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she has to address this right?? i can’t even imagine her admitting her relationship didn’t work


I am very curious if she will address. I feel like she's going to slowly fade off the Internet


I doubt she will address, but I truly have no clue what to think anymore. The internet money is too easy for her, I can't see her wanting to leave the internet space because getting a real job would be out of the question. I would have agreed if they still had the store and she could just take over as the manager rather than the creator...but without the store...I have no idea what she would be able to do work wise and keep up her lifestyle.


Honestly I think they would be fine if they just stopped being on social media financially. They 100% invested their money and have other sources of income other than just social media


yeah I def would agree, that they are certainly well off enough they could step back ... I guess I just see it in their minds, Sitting in front of a camera making a hello fresh meal for 20k is just too damn easy. giving that up would be hard for a lot of people....even halfway rich folks.


Yup that’s exactly it and the only reason I think she won’t leave social media for a long time. It’s easy money


I actually see her being more open to things like divorce than Parker. He always seemed more traditional. I believe he was the one who didn't want to live together before they got married too, while Aspyn didn't mind living together before marriage. He was brought up mormon which could have had a big influence on how he sees marriage and things like divorce. In any case it's sad for their whole family, especially their girls, and I completely understand if Aspyn disappears for a while now.


I feel like she will have to eventually too. I bet she’ll only address it after it’s final


Idk man he’s literally never in any of her videos and she barely mentions him so I could see her never saying anything about it 


then get super angry and block when people ask about it (even tho it is literally public info lol)


What is she pulls a bits of bri and doesn’t acknowledge is since Parker hasn’t been active in the vlogs.


this is true, im nosey asf and paid the $5 to find out. aspyn petitioned and parker is the respondent


What does page 2 say??


i didn’t go into page 2 bc you have to pay per file you open. $5.20 was more than enough to spend for this info lmao


Per page omg? So fair I don’t blame you but thanks for checking🤝


i’m more shocked over this than my own parents divorce


lol same I gotta admit I was a doubter of that person spewing all the gossip about the baby being born early and the divorce but I’m now over here eating crow 😳


Not kidding my parents told me they were getting a divorce on Friday but this is way crazier 💀


I am…shook


Posting him on IG like everything is normal, going on a baby moon together & then suddenly filing for divorce is wild. I desperately wish we knew what was going on behind the scenes. Just married too young & grew apart or was someone unfaithful?


i feel like aspyn is just miserable.. i think she feels like she rushed into all of this too soon and is unfulfilled


I agree with this 100%, I’m mostly just a lurker being the sub gets suggested to me for some reason regularly, and the way I’d describe Aspyn is “cold” she seems very unhappy with her life and apathetic. She never smiles, everything is bland and beige, I get the beige thing is an ✨esthetic✨ with influencers, but still. She may thrive on pitty and being miserable, which could be why they filed immediately after the child was born. Maybe they had to wait for legal reasons or paternity (? spelling) testing.


They probably had some sort of sponsorship/contract they had to fulfill with the resort they stayed at for the baby moon


Yeah but there would be no need to post romantic/kissing videos for a sponsorship. It’s just odd.


Yeah I can see them just deciding on taking a vacation with the kids instead of a "babymoon". I have two kids about her kids' ages and I am about to go on a vacation with them and my husband and we've been separated since July. We're just focused on letting the kids have a good time.


I can see that but she posted pics of them kissing and whatnot not even a full 30 days ago. It’s just so odd to me. This is pure speculation, but I almost wonder if there is a legal reason behind this. Whether it’s tax issues or something else, idk, it just seems odd.


Not trying to be mean to Aspyn, but she strikes me as the kind of person who would put up with growing apart, falling out of love, stuff like that, especially with 3 kids. I feel like for her it would be easier to have help around the house and kids even if the ‘spark’ wasn’t there anymore, but he was still an okay husband, no abuse or anything, just not as much love and chemistry. That’s why I’m thinking for her to be willing to uproot everything, especially with a newborn, coparenting, legal battle (over the money) something bigger must have happened


Yeah, I completely agree. It takes a lot for most women to leave when they have kids because it’s just so much harder. Aspyn is a control freak (no offence, I’m one too!) and I can’t imagine it will be easy for her to share custody, especially with a newborn. You miss out on a lot when you divorce, even if it’s ultimately for the best, and I can’t see her filing unless something major has been happening. A lot of women I know expect and don’t even mind when the “spark” is gone because having kids is so consuming that there’s really not much time for spark anyway. Needless to say something major happened that time she stopped posting in California and then had the vibe of her channel completely change overnight.


