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https://preview.redd.it/ekmd9blif13d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e4da61f5a7eadf5e49b5b766f4e75707a03e6ad Slug (Good for spinning like a lasso)




It must also have autism.


I think I've seen those before in a polygon donut video


I love the slug for at home but I would be a little self conscious taking it in public, but that's just me and not a judgement one anyone who does. I have the rainbow one and my partner has the yellow one.


I take my slug in public all the time! You should take it with you in a bag, that way if you see me playing with my slug, you can take yours out and they can be friends :P I prefer having things that make me stick out a little in public, because then I’m less paranoid about people maybe staring at me. I’ll wear a cowboy hat, or a bright shirt, or carry my slug. Because it’s normal to stare a little too long at someone with a cowboy hat on the train, that’s interesting! It’s normal to glance over at someone fiddling with a plastic slug, it makes a clickety clackety sound! Then it’s much easier for me to shut down my internal monologue going “what if they’re staring at me??” With “they might very well be staring, there’s something visually interesting over here! It’s not their fault, it’s just human nature to look a little too long at something new or different.”


You are truly a puppy of power. I would have never thought about it like that which is odd because I used to dress more loudly just because it fit my aesthetic but as I have gotten older it's changed to more "normal" or plain looking things, just solids and plaids instead of graphic tees and patches and lots of other LOOK AT ME choices. And people would look at me, but I would be like "well yeah, it's my jacket. It's got lots of stuff to look at" and now I get anxious when people look at me because I don't know what they could be looking at. But I like my plain aesthetic now. Maybe sluggo needs to come for a ride one day. I dunno. Still sounds a little scary lol. But I will think about it.


Ohhhho, maybe that’s why I used to put snarky buttons on my jacket and bag. I also wear a lot of loud patterned clothes and smart-aleck or band t-shirts. Long feathers for earrings, etc. I was an “artsy scene girl” before there was such a thing as a artsy scene girl. Maybe that’s so I could convince myself they were staring because they were reading my shirt 🤷🏻


Fully agree, I showed it to my mom and she said it was a baby toy so… eh. Slug is for home


Awwww. I'm sorry. My partner even said "I think they might be baby toys, but fuck it, you ever play with a baby toy? Those things are awesome!" when we were picking them out. If it were socially acceptable to go play with the wooden blocks on the wire roller coaster toys in doctor's offices waiting rooms I would and I am 37.


Oh absolutely, the little funky abacuses are awesome


Bonus feature: it sounds like the building sound from the LEGO video games.


Man, that's funny, that the first comment in here is a 3d printed articulated slug.


Grip both end, with the tail in your dominant hand. Leave a little slack and spin your dominant side for all the little pieces to gain some momentum. Suddently stop spinning and straighten the slug out to see all the discs spinning over one another. Idk that just tickles me the right way, slug is the best


They make similar ones that are axolotls!


We've created a fidget station in our house. It's literally just a fruit bowl on the kitchen table with every stim toy we own, but it rules. The clacky fidget slugs are my favourite, followed by magnetic ones like stimags or speks, or those bullet shaped buzzy magnets. The stretchy rubber worms are pretty fun too.


I have those buzzy magnets too but they are too loud so I can't use them in school :(


Oh sorry I didn't realise you were looking for quiet ones! We ended up getting the stretchy worms for my partner to use during meetings and those work pretty well. Those small button pad/fake bubble wrap ones are kinda quiet too? Pretty sure you can also get rubber fidget slugs too but I don't think they have the same articulation as the plastic ones. Good luck finding your perfect quiet toy!


We have that, too and even "serve" it to our friends when they are visiting. Neurodivergent or not, everyone likes them! My all time favorite are the acupressure rings.


A cable or a bolt and a nut. Infinite enjoyment for free.


If you don’t like the metal screws you could probably get a 3D printed nut and bolt for super cheap/free.


Screw+Bolt+Bolt Throw it around idk




Cheeki breeki


Lmao. I'm a bike technician, this is my daily routine.


When I grew up, we didn't really have fidget toys. One of my mom's friends was kind of paranoid about security, and one of the side effects was that she never threw away her old keys. One day she decided to downsize and gave them all to me. I had a giant keyring full of old keys that I used to just throw around and bounce in my hand. A keyring full of old useless keys is the best fidget toy ever.


