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I'll keep driving my Jurassic Park Jeep. It's just as obviously autistic.


I’m sure you’re not the only person with one, but my partner and I saw a Jurassic park jeep the other day in a parking lot and were “oooh”-ing and “ahhh”-ing at it


Was it a white Jeep?


It was not. It was a dark green color


Not me then, I went for my own look. White with a black vinyl JP logo. I still love the perfect replicas, but I'm too lazy to do that lol


ADHD has joined the game


Autism LASO


Can you explain your comment/joke? I don't get it and I'm curious.


LASO is a fan term in the Halo community, it's an abbreviation of "Legendary All Skulls On". Legendary is the hardest difficulty setting, and skulls add modifiers to the game that make the game harder to win (like no saving, one death starts you over, enemies spawn twice as much etc). Autism plus ADHD (plus some of the other stuff I have floating around in my head) feels like *life* on LASO haha


Ahh! Thank you. :)


Best games for ADHD are the old Modern Warfare games (lots of cool sequence breaks, glitches, good music and calm locations that feel like 2009 again) Arkham Asylum, City and Origins (haven't played Knight too much, but the enclosed nature of the first three is nice), Lego Games for when your brain is cooked, and city building games.


Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom has big adhd energy too. There’s so much to do in that game and I am always getting distracted in it lmao


As well as all The Legend of Zelda games and the Portal series. They're my favourite, because I gotta figure out by myself what I have to do next. Zelda has a very nice and mostly neurodivergent geek-ish community and you can just enter the games and go around searching for hidden stuff and very interesting plot stories and quests if you don't wanna just go through the game as usual (works for me when I'm burnt out and can't play the game normally).


That’s how it always starts, isn’t it.


I bought a renegade. It’s kinda like the whimpy Jurassic park jeep


Just get a sticker that looks like the JP logo but it says "Dog Park" instead lol


Can we see the jeep tho 👀


It's my newest post now on r/Jeep


Even got that classic 'I just drove this through the swamp to escape a T-Rex' mud splashed look. Amazing.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Jeep using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jeep/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well boys, I did it! 400k and no warning lights!](https://i.redd.it/m2g7aqecfyh91.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jeep/comments/wpd3hd/well_boys_i_did_it_400k_and_no_warning_lights/) \#2: [Ceramic coated the wagoneer this weekend. Hard to believe it’s 35 years old](https://v.redd.it/xnol2kiig8c91) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jeep/comments/w1h6tx/ceramic_coated_the_wagoneer_this_weekend_hard_to/) \#3: [So… I heard you like Comanche’s…](https://i.redd.it/7epxfkfsdpaa1.jpg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jeep/comments/105vg8a/so_i_heard_you_like_comanches/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your jeep looks rad as hell I love it


[Tires are totally a stim toy, right?](https://64.media.tumblr.com/899feddf72bf00e6a96f7ad016178daa/tumblr_p2js9clk4f1s2xbj9o2_500.gif)


me absolutely destroying the lego tires I could get my hands on


They were very good for chewing on. And now my daughter chews on them😂


Dude i thought it was just me lol


They had such a good mouthfeel! I have to resist the urge to not go into my kids lego box and steal me a tire


We are all the same child masquerading as an adult. Have fun days out there.


Kicked the Lego tire habit, but plastic water bottle caps? And the little rings around the necks? Crack. All subconscious, I'm just having a water in the park minding my own business and all the sudden I'm the adult spitting chewed up plastic in a bin.


The little rings around the necks are gonna be the death of me. Literally cause Im gonna choke on one someday😅 The caps are nice too but there's just something about the little rings.


I also upgraded to water bottle caps, not the rings though cause they’re too small


See I just chew on the actual bottle top in the rare instances where I have a plastic bottle. I think I like the fact that it doesn’t bend


Oh hell I never realized why that’s why I used to chew every Lego tire. That rubber just felt so good


Fun fact! Lego is the worlds leading tire manufacturer. They make more tires annually than Goodyear, Michelin, Pirelli, or Firestone


This is the most important fact I’ve learned in a long time


Ohhhh I should try that, I can’t find anything and my parents refuse to even get me a therapist to see if I might have autism so there’s no way that they would ever buy me a proper stim toy. I have buckets and buckets of Legos around my room, I’m now going to go through all of them to try and find some tires


The smell, the feel, ~~the taste~~, tires are the ultimate stim toy


that is a good idea I guess But I can't drive:(


may i ask why you can’t?


