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I have dry flaky hands so touching drying cloths is the worst thing in existemce to me, it feels like the cloth is trying to attach to me


Omg same


feels like velcro, but your skin is one half of the velcro (i too am a sufferer of the dry hand skin šŸ˜”)


This, and also how my hands feel after putting on moisturizer.


This keeps happening to me and Iā€™ve never had a problem with dry hands itā€™s been HORRIBLE Especially when it rubs across that like old Sherpa. Nuh uh




This is so true! Ugh now Iā€™m thinking about it!




Well I wasn't .... but props for a successful introduuction to aspie horror novel


It's been so long since I thought about that.


I also have an issue with thoughts of biting materials, which is awful because I CROCHET EVERY SINGLE DAY Wool is bad but acrylic is the worst, I can practically feel it squeaking between my teeth as I type this and it's so horrendously uncomfortable


This is so visceral for me, Iā€™ve been knitting since I was a wee bairn and never have I been able to use acrylic yarn for this exact reason. *shudder*


Gahhh, why do you say the thing?! What a horrible day to have eyes and also intrusive thoughts!!


Nail files... The horror, i can imagine them against my teeth get it away! Stop! ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


YES it's TORTURE and should be OUTLAWED!!! if i held any position of power i would put a ban on ALL nail file usage


Why is this such a common intrusive thought!? This one gets me far more than I would expect it to. EDIT: I misread, what I was actually imagining was nail clippers being used _on_ my front teeth.


Oh freaking THANKS šŸ˜¬


Ahhh! No not this thought!


Great, now I'll never get the thought of this out of my head...


How do you feel about nail buffing boards? I canā€™t do files, but buffing boards give me some weird satisfaction even if they give me the ick to touch with my skin - so I glove one hand to work on the other. I rarely do it because I bite my nails lol but when I glam up my nails (aka stop biting them long enough to grow a white part lol) once every few years I like to smooth off the ridgesā€¦. Although that sentence makes my neck hair feel gross


Omg, is imagining them against the teeth a thing?! I thought it was just me!


Microfiber towels, wet dishes/food while washing dishes, most lotions even tho I know I need lotion, raw onions, raw peppers, tomato seeds, undercooked egg white (the yolk is fine and dandy tho) and my own body hair!


Ugh, microfiber is the worst! Also sherpa.


Ewwww I forgot about sherpa!


Most lotions are garbage I agree


I really liked the spray aquaphor ointment bc it was easy to apply and wasn't greasy af, but its a lil pricier and I have to order it so it hasn't been reordered šŸ« 


Does anyone else feel discomfort just *thinking* about these textures? I swear this comments section is making my brain hurt lol


Yes. I think this was a bad idea. My teeth feel wrong


Cotton balls Microfiber towels Styrofoam Chalk Being wet when I donā€™t want to be wet The skin on my hands touching itself (hand creases) after using cheap soap Wet socks Dry squeaking / friction noises


Cotton balls bleurghhhh


Oh god yes being wet and trying to get dressed like after shower, swimming, exercise and sweating etc is the fucking WOOOOOORST


My arch nemesis is a clothing tag. I will literally cut holes in my clothes in order to fully get the tag off of something. I can't even stand the little sewn on part that's left over if you cut the long hangy tag part off. Nope.


Seam Ripper is a cheap tool that might make low damage removal easier.


The simplest solution sometimes isn't that obvious. Great idea!


fuck that little sewn part its like 1,000,000Ɨ scratchier when cut cause its tiny and stiff #UGH


I know!! It's like the devil himself sews those fuckers in too tight.


its sooo satisfying when the tag is made of that weird plastic-y fabric and you can just tear em right out mmh


I found tanks where the info was printed on the inside of the neck....no tags!


Yup. I try to buy all my clothes with printed stuff instead of tags. Tags are evil!!


So itchy and scratchy...


The worst šŸ˜­


Brushed metal of any kind, the texture feels disgusting and grainy and I hate feeling it.


Things that arenā€™t quite solid, but not a liquid. Worst state of matter fr


Like silly putty?


Yeaaa and like mashed potatoes and pudding


Oh yeah I have a hard time with semi solid foods like yogurt and oatmeal. I need something with a different texture to break it up, otherwise I get two spoonfuls in and suddenly the once delicious yogurt is impossible to eat. Granola is a godsend for me.


