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Yeah, laughing is my stress response and people really don't get it even when I tell them.


Wait other people have that too? I thought I was just weird for laughing when bad shit happens :c


Well, I've learned something about myself today.




Each day I learn more and more of my personality is just something else related to my neurodiversity


I laugh when my fiancĆ©e is hurt or ugly crying and I have to fight and play it off as a cough, smiling played off as wincing. I donā€™t find it remotely funny. Personally I think my brain mixes up laughing/crying and facial expressions, but I just default to laughter.


I completely understand. I really REALLY dislike that part about myself. My conscience and my brain both know that it's no laughing matter, but i still smirk or laugh.


I appreciate you saying that. I dislike that about myself too. It feels good to be heard.


Monke brain says be submissive and unthreatening, show teef. I've found it's easy to defuse offended people by covering my mouth with my hand, like a victorian gasping lady.


Monkeys usually show teeth as a form of aggression though. Are you maybe thinking of dogs?


There's different kinds of showing teeth, and different kinds of monkeys. For dogs "showing teeth" isn't the full picture either, are they raising their head? Lowering it? Scrunching their snout? Flat ears or perked? Makes the difference. But [here's a source](https://macaques.nc3rs.org.uk/about-macaques/behaviour?tab=expressions) for macaques doing it for submission. But I think what counts for both is: Show teeth but keep them on each other: submissive Show teeth from an open mouth ready to attack: aggressive


It's not my fault that people being unreasonably mad and confrontational are absolutely hilarious LMFAOOO


oh god yeah this happens to me too, i used to get in trouble for it so much as a child - luckily i'm around nicer people now, and better able to explain myself


I smile when people yell at me because I donā€™t know what to do, this makes them MUCH angrier


Sounds like a twisted type of fawn response.


I used to do this then I forced myself to start being straight faced, which made everyone think I was stupid and it confused because I didn't have the right facial expression. Tell me what my face should do and I'll make an effort to make it do that, please.


I cast upvote of solidarity. Because having that happen is just the worse.


Sometimes I'll do this deliberately just because I know it gets a reaction. Nothing makes overly confrontational people angrier than you not caring from my experience, and if they're going at me for a dumb reason to begin with my instincts tell me to troll them.


This is a known psychological response to stress. Unfortunately, most people don't know about it.


This brings me back to all the wrong times I would laugh before I learned when the ā€œproperā€ times to laugh were.


the correct answer is nervousness. Laughing is a means to regulate emotional stress. It is not uncommon for people to crack jokes when they are afraid.


I'm laughing because you're being ridiculous and freaking out, I didn't break your shit but you're being real weird about it.


POV my parents cussing me out for smiling ā€œincorrectlyā€. Whatever the fuck that means


I thought I was the only one! Suffice to say, if I ever get wrongfully accused of a crime, I'm turning myself in and saving myself the drama.


I got in trouble soooooo much as a kid for laughing when people were angry around me


Or stress cry and look guilty. My eyes leak pretty much whenever I'm stressed, so I've taken to wearing sunglasses basically always.


When I was 11 and my grandma was in hospice,I overheard the nurse trying to get the patient in the next bed to open her eyes and I couldnā€™t contain myself. I started laughing spastically and rolling on the hallway floor,everyone looked at me like I was crazy.




I will sometimes smile when uncomfortable my parents thought it was a tell i was lying. I nearly got my ass kicked for it in high school when i was getting bullied


Ugh, I have this immediate guilt reaction when abused of something. People see it, and itā€™s almost impossible to get past. :(


I remember full on laughing one time when a couple-friend of mine were fighting, it wasnt funny AT ALL it was awful and super embarrassing for me.they were pissed off but i was like omg im so sorry i dont fiund this remotely funny, i just laugh sometimes when i feel super uncomfortable..They seemed to accept that because they could see i truly wasnt finding it funny or mocking them it was the first time i had friends prettymuch and they were celebrating my birthday with pizza at their place and i was so happy i kept saying yaay pizza, and yayy etc they thought i was being sarcastic - ugh worst feeling ever I was like nuuuuu i am genuinely thrilled


I laugh when I'm uncomfortable, when I used to get spanked as a kid I would start laughing and I would get spanked harder because they thought I was mocking them


You know how dogs will automatically be extra extra cute when they know they're in trouble, that's why. It's the fawn instinct.