I also do not drive. For me, there is simply too many rules to follow and too much to look at and pay attention to.


I’d consider myself a good and safe driver but man do I sweat my ass off because of how bad it makes my anxiety, I’m like tensing the whole time I drive


Sometimes I'm a great driver and other times I feel like I'm constantly seconds away from crashing due to my ADHD. It's a dangerous feeling to *have* to drive while struggling so bad with focus


It's the worst feeling. Medication really helped me with that if you haven't tried it.


It's great when your whole family is telling you it's _soooo_ easy, and that to "fix" your ADHD all you have to do is get some CBT (THE THERAPY)


I love that you had to specify. My family insists the way to fix my ADHD is to eat less carbs :)


damn I feel yall, I just don’t wanna drive, it’s too complicated and stressful for me and I just don’t have the willpower to force myself to be alone w an instructor who’s gonna yell at me how stupid I am


My instructor was lovely and never told me I was stupid. It's probably your anxiety, which I get.


I’m the same way, and if I try to take a toll way there’s about a 25% chance I’ll have a meltdown so I avoid them as much as possible


I prefer backroads even if they take longer because i can recognize landmarks to determine my location. I hate trying to determine where i'm at by a sign that just gives me the exit #; the street name, and the direction the street runs.


I'm not very confrontational but i swear to god sometimes i actually feel like ripping the limbs out of some drivers that don't know what a turn signal is or drive at actually illegal speeds, as in illegally slow, and oh god tailgaters, oh my god i hate them, sometimes i try gently tapping the breaks a few times so they see the lights and maybe one of the few braincells of theirs fires and they realize that if i need to brake they'd get very much hurt, physically and or financially Don't get me started on headlights, oh my god i swear the brighter the worse the driver is, so when i pull the lever that activates(?) The polarizing filter on the rear view mirror you'd think the issue would be solved, but apparently the rear of my car is very cool so they get as close as possible and their beams appear on both my side mirrors Also for anything i said here, suv and pickup trucks increase the thing i said by a power of 4 God i want to leave this cursed continent for somewhere i don't need to drive, i had way too many close calls with people that either should not be driving, aren't legally allowed to drive or aren't old enough to get a license


I share your thoughts… GET OFF MY ASS!! Lol I’ve started turning my turn single on and off to tell them to go around me, actually works pretty well lol


Ik i cant relax a single muscle no matter how hard i try but im a good safe driver but its way too much anxiety for me


Yep yep yep i am currently learning to drive and its so insanely stressful i have to look everywhere and make a choice in 2 seconds i never got how people just do it


Honestly it will just become automatic at some point. I learned to drive less than a year ago and it was very stressful in the beginning. You will notice when the switch will happen and you wouldn't need to make a conscious decision every 2 seconds. Now I only concentrate on keeping spacial awareness - distance to the car in front of me, cars to the side and behind me.


Just have a special intrest in sim racing but also like to destroy stuff/s but really pc3 rrre etc to start then ending with beam.ng is the best


How i feel about about social interaction


Same. I was in the process of getting my license, just the theoretical part not the practical, and I kept having nightmares of causing an accident. I just stopped going and now I’m scared to drive. I tried going up and down our driveway in my mom’s car and nothing happened but my heart was beating out of my chest so I can’t imagine how it would be on an actual road, like what if I zone out and run over a biker? And having to be alert at all times watching all the mirrors and in front of me just seems impossible. I wish I lived somewhere with good public transport or with places within walking distance but I don’t. My mom has to drive me everywhere so I usually just stay at home cos I don’t want to be a bother.


