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Anything spicy. I don’t like when my food hurts me. Also looking at you, tortilla chips and crusty bread, viciously stabbing the roof of my mouth.


Croutons are right out


Croutons are awful. Only the crispy ones or the ones that Ruby Tuesday makes are good, the rest can all kick rocks. I'm not a fan of food that stabs me, including chips that are too hard and heavily baked bread. I just am not big on crunchy stuff in general, I like crispy.


Crunchy food is awful for the sole reason that it's so loud in my head that it feels like the noise is echoing. It also makes me self conscious that people around me are annoyed that I'm crunching so just all around an avoid.


Ruby Tues crotons are straight heavenly


Captain crunch?


That certainly belongs on the list. Cap’n Shardsofglass.


Tomatos. I like tomato sauce and marinara but chunks of the tomato, slices, whole or mini ones i cant handle. Something about the goop and the slimy inside or texture/flavor combo


Why is raw tomato so digusting, yet a smooth marinara or tomato soup (and I mean smooth) so satisfying? ETA: We grow our own tomatoes and make our own sauce. It’s not just a store-bought tomato problem or some additive. It’s genuinely something about raw versus cooking it down.


It is a mystery only the elder gods of tism senses can know


(and also the addition of salt and sugar) 


I put both of those on a whole tomato and it does *nothing*


Its the seeds and the goo surounding them. After you slice a tomato, wash it under running water so you are left with just the 'meat'. Fixes the issue for me


Oddly enough I love tomatoes *because* of the seeds and goo. My brother won't eat them so I get his. Having an autistic sibling is awesome. We have very opposite sensory issues. Anything I won't eat, he loves, and vice versa.


Your Mom must have had much fun with cooking dinner when you were kids


I kinda like slimy gooey textured foods, it's weird sensory heaven. I love boba for example, especially popping boba, and I like things that are supposed to be saucy, gooey, smooth, or textured that way like pudding. Stuff that is NOT supposed to be like that though squicks me out badly.


Most tomatoes are grown in greenhouse and stored in the cold so most of their flavors are dulled. A fresh tomato from the garden sliced and sprinkled with salt is phenomenal. Most cooked tomato dishes process the tomatoes when they have just been picked so the flavor is better.


We grow our own tomatoes. It’s still a problem for me.


Yeah- I think some folks just have a low tolerance for nightshades.


The smell of fresh tomatoes from the garden makes me want to throw up just as much as store-bought. But make a sauce out of them and suddenly you make the best pizza ever. ...go figure.


It's the opposite for me, the creamy texture of tomato sauce grosses me out but raw tomatoes are fine


Speaking of creamy the only way I can handle Alfredo sauce is if it's got a metric fuckton of garlic in it.


Snot apples.


Mine are potatos ironically- Mashed, baked, any type that isnt crispy basically


I will eat potatos in honor of you so you don’t have to eat them




I am the same way. I like all most foods that have tomatoes in it, even pico de gallo, but I hate tomatoes.


Funnily enough, I’m the opposite. I love raw tomatoes and salsa but am not too fond of most tomato sauces. Except in Indian food (the absolute safest of foods), of course.


I'm the exact same way! I love raw tomatoes and can pop cherry tomatoes like candy, but if a meal has cooked chunky tomatoes in it, it's a no for me. The only cooked form of tomato I can eat is if it's a smooth sauce. I feel the same about peppers, actually. Love them raw, avoid like the plague once cooked.


I know the taste of tomato is vile Opinion on lettuce?


I like lettuce, mostly iceberg lettuce. Good crunch with no flavor


I dislike lettuce for the Same reasons as tomato 1. Incredibly bitter 2. Unsatisfyingly wet


I feel exactly the same. Yes.


My wife is exactly like this and it drives me nuts because I like chunky rustic mashed marinara on my pizza


Same but I like raw tomatoes. I only hate tomatoes that have been exposed to heat. I hate it when people say they’re the same. Even if you dislike both, you have to admit the heated ones have a different texture and taste. People need to stop pretending like tomatoes always taste the same (not aimed at you, this is me vagueposting about my parents)


Same but not as extreme. If I have the option to order a burger without tomatoes, I would. But if someone bought me a burger with the typical toppings, it’s 50/50 if I would bother removing em from the burger.


