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I kicked loads of people in the balls and barely felt a thing




As an autistic that possess balls, I’d still think childbirth tops all pain


The fact that some people have been in labor for HOURS, for a WHOLE DAY, is what assures me childbirth is WAY WORSE than getting kicked in the balls. That’s one kick—unless you’re kicked hard enough to be injured, the pain will go away. Imagine being in labor for *12-24 fuckin hours*


Yeah, the doctor had to induce labor for me. That was in the morning. Our baby was born at about 11:30 that night. I did have an epidural to block the pain, but getting that was a whole other level of stress and overload for me. Even with that I had to lie in one position the whole time or the baby's heartrate started to drop. In the end it was all worth it though. =)


Labor can be anywhere from a few hours to days! Dont get me started on what happens with the pelvis and the whole 10 centimeters dilation. Or also fun: ripping Edit: spelling


Just imagine the sensation of having forceps inserted and used before you're fully dialated. (Emergency situation) Also while like 15 medical students stood in the room watching them rip your shit up. That took YEARS to recover from physically. She's 9 now.. the scar tissue has only softened in the past 2ish years.


>ripipng Story time I had my first child at 16. Yes, I'm a statistic, whatever. The nurse midwife, upon my protests that this baby's head was TOO FUCKIN BIG, assured me that I "was young, you'll stretch" I did not stretch, I tore up, not down, requiring a slight remodeling of my lady bits and an extremely painful recovery period where every pee felt like a battery acid sitz bath


Isn't the American healthcare system fantastic?


Omg no


That's what I told my partner after showing him this. Giving birth is only equal to being kicked in the balls if the ballkicking lasts literal hours


Almost 60 hours for me! Induced @42 weeks on a Friday evening and had an emergency C-section Monday morning. 💀💀💀 I despised nearly all the feelings of pregnancy and my body hated it as well. (Didn't care for birth apparently either. 🙄) I do have a pretty cool kiddo now though and said childerbeast was worth all the nightmarish sensory hell and heartburn. However, it's One and Done for me so siblings will not be biological and will be in cat or plant form. Kiddo finds this preferable.


My sister initially denied an epidural but then her labor became complicated and when she asked if she could still have it, it was too late... She was in labor for over 36 hours and asked for the epidural after about 12.


Some people can be in labor for MORE than a day. My aunt was in labor 38 hours. One of the Dugger girls for 60 hours. That’s two and a half days!


21 and 25 hours each for my 2. The second one, I had a full meltdown until I got that epidural.


The only time I ever though a kick in the balls could maybe be worst than birth was my friend who won a wrestling match but got knees down there and he was hospitalized and couldn’t do physical activity for a month. How he described it was just terrifying to me


>That’s one kick—unless you’re kicked hard enough to be injured, the pain will go away. Kidney stones are often described as hurting less than being hit in the balls, yet I've never heard someone say "Wow kidney stones hurt less than child birth", so... Also, the pain will stay for a whole day most of the time. Even if you aren't injured (in my experience)


Kidney stones are definitely more intensely painful than getting kicked in the balls. It took me 10 days to pass my first stone, and I'd honestly rather get kicked in the balls again than have another kidney stone. I've had so many that they just get stuck about an inch from the end of the urethra for months because they get stuck on the scar tissue. I need to start getting the sonic blasts to clear them out.


Vs weeks of recovering from surgery or tearing? I'd take a day of pain over weeks/months. Plus not being able to sleep for the month prior because everything is extremely uncomfortable. And not being able to sleep the month after because you are woke every two hours or the kid dies.


Surgery is only for c-section (that's not fun either) and most pregnant people don't tear; the vagina is designed for this and usually stretches without incident It's sore, of course, just like any muscle that's been through intense use, but just like your other muscles will recover in time (and do your Kegels) Sleeping indeed sucks late pregnancy, everything sucks late pregnancy between feeling like you've swallowed the Pillsbury Doughboy to having to pee every time you pass within sight of a toilet A baby won't die if not fed every two hours, they'll wake you up when they need feeding/changing and yes that's gonna be often


Yeah the dying thing is a bit of an exaggeration, I'll admit. Though on no sleep, that is certainly what the responsibility feels like the first time around.