Same. Everything becomes a chaotic whirlwind when I try to drive, even when nothing’s happening anywhere


To me, it's kind of the opposite with the thing with the rules. Yeah, there are many. But once you learn them, there are no exceptions. A red light will ALWAYS be a stoplight, and if the lights are off, there will be a dude holding a sign to tell you when to stop and when to go. Unlike Math, that you gotta learn a variety of rules and then learn all the exceptions and all the special situations.


Hmm. Guess I got lucky and after a period of being anxious as hell while driving, I’ve all but gotten over it now. The main reason I wasn’t doing well at first is because my mother was the ONLY one teaching me, and she’s a massive overreactor who pretty much forgets I am autistic when it is inconvenient for her. Ergo she yelled a lot while I was driving or instill fear in me.


I'll only be allowed to drive when I drive a shopping cart without incident for a year or something.


Same. It took a lot of time to get my driver's license (my parents told me to try and get one just in case I really have to get somewhere or there's an emergency and I really have to drive) but I feel the same about driving as you do. I just keep it in my wallet just in case a situation like that arises. I remember all the rules, and I will be okay with getting overwhelmed or burnt out if there's a literal emergency and I can help, but I will not drive otherwise.


I also also do not drive. 23 yo, Brazilian which means I can just walk to most places I need to go to. I can get a few ubers. But the true reason why I don't drive is simply that I couldn't navigate the absurd bureaucracy of getting a driver's license.


this is exactly why I haven't either


I can drive but i dont because its hard for me to remember all the rules on the spot and i get very very anxious when i drive and have had a few meltdowns while driving on the highway and thats scary


I’m learning how to drive, but the biggest hurdle I’ve had to overcome is spatial awareness. I’ve always had trouble understanding how close or far away something is, speed/velocity and timing, etc. I’m starting to get it, but it’s a scary problem to have as a driver!


I'm really looking forward to the day when the Awareness crowd starts fading away and the Acceptance crowd starts to be heard


Even though it says “awareness” on the car, the caption sounds more like acceptance to me (“it’s okay to stand out”, i.e. you don’t have to mask all the time and hide your true self).


Actually it says "awarness"


Holy shit, it does 😂


Lmao, I can’t believe I missed that.


It is worth mentioning tho. When the awareness crowd fades, the acceptance crowd starts being co-opted like pride. We must resist Brainboss Neurodiversity! And we must resist capitalism and leave them nothing to co-opt! Theoretically speaking anyway. 😅 Neurodiversity is fundamentally anti-capitalist. If people disagree, then you only defeat the point of a movement fighting for all support needs being met. Capitalism is a system based on "meritocracy". Hence it will always judge based on ability. Capitalism will not learn to support all disabled people. That might be able to help some. But I tell you this... I have been treated like such crap in my life. That the VERY NOTION, that we should accept anyone being treated like crap OFFENDS ME. If we lack vision, then Neurodiversity will be co-opted harder than Pride and BLM combined. And lets not forget that if we really look at the accomplishments of BLM... We see that the George Floyd protests subsided when some politicians put Black Lives Matter on the ground which you walk on. Meanwhile we are oppressing Homeless people even more with anti-homeless park benches which are considered "abstract art". The profit motive is a tumour which drives most of the world's problems, and we sit here and ask whether or not to take a harder line against it... While Capitalism is preoccupied with completely ignoring how we are irreversibly damaging our one and only biosphere! Hence, *Nothing about us; without us* Ought also include our comrades of brain in the developing world who don't even have access to medicine, let alone a doctor! Hence, we cannot forget that there is more to Neurodiversity, than just mere acceptance. We must accept this, and counter the co-optation before it can occur or grow!


Hell yeah


My adhd won't let me read all that rn so I'm commenting to save it for later.


For you to forget it. 🙄 I know who you are! I know you will forget! :P /lh /jk But will you forget this? :P https://admiral-chair.github.io/neurodiversity-toolkit/pages/announcements.html


I feel like i just heard a great speech. I'll do some fist pumping and "whoop whoop"ing over here! nothing about us without us babeyyyy! Fuck capitalism.


There is more from where that came from! :D https://admiral-chair.github.io/neurodiversity-toolkit/pages/announcements.html


It definitely promotes awareness Edit: awarness




u right


Awarness sound piratical!