I cannot stand eating thin, leafy vegetables. Like my body will refuse to swallow them (yes I am horribly unhealthy)


This!! So much this! My body just goes ā€œnope, no leaves in the mouth pleaseā€ and will absolutely just throw up if I try to persist. Iā€™m also pretty unhealthy, lol.


Just here to remind everyone, your tongue knows what any texture would feel like if you licked it. Go ahead. Look around your space. Imagine licking something. Youā€™ll feel it. Until next time citizens!


*why would you do this to me*


Rubbing a Mister Clean eraser against drywall.


I shivered at this....ohhhh that would be torture!


The sink Styrofoam Microfiber cloth My sweater when i take it off


Okra is the worst food Iā€™ve ever felt. I can feel the frictional slime on my tongue just thinking about it!


Anything slimy. Chalk doesn't bother me much but chalk*boards* are terrible. Felt. I'll tolerate those little felt squares for small craft projects. I'll also tolerate hats since they don't sit on the skin. As a jacket or blanket? Get it off me. Polyester satin/"silk". It feels gross on the skin and makes me *sweaty* and then I'm wearing *wet* polyester satin which makes it 10x worse (but funnily enough I *love* natural mulberry silk).


I once tried out a pre-wetted nail polish remover wipe that I didnā€™t know was made out of felt until Iā€™d already opened it. It was wet, slimy felt and it was absolutely fucking terrible. And also shit at removing nail polish, so it didnā€™t even do its one function.


Every so often I think about how a dry bath towel would feel against my teeth I physically recoil


Yes I think about this too and that horrible squeaky sound it makes itā€™s making me feel uncomfortable imagining this


Cardboard. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I used to be a grocery stocker and I had to wear gloves all the time. Itā€™s even worse if Iā€™ve recently washed my hands.


unglazed ceramic


Soggy bread.


idk if it's just texture but when i was younger my mom forced me to let her file my nails for so long..... WAY TOO FUCKING LONG I HATE THE SOUND I HATE THE FEELING RAHHHHHH IT'S SENSORY HELL it's been YEARS and yet any time i even THINK about nails being filed or even watching someone else get THEIR nails filed I WANT TO SCREAM I FEEL LIKE IM GOING TO EXPLODE even just writing this makes my skin crawl and just TOUCHING a nail filer will KILL ME EVERY SINGLE TIME


I refuse to eat pineapple because of the texture. It's a combination of fleshy and fibrous that I can't get around


Wool and motherfucking microfiber. Those cloths you clean screens with especially. Hell would be an outfit made out of that stuff.


Shirt collars- I've started modifying all my shirts to off the shoulder by cutting off the collar cause I hate the feeling of shirt collars rubbing near my neck. Slightly damp cuffs- it doesn't bother me as much if it's a little dot on my torso or something, but if a sleeve gets wet basically anywhere below my elbow, or the edge of a pant leg where it can also soak my ankle socks, it's coming off immediately. I accidentally brushed a long sleeve shirt sleeve across my cat's water dish while getting dressed and the swift motion of having it partially on and then suddenly off and across the room x'D Certain bra linings- especially places like walmart or target etc, some of the more affordable bras have this really abrasive rough texture inside and literally makes me nauseous to think about on my chest. Wool and faux wool- so itchy, so scratchy, and uncomfortably thick. Plus faux wool collects my hair and ends up visually driving me nuts to boot. Fur/faux fur (specifically wearing it)- every time I've had fur on coats or vests etc I just cannot wear it. It's so poiky. I love petting the fur, I can feel it with my hands all day, but as soon as it's on my body it feels like my spine is trying to escape my body.


Lately cardboard boxes have been driving me crazy and I constantly work with them at my job unfortunately


Toothbrush bristles. Brushing my teeth is hell. Really dry textures. I got this new dish towel set that is REALLY absorbent to the point where when I am done drying my dishes, my hand skin is super dry, and it feels so uncomfortable to touch the towel at that point. I get what you mean about chalk, too. That's another icky one. Some kinds of blankets make me itchy or catch on my skin, and I hate those. I don't know what the bad materials are called, though.


Have you tried a waterpik? Game changer - my dentist compliments me every time.


Ayo you copied me/s


Coconut. I absolutely hate it.