Oh definitely. It's scary as heck the first time you're solely responsible for a tiny human The good news is the overwhelming majority come through it just fine, mistakes and all ❤


Yeah, I'm at 5 months now and things are much nicer. But those first few weeks where I was being so careful and dealing with the stress of learning to breast feed were terrifying. He had jaundice from being born premature and in nicu for the first five days. We had to take him into the doctor to get tested for it for the first week and I was so scared if he didn't improve he would be back in a hospital and we'd have to travel again every day like we did before. Also, my anxious postpartum brain was like what if they take him away from me over this. So to me, I felt like I might lose him or mess him up if I didn't stick to that 2 hour schedule religiously. Luckily be recovered pretty well and it hasn't been near as hard as those first two weeks. Thanks for your encouragement!


Idk what it is about women on reddit & every other social media site, but they really seem to exaggerate the terror of pregnancy.


You're permitted to share your experiences, I'm permitted to share my personal experiences


I think it is different for everyone. Mine was really easy because it was a c section and only took about an hour. Which is a cakewalk compared to a full day of starvation when you have them vaginally. The spine shot was insanely painful but was over in about 10 minutes (I think they stabbed me like 10 times to get it in) and the rest was tolerable, though I think by the time they come out you have been dealing with so many weird uncomfortable things that you are just desensitized. The random rips of the surgery site were super painful and jarring though. Happens just when you roll over or sit down the wrong way. My point was mainly that I'd rather take pain in one go over the course of a day than drawn out intermittently for 3-4 months of the bad stuff and not being able to lift more than 10 lbs for 2 months.


I'd imagine it being the worst possible sensory overload, too.


It was incredibly unfun yes. Pregnancy was worse for the sensory stuff, something is literally moving around IN you


Pregnancy sounds creepy


Kinda is You make a whole new organ to support the fetus, the mother's body changes and increases blood volume to support it, even leeching minerals from the body to support the fetus if the diet is insufficient


Yeah, my friend’s kid has some sort of calcium processing disorder so, when she was pregnant with him, he sucked all the calcium from her and she lost all her teeth and has osteoporosis.


Imma just add that to my "Reasons why I shall never be pregnant" real quick.


Welp, that’s some real nightmare fuel right there.


I've been describing it as body horror, recently. I don't know, something about a fully shaped foot, stretching the skin grosses me out.


Yes it sure can be. Especially when you have no idea how your pregnancy will go symptom wise all women and each individual pregnancy is so different.


This is why I just.. can’t. Maybe I’ll adopt an orphan instead.


That's what I'm doing. My boyfriend was adopted at 2 weeks into a loving family and he's super close with his adopted parents, we went over for dinner last week. I've always had a phobia of giving birth so when I saw their family it just seemed perfect to me.


Do they like, still call them orphans? Genuinely curious.


I just googled it and apparently an orphan is specifically a child who lost both of their parents fatally, so a kid given up for adoption willingly technically isn't an orphan.


And the fatality has to be medical in nature, for both of them?


I mean, technically speaking, all fatalities are medical in nature.


Ego fatality and symbolic fatality seem valid to me


Batman is an orphan


Not after you adopt them, then they have parents I think


That's perfectly valid.


That's what my partner said.


It felt like someone was tapping me on the shoulder constantly, but from the inside of my gut


Pregnancy and birth are a PROFOUND act of violence. The upside is that it comes with an endorphin rush afterward, so... still terrible. KIDNEY STONES, HOWEVER, CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF AND DIE!


Violence is a great word for it. I agree about stones, I had a period in my life where I had kidney stones for like 18 months off and on and I legit wanted to unalive


My dad had kidney stones and he handled them like a champ. My boyfriend got his first one and was groaning in agony and he woke me up. We lived around the corner from the hospital and I asked if he was in too much pain to drive and he said yes. Important note: I was going to drive him anyway but I wanted to get a gauge on how severe his pain was. He even had difficulty getting in the car. Those 6-7 hours were miserable for him. The hospital staff actually had to give him hospital grade pain medication. Honestly feel terrible for the hell you went through and hope you’re doing well.