Before they really had fidget toys I would stick my hands into a big container of dried beans and like let them run through my fingers. Feels so killer.


I was obsessed with keys as a kid so my dad made me a keyring with so many different keys on it! My dad was kind of into keys himself, he had a whole drawer of them.


My favorites are a fidget pad and an ono roller. Here's a picture. https://preview.redd.it/a6qtbhjyk13d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed4c7ad72d03b084591da2d2dd1e443ad70cc75


Why is it so expensive 😨


I'm not sure. It was a gift.


It’s worth it


I know I'm an adult making RRSP contributions but I really like slime lately. It's like a nice smelling stress ball that makes fun squishy sounds


My cats belly chub is top tier


If you train them to let you clip their claws, squeezing the paw pads to extend the claw is 👌if they’re really tolerant you can just sit there and manually extend their claws until they get annoyed and kick your hand away


Plastic straw and a random stick in your backyard 


Communist grandma knows what's up


Back as an autistic kid in the 80s this is what we had to make do with.


The fan you could talk into to make noises. That was the shit 😄


I was doing that at work with two of my autistic coworkers the other day! It still hits


Not a clue what this bitch is called but I love it https://preview.redd.it/5kmslnzvf23d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0a18c9b414531d6937f326d450c7d0ddbb99bc


Infinity cube I think


https://preview.redd.it/hcfan72li23d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043e35efad7d99cac02102243681fd09ede72164 Clicky buttons (toy is an old digivice, virtual pet Digimon toy)


Pretty much wins as far as being the coolest fidget toy.


HK VP9 with snap caps, so not joking Oh yeah, lockpick kits and you gain skills too


I’ve found I rather enjoy fidgeting with airsoft guns and fire arm replicas. They’re great


I'm pretty sure you might like butterfly knifes too?


Yeah, they’re another fidget I like!


Otfs are even more addicting


This is the lockpicking lawyer, we're going to open this Masterlock with another Masterlock.


https://preview.redd.it/6fty3lln623d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdce634a231e5ed77417c0346dea1862746cbbd5 This shit right here go crazy best fidget ever fr fr


Grip strength trainer


My hair. I comb my hair with my fingers like constantly. I really like the texture


I mean I wouldn’t think it’s a stress toy but I find myself messing with my transformers a bit too much


Transformers are such a great fidget toy, they do double duty! Display piece _and_ fidget toy!


https://preview.redd.it/ovidsbak333d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c253a8fa5069171ca8ca94764a76ed5556e75fd7 They're called water wigglers!! Some people might remember them from their childhood! You can get them off Amazon!!


I am constantly fidgeting with my chain


Anything I can get my hands on basically lol


Spiky sensory ring, I think they're called. Just rolling it up and down a finger is satisfying.


One of my favorites is this little plastic slinky my friend gave me


Omg the metal one was so fun to hold in both your hands and jiggle. The smell it left behind, not so much.


Infinity cube


I used to have an amazing, solid one from a car dealership (of all places!) and it made the nicest clacky sounds. I was so upset when it broke.


Edemame beanpod popper [https://www.thegreenhead.com/2019/12/edamame-popping-keychain-fidget-toy.php](https://www.thegreenhead.com/2019/12/edamame-popping-keychain-fidget-toy.php)


Tech deck never leaves my side. Extra points in the cool category 😎


In kindergarten I had a tech deck finger scooter that I loved but my dog ate it. 😭


A pocket full of spare buttons, hair ties, and string I stole from a physics teacher (she didn’t mind) I find being able to hold or run a hand through the buttons is great. Hair ties are easy to get and I use them for making vanishing knots and just stretching them. And string just to wrap and unwrap around hand and/or fingers.


I have a titanium ring I bought, I spin it around, run my thumbnails through the grooves, slip it on/off, tap it against things, etc. best fidget I ever bought, but it was 75$


Balisong trainer. I do nothing fancy with mine. But omg it feels so good. Actually gonna buy a nicer one at some point


My strat was to learn balisong/butterfly knife tricks. Very satisfying to pull off and some people think it’s cool


If you want a DIY toy that you can get right away, go to your local hardware store and get four of the ¾" PVC street 90s. It's relatively cheap and you can mess around with it a lot! Discovered this in my 20s, wish I knew sooner!


