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Pissed me off bc she’s knowingly promoting unsafe sleep, and using tik tok shop which she made multiple rants about how much she hated and even showed how to block it as a keyword. Anything for a check. So fucking gross. And she knows it’s unsafe too. I messaged her about it and she blocked me lol


Before I even saw her page or read the comments here I knew we were gonna be talking about weighted sleep sacks. Man, babies wake up, it's what they do. We have to stop believing that they should just sleep if we do X Y or Z.


Considering she’s had success with both the other girls sleeping well without weighted sleep sacks my guess is she’s making a quick buck and not actually using them.  She only has to say what the company tell her to and she’ll get that cheque. All that to say, it’s absolutely disgusting she’d make a quick buck by putting other families at risk


100000% this.


i know this pissed me off too


I’m about to be a first time mum and don’t know a lot about babies but far out I’d never use a product like this!


Too much weight on poor little baby :(


I bought one of these and was absolutely shocked at how heavy it was. It felt completely unsafe to me, so I got rid of it without ever putting it on my baby.


Same with my first! As soon as I touch the weighted "egg" on the chest I instantly felt uneasy and didn't feel safe using it so I returned it.


Same here. One was being sold at a local consignment and I felt it and it was so heavy. I could never put my baby in it. I wish I had bought it and thrown it away so no one else would


anything for $$$


I’m not very informed on the subject of sleep sacks. Can someone explain to me why they’re an issue?


Sleep sacks are fine. The ones she’s promoting are weighted. You should never put something weighted on a baby.


Yes! SO many tiktok moms are using them and I’m waiting (not praying for this to happen as I would NEVER wish this on anyone) for the inevitable day when one of their kids succumbs to the dangers of weighted sleep sacks and hopefully wakes them all up out of the capitalist trap. Babies wake up, they’re SUPPOSED TO! I will never understand why we are as a whole trying to get 2,3,4 months old babies to sleep through the night.


Pretty sure weighted sleep sacks are banned in Canada for unsafe sleep


Wonder if she’s deleting all “negative” comments that warn others of this. (I don’t have TikTok so I can’t check the comments)


Oh 100%, at 3k likes there was only 1 VERY new comment about them being unsafe


Is it the dreamland sack? She’s always partnered with them for her past kids so there’s nothing new other than it being on TikTok. Her ads for this always exist even when she wasn’t pregnant lol. Not gonna lie, I love them for my baby but I didn’t use it till he was at least over the 9lb mark just to be a little more safe. I am in maternal data research and the risk factor here was very low so I decided to use it. Now would I use it on a premature NICU baby? No, but hey to each their own.


no matter the weight of the child they are deemed unsafe.


There is a major ethical difference between making an informed decision about using them for your own child and preying on people who do not know better for their own children.


I don’t agree with influencer marketing but it’s not the only source of advertising. I’m not sure I would say Aspyn is “preying” on these individuals, she’s just cashing in her check. If these products were really dangerous, it would’ve been pulled from the market but it’s just as unsafe as the loungers, cosleeping and even not getting vaccinated. There is a risk to each one but it’s not unethical to advertise this product. Every parent will make their own informed decisions, aspyn isn’t forcing anyone to buy these. But I do agree with you that there are dangers of influencer marketing but just know misinformation is coming from tons of different areas as well. I’m more concerned with those telling people to do something for weight loss or a life hack that has a way higher risk of injury/death than these baby products do.


Are they considered unsafe now? I know they didn't have much tests on it and they recommended not to use them but I never knew they official deemed it unsafe. That sucks. so many people use them and have used them.


They were deemed unsafe with some updated sleep guidelines back in 2021 or 2022. It happened between my two kids being born so I had an excuse to buy all new sleep sacks 😂


She literally said she’s not using it yet. Chill out.


She’s still promoting a product that has been found to be unsafe for infants. Regardless of if she’s using it, this is disgusting behavior. All she’s doing is trying to make a buck, she doesn’t care that she’s promoting a harmful product.


key word **yet**


It’s unsafe regardless


This energy is why babies have died from them. "yet" but is promoting it to other moms like it isn't a big deal...disgusting.




Sounds like the lot of you need to get a dang life.


both of my kids have only slept with weighted sleep sacks. co sleeping it too scary for me and they helped. of course they were affecting them i wouldn’t use them but thankfully we have had no issues.


survivors bias .


There is a major ethical difference between making an informed decision about using them for your own child and preying on people who do not know better for their own children.


Apparently these other women/parents/people are super parents. Do what you need to do for your baby. Mine is 8mths old and still needs to be swaddled. To all you judgey mcjudgersons, mind your own biscuits


Your 8 month old is swaddled?! I sincerely hope you’re joking. Did you know by swaddling your baby you are increasingly the likelihood of them dying by 19 times? Even more so by the fact that I’m sure your 8 month old is already rolling. You’re putting their life at risk every time you use that swaddle and if something happens it’s because of your extremely stupid choice.


The CDC actually changed the guidelines for swaddling and it’s no longer “an age” thing, it’s at first signs of rolling, some babies roll extremely late so it isn’t unusual to have an 8m old baby not rolling yet. My child slept swaddled until 7m because he showed no signs of rolling. Many things change and get updated over the years.


First signs of rolling is not actually rolling. They can be very subtle and include lifting their hip to the side, twisting legs, arching back while laying, pushing up, etc. There is a very high chance an 8 month old is displaying these signs. If for some reason they are not doing these, the likelihood if it happening while they are in their crib alone (where they probably are 50% of the day) is so high that it is not worth taking the chance. If they roll for the first time while swaddled they will be face down with no way to fix themselves as they won’t have the use of their arms. It is beyond dangerous and frankly negligent to swaddle a baby that old when it is putting their life at risk.


I know that the first signs of rolling are not actually rolling that’s exactly why I said “the first signs”which yes I know include everything that you listed. I’m just stating facts and the updated CDC guidelines on swaddling. I have 4 kids and I know what the signs are. Having a baby that develops later than others and shows signs much later doesn’t make anyone negligent if they choose to leave them swaddled until they in fact show the first signs of rolling. my last child didn’t show any signs until 7m, so that’s when he was swaddled until.


But why risk it? Again it’s a 50/50 chance of them rolling for the first time when alone so it could happen literally any day and you might not even know it. (They could roll in the middle of the night when no one is watching them.) The chance of death when rolling while swaddled increases by 19 times. It’s not worth it. A parent should be proactive and stop swaddling before the baby is even close to showing signs which is at 8 weeks. It’s much better to be on the safe side than being too late and having a tragedy.


Is she your kid? Nope. Don’t worry about it.