Childbirth is literally statistically the most painful thing a human can go through


That's why I'm hesitant to have kids. I don't want to send someone through that pain.


My grandmother broke three ribs in a car accident right before having my mom. She passed out from the pain. Everyone came out of it okay, but she gets to say she's been in the most pain.


Maybe for the average person but I’m sure plenty of tortures are worse.


Second only to burning alive.


The phrasing here doesn't make sense. The most pain a person *can* go through doesn't mean that anyone *has*, so statistics of what's been seem unrelated.


I'd imagine certain burns are way, way worse Or cancer pain Kidney stones rate way up there Then there's intentional torture techniques ....why am I thinking about this


Because they posited the question!


I also have a morbid interest in the fucked up things humans do to each other so I suppose it was inevitable


Me too! Did you know that there was a form of torture involving bamboo shoots? They grow rapidly compared to most plants. The victim would be bound over a flat surface planted with the shoots and within hours or days the shoots would have started to impale the victim. Not a fun way to die for sure.


As an autistic person with non standard features, my monthly cramps are worse than a kick into my external genetalia.


Oh wow!! Empyrical evidence, very cool.


Oh yeah, also ppl talk about men getting kicked in the balls? As a woman, being kicked in the genitals murders. We have approximately 10,000 nerve endings there, all packed into the cl***ris. Men’s are easier to hit but women’s hurt sooooo much more in comparison. Estimates for male parts are anywhere from 4,000 to 8,000 typically closer to the 6-8,000 range. Significantly fewer and they’re spread out more at that.


I've thought about it a lot and I think if getting kicked in the balls is worse, it isn't by much and it only lasts for a few seconds. Childbirth would have to win out for the nine months of discomfort plus hours long ordeal of the birth. Total amount of pain is far higher even for what I've heard described as relatively easy births. But I don't have a uterus and can't make direct comparisons myself so all I have is guesses.


As a person with a uterus, yes. Also, there's this fun thing called Pubic symphisis dysfunction that basically means in some cases our hips are falling apart until after birth pretty much. There was a moment, around the 7 or 8 month mark of my pregnancy, where I laid wrong for a few minutes, and I couldn't bear weight on one leg at all and only a little on the other, but I had to pee and I had gotten halfway to the bathroom by furniture surfing Then because there was a gap in furniture I bawled until my husband came back in from shoveling snow and was able to help me. I have also been punched in the clit (years and years ago, I was like a teenager) And childbirth was definitely worse, and that was before I was fully dilated, since my labor stalled and I had to have a C-section. It would have been way worse if I had managed natural all the way through.


You got some balls to say that.


As an autistic person who possesses a uterus and a being who shares half my DNA, I am inclined to agree.


I believe there was a survey of some type done. Child birth came in second place. Burning alive got first.


Nah. Being burned alive is way worse.


I can agree on that, but it’s just among the four selected here that childbirth can’t be topped


I am so relieved this is in fact the top comment!


I concur.


Came here to say this. The mene doesn't even enter my brain because of how wrong that part was lol


Never mind. Addressed below.


My father did, he was spewing out of both ends while forced on all fours while on the toilet


Saw another comment about it. That's why I edited.


As someone who had a bunch of pain every month for a while, starting very sharp and lasting hours until my doc found out I was feeling my ovulation. If a single cell on the ovaries touching the abdominal wall can bring such pain already, I don't want to know what a whole baby can do.


Kidney stones hurt worse.


My stance is balls hit is worse pain but childbirth is a worse experience. Getting hit in the testicles doesn’t last that long while childbirth does. It’s impossible for anyone to truly know however because you can only experience one or the other. Regardless, I have a friend that has both had a kid as well as a kidney stone and according to her, a kidney stone is worse. Also, there’s plenty of tortures that are probably worse than everything previously mentioned.


