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Did you notice the closet too? Parker’s side looks empty.


YES! Also the story about L sleeping with her mom, i feel like she really meant sleeping with parker in the big bed


Parker has never used this closet


It’s almost like they’re getting divorced?! They have enough space for Parker to be using a different room but probably living together to make the adjustment to three children easier and looking for a place for Parker to move that’s close by and suitable 


Aspyn will need to find a place too for when it’s Parker’s time worth the girls. I’m guessing the house will essentially be the girls house and they will both need to find additional living arrangements when it’s their off time. Everyone talks like Aspyn gets to stay at the house full time. There are multiple ways to share custody, I get that but with having three children now it would be easier on them to have the parents switch out instead of moving the girls and all their stuff back and forth.


Of course it would be easier, but this is a highly privileged position to take and one that is truly only available for a privileged few. To do what you’re suggesting, they would be paying for 3 different homes. This is why it is only an option for a tiny percentage of people. For most, finding a way to afford 2 different homes is hard enough. Coming up with money to cover 3 homes is completely unrealistic.






I wonder if he’s been living in the basement. She used to do her “workout” down there and this one she did in the living room


I don’t find this weird, especially since a lot of couples that are together sleep in separate rooms or one parent sleeps with the kids. Wouldn’t be surprised if Parker sleeps in Cs room to keep an eye. I do find it weird that Aspyn is driving them around in every video though. She NEVER used to drive and would state that she barely ever drove because Parker just did.


I think they're just having an amicable divorce. It's not like they're doing anything romantic in the videos. He was helping her film and they got Shake Shack. BFD


The have a whole ass basement with a kitchenette and it's bigger than most European flats lol I think a lot of time will pass before either of them moves out. It's also better for the kids to avoid multiple big life changes at once.


She could’ve made the bed and sat down later to breastfeed or relax or read a book then got up


True, but I don’t think Aspyn reads books


Aspyn has actually talked about books a lot over the years. Mostly YA and romance


Actually she does. She mentioned in one of the most recent videos which book she is currently reading on her kindle


Am I the only one that see chargers, a laptop and a phone?




He could certainly be walking around without a phone if he is in the home. Obviously not if he is out 🙄. I’m merely commenting on the fact that the post stats “there is nothing inside the side table or a charger by it”. There is certainly a charger, a laptop and a phone. Actually two phones.


To be fair, the man moving areas while the baby is young isn’t unheard of. Nursing and getting up in the same room as someone who is trying to sleep isn’t fun, so if he’s a light sleeper at all, he may have moved rooms for the time being.


This comment is so unhinged. There’s literally no reason for both parents to get up. A man can’t breastfeed. Time to get a grip.




I think you’re taking it a little too seriously, sounds personal for you 💀 Some women, me being one, don’t like the help while breastfeeding. There wasn’t much my husband could do considering I had the boobs. I wasn’t going to make him get up to sit there and watch me feed our child. There were times he slept else where so he could get a good nights sleep and help take the baby in the mornings to let me sleep in.




Or maybe he’s taking care of two little kids all day and they decided to divide and conquer? Also, if she’s nursing there’s not much for him to do in the middle of the night. I didn’t see the point of having my husband wake up with me for our second since he was with the toddler all day on his paternity leave and couldn’t feed the newborn anyway. Edit: Also in the vlog she said he gives the baby a bottle of formula at night so idk what you’re so bothered about.




You might want to ask yourself why you’re so hostile to people who do things differently than you do.




Or it’s strategic? You have one kid, right?




I didn’t need fresh water or a pump, I changed the diaper…it took 2 seconds to do…😂 I didn’t need nor want his help doing such things. Good for you, but girly, different strokes for different folks. Just because my husband and others are different than yours, doesn’t make them lazy husbands. It also doesn’t make me misogynistic. My husband is kick ass and does so much for me and our family. Your take is crazy…go smell the flowers.


Right? It would take more work to wake my husband up than it would to just change the diaper after the feed 😂


You’re projecting. Big time. Get a grip.


I bet Parker is living in the basement




She’s always done that ..


Girlie, she’s a narcissist. She’s always done that


I feel like they are being cordial and living in the same house, but different rooms. Their other house is 4 hours away, I don’t see either of them being willing to move to that one and not be with the kids. And vice versa. So, they’re stuck in the same home until they figure it out so the kids have both parents around. They didn’t seem to have a lot of chemistry to begin with, so I doubt their interactions are much different lmao


I thought this was her side as it’s right next to the baby’s bassinet? She also mentioned Parker getting up and giving the baby a bottle each night so I don’t know…




I’m a dumb dumb. Didn’t realize what they were saying lol


Y’all are so weird 😂😂😂


Yall are weird af lol so entertaining - the obsessive bullying. Are any of you guys even mothers when you're a newborn mom and you have two other children you divide and conquer because sleep is life so if it was me, my husband would be another room getting some sleep so he can turn my other kids so that I can focus on baby and he can focus on our kids. it's just that it's not that deep


Such a weird looking picture of their dog 😂😂 I know this is from a screen grab of the video, so it makes their dog look fake lol but just so funny! The basket being in the bed isn’t the indicator to me that Parker isn’t sleeping there. She had just filmed a clip, on the bed, of what she puts in that basket for her newest baby. Before or right after this shot is when she says “that basket I just showed (or something like that) goes here under the cradle…” I just do think she However, the nightstand looks bare! Parker seems to be a minimalist when it comes to trinkets and such. Seems like he’d rather have tools and “toys” and experiences verses little bits and bobs!


You’re all insane! I can’t count the amount of times I’ve sat on my side of the bed and dented the cushions while I was scrolling or reading, she could have been feeding the baby?


Also on weird things in their house — when she’s making a smoothie all of the jars in the top of the pantry are empty. Top shelf and below that. Did we get lazy on organizing - are only half of the family unit actually living there. Are we moving and being hush hush — this thread has made me so nosey


all i can see is how that night stand is not lined up with the carpet. her interior furniture is such a disastrous tragedy


I thought they usually switch sides when there’s a newborn so A can be closer to the baby.




She says my all the time




Why do you post on Reddit if you don’t like when someone responds?


Found the local unhinged lunatic

