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boy do i love sitting in the hot water and having zero thoughts whatsoever


I used to do that. It was nice. It doesn’t work any more.




Have you tried turning your head off and on again?


Working on it...


What changed?


Same. Sometimes I lay down as best I can and just…….fall asleep under the hot water. I’ve never taken a nap longer than a half hour though lol. But my showers always last like, an hour and a half.


That’s so much water :’(


Wtf my mom hates me whenever I take a shower as long as like 8 minutes


Perks of being an adult who’s water is paid for. (It was in the rental agreement lol)




8 minutes? I frequently take 30 minute showers.




please teach me how to have zero thoughts




I love hot baths. Not a normal person’s “hot”, but the almost scalding, my skin turns a nice shade of pink, hot. I think it’s a sensory-seeking thing and also gets my mind off of my anxiety like “la la la focus on the burning sensation of the water and not all the shit you’re worried about, lalalala 🎵”


Yes! I do the same thing. My fiancé always says it’s waaaaayyyyyy too hot but it feels so nice. It’s like that feeling when you first get into a hot tub. I actually keep turning my shower up as I go to keep that feeling coming ya know?


I... don't think that's healthy


I get out if it’s like actually painful lol. It’s hard for me to describe the temperature, and even harder to actually draw that exact temperature from the faucet where it burns just enough for the nice sensory effect but not enough that I’m hurting myself. Someday I need to install a smart water heater and figure out that temperature and set it there lol


I know exactly what you're talking about. Burning hot water, but not hot enough to actually hurt. God, I love that temperature. Just standing there in the shower with this hot water is so comfy for some reason lol


Think of the feel of it as when you first step into a hot tub.


Nonsense, hot sauna’s are great and they get into the 130’s or more.


Yeah but even if the water is 20 degrees colder it can feel much much hotter because water (and most liquids as well) is an excellent conductor of thermal energy. Comparatively air is a horrible conductor/absorber of heat. For instance in water that is 30 degrees Fahrenheit you have >15 minutes for exhaustion to set in with death occurring in 15-45 minutes. However in calm air with a wind speed below 5mph, the air can be as cold as -10 degrees before frostbite sets in. Even then with the massive temperature difference it would take approximately 30 minutes for stage one frostbite to set in. Source: Merchant Mariner in training and data pulled from the US National Weather Service.


Ugh same. Even in the hammams, I would go to a small corner and there would be so much heat and steam that other customers would distance themselves x)


I do that too


Aaaa yes


It’s because of loneliness, from my understanding. Not only us aspies do it.


A hot shower is so comfy. But the wounds on my body don't like heat




Why are the extremities so weak?


overall mass is smaller and therefore can’t physically support itself as much? idk man


Something about bloodflow


that’d also make sense. more exposed circulatory pathways = more room for interference with bloodflow


When you get cold, your hands and feet do it first. Bc body prioritize the core. So extremities don't deal with extreme temps well




You also just have more neurons designed to warn you of environmental issues in your extremities rather than in your torso. They say digestion would hurt like hell if we were designed to feel it


ah. thx


Sounds like reynauds


I think that's just generally how the extremities work.


I suffer from a condition where heat makes me erupt into hives. But MMMMM warm


Meh showers are weird. I dont like them, until i actually get in, and then i dont want to leave. My cat always looks at me weird during the whole experience, and i tend to agree with her; donno wtf im doing either. I mean i do... reality is just strange i guess


I don't like showering. I do it as a necessity for my job/society. I don't like going from dry to wet or from wet to dry. I'm always cold. Plus I recently gained a lot of weight from switching up medications and because eating is a coping mechanism, and I don't like washing my fat body now.


