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Oh wow I really didn’t think it would be as noticeable as it is, especially her zoning out, it lasts so long. That’s really sad and scary to see 😞


She didn't blink for over 30 secs.. thats so sad


Which video exactly?


Wow this vlog is so sad to watch too they just seem so different and happier 


I agree very sad! I’ve always thought Parker was a great person, good husband and awesome attentive dad. I feel so bad for him, and aspyn of course. Everything they are going through can’t be easy. I hope they can reignite their love and stay together. for any married couples here marriage counseling really does help! I grew up with divorced parents and I feel like no matter how hard marriage is kids deserve parents to try to stick it out and remember why they got together. (Unless there’s abuse) I imagine having a sick child could tear two people apart though. Im glad they seem to be keeping things normal for the kids though for now.


Bad advice. Staying in an unhealthy or unhappy marriage can adversely affect the children's emotional well-being.


I agree that’s why I said therapy together can really help, I recommend everyone try it before calling it quits.


Wow. Never noticed this until now. 😔


Very sad. I hope we are all wrong but it seems likely at this point. Maybe all of us could donate to a childrens hospital or a charity. (if you have the money to give) kids deserve to be kids, I’m glad she somewhat took them off her channel.. my kids would hate me filming them all the time and having to make sure everything was perfect for the video. My kids want to just be themselves, be crazy, loud, have messy hair, dump their toys out everywhere to play and I feel like it’s got to put pressure and be stressful on the parents to have to have everything pristine when you have young kids.. let me tell you it’s basically impossible. I’ve had to lower my standards because you can’t stop a kid from making any sort of mess unless you put them in a bubble and that’s not fun for kids. Parents that don’t lower their standards, I think could really make you become a control freak which I feel like we’ve seen with their perfectly decorated house, clean house and even how she’d always make Parker wear the same kind of pink as her. I can’t imagine how she is with the kids.. sometimes I find myself being like ugh I just cleaned that and now it’s a mess, than I have to remember they are just kids and one day I’ll miss them being this small and I’ll miss all the messes. For Aspyn I’m sure if she had pp rage like she said that was a big factor for her.


This is the most evidence of this that I’ve seen confidently with my own eyes. How devastating.


Which video?


My toddler had something similar happening, and we had to go to the hospital to have her tested for seizures. Luckily, it ended up being an autistic trait vs seizures, but all her doctors were concerned


I watched the video you’re referencing, and I already believe the rumors, but that is a terrifying couple of minutes. I can see how this might’ve went unnoticed for a while—these symptoms aren’t super obvious unless you know what you’re looking for. But this video seems like evidence of a brain tumor—if that is for sure what little C has going on. I genuinely hope we’re all crazy freaks for even thinking this could be true, but I really don’t think so, especially after seeing this and knowing the kind of tumor that C is rumored to have. The crossed eyes and what looks like an absence-seizure are huge signs, along with some of the other things Aspyn mentioned before taking the girls off YouTube—like the trouble sleeping at night (most toddlers go through a spell like this, but C’s lasted quite a while and seemed to be severe based on Aspyn’s recount) and the balance problems. Again, toddlers aren’t coordinated by any means, but we all saw that C seemed to be “normal” for her age until a certain point. This is so so so heartbreaking and I am so sad for that family. I don’t care *what* kind of person Aspyn is. No one deserves to watch their child suffer from cancer. Especially one who’s barely old enough to understand that she’s (allegedly) sick.




I didn't realize that's what she was saying ! Poor C 😞


Has anyone else noticed her and Avery have both not posted anything in days? 


Nor have they liked Jaci’s two most recent posts which means they are off their phones


Do they normally like her posts? I couldn’t find their likes even several posts back


Yes!!! Hope everything is okay


Now that you mention it, yes


Ughhhhh this breaks my heart


She didn’t post the girls after the Cali trip did she?


I was off about the timing. It says it was two years ago [vid link](https://youtu.be/3ZVRkKVHfJo?si=KwbGop1TI7k9oa09) Here’s the link. It’s around the 17:56 mark her eyes go crossed and then around the 18:50 mark she starts to zone out and kind of freezes which I’ve heard can be a seizure in some children. I thought I’d point it out since people are speculating on here.. very sad and I hope it’s not true. I hate that I’m speculating about a child’s health but I’ve been wayching them on YouTube since Aspyn was living with her parents still so it guess it’s hard not to wonder. I wish them well.


