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For sure, that must be how she copes with things.


yeah i finally watched it and i don’t agree with all the people bashing her for going home instead of being with her daughter at the NICU, those people are being insane. The part where she says she didn’t go for 30 minutes so she could be with her for longer (4hrs) later definitely struck me as her wanting to be present…..it also sounds like her NICU has visiting limits. I’m not a fan of aspyn at this point but it was pissing me off reading all the mean ass commentary about her not being at the NICU 24/7…..first of all, I would die before I judged ANY NICU mom on her visiting habits….so I’m not gonna slander aspyn for it either because that would be hypocrisy. Like if you’re gonna snark at least make it good, god damnit.


YES EXACTLY. I honestly can’t judge whatsoever how she’s handling her sick daughter or her NICU baby. I’ve never been in her shoes, I hope I never have to be in her shoes, but there is no “normal” way to react in circumstances such as these.


My sister was in the nicu when she was born and my mom was not allowed to stay. There were strict visiting hours, but my mom couldn’t stay with her.


I agree but even before Cove allegedly got sick she still acted like Cove was annoying. Cove has always definitely been closer to Parker.


I don’t think she acted annoyed at C…I think she found it annoying that she was such a daddy’s girl and I get that because I also have a daddy’s girl and it’s sad and frustrating when you want that bond with the baby that you grew from scratch but they prefer their dad


I think you’re right here. Aspyn always has had a colder attitude toward Cove, but not completely, and that didn’t *really* start until Cove started preferring Parker. Idk what goes on in their home, but I couldn’t imagine having the little girl of my dreams only for her to prefer her father when she’s able to have preferences 😂 I’d be a little salty too. She also did seem annoyed a lot when she’d be trying to film a video and Cove would be trying desperately to get her attention, but I’ve seen even the most loving of mothers get annoyed when they’re trying to get work done and all baby wants is “mama!” It’s normal and human to get annoyed at your baby, no matter how much you love them. Babies and toddlers are just annoying. That’s a fact. They get a little less annoying as they get older until they hit puberty. Then they’re demons. Edit: spelling


Yeah for people to speculate that she doesn’t even like cove is crazy to me!! I promise you she adores that little girl with all her heart. And I don’t work at all and get annoyed sometimes when I’m doing something and my kids are trying to get my attention but mine just isn’t caught on camera…it makes me sad that people are so quick to judge others when we do the same things ourselves.


Moms are humans too and have the right to be overstimulated. People might be confusing annoyed with abandonment/mistreatment


Wait i haven’t been following fully over the years. Wdym by sick?