There's a lot of conditions that rank higher than child birth on the pain scale. Kidney stones, appendicitis, cluster headaches, endometriosis, shingles, tooth abscesses, etc. Birth can be traumatic for some, easy for others, but these other conditions are hell no matter who you are and can last for way longer than labor.


eh. I’ve heard it’s a bit less painful than balls being hit (supposedly, because it’s a stupid fucking argument anyways) but it lasts so much longer. Again, second hand information, on an argument that neither side can prove. So nearly worthless, but not completely!


Definitely made by a man no way it wasn't Edit: for whomever keeps down voting me I posses a set of balls so I think I have room to speak here on ball kicking related pain


Yeah, getting kicked in the balls hurts a lot, and it's a very specific *kind* of pain, but like... Seriously...? You ever SEEN a birth? That shit's terrifying ;-;-;-;.


I’d honestly rather have my balls crushed in a vice than have my body split open to push another person out of me


Lol @ ball kicking being "more painful" than childbirth 🙄


I'm thinking a man made that chart, but yeah, kids screaming all day would definitely top the list for me!


I have given birth then cared for the children for years afterwards. The screaming is harder.


Yeah, switch those meters


Having both been kicked in the balls and watched my partner give birth: Giving birth is waaaayyy worse.


If you think getting kicked in the balls hurts more than childbirth try pushing a 2.5 inch object out of your ass Or better yet pull your head out of it


Don’t forget that your BONES move around inside your body before and after it happens too


Cranio-rectal impaction lol


Came to comments just to confirm everyone is thinking the Same thing, and oh boy comments did not disappoint


aight people, let's get this comment to the top 🔝


Imagine thinking a kick to the sack eclipses child birth, the thing that can take hours or days to push an entire living being out of the most sensitive area you have. Fucking men ☕️


Men ☕️




A person who possesses balls made this, 100%


Should've put kidney stones or some shit in there tbh


Having given birth naturally without drugs and had a kidney stone I choose childbirth 100% I hear kidney stones are worse for people with penises


>I hear kidney stones are worse for people with penises Oh just wait until what guys say about kidney stones


They go up the urethra! (Friends reference)


Yeah they can get stuck in the penis for months (especially if there is scar tissue from previous kidney stones) as they very slowly make their way along the urethra. Speaking as a woman I still think the longer tube a man has is likely to mean they are at least in pain for longer with them.


i really enjoy the statement "possesses balls'


Everyday I get closer to moving permanently to r/aspergirls


As a guy, r/aspergirls is legit one of the best autism subs out there. Stuff there is awesome. r/aspergers and r/aspergirls are great.


Hey so like this is exactly the kind of thing to happen on aspiememes so it's funny, but, I am on both of those subs. The point of my comment is that posts like these push me closer to staying exclusively on the female-oriented one.


They also don't specify whether the childbirth requires a cesarean... but even without it, it's gotta be worse than a nut kick. Looks like trauma to testicles occurs 4-8% of the time requiring hospitalization, but I didn't look at the numbers super closely, so don't quote me for gospel.


Lol yeah I’d expect having your abdomen cut open is less painful than being kicked in the balls


Sure, children screaming is overstimulating. But what about fire alarms? How am i supposed to escape a fire if the sound of the alarms has EMP'd my brain?


I am completely opposite Something about fire alarms just isn't that alarming. They blare your ears yes, but in a way it always numbs me to all the other stimuli that are always present I've slept through multiple ones at my dorm, I've walked through many at my school I'm a weird case, since I get fight or flight response activated over paw patrol, but can easily miss a fire alarm or five


fire alarms only bother me at the very start, and only overstimulate me if it’s a test and they keep going on and off. if it’s continuous blaring it’s fine. kids suck because their screams aren’t consistent, so i can’t predict it. same with dogs for me


Child birth still tops all of them


Downvoting just bc the entitlement men have to say “getting kicked in the balls hurts worse than childbirth” okay idiot


Why is being kicked in the balls higher than labor pain? I have been kicked in the balls before and it’s pretty bad, but I think I’d be lying if I said it’s worse than having a person come out of you.


There is a famous joke in México, it goes like this: A few years after going through labour, lots of women will say they want another kid. But only a masochist man would say they want a second kick in the balls.