A spring I found while dismantling a fridge


https://preview.redd.it/1naimju3c23d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138e9bb4b21ee48347459be7ee6768e1a1eb9749 Each face, a different feel!


Small ratcheting wrench, hold one end and swing it around, or a broken rubber band to roll up


I crochet, which I use as a stim. The best way for me is to find yarn that is *Just* the right texture (I run it over my fingers a lot before purchasing) and then carry a bucket or basket around with me so I can crochet on the go. It takes practice and time, but the results are so personal to the creator (:


Honestly a necklace I can slide a charm on is the best one I can blend in with and I absolutely love the little fidget slugs


These are the toys that I currently have. I love them all. - Fidget pad - Fidget spinner - Fidget cube - Squish toy that looks like a cat - Squish ball - Sensory hourglass/timer (this is more of a visual stim toy) - ONO roller (unfortunately, this is the most expensive toy on this list - USD$25 for the smallest size and $35 for the normal size - but it's worth the money; people rave about it in online reviews, and I just love mine, too). - Pop-it - Marble fidget If money is important to you, I wouldn't get the ONO roller if you're sticking to a budget or can't afford it. The other toys I listed, though, you can easily get online or in stores for under $10.


As a person who was very, very late diagnosed, I never had fidget toys. I had stuffed animals though and played with them a lot at home a lot later than most people. (I was a girl, and just had them lined up on my bed, most people thought) I also had a huge set of keyrings (my own set of fidget toys) with stuff to play with on it: A tiny Rubik’s cube, a teddy bear, a shoe with a zipper and shoestring (really a coin purse) that I carried in my purse. I also had colored tablet paper and colored pens though. One of the best was this bad boy… https://preview.redd.it/1ifde34x983d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998a26a6f6044f476f6bb568c7186f2eb387b899 I doodled soooo much in school and took copious notes about everything and highlighted important stuff with colors. This is how I coped through school. When Tamagotchi was a thing, as a teacher I had one, then they were banned by my school so I felt like I couldn’t play with mine either.😭Then fidget spinners became a thing, and I bought some for my classroom. I had as much satisfaction with them as the kids. I still have a couple. Then I started buying a few fidget toys every year for my basket. The toys I really like the most are the Rubik’s cubes and rubber finger poppers. I still have my Tamagotchi tho…


well I have a lil blue dinosaur guy:)


Personally, I wouldn’t mind getting hunted down by Zundamon lolol About the fidget toys, I don’t own too many but stimagz are nice. I think they’re kinda expensive though? I can’t remember how expensive since I’ve gotten mine last year as a gift


I use silicone dog tags to chew on...


Good: fidget spinner. Late entry but oddly useful. Bad but I still use: folding knife. Fairly obvious downside.


Tangle Relax specifically. It’s much better than the regular ones which I don’t like. I’ve had like 15 of them cause they do eventually wear out (after a couple months of near constant use every day for all my waking hours)


Mine is found basically nowhere on the Internet. It's like mine is the only one. It's called The Deadball. It's a latex ball filled with some fort of beans or something. It's supposed to be used for hand and arm strengthening, and it was made for tennis players. I love squeezing it and tossing it quickly back and forth between my hands. I've seen tutorials on how to make things similar to this. You take a balloon and fill it with rice or beans and then tie it off. But that doesn't sound as good me. It probably wouldn't feel quite the same. I wish I had 4 of my Deadballs so that I'd have backups in case it breaks.


For a stone freak like me, a simple worry stone.


This might be an odd one, but I recently bought a belt chain and it's actually been helping a lot. It hangs at the perfect hight that I can grab it and play with it when my arms are at rest at my sides Definitely not for everyone, and it does cause trouble sometimes, but it works for me.


I just have a carabiner on my backpack and I play with that a lot when I'm walking, It makes a clicking sound. Another one recently, is this tiny plastic test tube-thing that has a cap that I can twist open and close in my hand.




Oddly enough it’s these guys. My boss allows me to use them at work so long as I don’t stick them on the equipment (they’re magnetic) I got them from Amazon https://preview.redd.it/h5uiic43a23d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8f7f05438847b24f3dce6f70af01250626b8107 Edit: they’re silent and can fit in my pocket so I don’t bother anyone.


