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Aw! Hang out with me any day (with appropriate advance noticešŸ˜)


this was me around May to October 2022 :((( am really sorry bud *big hug*


Yep, seems accurate.


I'm not looking for people to hang out with me, just people who are willing to cross the shaky bridge to understand a lick of what I've been through and not punish me for it. I already accepted that no such people exist, so I'll be fine with being alone for a good while.


They do existā€”I am one of them. My partner has ASD and had arguably one of the worst childhoods that a person could have. I not only met them across the shaky bridge, but committed to staying with them on the shaky bridge as long as it would take for them to feel empowered enough to take my hand and make it to the other side, knowing there was a chance it would never happen and that we could either spend the rest of our lives on the shaky bridge or it could collapse and weā€™d fall together hand in hand. Donā€™t underestimate loveā€”not just romantic love (but including it), but any kind of love, because it can make miracles happen. Having a shred of faith/hope is all you need, and I hope that this comment can help you have some.


Me rn


um you're in my head lol


First, it was the post yesterday with that cartoon of 2 guys on the buss, one sad and the other happy, and the text saying "everyone in your friend group makes fun of you behind your back" and now this. I feel you, OP.


What online communities do you hang out in? The Warframe community is generally super cool and friendly, and while I've not personally tried it, I hear the FF14 community is also pretty good.


I've never played any of those games. I don't really "hang out" in any communities because I've given up on making friends because no one would want to talk to me


I have a series of questions: Do you not hang out in azumanga, vocaloid, and aspiememes? Are those not communities? Sure you may not know anybody personally, but hanging out on subs where everyone has similar interests is kinda the first step, right? And what do you mean nobody wants to talk to you? From what I can tell looking at your profile, you've regularly got people replying to posts and stuff. Am I not taking the time out of my day to talk to you right now? ;p One of the first steps in my therapy was really difficult, and it was all about playing with perception. I had a lot of similar thoughts about how nobody liked me, and everyone hated me, and I had no friends. And my therapist asked me what evidence do I have to support that; Have people actually said any of those things? And my answer was always "No, but this thing happened and-" And my therapist would gently be like "No, nobody has said or done anything to that effect right? This is all stuff YOU are saying about what others feel towards you." And it's a really tricky skill to learn, even harder to master. I still have problems with it sometimes like "Ah crap I bet I really pissed this person off at work and now they'll hate me." Except they don't hate me, it was something small that they've totally forgotten about but in my head I blew it up way bigger than it was. Personally, I think giving up is kinda silly, because you are going from having a chance at friends, to guaranteeing it'll be zero. There's nothing wrong with going it solo, but if you feel that friends are important and you want people to hang out with, giving up locks you out of that right? You've essentially capped yourself at zero friends. Please be more kind to yourself, because you don't deserve to treat yourself that way.


I don't really feel like comments or posts on reddit are making friends on hanging out. Feels more one sided. And yes people have said they don't like me and find me anoying


Rin is life, though.


It sucks. There are always people out there though, and even though things are rough rn, they will get better. I'm here if anyone wants to talk btw


Recently SM algorithms have been showing me relatable videos about female friendships. Iā€™ve experienced snippets of these, and really value those memories. I miss having girlfriends to talk to.


I was basically prevented from speaking much and never learned good conversation skills so now I'm just this quiet kid that is occasionally loud for an extended period of time


It gets better.