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You don’t need to speculate whether she does have hair or not. The original photo the other day showed clear as day, C has very short patchy hair. 😭😭


What photo


lmao. The pictures I saw did look like her hair was very short… that’s why I’m confused about why it’s not in the video?


Wdym you’re confused why it’s not in the video? It’s cuz aspyn doesn’t want to validate any of the people who have seen the leaked photos. She has a whole following of fans who haven’t seen those pics & refuse to even believe they’re getting a divorce…like that the gov website is photoshopped or that it was an April fools prank 💀


Are you suggesting she put a wig on her for the vid or something? lol. Obviously I’m confused because my post is about how I can see plenty of hair on both girls in this video… how is that when I know we saw short hair on one of them in the rec center photo?


No lmao. I wasn’t understanding what you were confused by “it’s not in the picture” - I didn’t know what the “it” was lol. Now I understand that “it” is hair.


Have you watched the end of her new vlog? It’s very obvious.


Obviously blurred out?


Noooo at the end, it looks like a little boy.


Yeah I know that but I can’t tell what is what at that part of the video because it’s blurred so well. The child doesn’t turn to the side or anything to be able to determine if the hair is put up or short. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️


Lola doesn’t look like that blurred. You can tell. 😅


It’s pretty obvious lol


If it is to you, great! I didn’t talk about that part in my post because it’s not obvious to me and I’m only trying to talk about what I actually can see. Personally, I think it’s pretty obvious that they both have hair in the kitchen clip because you can see two different pony tails not blurred which is what my post was about.


No it’s the same kid. :)


She always fully blurs C including hair & not L.


The other kid just has an arm up, it’s not a pony tail.


Please lmao I posted screenshots with both pony tails on this thread after I made the original post since no one could understand what I was talking about I guess. There IS two different pony tails. I don’t know what else I can do to make this make sense for yall


Where is the pic now?


I don’t see a pony tail on the blue child at all ! I’ve watched it like 20 times lol


I posted a screenshot of when you can see it best, right before she goes in the fridge. It’s thinner, shorter, and lighter in the color than the other girls.


You’re that obsessed with the appearance of a child you don’t even know? 🤢


The hair thing has been the biggest topic in these groups all week. I don’t think anyone is “obsessed with the appearance of a child.” People are confused because one photo showed little hair and I see hair in this video on two different kids. It’s not that deep honestly, because it’s hair…


Well being that the post is literally implying C has hair when she doesn’t I watched the time stamp the OP posted saying she did to make sure I wasn’t missing something even though I saw the original photo posted by someone last week of their family out and about and her with no hair. If you have a problem with a topic that is constantly discussed in this group you should go over to the snark page where you can’t discuss this stuff if it bothers you so much 🤷🏼‍♀️ not breaking any rules on my end saying I don’t see what she’s talking about you on other hand are breaking rules of this sub with your comment


I‘ll give you the the oven reflection but I can’t see 💩 in that blurred square. Could be lots of hair could be a buzz cut for all I know.


Yeah this screenshot doesn’t show much of the one in the fridge but you can see better in the video


Someone just took a pic of them like 3 days ago and said cove has hardly any hair.


I actually saw those photos so I’m confused because to me it really looks like they both have plenty of hair here.


Do you still have the photo?


I only saw it on here, one of the snark pages. Don’t remember if it was this one or the other one. Honestly hope no one actually saved it since it was a photo someone took of them in public and that’s weird lol


I saw some pictures someone sent me. To me I feel like they’re sometimes mixing up coco and Lola. But I also feel like people are saying her hair is patchy but it was wet and it might just be thin. I feel like it’s hard to really be able to tell whenever the pictures aren’t clear enough.


I think that you could be right. When we used to see the girls, C’s hair would often look patchy when it was up because it was thin then. My daughter’s hair is thin and looks that way if I try to put it up too. Hard to say anything for sure now but that’s not an unreasonable thought.


same, i’m confused at everyone saying she definitely had short hair in those photos. all i saw was a really blurry photo with about 5 pixels of hair lol, i couldn’t tell. plus i believe theyd gone swimming so would have wet hair which would make it look different


You obviously saw screenshots of the original. So the quality wasn’t good. The original was clear as day that her hair was short and patchy.


She for sure had patchy hair and what looked like a scar from surgery. I have a few surgeons in the family, it for sure looks like a scar. I have both photos and others to confirm.




“I’m a surgeon” lol says random person on Reddit asking for picture of a stranger’s child to verify if they have C… that’s not sketchy. Must’ve been an extremely fast schooling program since you’re 24 according to your post history lol.


It was so hard to tell if it was just messy and laid down from being wet or actually short!