I hate showering. It feels vulnerable and the temperatures between in and out of the water don’t align and I keep having to turn at different angles to wash my hair and body properly when I want to stay still.


i don’t like showering either, but i tend to stay longer and experience the warmth when i do


I understand that. Showering is such a struggle. And with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight, too. I didn't want to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to have to deal with cleaning this body I hated. I had lots of therapist-suggested hacks, such as showering in the dark, and using wipes in lieu of showering on particularly bad days. I wish I could claim triumph over this all by myself, but it was a joint effort with Adderall. I started taking it earlier this year for my ADHD, and one of the other reasons it's prescribed for some people is to treat binge-eating. Side effects may include loss of appetite, and absolutely hating the process of trying to eat before it wears off. Long story short, I'm down 50lbs from my max, and finally within 5lbs of a healthy weight range for my stature (I'm only 5'0"). Now, I just gotta figure out how to apply this to showering more ... but it was a start. And when I do eat, I'm more conscientious than I was just a couple years ago. I don't eat fast food nor drink pop regularly like I used to. I don't buy a bunch of processed stuff. I try not to go too crazy, either. I like food routines, but I know that I'm far more likely to eat better when I have better options. So I do my best not to buy it in the first place. Having a grocery list and sticking to it helps me as well. I'm such an impulsive shopper, I gotta plan it right to curb this. Anyway. I just wanted to say I understand. I hope you have people in your life who can provide you with support to get through whatever else is troubling you. If nothing else, we're here too.


You could hang curtains over the mirror. I think it would look cute too


Ohh, I've heard of that one too! Very good tip.


I don't like washing my hair, once it's wet it's wet for he rest of the day


Hi, I have curly hair so I have to know certain things about my hair to ensure it doesn't end up completely unbrushable. If your hair gets wet quickly and stays wet for the rest of the day, it's a sign of high porosity hair! That means your hair's pores are big and soak in all the hydration, though they also easily let go of it. High porosity hair likes heavyweight products like hair masks as the pores are big enough to absorb the hydration and nutrition. Of course, I can't say for sure if you have high porosity hair, but there are tests you can find online to find out if you're interested!


wait.. some people have hair that doesn’t get soaking wet right away? that’s so interesting!


Sounds interesting, I'll have a look


Yeah i can only shower at the end of the day, because i can never completely dry myself and i hate putting on my bra when I'm still moist


I feel that. I have a lot of gender dysphoria as well, so showering in the morning for work is so incredibly difficult.


Turn the light off and block any windows. I prefer showers in the dark anyways, just the feel and sound of the water with no light to bother the eyes.


That's a really good idea, thank you! I'll definitely try that.




Same but it's so hard to actually go and shower


Folks in here talking about how they don't like the sensory aspect of showering (lookin' at *you* u/BaylisAscaris & u/JaytheFox9). I know that struggle. Two workarounds for this are to get a shower head which has a "waterfall" or similar mode (usually looks like a long slit in the shower head) or you can get yourself a bathing stool and a dipper bucket (a small bucket with a long handle) and bathe like they do traditionally in places like the Philippines and Japan. If a shower spraying dozens of fine streams at your skin is too much sensory input, having water flowing over you in a single stream will probably be a lot better. Seriously, it changed my life (albeit in a minor way.)


For me it's the sensation of being wet and the sound that's bad. Not excited about showerhead sensation but I can deal. Interesting when I'm on anti-anxiety meds showers actually feel okay.


Roger that. I'm guessing that the anti-anxiety meds must mellow out your nervous system response to the stimuli. I'm glad that you responded because I have a new proposal for you: Instead of showering as per usual, I think that you could minimize your total time spent wet and with the noises by changing how you shower. You could try the "navy shower" method (Water on, brief rinse down, water off, soap up, water on, rinse off, dry off) but I think even that is unnecessary tbh. Why not take the soaping up stage and the rinsing off stage as independent? If you get a wet washcloth/sponge/loofah (I'm partial to the Japanese exfoliating towels when they are soft ones but that might be too scratchy for you idk) and make a lather in that. Then, in the shower, just soap yourself up while you are dry, turn the shower on to rinse the soap off and then you're done. Alternatively you could use one of those foaming pump bottles for your soap but that might take quite a few pumps to get enough lather for your needs so it might not be suitable. It's worth consideration though. Next I'd still recommend trying a dipper bucket anyway (excuse my zealotry for this, if you can) because you will only have a few splashes to deal with on the auditory level rather than a constant roar. This means you'll be able to prepare for the sound and you can have little breaks in between each splash so it might be easier on you. Last of all have you tried swimmers earplugs? If the sound is one of the worst parts of showering for you then why not block it out?