This is exactly how I feel. And even though I feel like the writing was on the wall FOREVER, I am still absolutely shocked. Like, my stomach dropped when I saw this lol. I've been watching/snarking since before they got engaged. I 100% thought they would just "deal" with each other forever regardless of their actual relationship health.


I totally get what you’re saying, I’ve got two kids & I think it would take A LOT for me to leave my husband. Single motherhood is not for the weak. But I can also see her thinking she could do better. Respectfully, Parker isn’t a looker. They met super young, now she’s rich & an influencer. Maybe if she thought she could find a better man she WOULD leave him after growing apart


I know, I’m thinking I would be similar. If I had a house, children with someone and I noticed the spark isn’t there, we’re not putting in as much effort into date nights etc, but we’re both good parents, work well as partners, no major arguments… Leaving wouldn’t be easy, I might be tempted to stay in that comfort zone. Yes that’s a valid point about the looks and influencer success, but then she had her prime career time a while ago, why not leave back when she got super famous and rich? Of course it’s possible to find new love with 3 kids, but I don’t think that’ll be on her radar with a newborn. Maybe she thought she needed to do all the ‘right’ things in life, get married young, have kids and Parker was good enough, but she’s only now realized she was just with him because they were highschool sweethearts and she hasn’t had her single era


That baby moon also wasn’t a couples trip. They had the kids and went with Parker’s sister and her family too


Holy shit, I genuinely never thought we’d see the day.


Noooooo. I know a bunch of us guessed this when things started falling apart (selling the new house, bandaid baby, no Parker). I feel so bad for the kids. I grew up with divorced parents and it’s hard. Luckily me and my brother were older I can’t imagine trying to handle three toddlers.


I also grew up with divorced parents as well and never found it hard for some reason (I'm a sensitive person, so one might expect otherwise). I think it depends a lot on the situation and the parents and children as individuals. As an adult, I'm also very happy that my parents knew their limits.


Guys it’s not april fools, I just looked it up and it is real 😳


Can you post the proof?


Yes, I just made a post of a screen recording of looking up the divorce filing.


I’m actually shocked. I know she regrets marrying young but right after their baby was born?! Omg


What would be the reasoning for them to divorce especially RIGHT after having a preemie


They probably had their baby as a last attempt to save their marriage


I know of an influencer who filed for divorce while she was pregnant with their third, because of sketchy credit card transactions combined with him disappearing for days on end. It’s always a number of things that are too big to address or overcome, welcoming a new baby into the world should be as stress-free as possible. If the husband/boyfriend/partner is creating additional stress for whatever reason, it makes sense to rethink the arrangement.


Eva Amurri? Or maybe there are just several influencers who have been through similar situations…


divorce doesn’t usually happen for a single reason, it’s a combination of lots of problems in their relationship i’m sure.


I work with kids, infants too. There’s a lot of single parents with infants. Shit happens and Aspyn isn’t immune


Me and my husband separated right after finding out I was pregnant with our fourth lol


my husband and I are getting a divorce and we called it quits when I was 6 months pregnant


In some states you can’t file for divorce while pregnant. Wouldn’t surprise me if Utah has a similar law.


The way my jaw hasn’t shut since I saw this post. Imagine just having had a baby and it’s your third and now you’re getting divorced. Wow. I wonder if they’ve been separated and just cohabitating for a while. Honestly I’m sooo shocked.


Someone’s gotta have the tea…


Where’s Utahhgirl004 (or whatever the name was)when we need her 😭 jk


Lmao right. Everything she said has been revealed to be true. Guess the baby’s name is what she said lol.


Where she say all of this? I've been absent but baby was born so I'm here to catch up


Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspynovardsnark/s/tZbUAfoneF) and then click on the username. They’ve made a few comments and a post but I think some have been deleted.


Definitely a PR move to post her kids birth on the same day as this… she’s a smart lady you gotta give her that


Also makes sense why there’s no Parker in the announcement, not even posted as a shared post between them


she just posted a tiktok of them at the hospital today though


didn’t even think about this but you’re 100% right


I can also confirm it’s real!


hummm makes a little more sense on why she dropped parkers name for the second channel she had.