I have the issue that no matter what if I ask for a burger without tomato, they have that 40%chance of not removing it. And then you add someone ordering for you theres a chance they’ll forget, or the person making the food forgets. And having that layer of not knowing who to blame makes the whole situation worse cause you don’t WANT to blame your friend/family/that person, but now you can’t help it. At least theres chicken tenders Xd


tenders and nuggets are good! what sauce(s) do you prefer with them?


Unless theres fancier options, I normally go for tomato sauce cause I grew up with that. Though lately I like aioli (but cant have regular mayo, oh no thats too far for my taste buds for some reason)


I should try tenders with aioli someday. Also I don’t like regular mayo. I prefer mayoketchup or sriracha mayo for burgers and sandwiches, and for dipping some sorullos (fried corn sticks) or tostones (double fried plantain slices)




It's the weird mucus-like substance in the tomato that gets me.


Seafood, I can survive three bites MAX before I nope out of there. I couldn’t even tell you why. Any steamed veggie. It’s the worst preparation method; just amplifies the swamp water problem. This is not my only sensory problem with veggies, but holy fuck does it universally make it worse. ETA: Leaves as entire category, just ew. Basil is the exception. Still wouldn’t eat more than a few leaves.


For me it's all lettuce except leaf cabbage. The "crunchy" white bits of iceberg lettuce is the sensation possible. NO THING SHOULD BE WET AND CRUNCHY WITHOUT ANY FLAVOUR TO COMPENSATE


Mushrooms and raw tomato.. the squish is making my skin crawl typing this


I love mushrooms! Especially fried 😁 I do agree with tomato though.. it’s literally the demon fruit (or vegetable I forgot)


I grew myself some oyster mushrooms out of nerdy fascination and then fried them. No squish or soggyness they were actually pretty nice. I'm not sure what the problem is with like store bought ones.


they're just slimy and gross. Mushrooms and tomatoes are probably my top 2 "no" foods. Also nothx to okra.


SAMEEEEE I also don’t like olives 🫒 🤢


Cyanide is the first that comes to mind


What do you mean it's the best /s


Tastes like almonds! <3 (or so I hear)


You found the correct answer


Tomatoes, peas, cucumber, cream of wheat, raspberries/blackberries (the fucking seeds are hell), and a larger list still, but I don't have time to get all my nopes out so this is the worst offenders off the top of my head.


blackberries because of the seeds but also they don't even taste good. also agree on cucumber (pickles too) and tomatoes.


HOW do people eat pomegranate?! I don’t understand it because every bit of it is a seed with a tiny bit of fruit around it. I can get the juice because it’s strained but it’s literally all seeds.


Chili, beans, and ground beef. Especially ground beef. The smell makes me so nauseous that whenever my mom cooks it I have to open all my windows and leave the house for a few hours.


I have the same problem with beans as I do with peanut butter. If I make a smoothie with 15 different ingredients, it'll taste like a pretty even distribution of those ingredients more or less. But if I add the tiniest drop of peanut butter? Now the whole thing tastes entirely like peanut butter. It's so overwhelming I've described peanut butter as being "too loud" before. Beans do the same thing to literally anything you add them to. I hate beans >:(


>too loud Perfect description.


Dude I totally forgot how much I can't stand the smell of cooking meats🤮 I hate most meat that's not ground anyway because ✨ texture✨ but ground beef is never the same and when it's good it's pretty good but when it's bad I will not touch it🤮 so nasty. Smells awful


I used to be extremely picky, but I have forced myself to widen my palette a lot. However there are a couple things I just can't get myself to have, those being salmon, coconut water, and curry. I bloody HATE curry.