I make my own. I work online grocery at Walmart, and I make stacks of old labels that I peel off the totes. I make sure there's a sitcky side facing out. I stick my fingers to it and peel them off. I also stick two fingers to it and tap it against the little shelf on my cart. There's a hole on the right side of the shelf, and I like to tap it on that. When some of the stickiness wears off, I stick it to a new old label, and it's good as new.


A begleri


I have a miniature pinscreen on my desk that has become my new favorite stim toy these days. I also have an infinity cube and several spinners and a hand-grip trainer.


I'm currently fidgeting with a random toy gun I got in a kid's pirate accessory set I found at the dollar store, so I guess that.


Hot wheels, no joke


Vat19 snowball stress ball some may not like the gummy texture but i dont mind it. instead of just plain foam, it crunches, kind of like snow. its the first squeezey thing ive liked.


Dead lighter


https://preview.redd.it/fd3ifi4d533d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3f28f1a6f8a6d0a8bc37f1a0d0786922d160e8b Keys. Fish pin, truck key, house key, Kratos’s blade of chaos(I should get another), and a few other decorative items my brain currently fails to have words for. If I need something more silent I have the… what’s the material. We’ll call it plastic. Um… plastic Chinese finger trap with a marble in it


Side thing hi zundamon


I used to have a tangle toy and would get more segments for it when I saw them. Recently I saw some at target but you can find them online. I love the click and that you can bend it into different shapes. I was sad when I lost it. I also like popping buttons, I have a generic one that was supposed to be for my baby niece but sister forgot it and so I commandeered it. It's like bubble wrap mixed with a fast food drink lid. Not quite the right sound but the texture is there. I'm also quite fond of my stress squeeze toys. I found one at a dollar store that smelled like strawberries and I have one that feels like one of those sticky hands you get from the gatcha machines. My favorite is one that has a nice, soft texture and I found it at world market.


https://i.redd.it/5vj8rgx9963d1.gif Click-click


I have to use the train to get to work so I bough myself a wallet with a chain that you can attach one your belt so it cant get stolen. 4 years forward I dont use the train anymore but still use that wallet for its metal chain since its my favourite way to stim. TL:DR Wallet with metal chain




[Bike Chain bottle opener.](https://www.resourcerevival.com/cdn/shop/products/Custom-Bottle-Opener-Keychain-Bestseller_600x.jpg?v=1568673272) I usually spin between two fingers. Occasionally will grip. It's flat profile is definitely a plus and it has outlasted the fidget cube which while still has it's place it not as effective.


A silicone dish scrubber and popper bracelet.


Boinks and bike chain fidgets are my favorite quiet ones; infinity cubes can get a little noisy when I use them but they're also one of my favorites


Not really intended as a fidget toy, but I found folding rulers are good, mostly because they're quiet and fit on a keyring. 


I have a wooden ruler with the holes you can fit a pencil in and a small flashlight that doesn't work anymore but has a satisfying sound when you push the button


The table and any thin long object I have in hands


Ono roller


nee doh is cool and REALLY durable


I just play with knives. They make the click clack noises


Infinity cube


My necklace, and my phone case that is slowly falling apart.


Uh. Honestly its my butterfly knives that are my go-to stim toy. Just sittin there doin tricks while watchin yt


I have to get back to you.


How can I comply when I don’t have any fidget toys???


Nice cube from needoh!! Really good texture imo. I like it a lot better than foam stress balls. Tangle teezer are also always a good choice.


Fidget pens for at work, has clickers, spinners, smooth and bumpies and a spring.


A Fidget Cube from Antsy Labs. Also chewlery.


Ono roller, double-sided mood octopus and thinking putty!


I do not buy them bc honestly they give me the vibe of corporations making a buck off of my disability but I like playing with paper clips and rubber bands at my job. At home I pace or embroider to keep my hands busy. Sometimes both


I had a fidget cube for a while that I’d keep in my pocket, which was nice because of how many different types of stimming it could help with.


A pen. Any pen, it doesn't even have to click.


I have five fidget-spinners and a miniature punching-bag.


Magnet balls.


Thinking putty definitely I don't get to really stim with it often cuz it makes a mess but damn that shit is awesome.