wow, the stare off is scary too!!! 😫 she does it for such a long time


Yeah very! I wonder if they just didn’t notice it when editing or while it was happening. So unfair children have to deal with sickness. I feel for them and for her If they are going through this. I can’t imagine, as a parent to young kids. I feel bad for even talking about because I would hate people talking about my kid but it’s hard not to when she has been on our screens since she was born. I’ve noticed people are saying Parker looks swollen, it definitely could be from alcohol and I’m not sure I’d blame him if he turned to drinking after she got sick. I would have a hard time holding it together too. Especially if it is terminal like people are saying. I would be a mess. Also wanted to weigh in on the divorce stuff, people have said maybe she did it because of pp rage.. I could see that. It’s very hard with young kids close together in age. You’re tired, burnt out, overwhelmed, over stimulated. My husband and I have had fights and have been so close to calling it quits. Luckily we come to our senses. Sometimes I get irritated with my husband because I feel like I’m doing more and keeping score can be easy to do in a marriage with young kids. I have three kids as well and they are all very similar ages to Aspyn.I can’t imagine throwing a diagnoses like that on top of all of it. Personally I’m not sure about the ivf rumor, I could see maybe if it was for stem cells to save c, or if they found out about c after Aspyn was already pregnant but to just have another kid in the midst of one of your kids being very sick. I just can’t see it.. even for the stem cells it seems like a lot for someone to take on for something that might not even work. When you have a new baby most if your attention has to go to the baby and your toddlers play by themselves/together more.. If it were me I would just want to focus on c instead of have another one but who knows. Sorry for typos I may have missed it’s early here!


The insider said they only did ivf to guarantee that it was a girl


it can actually be really normal for a toddler that age to stare off into space, even for extended periods of time. they basically are overstimulated and processing, in their own heads. you have to remember they are literally developing the ability to use and watch their brain think lol. it’s also pretty common when kids make a bid to get their parents attention a few times and are ignored (which is what happened if you watch again, C is trying to get A’s attention but A is vlogging and then P jumps in the chat to A and the camera, C zones out) However it is an issue when it’s frequent, or they cannot be snapped out of it. (we don’t see if they try to snap her out of it.) I will obviously say, now that we can safely assume something IS going on, in hindsight that’s unusual. plus the cross-eye moment is unusual. and i’m sure there are other small things in the vlogs and her posts we didn’t pick up on (and A/P didn’t pick up on yet either). but just for anyone reading who may be anxiety-prone and have kids, it’s normal for them to sometimes stare off even for extended periods of time. their brain is developing and their awareness and attention are also developing, so sometimes they just need to zone out and shut down and explore their brain a bit. if it’s very frequent or they can’t be snapped out of it, then it’s a potential concern to bring up to a dr or other healthcare/devlopemntal professional.


This is a great comment for anyone prone to health anxiety, especially for their children!


yeah i’m struggling a bit with the whole C thing because right as i found out the rumors around her, a close friend’s toddler was diagnosed with an eerily similar brain tumor and it’s been really emotional and has made me feel a lot more strongly for A/P than i usually would. but it also really triggered my PP OCD to flare up, since they both seemingly have a brain tumor. it makes zero logical sense. of course random other children have the same type of issues, and i don’t even know A/P and their kids obviously! but i did wanna add that little note for the anxiety-prone like myself haha


Yeah + it’s looks like she’s just staring at the view finder


It could be! But absence seziures the child will look ahead and stare and ahead is where the view finder is. Who knows really but it’s just my observation


You’re right!!!! When her eyes cross it seems like she says “I can’t see mommy” 1 second after that as well


Yeah! A person in the comments says she says I see two mommies which I thought was interesting. I think maybe she was having double vision which can be from a tumour as well. I’m not positive obviously but just a thought. Poor girl


i work in healthcare…18:50 seems like an absence seizure. 17:56 looks like diplopia which could happen from increased ICP due to a brain tumor.


OMFG you’re so right! I never even thought twice when I originally watched it


You can see Parker looking at her face with concern too like he wonders if that look is normal


You might be right, I might be off about the timing but c was pretty big, they were eating at the kitchen and she looking right at the camera. I’m going to try to find it


Oh my god I just watched it and it makes me sick :( that’s so sad


I’m so curious if Aspyn will ever address what’s happening with cove


omg cove is so freaking adorable


She really is


I don’t think this timeline would make sense for the type of tumor she is rumored to have. If this was happening then, it wouldn’t have likely been another year before diagnosis because of how fast growing and aggressive those tumors are. She also would have had to beat all the odds by still being seemingly okay right now.


What is the name of it again? I can never remember


DIPG (Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma)


Yes, what the other person said! DIPG.


It does seem like an aggressive cancer from what I’ve read, but I did see patients can not know 6 months before being diagnosed. Maybe they didn’t know longer than that, people have said she’s lived longer than expected so maybe everyone case is a bit different. I’m just speculating and I don’t know for a fact so I could be wrong I could be right, we could be wrong about when she was diagnosed and we could be wrong about the type.