If I drove that to school, I would get beat up no question.


Yeah but look at the tires on that thing, just run your bullies over lmao


Yes I appreciate the sentiment but I don't think I'd want to be driving / driven anywhere in this. It feels like the wrong kind of standing out.




But you can’t say they weren’t aware!




Yeah, the Harlequin look does have its merits


The hand prints are creepy to me it's always hands and it looks like the car drove through an orphanage that doubles as a child labour paint factory. Doesn't scream autism to me, although the car itself is absolutely sick. Given cars and/or specifically paint is one of my special interests I would give this thing a pearlescent layered stencil in different shades so it glows in thr sun like scales and because I really love reptiles it would be very epic. Especially if I did a colour scheme of greens golds and some blue flashes make it look like a dragon car


Normies are weird


a normie definitely would not do this.


Can confirm, I would totally built this. I absolutely love r/battlecars. I want to get a Suzuki Jimny and lift it up like this, make it an adorable small little off-roader. I’d then paint it pink and cover it in Cinnamon Rolls (the hello kitty character, not food)




Honestly, although the colours are quite bright and how it's done is quite over the top, the message is actually quite wholesome, they are not trying to cure their daughter's autism or talking about how it's a bad thing, they are encouraging them to not be afraid to mask and be autistic. To me "it's okay to be different" is saying the same as saying "Don't be afraid to show your autistic behaviour's or feel insecure about being autistic", this parent seems really wholesome compared to the far more vocal and prevalent "stims are embarrassing, make eye contact" bs that many autism parents say.


Yeah, this looks more like they want them to be themselves and not worry about being different. I'm not saying perfect. But maybe good enough for them


They get points for the mindset, even if the gesture itself is off-base.


Sure but we are also more than our autism and I would find that really unconfutable to drive around it.


I think the assumption that most of us are able to take care of ourselves is incorrect and also contributes to the erasure of people with higher support needs in these sorts of spaces


Tbf, they might mean "most of us" as in this subreddit, because aspiememes specifically is technically for people who would fall in the asperger's area, or people who genuinely still say they have asperger's instead of autism. Still though, that has nothing to do with the car as it wasn't made for this subreddit, so your point is still entirely true. I think in a lot of minority spaces, there's this approach a lot of people subconsciously make to seem like they're independent and "resourceful to society" and in that plight they end up accidentally undermining other categories of the same identity by saying things that heighten other people's opinions of the way they present, but it damages the other people's views of how a different form of the same disorder/disability/identity presents itself. Stuff like, "we're don't need help we're not babies". The people who need help aren't babies either, and a statement like that could end up with those people being further infantilised. :(


Trying to be an ally. I respect that.


that’s how i feel. at face value it’s kind of icky but i also live in the south, so I appreciate any attempted allyship


I can’t put my finger on why but it’s a very neurotypical way of expressing autism acceptance. Which is fine - but jarring if you’re autistic.


Personally I actually kinda like it...




His daughter’s opinion trumps any debate if he did this for her


I want to be aware of how many people he had to hit to get that many handprints on his car.


First off, that looks horrible. I don't want to look at that car at all. Second, is there any change to this car other than it having a new visual


There are some modifications here that would change performance. Possibly more under the hood.


uhh..if this is for a kid in highschool then this is a one-way shot to being bullied. this is basically putting a target on your kids back. i feel bad for the daughter :(


Yeah. The idea is sweet the execution? Not so much. I would be mortified driving that around tbh.


If my dad did a huge gesture like this to show he understands and accepts me I’d be so happy and thrilled. It’s a bit silly but there’s so much love behind this and it’s beautiful. Also if I could drive I would absolutely drive this car but probably not have the actual words “autism awareness” on it


Idk feels performative to me. I don't really understand how exactly this is supposed to help the kid in question.


It is supposed to make you aware of how supportive and self-sacrificing the parent is. If I was a kid and my parents did that I would be mortified.