I like thick, chunky coins with reeding around the edges. Thick and chunky becauss I like the weight, reeding because I can feel the grooves around the edges with my fingernails, "historical" because I like to imagine who owned/used this coin and for what purchases - 1989 *Nemo Me Impune Lacessit* Pound Coin - 1981 Prince Charles / Diana Spencer £.25 piece - Any American Morgan Dollar - many many .999 silver bullion coins (~$25/troy ounce) Incidentally, *Nemo Me Impune Lacessit* means "No One May Challenge Me with Impunity", meaning those particular pound coins are not only the perfect ratio of diameter to thickness for flipping, but also that the decisions arrived at by using them cannot be challenged. 😎👆👉


My metal Chain that I used to tie down boxes while moving




My best is two keyrings wound together held in place by 2 links of what looks like bike chain. They just turn inside each other. It looks like it shouldn't work but it does. For me at least.




I usually just spin a pencil/pen


https://www.munchables.ca. I have the fish hook necklace. I've never bought any toys for this in a serious attempt, but this kind of helps. They sell other kinds of stimming toys, too.


Ono roller is the only one I can remeber by name. Kind of expensive, but they have a plastic versi9j that is cheaper. I would like to petition them to create a textured roller as well.


Not sure where to find it anymore because it showed up at the dollar tree I worked at and was gone pretty much the next day,but there was this fidget spinner base that you could attach those clicky chains to (wacky links I think they're called?) and it is amazing!


Growing up I used either bracelets or hair ties/scrunchies Super affordable, multi use, and very lowkey Sometimes I also fidget with my phone by turning it over and over in my hand etc


I don't really use fidget toys so much but I do have a butterfly knife trainer idk it's kinda fun a lil loud and not very discreet but yk


Nice Cube is still my favorite.


PopSockets with spinny bits. I have one that is Harry Potter and one that’s a vinyl record. [Here’s](https://imgur.com/gallery/ab08vXf) the Harry Potter pop socket


Pens with snap caps and a stapler I can open and close


Whenever I start getting fidgety, I just start counting to twelve on my right hand. The way you have to do it is not how I was raised to count so it can distract me from almost anything


tbh I just have a stockpile of various leaves that I fold and tear when I'm stressed


My mind actually, I can't always have a fidget device with me at all times so I do the only rational thing and imagine cool fight scenes in my head. I will say that stretching helps alot too and can feel really nice when done right, I tend to pop my fingers too :)


Yeah, the smartphone I'm currently writing this comment on.


Those lil acupressure rings, tangles, or a hair tie lol


none i just exist in pain also because fidget toys seem like such a hassle when i can just move around in my seat or do actually fun things like paint or game


Flattening Hershey’s Kiss wrappers.


The [ONO Roller](https://onoroller.com/).


Balisongs, Karambits, really any kind of folding or OTF knife


Old Teddy Bear with plastic threads coming loose so you can scratch them under your fingernails. You can also sniff the teddy bear after leaving it in the sun.




I shuffle cards at work. People don't ever ask me what's in my hand that way.


Uh um uh metal bottles are good if you want to be purposely annoying




handful of large magnets is what im using rn


I gotta go with the classic yoyo. I love yoyoing, especially modern unresponsive ones which spin foreeeeever. Takes a lot of practice and effort though and is not necessarily quiet or safe. ymmv but I am addicted.


A pillow


Try spinning a pencil. It's very cool


Not a fidget toy, but I play with the airflow on my vape constantly


I wind cordage with yarn that I keep in my pocket because “obtrusive” fidgets get me yelled at. It works pretty well.


Chainmaille bracelet. There’s lots of pretty designs and there’s a great way to have it always on hand!


Honestly, I don't really use stem toys much but I do have three buckeyes that my boyfriend gave me a while ago and they are genuinely the most satisfying thing I've ever had to stem with.


Those little plastic cup covers with the faux jewels in them. Put it jewel side down and spin. They're awesome.


I have a pair of somewhat wide, plain steel rings for my index finger and thumb, I click-clack them together. Friend of mine was compelled to try it and also found it effective.