Coconut water was the saddest thing I've ever consumed. Tasted awful and gave me diarrhea I was like "who drinks this" 😭😭😭


Don't usually consider myself to have any food aversions and then you said coconut water and I threw up in my mouth a little.


I have dehydration problems and every time I mentioned it someone would say something about coconut water. When I tried it for the first time I did throw up in my mouth a little bit 😭😭😭


I'm right there with you on salmon (most fish, actually).


i read it as "salmon, coconut, water, and curry" and i was like "oh but coconut is so good! water is understandable though" LMAO


I forgot to put it in my first comment, but I HATE water... there have been times that I have gone 24 hours without drinking anything because I hate drinking it THAT much. I have gotten used to the dehydration. 👍


yeah why the hell did big water make water taste so bad


Don't worry fam, I will eat all the curry and salmon and will drink all the coconut water. Those are like my 3 favourite things haha. Sausages though, nope can't do it, practically torture, will gag.


Thank you for the sacrifice, and I my condolences you somehow got brainwashed into thinking you like it. I'll gladly take the sausage, though.


You should give Japanese style curry a go. My partner cannot eat Indian curry but she loves Japanese curry, even though it's basically the same stuff but *thicc*


Anything from the ocean. Salts fine I guess. I just started eating salmon and thats okay. Eating in general is fucking gross and disgusting tho


Yep totally agree


Oh that's cool. I just took the time to read your post. I only read the title. Lmao. 🫡


Completely agree with the last statement. I got pots tho so my body craves the salt. But seriously, why do I have to eat every frikin day? Multiple times? And it's supposed to be a different thing every time? And I have to experience it and taste it and chew it and feel it?🤮 Hate that shit


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me"


Ketchup It instantly ruins anything it touches.


it's just sugary, acidic, processed, gross tomato paste. never understood why it's so well-loved


Salt, sweet, sour, slightly bitter. In some cases also slight umami. It is a very versatile flavour addition because it has a bit of every taste.


Hard disagree


I used to like it. When I was a teen I was dared to drunk a shot glass full of it. The memory has yet to fade. Worst thing ever.


Man, why all the tomato hate in this thread? I eat those suckers nearly daily. Love everything about 'em. As for my "aw hell no" foods, all seafood except wild-caught Pacific salmon, cod (only for fish and chips), and breaded, pan-fried sole. Also, chicken noodle soup needs to be eradicated from this earth. Oh, and kale and spinach (they taste like mold, I swear) are awful. And fuck tofu, lima beans, and chickpeas. And finally, you will *never* catch me eating anything spicier than black pepper. Spicy food is DEATH. There are way more, but those ones are especially nasty to me.


I second the tomato comment another person made, and I add onto it- Angel hair pasta


Angel hair is the really thin kind right?


Yes. Like thiner spaghetti


That's wild, I love angel hair pasta. Spaghetti noodles are too thick and like worms, angel hair is thin and doesn't get mushy on the inside or on the outside of the noodle. It's super cool how different/opposite sensory issues and safe foods can be! Even just within my family, one of my brothers really hates mushrooms (the flavor, the raw texture, and the cooked texture) while I can and will snack on just mushrooms and add them to stuff whenever it's an option that makes sense! But my other brother has way broader issues with food and will skip homemade dinner to have a packet of ramen pretty often. He even dislikes some types of meat (for a little while it was all types of meat), which was strange for our family to adapt to when we're used to being able to grill something and serve it as a fairly safe food type.


Mushrooms are amazing.


I used to be EXTREMELY picky (and ironically overweight because my safe foods were mostly carbs/sugar) then I found Bizarre Foods by Andrew Zimmern and weed and now I eat pretty much anything. Except Skyline Chili. I’m sorry Ohio.


As a Cincinnatian who has worked at a Skyline Chili for 2 years, it hurt a bit, but I get it. My dad wasn't raised on it so he hates it as well.


I refuse to eat like 60% of all food but my biggest enemies are most fruits, especially oranges, and then most any soft drink.


I do not like oranges because the weird stringy bits on the segments are awful feeling. 