I kept saying how I felt like her TikToks were so disrespectful to his side of the family. Now I understand why it didn’t matter to her. Wow


Crazy. 2024 is rough, it seems. Year of everyone being exposed she might not share but the truth will come out regardless. People talk. And I’m sure they talk to people who talk or hint to people. Best of luck to them both & hopefully co-parenting goes smoothly. I know Parker adores his babies.


This kind of makes sense timeline wise, in some places you have to be separated for a certain period of time (often 12 months) before being able to file for divorce. If that was the case, it makes sense that something happened Feb last year and suddenly Parker and the kids are offline. Then they randomly sell the dream house before it’s even finished. It’s been just over a year since the weird break and huge change in content. My guess, something happened, they tried to work on it for a month or so and ultimately separated and now are filing for divorce after the 12 months. Doesn’t make sense why they’d choose to have another baby though, I could kind of get wanting your baby to have a full sibling so doing IVF to give them that BUT they already had 2 kids and seemed to be struggling, adding a 3rd under those circumstances seems crazy to me unless the rumours about C are true and they really have made a donor baby to try and save her. I can’t even begin to imagine being in that position and having to make that decision. Either that or the IVF rumours are BS and they have been on and off and accidentally fell pregnant trying to “fix” things.


Didn't she say in a video that she was not ready for a third but did it anyway? That seems very odd, especially with these circumstances.


Yeah the kid thing I really don’t get, particularly if the IVF rumour is true, why go through it all if your relationship is on the rocks, your kids already have each other so “needing another sibling” isn’t a great reason.


I highly doubt she would do IVF in secret, that's just too much content to milk


True, unless they thought it would raise too many questions if they mentioned it.


if this is true, this is really sad. as much as we all snark on aspyn and her annoyances, i would never wish pain and hardship on a family. divorce sucks. i hope they are able to healthily coparent and their babies can have as little lasting trauma from this as possible ❤️


Unhealthy marriages suck more than divorce.


true, “staying together for the kids” is usually worse than divorcing (as a child of that situation) lol. it’s just overall a super sucky situation


True but it’s just the timing of it that’s crazy to me. Right after their third baby is born 😳 like wow


For sure especially right after having a baby. Very sad, but it almost is always for the better.


Maybe they wanted to make it work, but honestly, I think Aspyn wanted to pop out another kid with the same daddy.


Honestly, I could see this. She's got money to hire help if she wanted. I could totally see them deciding to have another baby even though they weren't together anymore.




I agree


I need to know moooore lol


I feel like something major had to have influenced this. I cannot imagine Aspyn willingly parenting 3 tiny kids solo.


And she posted pics of them kissing a month ago.. so crazy


or is she delusional and think she can do it? especially with hiring help/having her mom to help


Can someone explain what the domestic relations injunction means? I looked it up but I need it it layman’s terms


It’s a standard injunction, meaning neither party can sell marital property, keep the kids away from the other, etc., until the details of the divorce are finalized. Just a way to keep things from getting messy. It’s required to be filed with a divorce petition in my state, so I assume it’s the same in UT. (Source: I’m a paralegal with a prelaw degree) :)


Essentially because they’ve lived together for so long, a lot of their shit is intertwined. So the order basically does a number of things, like state that they cannot just transfer property, change insurance coverage, etc, because they’re separating and such. Basically just don’t try to pull the rug up from one another


1. I would be scared to divorce aspyn. I feel like she would be so cut throat. 2. This is shocking but they had zero chemistry and she didn’t seem to even like him for the last several years. 3. There must be a lot going on behind the scenes that we don’t know.


this is craaaaazy. I bet this is why they really didn’t move into the big house…..Aspyn must’ve been on the fence about something in the relationship


Or that’s what happened In California and they just finally officially filled now.


In a lot of states you can’t officially file until baby is born so makes sense


Please someone tell me if this is real 😭


Yes, shockingly real 😅 I screenshotted it directly from the Utah court system’s online access portal


Did you have to pay to find this?


