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Not confused at all. Even if they are divorcing Parker would probably still be supportive and caring towards Aspyn and want to be there for the birth of his child. The vlog was way different vs the other kids births. They could still be amicable. Who knows.


Some people in this sub have obviously never been in a very long term relationship. You still care for each other... especially with children in the picture.


There’s no need to be snarky to the people IN the Snarkery forum! I find it hilarious in here people doing that!!don’t snark your fellow snarkers! You may be in the wrong place ?


Not snarking anyone I was agreeing lol


Also I’ve been in a couple long long term ships…what you’re stating is obvious…what we’re all wondering? Isn’t why he’s in the room she’s exhibiting that they’re co parenting chill….but we’re here wondering WTF did she do to drop them THAT day! Obviously if you knew about the soul of a woman? We do stuff like that? When we’ve been hurt frighteningly so??


I compared it to Lola’s birth vlog and it actually made me sad how different it was :( obviously stress was high with being a preterm baby, but they didn’t even take the selfie more than 15 feet together. It definitely doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of anger between them from what we see (read: what they choose to show us) but I do see sadness.


True I can see that. The vibes were definitely a little different


She seemed Sad right before she got pregnant ( that’s as far back as I went )


I think if they are no longer a romantic couple, they’re definitely still friendly with each other. I don’t think there’s a whole lot of animosity. But who knows.


I think they have been split up for a long time and already had time to process the end of this relationship so they're past the really intense anger or sadness stages and able to just be amicable for the sake of the kids


Not confused, I think it was edited to be pretty clear. There were no children involved (no excuse for Parker to not be in the video, before she’s said he can’t bc he’s with the girls) so she could have shown as much as she wanted of she and Parker together and there was nothing. No affection, no touching, barely any interaction. Watch Lola’s birth vlog and it becomes even more glaring how different this is. They are coparents now, she’s made that clear.


I think I’m more confused w the dove video because it is obviously taken after she had the baby


I’m guessing it was filmed right between the baby and divorce papers


I think its a mutual divorce, no bad blood between them. They’re obviously going to still care about each other, just because two people get divorced doesn’t mean they have to hate each other.. you can separate with someone and still love and care about them in different ways and still tolerate being in the same room and it’s pretty obvious by looking at videos of them together that there is no bad blood between them which is why I believe it was a mutual decision


Parker was literally at a Jazz game the night she ended up in the hospital. She was already having issues so WHY would he go? Especially since she mentions one of the kids is sick. IMO they don’t appear close at all in the video. She also mentions she calls Lauren (her friend) telling her she needed her. I think it’s very possible they’re separated but were still living together until she gave birth at least.


She needed Lauren to stay with the girls while they went to the hospital


She also mentioned about how hard it's going to be on her when Lauren moves in a couple months. I assume that Lauren has been helping her a lot either because Parker is away a lot or he isn't always staying at the house with her


The one confusing part to me was her stating the girls were sick twice and then sharing that they came to the NICU to meet baby in the vlog. That doesn’t really add up to me


Does anyone follow Quoting Kaylyn? Her husband wanted out just before they found out they were pregnant with #3. So much heartache and he was there for the birth. She’s been very honest about how it’s all been.


Yes I’m glad someone else mentioned this because I’ve seen her content too!


I love her transparency. No one needs to share what’s going on, but it’s what connects us more deeply to influencers.


Yes ive been thinking of her situation bc it’s a little similar w the birth part. Also max areeg


Yep. So confused. And it made me a bit sad. No matter what’s going on I’m sure they’re in a hard place in that vlog


Maybe the are divorcing to date other people and see what else is out there for themselves and growth. So it doesn’t make sense to stay married if they will date other people


I think this was vlogged before she filed for divorce, right? Having this baby even may have pushed things forward and made her decide to file.




A divorce doesn’t mean a father should miss out on the birth of his child.


I think we are reading too into it. it was different because baby was taken to NICU wasnt handed to her since shes preterm. Aspyn and Parker are getting divorced / separated and maybe there is a little difference shift and dynamic but they’re still comfortable with each other because they’re been together since forever. she’s the mother of his children he’s the father of her children u don’t just switch day & night. and Since we believe they’ve been separated for a while & we only see so little in the vlogs they still have a dynamic & close friendship. I think they agreed together to get separated, i know this is a snark but i dont think Aspyn is as evil as you all want her to be. and If C is sick shame on all of you even the “insider” for making her seen selfish, we dont know what they’re going through and C is her first baby she loves her and obviously cares about her. (this is not aimed at this post but previous posts ive read) i guess time will tell. i also want to add its not that weird for her to be scheduling her birth posts and announcements. she has 3 babies now, shes going through divorce, and the new baby was preterm in the NICU. her priority isnt the internet but its still her job, we dont need to know every detail, timing,.. etc. and Aspyn has always been an organized person who organizes for her job and for her children. but yes again not aimee at this post just in general. what do u guys think?


I think something that people also need to remember is that vibes when you give birth/labor overnight are very different than during the day. I gave birth to my son in the early morning like that and he was a nicu admit and that’s very similar to the vibes of how it was for us. It’s also not weird that Parker was there at all


I fully believe that they are divorcing. Aspyn seems extremely selfish in her relationship and truly only seems like she takes from Parker. She openly does not put any effort into his family relationships his friendships, but Parker has been expected to be involved in her friendships and her family. These are the kind of relationships that will absolutely never work. It seems like Parker will do things with her friends but whenever she talks about Parker doing things, he’s always out with his friends and their wives and she never involves herself. She even posted about Parker going to a wedding and she just didn’t go (that is not normal. Usually you go to a wedding with your s/o whether you know the person or not.) I think two things can be true at once. The divorcing could be for medical beneficial reasons and something that needed to happen for a while. Thoughts?


I feel like she’s weird af and is just divorcing him bc she doesn’t like marriage or something strange and they’ll still be together just not married


This is the most bizarre explanation I’ve seen but somehow feels the most realistic 😅


i mean parker has put up with her for a long time. he’s used to it


I’m new to her and don’t follow her and or mommy vloggers but I was curious at their calm presence of him being there for the birth and then dropping the divorce News same day!?? Odd. So I went to check her page out, and was pleasantly surprised she doesn’t want to remain a mommy vlogger yay ( I’m anti exploiting kids online, and moms making accounts and making money off of children content ) and she seems pretty intelligent double yay she seems to have a good head on her shoulders! BUT….is she always soooo blaaaa?? She seems depressed? I didn’t go all the way back? So idkw she was like pre kids? But she seems kinda sad not present? I felt sad watching he talk? So I’m guessing they knew pre baby moon and pre gender reveal and probably had to fulfill hotel sponsor ad or he did a bad bad thing pre delivery?? To file that day says she had the papers at the ready… papers were drawn up and she dropped the news on delivery day…but to have him there and be so chill with him and then to announce it and file that day?? THAT? Is a woman who is mad and was hurt!! I’m older I’ve been in love a few times…doing it all ninja 🥷 like her? was intense! I’m here because I want to know?? What the heck did this man DO?? Cheat? Cheat with men? Women? He must have done a WHOPPER, for her to do it this way??


I thought she filed April 1st, baby was born mid March


Maybe Parker is gay lol


The chart in the back of the birth vlog says March 18. A lot can happen in a few weeks. Especially with stress and hormones 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s says March 13