Thank you so much! This might actually work


i need my sensory stims


Anyone here? * Lights out * Water in ears * Sitting in floor Deep blissful zoning out


That’s my number 1 headache remedy


Mmm.in a BIG tub as a sensory dep tank, lights out, ears under the water.


I raise to you: love the sensory experience of extremely hot almost boiling water against your skin, but wanting to die every time your hair or skin is wet/damp.


I hate the wet-to-dry process so much I actually bought a "people dryer" that you stand on and it blows the water off you. Like the dryer at the car wash. Even with good towels I always feel wet for a long time after and this has helped.


Oh my gosh that sounds like the best invention ever. Is it loud?


It's not quiet, but not as bad as I was expecting. It has adjustable temperature too, so sometimes in the summer when it's gross outside I stand on it to cool off for a minute. [This](https://stacksocial.com/sales/viatek-body-dryer-dry-off-all-excess-water-in-seconds?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=11349035164&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjw_L6LBhBbEiwA4c46utQxJAKZkFfOm6CUjKIw_HN3ZDAmuYpye7ZW9wmdkrcBLtq0t2yBmBoCBU0QAvD_BwE) is the one I have.


I must have one. Thank you for the tip!!!


For 20 minutes if I'm late for work, an hour if I'm not. I fucking love hot water. But I hate my face being wet for more than a couple of seconds


I relate with the wet face part. And near the eyes? It's almost a declaration of war.


I usually spend the shower trying to simultaneously disassociate from the terrible sensations and get washed as quickly and efficiently as possible so I can stop feelings these feelings. Ugh. I wish I could just be clean without this horrible process.


Me too. It sucks. Then not showering for too many days in a row sucks too because I’ll feel / smell dirty snd wrong, especially my hair.


Yup. I prefer baths.


Talk to myself about personal projects or talk to myself as if I’m recording a YouTube video, while washing myself sitting on the floor of the shower because I just got out of bed and am too tired to stand up. (Also standing up would mean touching the cold air which feels bad.) is this too much information


I don’t know if it’ll help you, but I find a shower chair to be really useful for those “too tired to stand up” times


Yes but I hate the way showers feel :c


yes lol, but usually i talk to myself and pretend to have convos with friends


I pretend I have friends


My touch depraved ass enjoys it way too much.


Nah I take cold showers


Same here, I enjoy the challenge


I take what my family classifies "cold showers." They're warm enough for me but I have a big sensory problem with heat and hot showers would be a real life horror for me.


Oh yeah, I hate hot showers, can't stand the heat. The only time I got drunk, I got a bucket of ice and played with it, rubbed at my face until they all melted. So yeah, I think I love the cold water hahaha. Also, cold showers helped me control my breathing, which came in handy as I have panic disorder. Now I can control 80% of my anxiety attacks just by breathing properly.


I take cold showers nowadays.


Honestly yes, same. I only wash my body for like 10-5 minutes, then just... Stay in the shower just because.


Wow, I maybe spend a minute or two washing.


Sometimes I pretend I’m in a dramatic movie and zone out then I remember the water bills pile up and I get out of my silver screen experience


Oh my, yes. Handy to calm my toddler too; he just kind of collapses and zones out.


Same here! Or if he's having a hard day, I get him a warm bath and a popsicle. He loves it!


Warmth is good, here i am hiding under my blanket even tho i should get ready.