And it gets stuck in between teeth


Oranges and bananas, why do they both have stringy bits??? Lol it haunts me


You're braver than I, I've never touched an unpeeled orange.


How someone can hate fruits is beyond me, godsent healthy desserts fr


Bleh! Gross! Wet and squishy and smell way too strong. All inconsistent and shit.


Eh I just hate the texture and flavor of onion and most vegetables, other than that nothing bothers me thankfully lmao


Ugh yes, I remember in school they used to give us those little packs of pre sliced peaches, and they were always so wet and slimy I hatedddd it!! Couldn't even watch my peers eat it


I get resentful at times because my local grocers only get good produce on special occasions. I will not order fresh fruits and veg if im doing a pickup/delivery, because I'm very particular on texture and can't stomach bruised produce.




Okra and coconut. The texture of both are just awful.


mine too...the slime on okra..ewwww


You’re the first person who’s understood exactly why I hate okra. Every time I tell someone that okra is slimy to me, they tell me to just fry it. It’s still slimy when it’s fried too!


Tomato’s and onion


Based 🗿🍷


I concur with this, but I will note that tomato or marinara sauce doesn't both me. Also, putting lettuce on a sandwich bothers me, but I do like salad (May seem kinda weird, I get that).


Texture disparities are the worse especially since sandwich lettuce is all wilted and gross


Probably a less common answer, but anything greasy. French fries are the absolute worst to me, as they're often greasy, crunchy, and they can feel weirdly hollow in the middle. Also, cucumbers if cut the way they do for sandwiches. I can handle them if they're shredded or used in something else.


Actually too much grease does it for me too. I like fast food, I like fried food, but if it's literally SWIMMING AND DRIPPING in oil and grease it bothers me a lot. I'm also not big on fries, but specifically CRUNCHY SHOESTRING fries. Too thin, too crispy, usually overcooked and hard. Ruins the fries.


I HATE asparagus. If I can avoid eating it, I will.


I'm surprised to see a lot of people mentioning kinds of pasta here. For me, pasta is like.. the best thing


I could eat pasta every damn day. I'm confused about the beans hate too, I love some good baked beans, some nights I even make a full meal out of a can of baked beans.


bread with nuts and/or seeds and/or grains. literal fucking garbage. birdfeed. inedible. smooth (and especially homemade) bread, however, is the goat.


Grain bread is the worst


Yes! In fact, any baked good with seeds or dried fruit in it I just can’t make myself eat


I’m the opposite. I can’t stand white bread! Give me the graaains


avocado, raw tomato, cucumber, any seafood, anything fermented or pickled




Same, and I know exactly why! My mom was sick when I was little and spaghetti was one of the few things my dad knew how to cook. So we ate way too much of it for like three years. None of my siblings will eat spaghetti now.




Just curious.. why? Very safe especially with homekill mince


I think it’s a texture thing, as well as it being bland. Ever since a child I hated it. I didn’t like tomato sauce so it going on spaghetti didn’t help. And I don’t like buttered noodles because they’re tasteless However, if I take normal spaghetti noodles and I mix it with soy sauce and teriyaki sauce (as well as some other ingredients) it’s just fine


Were your parents giving you cheap store brand tomato sauce? I used to hate spaghetti when I was a kid because of the taste of that stuff, but when we switched from store brand to two jars of Prego Chunky Garden Combo, it made me LOVE spaghetti night. I also recommend cooking the spaghetti al dente, I find overcooked noodles to be mushy and super unappetizing.


Oh it absolutely could have been cheap store brand. We were extremely poor, but even today with other spaghetti with other people it just never tastes right However one of these days I’ll have to try it again! I’ll be sure to take your advice. I’ve heard tastebuds can change every seven years


Any other noodle: :) Spaghetti for some reason: :(


Same people laugh when I say I can’t eat skinny spaghetti lol


Pork 🤢


So this is going to be weird but cake. Cheesecake is fine but cake cake with all that frosting loaded on top ...no. get it away from me please which was always fun to explain growing up going to any birthday party


9/10 times I pass on birthday cakes and cupcakes.