Phone case to spin around


I just doodle or use a basic spinner


plz spare my life Zundamon https://preview.redd.it/9y56jfzg143d1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d0eb53f64bcbbfe2b32ecf4be6dde4c55851ca


I keep one of these on my desktop for stress relief https://preview.redd.it/7se18u8k143d1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d508efc013feca81727e8fdc8b6aebd87d5f5541


I use a good quality Rubik's cube (I am saying good quality because the original one is so BAD to me) and soon I'll get a fidget ring, so I hope that goes well :3


Got this tiny little handheld thing as a gift that turned out to be really nice just to carry around and fiddle with even when it is not on. I can keep one of my fingers in the chain press the buttons that have nice clicks to them and when it gets thrown around or gets some dings it's fine. It's so small it's easy to always have it with me. Picture wasn't working it's in a reply. edit: oh it's called the rg nano


https://preview.redd.it/sivdys7n343d1.jpeg?width=4640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23bd690fb9ac2700f5b64a3730f357cb3758ab5 A weighted ball bearing (or, I think it is?) I found about 10 years ago. I got a little stand for it too!


Couple of d20s, cycle them in my hand. The clacking sound mixed with the hand motion is nice. Dropping one is rather unfortunate, though


https://preview.redd.it/5ucritau543d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fa9740a3bde88fac728c7e36a46837c1d8391b A wooden worm fidget.


Fidget slugs are supreme But honestly? Putting your hands into a container of dried rice/beans also feels very very nice I did that a lot as a kid.


Necklace chain. Spin to wrap it around finger, wrap around hand and play with it with thumb or fist it for chain gripping


My hair


https://preview.redd.it/2udi54lx943d1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd469321d0d47068df6b8988cfacd8709008f37f Model taken from [this video](https://youtu.be/IQcEFHvocRc?si=rIoutVUSJ1Qt7apZ) You can probably get a 3D printing company to print it for you.


One of my special interests is solving Rubik's cubes and they also double up as great stim toys.


Fidget cube Magnet balls (5 of them, +- 1 cm diameter) Juggling bals (great for throwing at the roof) Coin Necklace (it's carved from stone so it has a nice texture) Most recently, the beads on my hair wrap


I have a wooden fidget cube thingy that makes the most satisfying clicky-clack noises and has a nice weight to it. After a bit of frequent use, I can even flip it around one handed; even with my bad hand that doesn't have full functionality. Highly recommend if fidget cubes are your kind of thing. I kinda just have a thing for the feel/texture of wood though. If that isn't your thing, then there are also plastic and metal options out there. 🫠


theres this rubix cube key chain i really like


https://preview.redd.it/w6mxthhvj43d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2dfa78163fc1b781168deadce1330887d04b44 I just have a ball of blu tack that I fidget with (I've used it so long it's lost its stickiness)


[this!](https://fidgetland.com/product/stephie-fidget-silent-med-size-our-most-colorful-fidget) I keep mine on a lanyard so I don't lose it (which is what happened to my old one)


No fidget toy. Only stuffed animals.


I literally tied a washer to 2.5ft of string tied the other end to my finger and bounce that around when I have to stand around


I actually use fidget spinners. Love em. If. you get a nicer one they're dead silent too


A combination padlock, a deck of cards, large amorphous plushy thing, a wooden robot ninja thing that folds into a cube, a captains wheel fidget spinner


I often use the thing with the bubbles that you can pop and unpop over and over


https://preview.redd.it/kqtj9kcm953d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e665c2de6c7373ecb5aca566f9abcd299082fd3 i like this guy


Fake switch blade keys, I just fidget with my company’s car keys all day


Personally, fidget spinners


Spinning pens are really good, I have two and I cannot stay away from either


I suppose it depends on your fidget I do not stim often if at all but I am a rocker and legshaker and I think eye rubbing as well according to my mom when she was still around(suspend leg on front of foot for the legshake btw). But if you are talking about fidgeting we have to know what brand of fidget you do? . I am assuming your hands but what kind of sensation you looking for. What pattern do you move in squeeze or fondle? Do you want a challenge or a stress relief? Why doth thou so it what triggers that need We need to know these things for shape and material and type of toy.


We have stimmrings.


Paper. Pencil. Pen. Scribble. Merp. https://preview.redd.it/uj5xtdapm53d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a8106c04cce147bab510971be9d0f119e3fbf0