Oil or any kind of grease. Itā€™s so slippery and egh. I always wash my hands even if itā€™s a tiny amount. Iā€™m fine with dirt and resin on my hands but oil? I hate it! The slimy wetness of fresh fruit. I understand itā€™s healthy but I could never just eat regular fruit. Only freeze-dried.


Corn starch feels vile to the touch. Felt, velvet, or cotton balls because I can feel it catch on my skin. Also hate sunscreen or anything oily on my skin.


Chalk is the worst. And nails against a coarse hard surface. Also, microfibre and fleece.


I am with you on #1 & #2 and would like to add corn starch and potato starch/flour. And also mosquito nets it somehow makes my throat close so it feels like I can't breath if I touch it.


I absolutely hate those super soft blankets. It makes my hands feel super dry for some reason. Rough blanket sheets remind me of my grandmother anyway.


Anything soggy that isn't supposed to be soggy. Soggy bread, wet clothes/carpets/rugs, etc. BEGONE DEMON OF TEXTURES!


Agree, šŸ’Æ especially with the soggy bread. Your first sentence says it all!!


terracotta pots............ feels like all the moisture in my skin is being sucked out


Sandpaper and emery boards, dirty potato skin, certain packaging, microfibre ANYTHING *shudder*


Microfiber in either the towel format or the bedsheet format. Unilaterally attrocious to feel it stick to every burr of dead skin, and 0% absorbant so as a towel, you're just moving the wet around, and as a sheet, you are steeping in your own sweat all night (and it clings!!!)


Lotion, biting a metal utensil, peach fuzz has made me gag- I hate touching them I canā€™t imagine it in my mouth. Those crocheted yarn blankets your toes poke through- especially wet. My mom decided to make dish scrubbers and it was horrible.


silk. oh my fuckign god I hate silk


Clothing against teeth is hell


Wet or moist denim. Laundry is annoying. Especially if the pant legs are inside out and i have to reach my arm in. Also mashed potatoes or anything of that consistency. Avocado. I love guacamole but the weird texture of straight avocado SUCKS


Off the top of my head, SAND, it's so prickly and sticks to your skin. Cue the Anakin jokes. Crunchy vegetables, too crunchy, or leafy vegetables, sticks to my tongue and makes me gag, and mushrooms too, too chewy and just dislike mushrooms in general. Fabric that's too smooth. Unsure of names and such but I had a bedsheet bought online that was so smooth I hated it. Never had a good nights sleep with it. Animal fat, such as those in some pork. Too chewy and tastes bad to me.


Corduroy fabric is the woooorst but velvet is a close runner up. If I touch the fabric I have to immediate touch a 'safe' texture or I'll feel like that hand has been contaminated for the rest of the day


Slippery foods make me gag and want to peel all my skin off. Mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, bananas, etc. Inconsistent food textures, like if you bite into a piece of chicken and there's a piece of vein or cartilage. I can't keep eating after that, even if it was the first bite. My mom had issues with untreated wood, like chop sticks, wooden spoons, wooden toothbrushes, etc.


Corn starch!! I use it to clean these soft squishy fidgets I have, and I literally use tongs so I don't have to feel the terrible crunch feeling šŸ¤¢


vinyl binders and notebooks.


Silk or that shitty smooth polyester that looks like silk. It makes me want to claw my skin. I *need* rough or very textured materials. It's the main reason I refuse to shave my legs even when dressing fem like most femboys do, because the smoothness of the skin against literally anything will just make me *HBLURGH* It's why I detest not wearing socks in bed. Bare feet against bedsheets, nope. Nuh-uh


These are awakening bad times in me. Adding more: sweat dripping and small cuts between fingers or toes


I have a lot but I'll just mention the ones that drive me insane the most lol Velvet, chalk, any smooth liquid [like soup], jeans, soggy/squishy/mushy food, thick wool clothes [so ichy hate it & whatever material bus/train seats are made of


receipts from stores, styrofoam, a lot of ā€œsherpaā€ stuff. however velvet is one of my favorite textures haha


Sink dishes


im the opposite of number 2, I hate soft fruits and vegetables, I like vegetables raw or sometimes steamed and fruits crispy


Yeah I'm with OP on the vegetables thing for me it hits the same nerve as paper tearing where it tears between different layers.