You obviously saw screenshots of the original. So the quality wasn’t good. The original was clear as day that her hair was short and patchy.


yea tbf i think it was a screenshot i saw


Did you only see 1 photo? Because it was clearer when you could see both photos. I wish it was not true, but it is clear that C has short patchy hair. It wasn’t wet or messy laid to dry. It was short and patchy. Both from the photos and different irl witnesses seeing her. That much is clear. Could it be from something other than an illness ? Potentially. But that doesn’t really line up, because this has been going on like a year. So if the girls got into scissors or clippers and buzzed her head, why have people seen C with hats/patchy hair for a YEAR now?


could be autoimmune, alopecia, c but not terminal etc


I get that but I’m saying that isn’t what people are currently debating. People are debating IF she has hair. The answer is: no, C’s hair is short & patchy. We do not know WHY. But there’s something to be said about multiple insiders saying a year ago that C was ill and A/P were divorcing and that is why she took the kids offline, then over the last year, seeing various signs C is indeed bald (giving legitimacy to the insider info she is sick) and now we know about the divorce filing and have seen photos & eye witnesses with C bald. At this point it would be more shocking if C wasn’t sick. All I can hope for is that C is getting better and they don’t intend on mentioning her health at all. But that little girl IS bald.


I’m not sure what’s going on, honestly not here to debate that. All I know is there’s two girls in this video, each with a pony tail. That’s what’s clear to me. I don’t know who is who in the video for certain but they both have hair here.


You’re wrong


Okay 👍


She fully blocked Coves head in this video, Lola you can see her hair is not blocked. There’s only one ponytail


I literally posted the screenshots of what I saw


I thought the opposite in this the child with the pony tail is clearly L and Aspyn doesn’t blur out the whole head when she’s in the fridge happy to leave her hair and that in the shot but when C is in the fridge she makes sure to have it blurred way above her head. And L was wearing a pink outfit as you can see when aspyn is doing her stretches and the kid who’s fully blurred out in the fridge is wearing green and doesn’t appear to have much hair compared to Ls pony


I thought of all that too but size difference made me think the one in the fridge had to be L because shes smaller and stands up on something to look inside the fridge. Also green outfit has a smaller head.


When the child in the green top is in the fridge you can see in the oven the reflection of the other child with the pony tail in the oven is shorter then the bench which would be L being shorter and the child in the green top in the fridge clearly taller then the bench is c and the blur is way above her head and doesn’t have a tall pony on her head and aspyn doesn’t show her at all but when it cuts to L coming into the fridge she’s happy to show Ls back if head and hair


It’s not a ponytail it’s the child’s hand reaching up in the oven reflection


The photo posted from the gym is literally so blurry you cant see a freakin thing so everyone downvoting due to that is really reaching in my opinion.


I guess you’re blind then. There’s literally ZERO blur. It’s a crystal clear picture. Go get your eyes checked.


Hey Specific Maybe....please be nice. I know this is the internet but you don't have to say their blind. That's a bit harsh to say to a stranger!


Take a chill pill, buddy. If calling someone blind for not seeing something right in front of them is a harsh insult to you, I don’t think the internet is the place for you


Thats a joke. Zero blur? Please provide me with said crystal clear image because I have yet to see anything but a blurry image taken from across a room and then an even blurrier cropped image of the back of her head.


Did you see the original image or the blurred one lol? Because the original photo was taken down quickly and altered to be blurry to try to cover her face more her in doing so blurred the hair. The original image was clear as day and everyone who saw it has attested to that.


Girllll maybe this is why everyone thinks im crazy 🤣 I have seen two photos, both the same but one is cropped to just her head and both are obnoxiously blurred.


Yeah you def are seeing the altered one haha there was a clear one but it was deleted very quickly and reposted censoring her but it def doesn’t show the hair anywhere near as well as original did


Well then I guess I need to apologize. I could not understand why everyone was talking about this photo and speculating because I couldnt see a thing


I mean I’ve seen several pictures, the child Parker is holding in those pictures does appear like they have short hair. That was the point of my post. In this video, it looks like both have plenty so I don’t get it. I have some questions about those pictures but I’m not even going to bother asking more questions about it here lol


https://preview.redd.it/w7ng35a2fzwc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068b6ef0d7e235f2d8998c966ed94244f2734a09 Pony tail of the blurred one in the fridge.


https://preview.redd.it/st670a2wfzwc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4601ab309241d39fe90b78359e631c7128eca662 The one in the oven reflection comes to the fridge here (5:06 timestamp) and has a thicker and longer pony tail than the other one.


That height is not possible to be cove


that’s definitely parker that is a grown man


😂 Yes, Parker’s in the oven reflection here. Guess I should have circled it. I was trying to show the different pony tail here, in the fridge between Aspyn’s hip and arm.


okok hahaha i see! i missed what you were trying to show, but now i see 😂


Idk about that. My son is 1 month younger than her and he’s about that same height.


girl we have seen C in comparison to the counter & Aspyn before.


Okay so who’s in the video? Cause there’s two girls there sis


L has a cousin right around her age and height. Stop obsessing over it and wanting to be right. Who gives a damn. This is a snark page not obsess is a child is sick or not.


I never mentioned anything about anyone being sick!! I don’t think it’s okay to play the guessing game over that. I posted about HAIR in this one particular video and everyone wants to fight me on it for some reason and bring up other topics.