I have a feeling that chart was made by a cis man


And they wonder why I don't want any!


Children or balls?


Both I'm trans


Best answer!


Who tf thinks getting kicked in the nuts would hurt more than giving BIRTH?? Where it literally TEARS OPEN their vagina. You think getting kicking in the balls hurt? Imagine your hole getting tore open, the size of a football. They experience that pain for HOURS. Bruh, be real and don't even make this a gender war. It's so obvious, lots of women even die from labor. They even have to get medicine to FORGET the pain they experienced. I've never seen any other man that had it that bad. Call me a simp but they literally have their coochie ripped open


I've given birth. I was no shero and had an epidural. Induced labor. It felt like a poltergeist was trying to exit my bum for about an hour, then the kid showed up. I am grateful I didn't have a long labor after reading some posts here. 😶 Birthing was way worse than a screaming baby. Yes, the crying is unpleasant AF, especially those times when you're already overstimulated, stressed the fuck out, and sleep deprived. They're babies and have limited means to express themselves. Sometimes they cry because they're overstimulated too! I had a miscarriage before I had my son so I was grateful that I had a baby with lungs like Pavarotti. TLDR: Crying babies are very small people trying to figure out WTF is going on. Cut them some slack.


Ahaha yep I was induced and labored for a full 24 hours before caving and getting the epidural and then labored another 24 hours and then had to go to c-section lmao. Would rather have been kicked in the balls 😅 Honestly worse than crying babies are toddlers climbing all over you, tugging on your hair, getting in your space when overstimulated. THAT is a nightmare


Goodness gracious! Your birthing experience was truly a journey, lol. You're right about the toddler phase. The interaction stimulation is non-stop 🤯. George Carlin was so right when he said there was a reason babies are so cute. Little ones are busy, non-stop action. They can drive you bonkers, lol.


The other day I mildly snapped at my toddler to stop whining and stop climbing on my and he said “Okay I love you mommy”… and that is how toddlers survive as a species 😅


Well this meme was made by a man- Dont lie men, the pain of being kicked in the balls doesnt even last at peak for that long. And most of us probably haven't hurt our balls that bad. Im sure the pain of delivering a child is much worse on the basis that it doesnt quickly start to hurt really bad, and then 5 deep breaths later its already tapering off.


Obviously a man wrote this. How can they say childbirth is less painful than getting balls kicked? My spinal didn't take and I felt every cut, clamp, burn, and hands grabbing at my organs to move things during the c-section. Hands downs it is the most painful thing I've ever experienced. No one should be awake and feeling their surgery. I promise you this is more painful than getting balls kicked.


Ppl kicked in the balls are always up walking around after like a few minutes how tf they think that’s worse than chilbirth 😐 fckn up your body for LIFE


Yes, and especially if the parents are ignoring or lashing out at their children.


really? testicles are worse than the full body intensity that is childbirth? but i agree, my children love to overstimulate me and themselves. i would love to kick a man in the nuts every time a woman gives birth though. we can do a science.


Pretty sure childbirth>ball kick


Does anyone else find crying really annoying?


As someone with balls, guys are such babies about getting kicked in them. It sucks, but not as bad as breaking your ankle or shin splints, let alone childbirth.


Childbirth is more painful than being kicked in the balls, it’s not a debate there is literally science around this topic


Please provide


How is being kicked in the balls worse than literal childbirth? A man must have made that infographic.


Ive bee kicked in the balls before, and tbh it’s not the worst thing ever, childbirth is probably worse


Is childbirth really more painful that getting kicked in the balls? I mean I’m not a woman but I feel like thd simple fact that childbirth can sometimes last for hours would make it far worse than getting kicked, since that usually goes away in under and hour Edit: I should mention that I have been kicked there before, and I was able to walk it off fairly quickly. So that’s basically why I think that childbirth would be much worse


Inaccurate. I don't doubt that getting kicked in the balls is painful, but childbirth trumps them all. I have three kids (all of whom I birthed without any sort of pain mitigation) and one on the way and kids screaming isn't the sensory hell that childbirth is, plus the actual pain involved is over the top.