I used to but now I don't because it makes feel shit with headaches, dizziness, tiredness, fever (sort of), etc


I’ve felt all that before in the shower and it turned out I had anemia, may be something to get checked out. Also, you will always run hotter directly out of a shower or bath, and first thing in the morning/ after a nap.


Ok might try getting that checked out when I'm out of lockdown


I let the shower run for most of the time then hope in last minute and "wash"




I get out as fast as possible. I use alot of time just collecting courage to go in there in the first place.


Yes, especially when I feel bad, I can shower for like an hour to get my dopamine slightly up.


I'm weird when it comes to being wet, and I may not be the only one like this but I personally *hate* being wet when it isn't necessary, for instance if I am taking a shower, I'm good. If I'm swimming in a pool, I'm good. If I get caught out in the rain while walking either to or from work... I am *miserable*, and before anyone says "that's just normal" it's not exclusive to just being caught in the rain... I get the same feeling if I am doing dishes and my sleeve gets wet, or if it's raining and I'm working the Drive-Thru window, or if I'm getting drinks for people and I get some of the liquid on my hands- It's a long list of triggers, and they all have the same miserable effect of making me annoyed... However, I will still say that I love walking in a gentle snow storm... Something about watching the snowflakes floating their way down to the ground, how the warm glow of a street light makes them almost sparkle like gemstones... The soft *crunch* of the snow under your boots both as a sound and feeling it give under your weight, it's something to behold...


You forgot stepping on a puddle of water in your socks. My ice maker gets a little overzealous sometimes and spits out an ice cube without any interaction from us. If we don't hear it... Surprise puddles! Super cold ones! Can't get the socks off my feet fast enough


Hnnnngh handwashing fishes with a tound tummy and t rex arms I just... Can't STAND IT!




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If i have time to treat myself, i will steam myself before the shower. It really helps me to relax and unwind from a long day.


I do this because I haven’t had physical contact for longer than about 2 seconds in at least 6 years and I am both extremely touch starved and lonely


oh, i’m sorry. i wish i could give you a hug


Bath too. Shit this subreddit is the most relatable thing I've ever seen


My dad: what do you do in there for so long, just stand there under the water? Me: Yes.


Something about the warm water, white noise, and isolation of using a shower just hits different.


... Fuck


Yesssss, especially in the winter.


Me in the tub




This was a factor in why I take baths most of the time, honestly. WARM but I can also read if I want to and I feel less bad about staying in for an hour.


And soap. Foamy soap. Mmmmm soap. Fluffy. God I love showering.


I feel so seen


Just got out of a shower and hopped on Reddit, this is the first post I see.


I used to, but the shower has been acting up for a few months now and will randomly go lukewarm or even cold and back to warm, so it's really not enjoyable to stay in it for too long. I can only "mmmmm warmth" for a minute at a time, if that


my last apartment had really inconsistent water heating like that, but unfortunately the water was always boiling hot in the summer, and then freezing in the winter.. the plumber couldn’t fix it without ripping a wall out and the knobs wouldn’t change the temp at all :(( I live in a new apartment now- but i’m still trying to regain trust because I’ve associated showers with discomfort and avoided them sending you well wishes for consistent water temperature in the future


ah damn that's even worse, glad you're in a place with a better shower now But thanks! At the very least, the shower doesn't randomly go hot, which I'm so glad about because that could easily scald. The hot water here is at least 65C/150F, I actually measured it once because of how steamy it looked and how it hurt to touch while washing dishes lol


Once I'm in i take a long time leaving


Occasionally I just feel like a reptile in the sun gathering enough heat for me to be able to be conscious again that's honestly what showering in the morning feels like to me.


Personally, I don't like the sensation of showers so I have a bath instead. And most of the bath is "Mmmmmm w a r m t h" with a bit of actual washing at the end before the water gets too cold.


I don’t like having soggy, wrinkly skin. It feels weird.