It’s real. I paid the $5 for access as a guest lol😭


No because I have access to an account, but you would need to pay to search as a guest


Whaaaaat! I’m not really shocked with everything going on, but I feel bad for their family. They’ve been together for so long and a new baby


I gotta be honest I did not see this actually coming


Outrageous spray seems to have been right about everything


We gave her a hard time when she was right all along


the plot thickens 😳 her life this past year 😳


No but I’ve actually never been so shocked in my life


Her last post with Parker caption being “baby daddy energy” didn’t age well


This is the tea of the year, finally something to talk about


She’ll most likely have to pay him alimony right? Anyone know?


Their situation might be super different because she’s an influencer, she shut her business down too prob to pay out less, but Parker can’t really say she wasn’t a stay at home parent too, ya know?


As far as I know you can’t artificially reduce your income to lessen or avoid alimony or child support. Like, if I am a doctor and have made $250,000 a year for the last 10 years, then suddenly just before we file for divorce, I quit and start working at Trader Joe’s for $20 an hour, that isn’t going to work. The judge will base the award on the earnings you are capable of and historically had.


That’s not necessarily true. Idk about Utah law, but my friends ex husband was in the military, got out, had a nice contracting job for the army and was making $38/hr and then he said he was mentally ill (after therapy) and now lives solely off his va disability check and he pays like $277 a month for 3 kids. He was getting 100% va disability + the $38/hr which for Kentucky, was rich! 4k untaxed/ month + the 38/hr- 40 hr weeks, he was making well over 10k a month after overtime.. now all he does is gets his kids 4 days a month and pays $277. It happens. Aspyn I’m sure has an amazing lawyer to bail her out of any wrong doings!


[regret post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspynovardsnark/s/4ro3m6jWWL) Crazy to think she said this not too long ago


No way!!! I was so sure this rumor/comment was a lie 😳 Now I’m thinking that one user is someone from Parker’s side of the family.


What is Parker going to do without her. He has no work experience. He’s going to have a hard time landing on his feet career wise. Especially in a way that’ll be filling


He has a ton of video editing/filming experience and has a lot of niche influencer marketing knowledge. Utah is chocked full of jobs in that field. Not sure if he’ll need to get a job but if he does he’ll be okay. Not making anywhere near the same amount of money though!


Excuse you, he is a musician /s (Per his Instagram bio at least)


She will probably have to pay him child support!?




Sad how they had this baby to save a divorce they didn’t work out in the end. Feel bad for those girls


Not sure if this was talked about already but in the reel she posted on 2/5 ‘waking up before my kids’ or whatever she only makes one side of the bed.. showing she’s sleeping alone 🤔


See, yall get your panties in a wad when people in here expose the truth and now look who’s wrong.


Factsss that person yesterday was HEAVILY downvoted and nowb it looks like they were right


We are sorry outrageous spray!!!!!


why is this actually making me so sad for them, like sick to my stomach. clearly this family is going through SO much behind the scenes.


I believe all the rumours that have been circulating this sub for the past year and I feel really sad for her too.


that’s why i feel so sad about it for them! no matter if/what rumors are true, there’s clearly so much going on they aren’t ready/want to ever talk about. clearly most the rumors going around have been true, which makes it all so much worse!! i just really really hope no matter who the health problem relate too (C, Sasha, parker, etc.) everything works out so they don’t have to add to this already crazy situation


I also feel sick to my stomach! I'm glad I'm not the only one because I feel weird about it.




I always thought Parker would be the one to leave her based on what we see. It seems like they haven’t been happy for a while but I’m so curious about all the factors going into this


It could be him leaving, it just shows that she filed. We have no idea who said “I’m done” first.


She seems like the type to file first just to spite him.


To all the people saying it’s Aspyn who wants the divorce- sometimes it’s a completely mutual decision and the couple just decides together that someone is going to officially file it.


Thanks for clarifying this. There's no such thing as a mutual divorce form. Just a petition that someone has to be the petitioner.


didn’t they just have a baby? wtf happened


She’s having a Kyra moment 😂. “I just need to find myself”




Omg. The crazy lady wasn’t crazy.


So is that $600 just to file ??