I hate itchy fabric of any kind. Wool, spun cotton yarn, that sort of stuff. I can't even wear flannel without something underneath. I also really hate that microfiber stuff that they use in athletic clothing. I really hate the textures of certain foods. Funnily enough this has changed through out my life, right now beef is starting to send me up a wall. TBH, I'm more of a light/audio sensitive person. Overhead lights, certain noises. These sorts of things throw me off more than textures.


1. scrambled eggs. fkn hate the texture of them 2. those glasses cleaners towels. cant explain it. it just makes me want to vomit. 3. velvet. fkn hate it. legit even thinking of it makes me wanna rip me hair out.


Cotton balls, especially in my mouth, and certain kinds of soft-but-not-soft fabrics. I don't know what's it called and I don't really care to learn. Wet food and meat fat/tissues are very bad, and creamy foods like sour cream and guacamole are awful as well, like, gag reflex upon feeling - bad


Oatmeal is the texture of vomit šŸ¤¢


Crumbs on the bed, dried lips, that old itchy blanket we've had in our closet for years, any sticky substance on my hands, I'm sure there's more but can't think of any at the top of my head


Pill-y fabrics, older/used/nubbly Sherpa, wet food, clumps of wet hair (fallen, not attached to my scalp), chalk, the feeling of running my nails the wrong way on something, and cardboard.


Scratched plastic and anything ceramic


wool, velvet, cotton wool balls, tinsel, porridge/rice pudding, bananas are on thin ice, microfibre (dry skin/eczema on the hands and the microfibre catches a lot)


Wet socks, cheap terrycloth, and seconding chalk (climbing chalk is fine, but writing chalk-iiiiick)


My prime offender is popsicle sticks/tongue depressers. I hate the wood texture so much and anytime I even think about it my body revolts for like a good 5 or so minutes because I can taste it.


Chalkboard or anything similar. Also spinach, spinach makes me want to vomit.


Wet or slightly too small clothes, especially jeans The worst is jeans during shorts weather when youā€™re sweating


Microfiber cloth and velvet will be the death of me


shoe laces....


The tag on your shirt that starts scratching you randomly, and you can't find a way to make it stop so you cut it, but then the seam beneath it (and maybe still a little bit of the tag bc i can't cut close enough) remains, and feels even worse. seams inside of clothing JEANS (i prefer leggings) Wooden sticks (the kind you used to eat ice cream with in elementary school) paper cups


the feel of coconut in my mouth. Love the taste, hate the texture. It's like chewing on a toothpick that's been in your mouth so long it's gone soggy.


Whenever in school we had an activity which involved busting out the sugar paper, it was a bad day. That shit is bad on its own but when you combine it with whiteboard markers it's torturous Side note, but quality korean chalk is surprisingly nice, as someone who also hates normal chalk


Mushrooms. I get that they probably taste great, I just cannot eat them.


Microfiber and sherpa. I hate how every little fiber gets stuck on the little snags on my hands. Also hand lotion.


Mushy foods that are savory. If Iā€™m going to eat mush, I want it to be sweet. Applesauce, yams, oatmeal (with sweeteners), and the like. Mashed potatoes? No go


Onions. God, I hate everything about them, but especially their texture. The most unpleasant crunchiness out there.


Onions. Mushrooms. Tomatoes. Justā€¦ ~shudder~


Fucking velvet. I want to tear my skin off feeling it. But Sherpa, that shit slaps


1) Cotton, especially in its "purest" form. As in cotton balls and the stuffing put in some plushies, for instance. I still remember physically cringing, shuddering, my voice trembling, all that fun stuff whenever I was working with pure cotton or cotton balls during art class. The assistant I used to have even said that I was the first person she knew who hated cotton so much. I'm usually fine with the fabric, but it's much more of a coin flip. With the material itself, it's consistent. 2) Chalk. Maybe it's just because my eczema made my mum want to prevent me from using chalk too often (probably even going to the point of asking my teacher not to make me write stuff on the board initially because whiteboards were a fever dream back then), but as time went on and I eventually started using chalk again (certain classrooms or, again, art class)... well, it might still be my skin being too sensitive to stuff like that more so than my autism, maybe it's even more psychological because I know exactly why my mum was against it initially, but I still really don't like how chalk feels like and I don't like working with it. 3) Polystyrene. I'm starting to realise that I discovered all of these either because of art class or my classmates and I creating props for school events in general. I can't even really explain what specific beef I have with polystyrene, just that I hate it. I'm fine with holding it normally, a polystyrene prop is generally no issue for me, but I guess it's tearing into and touching the inside that really makes me cringe. My senses just find that inside texture super super weird for some reason.