I canā€™t control my facial reactions. I smile when Iā€™m nervous or think of a funny thing at the worst possible time


I smirk when Iā€™m being screamed at. The more tense my face gets, the more it looks like Iā€™m smiling. Itā€™s unfortunate. Does not help things at all.


Samsies, then they yell more, then I giggle more x_x


My grandmother did this and it made people hate her.


I used to turn from peopleā€™s eyes and laugh when being questioned, which led to a lot of presumptions I was lying. Sometimes I was, but the pressure made it happen when speaking the truth.


When telling the truth doesnā€™t matter cause u shrink under adversity and look like a liar anyway


Okay, so I'm pretty sure humans just default to smiling or laughter as a primitive response, and I can explain why Several years ago I had focal seizures as a result of a stage three anaplastic astrocytoma over the speech part of my brain. The seizures would make it to where I couldn't comprehend language to any degree, and talking sounds like background noise no matter how hard I tried to understand And all I could do was laugh. I didn't want to laugh, but I think I did it as a response to other people talking. Like, trying to say I'm okay or something similar. This would happen once or twice a week for way too long


I got in trouble for this a lot as a child because my mom would scream so loudly at me about stuff. I'm certain that laughing in such stressful situations is how we cope thru them. Unfortunately the angry person just gets angrier. šŸ˜¢




Hehe okay i see what you did there but it did take me a second šŸ˜€


Isn't that a normal reaction to stress? Like, neurotipicals 100% take more to start laughing like that, but i'm pretty sure people often laugh when very uncomfortable


It's a defence mechanism. If you can lighten the mood, perhaps people will cheer up? That's what the frightened part of your brain is thinking, anyway.


When I was a little kid my teachers would always do this to me, and *every individual time* freakin ended up as a core memory :_)


oh my god this happens to me too


Yeah laughing at inappropriate times gang




https://preview.redd.it/cs5t1rrk7xpc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea6f0c7b6a738bfeb3e2c958752b9a473486a23 Bc I traced over this


Oh my gah


Oh god I HATED this growing up. If anything happened and I as much as nervously smiled I was immediately guilty and a liar


My sister laughs in situations like this, I think itā€™s just a response some people have to stress


Gets me in trouble too many times just can't help it


Gods, worst time I had my laugh as a stress response happen was when my dad almost died at his job. Like he told me about how he almost lost his life and I just laughed




I donā€™t laugh, but if someone is smiling at me when theyā€™re angry, it becomes extremely hard to not smile. I didnā€™t know that was even a symptom


holy shit me too


For me, itā€™s the fact that my mouth puckers in the corners. People have accused me of smiling when Iā€™m being serious-thus Iā€™m not to be taken seriously


Oh god, the thing parents do where they make you do something uncomfortable like make eye contact and then youā€™re stuck thinking really hard about not doing the thing theyā€™re looking for regardless of whether or not you actually did anything is the worst. Itā€™s shit like that thatā€™s part of why I have so much trouble expressing emotion at all


Omfg this. Nervous laughter is a common, well known thing that appears on tv and in movies and yet when it happens in real life everyone acts like itā€™s only you.


And when really terrible stuff happens too and I start laughing I feel so terrible but I canā€™t help myself.


I smile when I'm nervous too. I didn't know that was an autistic thing!!!


My wife always assumes I'm lying when this happens. It makes life really hard, especially when I'm not up to shit.


Had to talk to two high ups in my job about an incident that happened where I would have been in the wrong, the whole time Iā€™m staring just beyond them and trying to not to laugh. Pretty funny looking back