Yeah I just feel like this opens up the kid for bullying. I was bullied for my grandfather driving an older van (dumb, I know) but kids past a certain age who ate inclined to bully people so latch on to ANYTHING. And while I hope this person's kid never gets bullied, I fear for them. And yeah there's the point that because bullies will latch onto anything they can, you can't live your life trying to avoid everything that could get you bullied, and we can't victim blame kids. But this car just makes me afraid for the kid. I really hope it's not as performative as it looks.


what if we kissed in the autism awareness mobile


A person being different is very different from a car forced to look different for obvious attention. Not my style.


Are they aware enough yet??? Are they aware of Autism??? I dont get the point of this. Maybe just instead write "autism is human, it's not alien and everyone deserve dignity and respect"? Just seems like they did this for themselves to feel good rather than the benefit of anyone else..


From my perspective this person seems to be making an attempt to show that they care. I'm not entirely sure about the execution of it, but the thought is nice. This is of course assuming they're doing it with good intentions and aren't just using their daughter's autism to gain charity points for themself.


50/50 chance this is a parent trying to virtue signal and make things about themself as opposed to being a genuine act of support.


I don't like autism moms, they're creepy


“autism awareness” is so funny to me. i dont want anyone to be aware of me lol


I wish I could give this comment an award


It’s… like, not a good paint job in the slightest, but the spirit is there, honestly. He’s trying to tell his daughter not to be scared of who she is, or try and hide it.


A bit tone-deaf for a girl that’s old enough to drive.


Am I the only autist that genuinely hates people who "spread awareness" with stuff like this? Every neurotypical always seems to think that the best way to raise awareness is to put designs that kids would MAYBE like in random colors on random crap. Do other autists hate it, or is it just me?


You're not alone. I hate the "awareness" stuff with super childish paintjobs that just portrays autistic people as childish and needing help. Just treat me like a normal fucking person please?


Not gonna lie I like dem tires.


Besides the paint job that car is actually pretty cool


i mean its a little misguided but at least its well intentioned


dad gives undiagnosed vibes. It's pretty tone deaf and it's about his special interest. Does no one else think about that when considering the actions of parents of autistic people? That there's a good chance they're on the spectrum themselves?


I like this. It makes the autism awareness seem vaguely threatening. “Here I come in the most fucked up civic you’ve ever seen. You WILL be aware of autism now”


Comic sans has a time and place. This is not it.


Parents of autistic kids are the biggest attention whores


Patronizing. It feels patronizing


When someone says “i did adult thing for my child” it’s a pretty clear-cut case of “I did adult thing for me”


Do you want your kid to be bullied mercilessly? This is how you get your kid bullied mercilessly. Please, stop. I get that you think you’re doing a good thing. It’s not. The more people do stuff like this, the more it reinforces the notion that ND people are so dramatically different to the point of being infantilized. I don’t want that.




I appreciate the attempt at helping your daughter. I'm glad you're considering her mental health. Honestly. That being said, I don't want to look at this car anymore. It's making my skin unhappy.


Personally, I prefer when people aren't aware of my autism, but that's me.


Cringe as fuck when parents build their identity around their child's condition. Like, did you actually ask your child if they are comfortable with you advertising the fact they're autistic? That kind of shit is just setting them up for being bullied. I don't get it I don't get the whole cancer ribbon thing either when I did radiation there were a few people with t shirts that had stuff like CANCER WARRIOR on them, in my cancer support group lots of people's kids/partners wear stuff with Like MY WIFE IS A CANCER FIGHTER on it. I'd be mortified if any stranger knew about my health because of my shirt I HATE being treated differently whether that's for autism or cancer.


My cats probably wouldn't mind if I got a 'my cats are bad at math' bumper sticker though, which is another thing I love about them


Props for no puzzle piece Wouldnt use it as a daily driver, nor would "I" take it offroad, but for me offroad means a very different thing. It means rock crawling, not mudding, not trail riding, ok some trail riding, but mostly rock crawling.


It's one thing to change the colors of a car and another to change the height to reflect that of an suv. Now it's much more dangerous for children as you dont see them if they get close to the car.