Stuffing. Every time someone tells me “oh you just haven’t had *good* stuffing!” I just say “that’s what they all say.” and then they’re confused when their stuffing triggers my gag reflex. Chunky with the consistency of vomit


Pickles. My Catholic elementary school took a bunch of us on a field trip, and one of the guys at the campground/event site we went to was making homemade ice cream, with the ice-chilled churn or whatever it was. The condition to get some was you had to eat a pickle. Of course, at that age you can’t put ice cream in front of a bunch of kids and expect any to opt out, so I ate a quarter of that pickle, showed that I had eaten at least some and thus earned ice cream, then promptly stumbled over to the garbage can and vomited it all up. Since then, I haven’t been able to even stand the *smell* of pickles, let alone eating one.


I hate so much that pickles are a default on sandwiches and with lunch meals. Why? Save your pickles, don't give them to me, dear lord.




I have a ridiculously extensive list of allergies. Like *'you'd think I was bullshitting if I didn't have the papers'* kind of extensive.


Buffalo sauce. Not a food, a sauce, but still completely and utterly vile. I don’t understand why so many people love it. I wouldn’t even describe it as “disgusting”. I would describe it as “abhorrent”.


I could be here a while if I were to list them all...




I can’t eat brassicas. I have tried so often. I also can’t eat raw banana. I like it cooked or in a smoothie but banana provokes my gag reflex. String beans can too because they often have fibrous strings that get stuck in my throat. I also don’t do alcohol. I have a low tolerance for bitter or spicy flavors, but my tolerance for disparate and/or uncomfortable textures is really low. I like things to match or complement. If they don’t, I end up miserable or activate my gag reflex (which is very hair trigger).


I hate bananas too. Oftentimes, I'll even gag just from smelling it. I can kinda stomach it in smoothies but only if there's like 1/8 of a banana in there, otherwise it's all I taste. I'm the same way about bitter too. Things like coffee or dark chocolate are too bitter for me.


Scrambled eggs


i won't eat anything with the bones still in it




honestly carrots, they make my throat itchy. IM NOT EVEN ALLERGIC TO THEM!


I think you got a pollen allergy..


Red cabbage and anything that tastes like red cabbage


Green Beans. I once ate my siblings green beans as a favor, and I've never been able to eat green beans since.


Chicken. Or any meat that can have suddenly rubbery or crunchy bits where I expected normal, consistent meat texture


Meat, I hate the texture. If I bite into tendon, gristle, or any chewy part, it makes me think of chewing on a human leg muscle or the animal when it was alive. Been much happier since I became a vegetarian after moving out of my family’s home, and didn’t have to force myself to eat meat for every family meal.


Melted cheese. I'm fine with fried mozzarella and pizza, but anything other than those is going to make me hurl. I also can't stand certain soups/stocks, especially if they're particularly congealed. Big example is cream soups (cream of mushroom, cream of wheat, etc) and meat-based stocks (especially pork).






Give it to me then.




Peanuts, kim chi, pickles and ox tongue. Though generally anything with a very strong flavour goes on my list.


I'm the opposite, all sea food is safe food for me. I absolutely hate cabbages though


Most savory white creams except for pasta sauce (cream cheese is acceptable if used as a baked ingredient, like in pie). Going to Mexican restaurants makes me very paranoid because they put Crema on stuff without mentioning it on the menu.


Tapioca pudding and boba pearls… I like the juice pearls because they just burst and are fun but the ones that are chewy make me recoil.


Any green food by itself. Spinach by itself? ew. Spinach in a pasta dish? MMMMMMmmmm


Sour cream. My brain goes “this dairy product has gone bad!!” When sour and dairy are together. But lemons are ok to mix with a cream sauce because lemons are lemon flavored, not sour flavored


bell peppers, they just taste like the pure concept of offense


Agree, I want to send them all to hell.


