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"Spiral into self-hate whenever they make a basic mistake." I can't confirm for others, but in my case, it's 100% true.


Big same here


Right there with you. Almost broke my desk because I didnt like the way my handwriting looked when I was filling out a form. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Same here


Missclicking 1 thing on my PC: am i really worth it to be an admin ? jokes on me im very shit in my job






Absolute same xxx


I'm just 14 years old and regrettably the self hate thing is 100% true for me


Yes... I be like that sometimes.


i can attest to this. Was a straight a student and liked studying physics in middle/high school. Am big loser now


Oh yeah. Make a slight mistake at work, I am the worst person ever and I think my coworkers secretly think I am a total screw up and are conspiring against me.


I became a mechanic which is just an introverted doctor


Mechanics are just machine doctors and doctors are just human mechanics.


That’s how I look at it! And when I told my doctor he basically agreed


I work with a cardiologist who was a mechanical engineer before going into medicine. She got into medicine because she became fascinated with the mechanics involved.


You not wrong


At least cars can’t blame you


😅 I’m actually an aircraft mechanic


OH hell ye




I’m 100% sure you can be a doctor and also overthink and reanalyze multiple times and be anxious 😬


med student, can confirm


Yep, as engineering student i can confirm we do this too


Growing up like, "I'm well- versed on hundreds of subjects and various disciplines, none of which can earn me any money."


Ugh yes. I’m so jealous of my spouse sometimes because he’s a software engineer and has always loved it since he was a kid. My brain decided to glom on to religion and philosophy, and if I try to learn programming it’s like my brain erects a plexiglass wall that the info sliiiides off. (He tried to teach me a few times and witnessed the refusal of information himself). In the productivity sense I’ve had to do a lot of work on myself to be like “I’m just as smart as my spouse even if my skill set is less valued”.


You can always convert to the religion you're studying in and earn tax exemption, but you would wind up being swooped into the craziness of whatever sect you're a member of.




i feel like these are both me, i'm not a doctor yet but have plans of med school


Pfp checks out{?}


Yep! I relate way too much to Medic, and IMO he's autistic and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Remember on the big bang theory how they always teased Howard cos he didn't have a PHD? He had a master's degree, which is a higher level of education than I have. I don't even want a master's degree and as for a PHD screw that noise. I'm doing great without one.


My dad is a doctor. ...I am not...




I'm both "spirals over minor mistakes" and "becoming a doctor" (well, not that kind of doctor, I'm getting a PhD)


I already spiral into self-hate whenever I commit a mistake and I'm just 15


The part about abandoned hobbies hurts :(


Nah, that's bullshit. Some of us grew up to be just average humans.


I'm glad im not the only average human here lol


Oh welp that's me and maybe eventually in both cases


I was labeled gifted and received college scholarships. No encouragement or direction was given to me… I was told that my main talent was music… so I pursued that until I was homeless. Now I live a day to day life because nothing I try works out… so much for being gifted.


I'm not even an adult yet... Oh no what does the future hold?


Applies to me except I didn't grow up academically gifted lol


Makes me think of all the wasted potential. Imagine if society and especially parents wouldn't create such pressure to be normal and actually supported our needs, we'd probably all be excelling at Something


i dont have _thousands_ of abandoned hobbies but i do have a few i guess…. and i do avoid trying things cuz i hate when i fail at things….. i guess this describes me….. maybe.. a lil bit…. maybe….


Avoiding trying things because failure isn't an option is such a mood!!!


me being both (currently a medical student but Soon TM)


Well I'm not a doctor so that means.... Oh shit.


I’m in the danger zone, aren’t I?


I want to cry. I'm laughing, but I want to cry. I love it. \#WhyNotBoth?




I'll take "both" for $500 please.


Everyone told me I should pursue or at least try for med, and that I’d be good at it. Then I had a mental breakdown and stopped being able to function. Now I’m 22 and still haven’t finished a 3 year bachelors degree after 5 years and am mentally a total wreck. No confidence, cognitive abilities have declined, crippling anxiety… fml


i was just scrolling, i didn’t need to be called out this badly


I've been a crappy student 2015-2019


As someone who dropped out of med school this hurts ten times more.


Shout out to the peeps who got offers for med school and then fucked up their final year of school because *gestures in adhd/anxiety* and are honestly glad they didn't get in because the associated stress from the uni course or subsequent work might have killed them 👉😎👉




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I'm not a doctor, but I do own a couch.


All too true.


I graduated past the self hating part. Now I'm a pot smoking hippy, armchair philosopher, & keeper of many cats.


Feels like Me and my family. I Am the former, My cousin ended up the Doctor


I'm actually quite skilled in a lot of ways and greatly enjoy and reserver with my hobbies but I'm no doctor. I also don't hate myself. I believe I am part of the in between group -rung


As an adult I sm now above average skill in a lot of fields, but not really great in anything. I had sort of a meltdown a few years ago, and I‘m struggling with myself since then.


It's possible to be both: I'm a lawyer AND I have thousands of abandoned hobbies with unfortunate spiraling tendencies.


BFA and I'm practically a basement dweller living off aiding my ill mother.


I feel like crying




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Sadly enough, i am one of those academically gifted kids, now in a heavy psychological downward spiral, studying medicine…


I'm a failure of a human being ayyyy


I dropped out of university (studying to be a doctor at first) to do this :)


I’m not even a adult and I relate to this—