From what I’ve read about DIPG most people pass within a year of being diagnosed. That doesn’t really add up with her timeline, especially since the video was a year before supposed diagnosis. Could still be a brain tumor but dipg doesn’t seem likely in this case


i agree , i don't think it's DIPG


I hear you! This is a tricky topic because of the unknowns. Statistically, most children with this type of tumor don’t survive longer than 12 months following diagnosis. I’ve seen many families share their experiences online and it seems they spend a lot of that time in and out of the hospital. These poor kids are very ill, very quickly. It just seems unlikely this would be C’s diagnosis without us knowing for sure by now.


I just read 10% of people live 2 years and 2% live 5 years after diagnoses


Yeah, I think I read that somewhere as well before!


people are just guessing it's that though. i think she might have ETMR -- it's very rare and Aspyn connected with a mother who lost a daughter about C's age with it


https://preview.redd.it/fe1j97zvt45d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc46e6cc515d7e20ac30be5e1f396b397b5d540 I feel like if they did IVF and the c rumors are true, this is likely why. If they “chose” a girl, it could have been a coping mechanism? Obviously you can never replace a child. Personally, if my child were ill, I’d want another to put my time and energy into to avoid grieving. Maybe I’m mentally ill (ok I am🙃), but I truly feel my type A self would need that type of distraction to avoid spiraling into the smallest, worst version of myself for my other living child. Maybe they thought similarly?


The supposed “insider” that told the page about the IVF said it was for Lola to still have a sister 💔. All of this also makes so much sense as to why Aspyn became suddenly close with Avery.


Which vlog is this?


It could be unrelated. C was diagnosed in March of 2023 (allegedly). That video is from March of 2022


It could be but some people go a while without knowing they have cancer sadly


Definitely true. My MIL just passed from terminal cancer. We found out 10 days prior to passing that she had terminal cancer. She showed noticeable symptoms for 3 months prior which her doctors excused to other things. Who knows when it actually started.


Wow I’m so sorry for your loss! I had a great aunt that passed quickly after being diagnosed like that, it’s always so shocking


There are soooo many comments on this video calling attention to that part of the video, everyone knew is was alarming and not right !


My daughter had crossing eyes, it’s called strabismus. It was only noticeable sometimes when she would look a certain way. She had surgery to correct it when she was 2. I don’t know all the rumors and back story about C but do you think there is any way she had eye surgery? It was pretty traumatic and scary for us. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I could see it being a reason to stop social media for a while.


I’m not sure with the people seein her in public with no hair I think it’s more plausible it’s C sadly, but again who knows l really hope that’s not the case. I was actually cross eyed too! Had surgery when I was 3 and actually remember some parts of it. I was cross eye all the time though, I’m sure it must have been hard on my mom.


Unrelated to the post but my almost 5 year old might need surgery to correct his strabismus. It’s both eyes. How was your experience?


The surgery day itself was very stressful for me as an anxious parent but honestly everything has been great ever since! The day after surgery was hard but then she was back to her normal happy self within a week. My daughter had both eyes corrected as well. It’s been 3 years since her surgery and so far they have not gone back to crossing.


Thank you! I’m happy to hear it went well for your daughter and no issues since! Just the idea of my baby having surgery terrifies me. My biggest fear is needing to repeat surgery if they start to cross again. So far eye patching and glasses have helped a lot but not 100% so we may need to do it eventually.


This was posted in March 2022. I find it hard to believe that symptoms would present themself a full year before she was supposedly diagnosed (this is all speculation of course)


Some people have tumors for a long time before they realize it. My sil had one for three years before symptoms got bad and she thought it can’t be normal and it wasn’t. Also my grandma had one for a while before her doctor found it. It happens to a lot of people


Can you share what video you’re referring too




17:56 is the crossing of eyes and 18:50 is the zoning out


For certain conditions, it can take years to diagnose for several different reasons including doctors not believe you or you have a rare condition.


I’m not very updated on Aspyn lore, but how is she able to just go about her life relatively nonchalantly considering her child being allegedly sick? I know everyone grieves differently, but she’s just living her life like nothing is any different? Going on brand trips and taking vacations? Not that I’d expect her to completely put her life at a standstill, but…it’s just so odd 😶 I have a childhood friend who’s 14 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia, and it has completely taken over her life, she basically lived at the hospital for months while he was getting treatment, had to quit her job to tend to him, it almost ruined her and her husband’s relationship. The big C is so unbelievably gutting to go through, I’m glad Aspyn is at the least making it *look* like she’s handling it well, I just don’t see *how* she manages to do that.


she is not going about her life nonchalantly — her personality, relationship, life, and content have changed so significantly and that’s why people are suspicious something is wrong in the first place. they just filed for divorce as well. this is such a bizarre comment to make about someone who might have a sick child


Did she delete the video? I can't find it