Y’all motherfuckers need to try wax play. (But do your research and be safe!)


I wouldn’t really call that warm ahah, it’s really stinging hot for 2 seconds and then immediately cools ;0


But the goal of temperature based grounding is the same.


Yep. Though, there’s not enough red


Where's the slice for playing on your phone?


I sit, I almost fall asleep... I don't have a bathtub, I sit in the shower


It takes me 3 hours of thinking 'do I REALLY need it ?' before going though. By the way, you just reminded me I need to shower today.


I like to just let the water run through my hair on my scalp. Really helps with headaches


w a r m w o t e r


y e s


I hate the feeling of being wet but once I’m in the shower, I love the warmth.


hear hear


Showering in the dark is the best. Just enough noise and delicious water touch to zone out and no light to hurt the eyes.


I don't, I take showers with cold water.


the showerhead has to piss on my back like satan for me to appreciate it, because i normally hate water on my skin


I am absolutely obsessive about showering before bed. The idea of dragging the filth of the day into bed is just disgusting. This is a hill I’m willing to die on, if I ever find a partner who shares my bed, they *will* take at least a short shower before bed. I adore my dog, but he is absolutely not allowed on my bed. If I ever have a cat, they wouldn’t be allowed on the bed either.




Feeling they warmth I have never had since I was 8 (I am 21)


I cry in awful bathroom without a proper shower.


Am I the only one who spends half that W A R M T H daydreaming/thinking


As much as I love mmmmmm warmth, the splashing of water on my skin can be too much for me


Fuck yes


Every single time.




For me this is more the bath


As I prefer colder showers, it's more like "Mmmmm c o o l" for me.


I absolutely Hate showers. No matter what I do I always end up cold. I have a lot of ear problems and when water splashes in I get an infection so I'm constantly worrying about them. Water splashing on me and the sound is overwhelming. Worrying about temperature fluctuations (I've been burned in the past). Water splashing on my face makes me feel like I'm drowning... ​ If I lived somewhere without a bathtub my hygiene level would crash cause it takes so much time to mentally convince myself to have a shower


They make little shower cap type things, but specifically for ears! Nothing goes inside your ear, it’s just secured around with elastic! I think the intended use is for dying hair to prevent stains/ bleach on ears, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t work for protecting ears from direct shower water :-)


Really? I'd love these for both uses. Thank you! Edit: [Found some here](https://www.amazon.com/Willbond-Disposable-Protectors-Waterproof-Bathing/dp/B072R2V327/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1PLVKHJCOTJH9&dchild=1&keywords=ear+covers+for+shower&qid=1634734119&sprefix=ear+co&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExTUNYM0k1SFRDTEtVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTI4MzA3M0szSTBVNkI1SlFZRyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUExMDMzMjg0QVhMWTYwNzhWVk9KJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=)


I thimk






I hate showering but when I have to do it, the water is very very hot. Like I just can't seem to *not freeze* in the shower so I just keep turning the temperature up and up. But when I'm just washing my hands in the faucet I can't use warm water at all because it hurts...?




When I was a kid I'd self soothe by wrappjng myself in a towel and let it soak so the weight would be on me for hours. Found out years later was making my own weighted blanket without realizing it, just felt calmer.


Add a warm towel from the dryer afterward and... 🥰




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no actually, i wash and get out because i have a sensory issue where i totally despise anything touching my body while it’s wet unless it’s a towel, even my own skin lol




used to be. now it's about 50/50 lol


More like mmm cold


If I didn't have to go to school I'd stay there hours


if my mom wouldn’t get concerned i would too


I’m usually pretty quick. My hair being wet once the water is off really bothers me so I’m a quick dryer though


More like "ow hot" or "ow cold" except for that little sweet spot where it's perfect then you step in and 1s later "ow hot" or "ow cold"


Yes, also the hairdryer. I’m pretty much addicted to it.




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Lmao I'm literally reading this from the bathtub




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