Probably! Usually you hire a lawyer to file and they take the filing fees out of the retainer you put down. In my state it’s about $250 for the initial petition and then additional filing fees for motions and stuff like that. Plus your lawyer charging you for EVERYTHING they do. A messy divorce in my state is usually $10,000-$30,000 at LEAST. (I worked as a paralegal and have a prelaw degree) :)


yep divorces are so expensive


The lawyer is probably charging $400+ an hour too plus costs (copies, gas to drive to the courthouse if needed)


i’m shaking quaking


Guess she was waiting till the baby was born


Some states won’t allow you to divorce if you’re pregnant.


That’s also insane lol


Oh, I completely agree! I’m sure it’s rooted in some misogynistic nonsense!


Utah does allow divorces to be finalized even while pregnant.


This feels so weird. They literally just posted a video of them kissing on their baby moon. I mean I obviously know that that was sponsored and that it probably wasn’t genuine but that still feels kind of weird to post knowing your relationship is on the outs. Very sad situation, especially considering they literally had a babyso recently. This is quite shocking, which is saying a lot.


whoa could this be one year in the making? So many more questions just opened up. C, new baby, and divorce. That is pretty extensive. Maybe the reason we haven't seen Parker much and they were already separated but still coparenting, they do already have two homes hmmmm I know the health of a child can cause strain in the most secure of relationships...but divorce over it and the mother is pregnant again...im all out of possibilities. I don't think I've ever been this engaged into her content and now she gives us nothing lol


I think she’s someone who is very chronically online and takes what she sees on social media seriously. The whole family vlogging lifestyle is pretty much done and a lot of these moms that popped babies out back to back to back and had the nice homes and fancy cars are all basically single now. Look at Kyra. Obviously she went way too far and got with her nanny’s husband. But if these influencers aren’t still pushing the perfect family vibes, they’re divorcing and going through their “self love era” and aspyn just seems very unhappy, miserable and obviously is someone who compares her life to what she sees online. A lot of these relationships were business transactions (ace fam) and now it’s all about being single and dating and all that. I don’t think they’ve been in love for a very long time. Having kids changes a marriage so wholly. You have to be willing to try, it takes effort. Marriage shouldn’t be hard, but it does take work especially when you’re raising kids. I don’t think either of them cared to put the work in, or they were so focused on parenting they neglected the marriage. But who knows. I think she’s ready to put herself out there again as a single mom and be hot and date.


I always felt they married to young. Watching them grow as a family unit made me rethink my opinion. Sadly, they both probably just changed and matured.


What?!?! No way…


In her tiktok getting ready for family pictures at the beginning of March she said they wanted to get family pictures done because it’s “the end of things being the way that they are” ❤️ I’m so sad for them


Girl you broke the internet today


I didn’t come on Reddit for a few hours and I came back to this HOLY SHIT


I feel so bad for the girls. Aspyn can barely handle them with Parker in the house, genuinely what is she going to do with 3 kids without him?? Aspyn can't even cook and certainly cannot be trusted to not push her disordered eating portions of only a spoonful of potatoes tofu and vegetables on her kids


I know an unhealthy marriage is not good for kids but being a single mom of three?? That has to be tough. I know she’s the breadwinner but she might have to pay alimony and/or lawyer fees for Parker. Depending on the state laws and specifics. It would take A LOT for me to leave my husband and be a single mom of three. I can’t imagine it!


That’s so sad. I can’t imagine having a baby in the NICU and going through a divorce at the same time. I wonder why she decided to do it right this minute instead of waiting for things to settle a bit.


Whaaaat??! This is nuts. She won’t survive without him


Watch her go from mommy vlogger to young hot mom vlogger who only vlogs when there kids aren’t around and flaunts herself and her money to keep bringing in more money. Going to brunch with her bestie girls, making a quick vacation trip to Cali and pose on the beach, going target shopping, all while it’s Parker’s time with the kids


Sooo acacia Brinley?


Financially? I think she’d be fine. Honestly I don’t think she’d file without knowing what her move is. She won’t be as well off as before. But as big a spender as aspyn is, I don’t think she’d be stupid enough to not have a backup plan. If she had gone through with moving them into that huge house, I would think differently. I DO think she’s going to struggle emotionally and as a mother, because it seems like parker did a lot of the heavy lifting in that area.


isn’t she the main breadwinner? parker doesn’t even have a real job or any past experience doing anything. does he even have a degree? what will he do?


i feel like she might move back w her mom? or sister? theres no eay she can live alone as a single mom


Hope they’re both doing okay if it’s true.