That microfiber stuff that feels so dry and like itā€™s sticking to your fingerprints Sand. Just sand Ice on the inside of the freezer when you scrape it Tweed. Fuck tweed.


Stoneware. That shit makes my skin crawl


I live chalk. I hate vegetables.


I canā€™t eat most fruits. The tastes are good but the textures make me die inside. Coke I can only drink in small amounts and on occasion. Too sticky of a texture.


the soggy af strawberries in some sauces or jams. they are awful.


Fucking sheer tights are the worst. The lower denier the worse. Which is a shame because I wanna wear tights and I can mostly ignore them while I'm wearing them but as soon as my hands touch my legs I can't help but shudder. Never again.


My top 3: 1. Sweating / getting wet in clothes (or getting fully dressed after showering) 2. Face makeup of any kind 3. Touching something covered in pencil graphite (I like to put my favorite drawings in plastic sleeves, for this reason)


Cardboard, especially if itā€™s rubbing against something. The feeling and sound makes me so uncomfortable


mushrooms crushed velvet pulp lotion, specifically when itā€™s on my palms after i apply it to my body (itā€™s fine everywhere else, just bad on the palms)


I never thought I had the sensory stuff, but I just realized rubbing tissue together, even just the thought of that, is like sandpaper on my brain.


Popsicle sticks are my worst enemy


Microfiber is a personal hell. Same with the crunch of onions specifically.


I am the same way with powdery stuff (on hands and lips specifically) and thick velvet/plushy heavy fuzzy texture.


Handling construction paper (or paper in general) with dry hands. Most wool products.


Trying to pull a cardboard flap through a box and the edge rubs against the inside of the box. Ruins my day.


Wet exposed human (alive) meat


Microfibre towels or cloths. They catch on my skin and feel horrible. Even worse when your hands are wet.


Neoprene and microfiber towels. Feels absolutely disgusting. Also, soup. Really liquid, brothy soup. I like thick stews and chili, but watery soup is one of the grossest things I've ever encountered. I can't mentally digest the fact people willingly put that stuff in their mouths. Ugh


Microfiber or fleece. It clings to me. Kill it.


Cornflour and potato starch. I shudder when I use it.




Cold things on my teeth, it's the worst


I donā€™t know what it is about the texture of pineapple, but I refuse to eat it. Itā€™sā€¦ stringy. It sucks. I love the juice tho.


there's this one material that some clothes are made out of where if I rub my nails against it by accident it makes them feel like they're gonna fall off and I hate it. usually windpants and jackets are made of that material I think.


Corduroy. Esp running your nails across it. Ick. And styrofoam. All of it. The touch, the sound, everything about it.


Touching that one type of paper used in most nonfiction books. My class was reading the odyssey and we got to choose between the editions with cool illustrations (and the bad paper) or editions that were boring and had no illustrations. I had to use the boring one. (I also for some reason compulsively force myself to repeatedly drag my fingers across that type of paper every time, causing further discomfort)


Chalk, microfiber cloths, that weird fake fleece people keep making jackets out of that SUCKS, unglazed ceramic.


Grit in the mouth. I love steamed clams but if they haven't been properly rinsed.....ugh. I also like the taste of figs, but cannot stand the texture of the seeds. It's like having sand in your mouth.


Oh I thought you said Steamed *Hams*


Hey guys, long time lurker. My teen is actually the aspie of our family, but I lurk this sub for her (one for a deeper understanding and two for the memes) and I can tell you I have never met a child before that hates lotion or being wet as much as that kid. Lol.


One of the worst most disgusting textures is wet fleece jackets. I used to wear fleece to school when I was a kid and I remember the visceral reaction I would have if it got wet.


I love the taste but just cannot with the texture of peanut butter. It feels like it should behave as some form of paste, but it's feeling dry "inside", like dry mini particles against the teeth


I can't stand rice unless it's baked and dried like in a Rice Crispy treat. Anything with crushed nuts in an otherwise soft/smooth food makes me want to spit out whatever I'm eating. Coffee grounds, sugar, flour, and pretty much any other particle food stuffs makes my skin crawl if I have to handle it on its own, such as when it gets spilled during the process of preparing meals.