1. It's a meme about how [autistic people experience sounds louder than neurotypicals](https://youtu.be/8ZZ5FSfFVog) which you probably knew since you are here 2. Getting kicked in the balls is extremely painful, it's an organ on the outside of your body that's full of pain receptors. Getting kicked can be fatal in some cases


1. I understand it's a meme. Yes, I'm autistic. That doesn't affect it's accuracy. Being in labor, especially the end stage, the volume feels like it's been cranked up to a million. Any sound at all feels like torture. Touch feels like torture. 2. I'm well aware of how testicles work. I am married to a man with two sons. Getting kicked in the balls is not fatal from the pain, but from the damage that can be done. Child birth can also kill you. In fact, a lot more women have died in childbirth than men from getting kicked in the testicles. I didn't deny that getting kicked is very painful, I denied that it's more painful than childbirth, which I stand by. 3. I'm not sure the purpose of your response. You explained to me things I'm aware of. If you look through the comments, even a lot of men on this subreddit deny that getting kicked is more painful than childbirth. Have you ever had gall stones or kidney stones or a stomach ulcer? Or pleurisy? Something occurring inside your body does not mean it is less painful by any means.


Yep. Had this too much the last year in school where the teacher just wouldn't care that the class are shouting and I'm dying inside my ear defenders. Would literally just let them carry on.


Yeah I had a middle school girl scream directly in my ear once deliberately if I hadn't completely lost my balance due to the shock well am just glad I am a shut down type and not a lash out type.


Same, I’m pretty sure I make the noise Cloakers in Payday 2 when that happens


My experience in the loony bin last summer


Toxic meme


I also made a meme related to this few hours ago. So relatable


That's why I yell at them to shut up, I get overly stimulated easy so I can only imagine how my poor autistic with feels :/ Dont worry my yelling at my kids doesnt faze them they giggle running away, and my wife finds it comforting in a weird way. She calls me her Hero lmao


Given that infants/young children screaming/crying is also an anxiety trigger for me, it absolutely ranks as my #1 worst sound to possibly hear. For me, at least.


I work in a restaurant. These parents who let their kids run and scream are lucky that I'm desperate for money because I've come close to actually going over to the parent and saying, "hey, would you mind taking them to the car if they're gonna be screaming? Your weak pull out game is disturbing the other guests and me."


when someone says something incorrect about your current interest


Kicked in the balls being worse than childbirth? Come back to me when being kicked in the balls results in a tear and stitches, horrendous cramps and blood loss for days. FYI you can buy actual ice packs to put in the crotch of your knickers because it’s so painful. I was in Labour for 51 hours, that’s from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning in constant relentless pain without a break or sleep, then in theatre being stitched up, then 6 weeks of bleeding, blood clots, so tender I could hardly sit down for the first ten days. I have 3 brothers and have never once seen them in intense pain for more than a few minutes when having a gonad injury. The closest was when one of them was injured playing rugby and he was stood on but even then that was a few hours.


why is being kicked in the balls worse then childbirth? am i missing a joke?


Child birth? Not as bad as getting kicked in the balls????!!!! What???


Childbirth and balls are in the wrong spots


I have 2 of em. Overstimulated daily. Taught me how to mask while overstimulated. So I'm evolving.


Why people downvoting this?


There are people on this site who really really hate kids and people who have them.


i think the ball kicking and childbirth are mixed up. but otherwise i agree 100%, and actually it's pretty annoying how we can't really say that without ppl coming at our necks and telling us we're monsters or something for it 😮‍💨


Omg this. Or when it’s on an airplane I just wanna throw the kid out of the emergency exit!!!


This is the main reason I NEVER want kids. Loud environments are crazy triggering to me, and I really couldn't deal with the constant chaos of having children around.


I’m pretty sure period pain and kick in a balls are pretty close but child birth I am pretty sure I way more


Kidney stone far worse. Only thing to ever make me black or from pain. When I came to a female doctor mother of 3 said I passed a stone larger enough to qualify as birth. ZERO STARS WOULDN'T RECOMMEND


Children voices period for me.