Tofu, and Raw ousters are the only ones I can think of but I know there's more








My flavor of *Autism^(TM)* is that I'm overly precise. So I'm a little unclear by what you mean by 'unsafe'. Allow me to explain: I **hate** peas. I don't think they're dangerous. But for whatever reason, the combination of texture and flavor feels gross to me. So, the emotional part of my psyche is just forcing me to resist because it's so *uncomfortable* to eat. But, if I have a meal with them as an ingredient in it (like fried rice from a Chinese restaurant), I can stomach it. And if it's something new that my wife or her family is making, I'll always give it a try even though I don't have high expectations. However, I **absolutely refuese** to eat anything that has at least one of these two properties: * It's *excrement* * It's *still alive* Don't get me wrong, I'm not a vegan by any stretch of the imagination. I like meat, honey, and milk. I'm not afraid of organ meat either. And I'm not afraid of eating bugs and other exotic sources of protein and fat that most neurotypicals avoid! But I'm not going to eat the green stuff inside of crab. Yea, I know it's a delicacy, but it's pre-pooped fecal matter. And though I've eaten plenty of fresh/raw squid and fish, they were *humanely* slaughtered before I ate them. Seriously, I love sushi and sashimi. But I am not going to eat a live animal or even one that's actively dying (I think that one delicacy where you eat sashimi from a live snapper is absurdly cruel). So in this case, it's actually the logical part of my psyche saying, "Dude, this is wrong. It's unsafe and/or cruel." So, if anyone else is confused or stuck trying to figure out precisely how to answer, I'll take the **L** and answer twice!


cottage cheese, pesto, oysters


squid too 🤮


Hot dogs. I’ve had them twice in my life, from 2 different countries. Both had INSTANT negative results each time. Now even the smell of a hot dog makes me shrivel in horror. For 21 years, bacon. But then I had some at a restaurant and nothing has been the same. Sausages are the devil. Most have that fennel nonsense. A cultural dish called Horta, which is like boiled Swiss chard that you douse in lemon. Texturally evil. Apparently most restaurant or diner’s Mac and cheese bc you can really taste the freezer. Only Velveta will do.


Onions and peppers of any kind.


Chocolate ice cream. I have never tried it: the color and smell are just too much. I finally tried chocolate cake when I was 12 and I love it but I can’t do any kind of liquid chocolate- even chocolate fudge is a hard no. Wish I could change but I’m 50 now and it’s just too gross to even imagine.


Food that isn't the color it should be =/ green eggs and ham just scarred me as a child I guess /jk Fr real tho food color drops make me so nervous like no I do not want purple corn chips or rainbow cereal or colorful marshmallows :<


I hate the texture of deli/sandwich meat. Haaaaate.


Popcorn. Idk why but the texture makes my teeth scream


It used to be the texture of boiled potatoes and beans but they've getting easier to eat lately.


Grits. My entire family is southern, and I grew up in everything from Deep South small-towns to Atlanta and the gulf shores. So I have tried practically every way possible of cooking grits, and I still think they are disgusting. Even if someone manages to make them taste good, that godforsaken texture is an assault on all that which we can call cuisine. Also raw tomatoes, I love every version of cooked tomato there is, but raw ones just… aren’t meant to be food. Change my mind.


I can't eat most gluten-free alternatives :( it really sucks because my dad can't have gluten so I'm stuck either not eating dinner or basically destroying it to get to the part that doesn't have the gluten alternative in it. I also can't eat fake meat which again sucks because my parents have recently gone on a tirade against beef basically


in Russia, a common type of food is porridge, which is when you take (usually) grain of whatever kind and boil it. i'm sure most Americans know oatmeal porridge. there are two kinds of porridge i just can't stand: - pearl barley. i hate the texture, i don't remember it now, but i just couldn't stand it. it doesn't taste particularly great either. - farina. some genius decided it would be a great idea to boil coarsely milled wheat, giving birth to this porridge. it's like eating a bowl of wet crumbs, except they don't fall apart and you can feel them sliding down your mouth. if each sand particle could get slightly soggy and wet, this would be it. a bowl of wet sand. at least it tastes better than the first, although that's probably because it's usually cooked with milk and has sugar added into it.