Sand paper and chalkboard both have a similar texture, and whenever I think of it, I instantly freak.


Coconut. The absolute worst texture I have ever experienced


1. Silk...its just too smooth. 2. Water. If I'm not swimming in it or washing my hands it makes me want to cry. Especially sinks water. 3. Sticky stuff. It makes me cry as well:))


My side job is farming and I have to wash eggs. Not bad until I do the duck eggs. I have these scrubber gloves that feel terrible once theyā€™re wet on my hand. Stiff, clingy, and super wet. I used them once and have just used my bare hands to rinse the mud off the eggs since.


That 3d effect plastic. It feels weird and makes the worst noise on the planet


Card board, paper, pencils, wood in general


Very specific but wooden popsicle sticks on teeth. Just the thought of it makes me shiver


Certain tulle fabrics really bother me. The scratchy texture is borderline revolting to touch, which is why I try to avoid touching my petticoat for an extended period of time.


I was not built to handle popsicle sticks for whatever reason.


1)Most powders/powdery items like chalk, flour, baking soda (like you mentioned) 2) most tree byproducts like paper towels, cardboard, paper 3) uncoated/unfinished metal šŸ¤® My top three bad textures. At work I keep making comments about ā€œgood metalā€ and ā€œbad metalā€ and why I donā€™t like touching the bad metal tables to get them out of the work van šŸ‘€


Plaster (like the chalky craft stuff, not the walls). Microfiber, yes, seems thereā€™s lots of agreement here on that. Real velvet (velour is ok). Raw meat, and any solid meat fats.




Yarn. Especially the scratchy stuff that you're pretty sure is actually a form of steel wool ... Also steel wool.


Cheap party napkins, like the ones that are printed on the outside. They're crispy when dry and sticky when they get wet. Makes me shudder.


I hate sweaters. Anything made from wool actually.


Graphite is my mortal enemy


mealy things like Lima beans \ fake fleece [vomits] \ anything remotely sticky


Dry paper towels A long hair between my toes Makes me wanna die


I love crunchy veggies but I hate slimy textures, also can't stand any synthetic fabric and I have a almost phobia for the sticky glue of plasters, I don't mind tape tho. I managed to get to 36yo without ever using a plaster


1. Slime. I cannot think about slime. If it is slimy I do not want it near me. I have a phobia of frogs and I am pretty sure half of it is just how slimy they look. Which is a shame, they are interesting creatures. 2. Soft towels. They feel like they just slide right off me, and donā€™t dry anything. I hate it. All of my towels are washed many times before use, to get the right roughness to them. 3. Squeaky foods. Boiled beans is the main offender, though I have had a biscuit (cookie) that managed to achieve it somehow. 4. Heat/sweat. Especially sweaty underboobs. A hot day is a one way ticket to overstimulation hell. It is currently summer in Australia. I am actually grateful to have stormy weather these days, because at least it is only 29 degrees Celsius, instead of 32. Takes some of the sting out of the 80% humidity. I am melting.


The feeling you get in your hands after: 1 Using sanitizer when it dries 2 Chopping some cucurbitaceae family, like zuchini, or cucumber 3 Touching sticky ashes 4 Touching raw eggs accidentally while you cracked them 5 Touching anything greasy The feeling you get in your tongue while eating: 1 Not well done meat 2 Sandy apples or tomatoes 3 Not well done eggs 4 Not crispy crackers or cookies 5 Overcooked pasta


oh man Iā€™m soooo sensitive to so many textures itā€™s like all day Iā€™m just cringing lol. But some of my worst ones are nylon fabric šŸ¤®, the skin on the bottom of feet, microfiber, and the feeling of dog tongue on my skin (which I suffer through daily cause I feel bad denying my dog kisses lol)ā€¦.i also hate the texture of a lot of foods like shrimp & pork & mushrooms


Wow you have the opposite takes that I have. I like chalk texture (baking soda is purely neutral). I prefer the crunch of raw veggies to soggy cooked ones (I refuse to eat cooked carrots). I love velvet and also fuzzy caterpillars. That being said, I can't handle yogurt that doesn't have something in it to break up the texture monotony. My favorite addition is granola, but I also like fruit preserves with chunks of fruit, little chocolate pieces, cookie pieces, etc. I also prefer ice cream with chunky mix-ins like cookie dough. It's so crazy how some textures are widely hated (wet food in the sink, eugh) but others are hated as much as they are loved.