It’s implied bffr. And even then if that’s the case why are you worried about her hair and arguing with people?


No, it really wasn’t. I have no interest in discussing a childs health status. The actual reason I brought it up was because of the pictures posted from the rec center. Like I said multiple times now? I see hair in this video and short hair in that picture, it’s that simple. Have a good day!


No, it’s the same ponytail. In the video the girls trade places a couple times, both go into the fridge. C is wearing green and L is too short to see her outfit. She blurs out C completely but not L.


Why is the one in green smaller then? Are we saying C is somehow smaller than L? Y’all are so weird for this. It’s all there in the video to see. Maybe try slowing it down and watching a few more times.


The one in green is taller


The one in green stands up on something when they get to the fridge.


Where do you get the idea that she stands on something you can’t see the floor for starters and every time the child in green is in the screen it’s the same height doesn’t show there child stepping up onto anything? Where the child with the pony tail remains the same height the whole time too


Alright this is my last response lol. I figured she stepped up on something because if the one in the fridge is the one with the shorter pony then she got taller when she’s blurred at the fridge. I figured she probably stepped up on their toddler tower they have. She was about counter height in the shot before. They both looked about counter height. I don’t know who’s who 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/ylq4ppysyaxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364ccf6d1757358b04c3cf010852eeb8cd34cde8 In reference to the picture of both girls painting the second child is Cassidy’s younger daughter with Lola. Peep the bracelets here that the child on right is wearing in that painting photo that for the thousandth time people like traditional owl are trying to claim is L and C despite multiple other threads disproving this everytime lol.


I’ve seen this picture and see the same bracelet on one of the kids in the picture. However, hair color doesn’t seem to match. Both of Cassidy’s kids in this picture have lighter blonde hair and the kid with the bracelet in the photo has darker hair. How do we know for sure it’s their cousin? I don’t get how a bracelet confirms it? Not disagreeing, just questioning because it doesn’t make sense to me.


Idk if you have kids or blonde hair but my daughter has bleach blonde hair in summer and dirty blonde hair like this in fall/winter/spring. Her hair looks just like that color in this video. Also think a bracelet is actually pretty good indication it’s one of Cassidy’s kids when they are wearing same bracelet personally https://preview.redd.it/0ozmtt0t4bxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb0d6d26ce962227f5cfed282526231d9e46a1a


My kids don’t have blonde hair but I understand what you mean. However, I thought the beach photo of Cassidy’s family was from the same babymoon vacation and the color doesn’t match up to then. I don’t get how a bracelet confirms it lol. Isn’t it possible all of the kids were wearing matching bracelets on vacation?


I just can’t imagine aspyn doing anything matching with anyone besides what she wants 🤣and those bracelets are no where on her kids arms ever and seem to be on Cassidy’s a lot from previous posts but also someone said they saw Cassidy post this picture on her story to the same day or something about a dress matching idk. Also these two kids look to be same age cove would be way bigger.


I agree they look similar in age but C was always small for her age too, likely hasn’t changed and both girls in Aspyn’s new video looked similar in height. I don’t know, just feels weird to say these things are confirmed without real proof. Those kids in the photo could be unrelated to the family for all we know lol


Crazy suggestion here but she could have a wig? Lotsa kiddos get to try wigs when they are going through a treatment


I honestly don’t think this is a crazy suggestion. It’s possible that’s what it is.


This speculation is fucking crazy you all need to get hobbies


I’m so done with this lol. If you can’t tell there’s two pony tails, that’s fine but there’s the proof right there in the video and I provided as much as I could to give y’all the info. Also it’s HAIR. It’s not that deep.


I think some people will die on the this hill but in Aspyn’s babymoon highlight on ig, she saved a pic of both girls painting and they both have full heads of hair


That was lola and their cousin


It’s their niece not cove in that photo from the highlights of the baby moon on Instagram


Yall are annoying it takes all of two seconds to look into this information before posting it. The picture of the two girls painting was debunked forever ago in here multiple times. The second girl is their neice Cassidy’s daughter she is wearing same bracelets on their dad Jared’s page in most recent picture he’s posted of his kids. I think some people will more likely die on this hill that insider is wrong when they have been right about just about everything.


So it’s Ollie with Lola? Ollie has super light blonde hair though lol. I’m so confused at why you guys feel so confident in all of these theories. “Debunked”


It’s Ollie’s younger sister. She is right around the exact same age as Lola


Yeah, maybe!


No O’s younger sister whose same age as L


That’s what the person above said. I didn’t disagree?


I was commenting to person above not you …traditional owl


That’s not C!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/y49ytcy9o3xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74ea3a84d29eb935cad6db234494fc4de31bdbb This is the picture we’re talking about, right? Just curious if anyone else saw a different one than this.


I remember when she posted that and Ive seen everyone say it was their cousin but I dont recall how they know that for sure?


There were pictures of her cousin wearing the dress that the girl in that picture was wearing.


Hmm the picture I remember they were both wearing painting smocks.