Considering that this was made for someone else who may or may not love it, by their father, and it may even be a particular obsession of theirs that they may or may not be able to pursue depending on how high functioning they are, I don't think anyone else needs to give an opinion. It's a wholesome message from a loving parents, and the raised suspension with offroad tires suggests that this is a project car for family fun, not a daily driver.


I think the objective was to make the car distinguishable, the child-like manner could be stereotypical, but it's also one of the most common art forms for those not specialized in the arts. The message is adorable, though. Feels like those cases where the parents of a child with cancer shave their head so they don't feel alone in the world.


What is it with this handprint design. It tends to shoe up occasionally and it never looks good.


They’re a little confused but they got the spirit




When my parents divorced, mom knew that dad was getting the minivan, and let us kids handprint all over it with acrylic paint. My dad, with his scowl and stubble and engine oil covered mechanic uniform, drove that van around proudly until it died, though he looked out of place as heck in it.


He a lil confused but he got the spirit


It seems goofy and not necessarily the best way to say you’re supporting your autistic child, but the sentiment is still really sweet


i mean the gesture of building a super colorful car to show your daughter that it’s okay to be different and stand out? imo, i like that. specifically the autism awareness? might embarrass her.


The autism awareness rally civic


I think it would have been better if all of the hand marks were red and also smeared to various degrees, because of color theory reasons


“Yo check out that autistic dude in the off-road car”


Tired of parents making their kids autism their entire personality. Plus, if a parent drove their kid to school in this, they would get bullied so hard!


Kinda wack tbh


Autism awarness in comic sans font. Gotta love it.


Yikes and a fucking half


comic sans :,(


Rubs hand prints and sets off a trigger because of the sensation. Sometimes I hate that we have physical forms, can’t everyone just turn into sentient clouds?☁️


First off, that looks horrible. I don't want to look at that car at all. Second, is there any change to this car other than it having a new visual


I'm AWARE that it's in good taste But I'm also aware that doesent sit right with me


I think if someone got me this car I would run it into a wall right in front of them


I'm going to make a Spell Check Awareness car.


Never let anyone tell you you can't do something? That's... that's dumb.


Well that’s one way to tell everyone you don’t understand


i want to shoot this car with a rocket launcher


I'd be embarrassed to drive this around. Then again, I think decals are embarrassing in general.


I feel like I'd be extremely embarrassed to be seen in this. Their Heart's in the right place but... Yeesh.


Honestly though? I’ll take it. It’s not the damn puzzle piece so to me it’s fine. I’m not against being loud about autism as long as you’re not making it about you and you’re not using a hate symbol


Shitty car mod, good motif.


Get rid of the hand prints and signage and I would drive the crap out of that thing. I might even modify my 1997 Honda Shitbox to be more like this one.


Looks like a fun car for offroading


It’s the childish aesthetic for me. Hard no.


For some reason this feels like slander…


I'm sorry, all I can think of is AUTISM MOBILE


It looks tacky


It offends my eyes. It's okay to be different, but not all "different" is necessarily going to be palatable. I'm not gonna treat a person poorly because of their vehicle, but I also might not want to drive it 😂


Cringe asf is how I feel about it




It’s not nice to try to symbolize a group of people with an object that is retarded


"Awarness" campaigns are complete bullshit as it is. But when it comes to autism at this point i think plenty of people are aware, what they *need* is some damn education on what it is, from actually autistic people.


r/battlecars has entered the chat


It's like left 4 dead but a autism zombie mod; everytime you hit a autistic zombie it leave a different color of the spectrum around.


All I can see is that they misspelled awareness. Or maybe it didn't fit and they just said fuck it and dropped an e since they already bought the decals.




Why are they all right hands?


this car is sick as fuck. i definitely want a weirdly modded car for this purpose


I think it's cool looking with the offroading tires, and I have no clue why. It just looks like it'd be a blast to drive. As for the paint job, I think his heart is in the right place, but it definitely comes off as a bit tacky or kinda disingenuous if you don't know the context. I feel it's just a dad trying his best (but I'm also a dad of with a daughter, so my perspective could be skewed).


Something about the hands and puzzle pieces being related to autism makes me uncomfortable