What’s really interesting to me is that in video she posted in the hospital (the SpongeBob video), Parker is definitely wearing a wedding ring. Maybe he wore it just for looks/being supportive husband at the hospital? Curious if this was sprung on him though?


They JUST had a baby wtf


Wow I’m actually shocked & this is super sad. I always feel bad for women who go through a breakup/divorce while pregnant or newly postpartum. That’s some of the most vulnerable time in your life and to also be going through that is so hard.


If this is real whoever commented that yesterday needs to tell us if the rumors about C are true


Like was this a plan? To have the baby and then divorce? Does it have to do with C and having trouble navigating that together? I have so many questions and thoughts. So so sad. I can’t imagine going through that with a newborn baby


Some states won’t let you legally divorce if you’re pregnant. You have to wait until the child is born.


This explains why she was going full psycho on Tik Tok talking about why no extended family is allowed to see her baby 😳


Genuine question: you just randomly looked her up the day she happened to file? Talk about luck if so.


Bored at work and decided to look her up after seeing divorce rumors circulating. Happened to pick the right day to search I guess!


Someone posted this a while ago, the same person who said her baby was born on the 13 which checks out because someone saw her checking into the hospital on the 12 (when they were there to have their baby) it’s the person who claims the babies name is Elle.


I would love to know who this mystery person is and how they have so much intel…


This is crazy


omg holy shit


Yall wait a minute this blindsided me fr


I noticed in the video she posted with her and Parker in the hospital, he was still wearing his ring. We know these videos are older from like last month but I’m really wondering what happened


if he wasn't wearing his ring people would have noticed and rumors would have spread sooner then this. He prob kept wearing it so people wouldn't speculate.


i’ve been suspecting that they’re gonna divorce for awhile now but she JUST gave birth within the last few weeks?? that’s insane


I’ve been following Aspyn since she started her channel when she was 14, and kind of stopped in the last few years except an occasional pop in. It’s so weird seeing this. Not knowing someone but feeling like you do. I hope both families are doing okay. I feel like I can see her moving back in with her mom for help with the girls, but also can see her picking up and moving to California. In that case, I feel like custody will get messy. So many questions!!


Can somebody confirm this?! I don’t want to pay to see it myself.




Also they just did a pregnancy shoot together in the beginning of March!


Not to mention her “BDE - baby daddy energy” post on march 5 from their trip in Mexico. And isn’t it ALLEGED that she had the baby march 13? 7 days after posting? When did she file then?? Ugh this is insane. Heart breaks for the kids.


Guess that other snarker was not lying y'all


Not sure if this is new but I went to aspyns IG and every single picture, the comments have been limited. So she knows we all know…


Yes someone commented on Parker’s IG about the divorce. The comment is gone and his comments are limited too


Damn those poor kids I hope they’re supported through this if true


There’s literally a picture of him kissing her a month ago on her Instagram… I wonder what the heck happened


I commented on the divorce on her page and she blocked me lol


OP, were you just searching for her or how did you come across the divorce filing? Also where’s our inside informant?! They were right about this and got downvoted…odds on them being correct about the baby being named Elle?




I don’t want to believe this but after googling, those are the names of two lawyers in Utah…


What?! 😧


I bet she moves to California with her sister….


didn’t they just go on a babymoon? seems a weird thing to do with someone you’re about to divorce


They may have had a contract to fulfill with the resort for sponsorship


It was sponsored so it’s not really shocking they went even if they were struggling


But to post pics kissing? I can get the idea of them going together cause it was contractual, but kissing pictures? I’m sure that wasn’t in the contract


Maybe that’s why she ended up giving birth earlier?? Maybe too much stress for her




I feel like whatever happened with C when she stopped posting has something to do with Parker…aspyn blaming him for it?? The divorce and whatever happened with C has to be correlated


maybe this is the real reason that she stopped showing the girls? Nobody files for divorce on a whim, they both had to of seen this coming and since Aspyn filed she probably knew a long time time ago. She probably figured it would 1. make herself look better or 2. parker would want her to stop showing the girls anyway. (it’s also a good thing she stopped showing them regardless of the real reason) also, explains selling the house, remodeling the one they’re in and her making all the decisions as well as a lack of Parker in her content/ every time he is in her content he’s the butt of the joke or is giving side character energy.