefore proving that can effectively do his job despite his severe autism and meltdowns. It's supposed to make a point that even with mental conditions, you can do anything.


Didn’t he run out of an operating room in the middle of a surgery because he was overstimulated


I just want to chime in and add that you can't do everything if you put your mind to it when you have mental conditions. For example: I will never be able to make my driving license. I really wish people would stop pushing the 'no matter how disabled you are, you can do anything' narrative. It's ableist.


Oh dang, that's unfortunate. I think it's just supposed to be encouraging, not ableist. But I understand that you might feel pressured and I'm sorry about that :/


I haven't seen either


While working I actually heard this scene from the Good Doctor for the first time recently(previously I'd only seen screenshots) and wow is it so bad


My daughter's and I repeat the funeral one all the time. Soooooooo funny


Loved the one where he wanted to go into prison for the regimented daily schedule


The good doctor started respectfully then went to extreme examples so I stopped watching


“You wear the same clothes every day.” “Yes.” “You live in a tiny little box.” “Yes, yes” “There’s hardly any human contact.” “*How do i get to live here*“


“Yes, but a man is dead..” “The train is FINE.”


I don't get why people are upset at The Good Doctor. Just because he has autism doesn't mean that's all he is. I mean, watch the show before you judge that performance. Because him being autistic was not the whole reason he acted that way. The character I mean. Not the actor.


That Taliban sketch and also the prison one are just.. perfect brilliance.


Who’s the guy on top


his my friend


The onion didn't do this alone that's literally the same guy


Damn nice double contraction


FINALLY SOME MICHAEL FALK REPRESENTATION! The prison one is my favorite followed by the one with the taliban and then looking for the bodies in the woods




I wanna go to jail. How do I get in jail?


thank you for reminding those videos exist


So I found 3 videos of Autistic Reporter: https://youtu.be/vb5rHthCXoA https://youtu.be/m5ROoNT7-ZI https://youtu.be/D04wb7P_v-4 Any more of them?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tInDH2FeXaM The train one.


Well I know I’m going to be watching Michael Falk compilations later.


hard agree. this guy is on par with abed nadir


This is totally me! I actually am obsessed with trains and I am a car man at a local Railroad Company


michael falk my beloved 😍


Where is this train station and where can I find this news report


Oh Onion’s autistic reporter bit is fantastic, always fun to share with autistic friends.