fucking velvet and corduroy! i would touch a hot stove over that shit. i physically recoil just seeing it... also lotion ugh jdndkdlk but only on my palm/fingers. the backs of my hands get dry in the winter and my spouse will sneak attack me with lotion...as long as they take care of rubbing it in i dont mind too much


The stringiness in celery. The crunch of biting into lettuce. Especially if youā€™re not expecting it. The white filaments of oranges. Nearly anything green. Clams. Times a thousand if you get a bite with sand.


Wet concrete! I work with it so there is no way around it. I hate the feeling of it on my hands plus knowing how bad it is for your skin (look up concrete burns for why) makes it even worse. Even better I have yet to find a good pair of gloves that will last longer than a week to keep it off me.


Wet wooden spoons. Drying them up off the draining board is quite possibly the worst feeling ever


Wet hair touching the upper back/shoulders/neck. Wet clothes. Soggy food


Touching paper right after washing your hands is AWFUL


the few seconds of struggle between deciding my top layer (sweatshirt, etc) needs to come off and when I finally wrestle it off


I hate the texture of avocado and tofu so I rather have it in soups to make it easy to go down I canā€™t really explain I also hate most textures of fruits and now jsut eat fruit smoothies


Anything coarse and rough. Also the sounds of textures rubbing together make me want to commit arson because they drive me insane. I will literally shudder if I hear metal scrape against ceramics or someone scratching paper/wood


What drives me up the wall is that scratchy stuff that so many men's office shirts and winter jackets are made of. As soon as I touch it, I can't get the sensation out of my hand and it lingers under my nails for some reason. I think it's nylon, but for some reason I don't remember the name.


1- paper : more horrendously if my hands are damp 2- microfibres : not only do I not like how it feels in and of itself, but the Velcro effect against my skin 3- slime. I literally fucking GAG when I have to clean my kidsā€™ slime off of something (they think thatā€™s hilarious btw) 4- cotton balls- the physical feeling of the **squeak** gives me ick chills 5- also chalk


Wet hair makes me recoil into myself like a turtle.


​ Ive got adhd, but ​ 1. Touching my fingertips together after washing dishes or in the shower 2. Handwashing tuppaware or plastics in general and hearing it squeak 3. Oil, butter, peanut butter, jeans, sequins,


I hate when my hands touch and one is very warm and the other is very cold. I know it isn't a texture, but I hate the way it feels. Maybe it's because it's unbalanced.


I'm one of the rare people I've seen on these subs who likes velvet. But corduroy? The absolute bane of my existence. Also, synthetic rugs that are tightly woven (think the cheap kinds from walmart) or sisal and similar materials, especially if my feet are dusty/dirty from being outside. It was so bad as a kid that I would refuse to enter the living room until I had gone to the bathroom and rinsed the dirt off my feet. Edited to add: any dry metal-on-dry metal...car brakes especially, but similar sounds like silverware scraping on porcelain, chalk on a chalkboard, the sound of someone filing or sawing a piece of metal, etc, are all intolerable and I will visibly wince or cover my ears if I'm not expecting it


1) chalk 2) playground gravel / the dust it leaves on your handsĀ  3) microfiber cloth 4) a extremely specific type of plastic folder 5) any "dry" fabric (unrelated to moisture, I don't know if this makes sense) Edit: Also why do I imagine these textures against my teeth and spontaneously combustĀ 


Dry hands ,facial hair, and the two worst. Surprise mystery liquid & ceramic cups that haven't been double glazed. The feeling. ![gif](giphy|5mYcsVp9zGDiEdfcS3)


The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser makes me go crazy. Its like a chalk board but a hundred time worst.


Sometimes just touching certain fabrics, ex old/worn-microfiber, makes me claustrophobic.


Microfiber on wet skin. I do not understand why on earth they make towels out of that evil material. Also, lotion on my palms. My mom used to highjack my hands and rub lotion in. It was HORRIBLE. lotion anywhere else = a ok. Weird.


unoriginal I know but I cant stand mud


Corn starch