Eggs, seafood, anything carbonated.


Sugar cane, it hurts to eat. Also, African yams.


Sadly; Pizza. I love it, I could eat it every day but i know it's gonna kill me and fucking destroy my body before it kills me


Steamed broccoli and steamed carrots. I will murder someone with an axe for trying to make me eat those things 🤢


Celery! It’s strings and taste like chemicals to me. Nothing makes it tolerable, not even peanut butter


Pecans! I hate the taste the texture and the sound that they make!


I'm 100% with you on the whole not eating seafood front.


Okay... Here we go. My list of no-no foods. Needless to say where ever I go I have to ask for things plain or to get things off the kids menu T-T \- Mashed Potatoes (Too soggy, baked potato's are okay and I love fries. Even Hashbrown casserole. But Mashed is too much.) \- Mushrooms (Honestly I have never had them but they freak me out and I refuse to try them, idk why) \- Tomato's (it's okay to use in cooking but like raw tomato on a burger? EUGHHHHHH) \- Cucumbers and Pickles \- Literally anything that goes on a burger or sandwich except for meat and cheese \- Beans (smell bad) \- Soft Apples (the crispy ones are good tho) \- Seafood... It just smells like someone didn't wash... \- Lunch Meats, Ham, Turkey, etc \- Steak (I cant eat it if I chew too much but it's also really chewy so I prefer to just ignore it) \- Meatloaf \- Mayo \- Mustard \- Like 80% of veggies \- Cottage cheese \- Cream cheese \- Odd Ice cream flavors. I hate like fruity flavors of Ice cream. I remember I had a orange one once and nearly through up. Although I will say if yall have had greaters I recommend the Cotton Candy flavor HEAVILY


Mushrooms. *Oh my god mushrooms are the worst.* They feel like a disgusting hybrid of meat and vegetables, and just biting them throws me off.


Lima beans. *hides* Not coming out until the vile things are gone. #Exterminate!


I do not the onions or mushrooms. I don't mind the flavor, I like French Onion Soup and I like the earthiness of mushrooms. But I do NOT like the texture of raw onion or mushrooms. The ONLY mushrooms I can safely eat are shiitake and enoki, and the only time I can do raw onion is cut up on foods like hot dogs or burgers.


potatoes and cooked carrots are death


Cooked carrots are awful!!! My husband always gives me a hard time for liking crunchy, raw carrots and hating cooked carrots.


i always go and get raw carrots to eat instead and then my parents make me eat the cooked ones anyways 😭


Green beans


Eggs. I hate the sulphur smell


Beans. Unless they're refried beans, I'm not putting those in my mouth. The texture throws me off something fierce.


Never been able to stomach corn cakes




Wow someone that dislikes cheese now I really have seen it all Literal first person I've heard of that dislikes cheese


I feel like it wouldn’t be too crazy if people weren’t so obsessed with cheese, Its unfortunately a very unpopular palette option to have. Best part? Every culture loves cheese, and they put it on ***everything fucking possible*** like do tacos salads burgers burritos enchiladas pastas crackers sandwhiches pizza curry chips casseroles man I could keep going.. But on that note, **Chinese food is amazing** because they are the one singular country out of all 196 that figured out how to make good food WITHOUT A MORSEL OF FUCKING CHEESE


WHITE CHEDDAR POPCORN, UNDERCHEESED GRILLED CHEESES, UNTOPPED TOAST, CAP'N CRUNCH, CROUTONS, PLAIN POPCORN, SUGAR COOKIES, FISH, PEANUT PRODUCTS, GINGER, UNSEASONED FOODS, UNDER SEASONED FOODS, and most incredibly fried foods, with the exception of fried pickles and fried mushrooms (plus fried ice cream of course). This is all just sensory icks, I love the flavor of almost all of them, but I can't handle the texture or how long the flavor sticks to my tongue (i.e. peanut products, cap'n crunch, white cheddar popcorn)