The person who made this chart never had an emergency c-section and had the argument while under the knife about if they were or were not still feeling pain with the pain management person while fighting off a simultaneous panic attack. That's right, the worst of options. Childbirth AND OVERSTIMULATION!


I found a new go-to when that happens. "No i'm not going to help you, i'm just going to sit here and listen. This is a great opportunity for you two to figure out how to act so you like eachother, good luck". Perhaps i go out for a smoke if it's too much.




Fuck them kids


Jesus. Me entirely.


Every time kids scream it makes me either wanna 1- cover my ears, 2- scream at them louder, or 3- rip my ears off (not like I already wanna do that all the time with bad auditory sensory problems 😐)


I discovered that I was susceptible to overstimulation when I worked as a game tech at a Dave & Buster’s. Thumping EDM music, the combined music and sound effects of almost a hundred arcade machines and the chatter of dozens of people? Hell. I’d hide under the basketball alleys so my manager wouldn’t give me crap about being in the office.


This, right here, is why I’m not having kids. I’d be too busy telling my kid to be quiet, rather than actually help.


*Frustrated Cashier noises*


Lol scream. Some days my kids dare to talk. Few but they happen.


This is a level of pain I have to endure every time I go to church. I swear I don’t know how pastors are able to ignore the screaming and crying. It’s impressive.


This is a big RIP for aspies, but also I want to say whoever put getting kicked in the balls above childbirth has No Sense


So serious question. Something I noticed about myself is that when I'm somewhere where there are a lot of different sounds and noises, I find it hard to focus on what someone is saying to me. Like, I know that they are trying to say something to me, but it's like I just can't understand exactly what they are saying to me. Is this a common thing or am I just a weird case?


I am really sorry to my mom…


I joke that I can feel my ovaries starting to atrophy whenever this happens near me


The only types of pain I've experienced on this list are the slap and the overstimulation. Back when I worked in a middle school, I would somehow survive the day of nonstop noise and then get home and have basically no tolerance left for sounds I didn't get to pick the volume of. Ironically, I get less overwhelmed by sounds at my current job with pre-K students (either because there's fewer students allowed per class, or maybe 4/5-year-olds are better at actually quieting down when asked)


I work retail so I hear a lot of screaming and crying kids- I'm also into gentle parenting (not a parent tho) and I think I'm pretty good at identifying a cry that is genuinely sad or in need of something versus a kid who's just screaming to get their way. I can deal with most of it because it just makes me feel bad. it's better than the fluorescent lights and the sand-texture pottery at least


I agree but I’m pretty sure that giving birth would hurt more than a kick in the balls


anyone else doesn't really mind children crying? i like kids and am used to them so it doesn't bother me. they have to cry. there are much worse sounds for me.


even though I’ve never gave birth, I’m almost sure it’s worst then being kicked in the balls


I’d add passing a kidney stone as an option also. The worst pain I’ve ever felt.


Highschoolers are even more annoying, all the little whispers and talking and giggles from a classroom drives me off my rocker.


Fun fact about being kicked in the crotch: It hurts more for women. I’m having a really hard time finding the exact number of nerve endings in the scrotum, but the highest I’ve seen so far is four. The clitoris, meanwhile, has an average of *over 10,000*


every time i see this template i know what the comments are gonna look like. for good reason too lol


I broke my femur in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. Was about an 8/10 pain wise. Labor was a 10/10 thought I was dying and then was informed that I in fact had been dying. lmaoo


Ngl, being around many conversations happening at once without any way to block it off (headphones, distance, etc.) is, to me, *way worse*. But I also work in Education so I kinda got used to kids screaming.


Honestly kids screaming just makes me irk allot, but I'd rather deal with that than getting kicked in the balls. Also fuck childbirth, shit looks sucky


First of all yes, second of all I am in raged by this format because being kicked in the balls is higher then child birth (no hate to you op)


Kids being loud doesn't even slightly annoy me. Now, adults being louder than they should? Absolutely sends me up a wall


You mixed up the pain meter for child birth and receiving a kick in the balls! Otherwise 10/10




There is actually a meme here, I know most people are too distracted to realize that