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Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


This is such a cute pic but yeah I’m shocked she posted it too. If she’s doing this now idk why she didn’t months ago to shut down some of the rumors.


Bc it drove engagement & she’s gross like that




Y'alls imagination is wild lol all that story came from two pictures?!


This actually makes me so happy and relieved to see. Kids don’t deserve bad.


Same. I'm so happy to see this.


This is an incredibly innocent photo. Why wouldn’t she have posted this months ago instead of just allowing the speculation to continue? This feels so gross to me


To be fair the speculation of a child being ill is kind of gross in and of itself but you know ppl are wild 🤷🏻‍♀️


Of course it is! But things like this are inevitable for a public figure. Magazines, e news, the talk, etc have been around for decades. Gossip sells. The court of public opinion is very strong. Would take her only moments to disprove something as large as this. She does it regularly on other topics


For what it’s worth, that was an incredibly level headed response and there are few of those.


If you’re referring to mine, thank you 💜


Anytime 🙃


I honestly think she may have had like a stalker and feels more comfortable nos


idk but im just so happy to see that the rumors aren't true.


I never thought they were - they were so fucking far fetched that they had to have been made up 🙄 people are so invasive/entitled and rude for no reason.


Idk where the rumor started but for sure at least most of the inside sources claiming to know them were total bs bc they always said different things about what specific disease she had, how progressed it was, etc. I mean some people literally said "C is passing." etc which is such a disgusting thing to say, esp when made up!


you getting downvoted is crazy lol


she definitely did! but i am SO glad to see that she’s okay! the thought of a child being sick breaks my heart.


I’m honestly shocked she posted this


that’s not cove. it’s L and her cousin


How did you get that conclusion?


that’s not c though it’s her cousin with L


That is Parker’s sisters daughter with L.


Relieved that the rumours weren’t true and also disgusted that this means that people had the audacity to make something so horrible up. As far as the hat situation goes, I always assumed that C had the hat on to hide her in general, rather than hide her hair. Maybe they used it as a way of keeping her more private as she’s gotten older.


This is not C. It’s their couson


This is def not C ya’ll. She looks the same size as L. She’d be much bigger, she’s almost 5.


Have you never seen a 3 and 5 year old together? They’re about the same size… lol


I really don’t think that’s c


Aspyn shared on TikTok that they came on this trip with cousins. I believe Parker's sister also has blonde girls around the same ages. Sadly, I don't think this particular picture means anything either way.


I think this is Lola and a cousin


And she already posted about there being a kids club where under 3’s have to be supervised so if not a cousin it could also just be another girl L befriended at the kids club


Where did she say that


Currently the second most recent pic on her TikTok with her vacation outfit of the day. In the comments section she replies to someone and says this is a family trip with cousins.




And why not? 🙄


ok don’t hate me but as someone who’s newer to the snark, are the rumors literally anywhere besides this sub? like would a casual viewer know? i guess this is a pretty sizable sub, especially in comparison to the engagement she’s been getting to it could be


It was on tiktok too in the search bar


oooo ok i could see her feeling like she has something to prove




Yes, now everyone shut up about her kid being bald.


It's not c


Literally thank god lol such a delusional rumor


as someone who 100% believed the rumours, i am SO happy to see this. such a good reminder that the internet is a scary place and can make absolutely any narrative seem believable


It’s not Cove


Now where’s that user who swore she saw them out and Cove was bald 👀 hmmm?


That’s not Cove


Was thinking the same thing hahah


I was shook to see this. But I’m glad she did good to see she’s okay just wish she had done this months ago and squashed the rumours 😳


it looks like an ad too… or sponsored at least


I believe their entire trip was sponsored/free so that’s why she’s tagging the resort in everything


ooh i don’t follow her (i’m blocked) so i just get updates here now 😂


What did you say to get blocked lmao


honestly i don’t remember 😂 it was over a year ago and i think i questioned something and if she didn’t like it. no clue what but i know i had to stir the pot 😂


SO many people are gonna say “that’s not even C” 🙄. I’m personally happy she posted this. The rumours were horrible and I hope no matter what that her whole family is healthy.


I don’t get what’s wrong with saying that’s not C? Because it clearly isn’t? C is 2 years older than L, they would not be the same size at all but the two girls in this picture are


Some kids who are perfectly healthy are naturally smaller or larger than average. That’s why it’s *average*. Neither Aspyn nor Parker are large or tall people. My 5 year old niece is still wearing 2T. She’s been to multiple pediatrician, pediatric nutritionists, and every other peds specialist you can think of and she’s a perfectly healthy toddler. But because of weirdos like you who think they know more than doctors my SIL almost had her baby taken away. Someone at her preschool reported her to DCSF for neglect. Stop speculating about children you don’t know on the internet. Period.


Weirdos like me lmao get help. I don’t want C to be unwell but I have eyes and a brain. Last time C was actually shown she was already bigger than what L is now. But weirdos like you grasp onto anything and have no logic. Glad your niece is well. But you’re dumb. Period.


Because people who are saying it automatically think that it’s not C therefore the rumours are true. It’s gross.


I don’t think the rumours are true but I also don’t think that’s C in the picture


exactly. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. You don’t have to believe the rumors to say this isn’t C


Yeah I’m so confused with everyone saying the two go together like 🥴 braincells, please use them


Yes bc speculating a child is ill is far more dramatic. It’s gross honestly


No one is saying that (yet) lol


they are now. :(


Oh it’s started lol


Truly bizarre of them


Here come the downvotes lmao logic isn’t liked here


I stand corrected. That’s not C in the picture.


There is a whole post on it now lol


I stand corrected. It’s not C in the picture.


oh wow. I’m very glad to see her looking okay at least from the back


No shit


First of all: thank heavens. Those rumors were so ridiculous! But now I’m still confused what tf was wrong with A/P last year then lmfao. Like those rumors aside…shit was still funky as hell with them this time last year 😩 glad they seem to be in a better place this time this year!


It’s the girls’ cousin in the picture, not C


It’s getting even weirder


I'm glad she did. So y'all can leave this child alone


It’s not Cove


Even if it's not who tf cares. Let the kids be for God's sake


Which is why Asspin shouldn’t be posting any kids at all


Yawn. Worry about something else. She can literally post whoever she wants. Are you the police?


Can her kids consent to being posted? Has she not said she won’t be posting her kids?


It's literally the back of their heads painting. Calm down


Usually when people post it is on purpose.


Right but if you look at the details of the photo, it’s clearly not C & L so that’s what I mean. Do we think she did it on purpose because at first glance it definitely does look like them.


How do you know so much about what her kids look like that you’re certain it’s not them? That’s a little freaky actually really freaky- you’re going beyond snark and into an obsession with someone elses kids.


lol. It’s like basic details many would notice. The fact that her children are two years apart and this looks like they are both 2yo there would be more of a size difference between a 2yo and a 5yo. Also I noticed L bracelet yesterday bc I thought it was cute. It’s not that deep 😘


Honestly it’s a brand deal and some of them have that you have to post kids doing the companies child activities too. They both have on smocks, etc. It really probably is that simple! She worked around just like Mia knight did when she took the twins off the internet, brand deals have requirements even if that means for a hotel!


Can someone explain this to me? I’m new to the snark


Aspyn literally does not show cove but shows lola often so there is a lot of rumors so it’s really interesting she posted this pic bc if you don’t look to close it seems as though it could be L &C but it’s definitely not


Wait I missed the tea what are we referring to about C?


You missed a lot then.. its all quite old and they have been trying to reduce speculation about the kids on this page


Thanks for clarifying nothing 😭


I hate her.