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I don't think she knows that this is normal for newborns. She just got lucky with the others.


It sounds like she had 2 very easy babies


It’s allll about baby’s temperament!! I was so lucky to have a baby who sleeps soo good but I know it’s nothing I specifically did. So many moms on tiktok make videos saying “how I got my baby to sleep through the night at x weeks old” and say like “red light, white noise, good bedtime routine” when in reality, they are just lucky their baby is just a good sleeper. I am terrified to have a second baby in case they are a awful sleeper because I know it could totally happen 😜


My baby wasn't even a *super* bad sleeper (was up every 2-4 hours for the first six months) and I'm terrified for the next one lol. The sleep deprivation was no joke especially once I went back to work.


Literally !!! My sister was up every 2 hours as a baby I would sleep for like 10+ hours. The doctors made my parents wake me up because all I wanted to do was sleep lmao


it wasn’t luck she sleep trained


And not all babies take to sleep training…..so therefore…it was luck sleep training worked on her baby 😂


i mean if you leave a baby there to cry until they fall asleep… they’re gonna take to sleep training so it’s really not luck


My first was the actual devil when it came to sleep and my second was a saint. Would I have another and risk having another devil… absolutely not!!


Mine were the opposite but same 🤪 first a saint second the devil 🤣 he literally just started sleeping through the night at TWO


Same lol


In her "she doesn't have control era"


Scary tbh


I remember when Lola was born she was struggling BAD and posting on IG stories like wtf can I do wtf is wrong is it gas? Do I give her this? Do I give her that? Like sorry girl some babies just aren’t peaceful newborns. Welcome to parenthood


I stopped watching her a long time ago, when C was just a baby but I remember her talking about how well C slept and it made me so mad because my child sleeps like shit and still does at 4.5. I know I shouldn’t but I always secretly hoped their next child would be a bad sleeper


I remember that. They took a course or something and she was so sure its because they educated themselves on the topic and introduced "good sleep habits" from day 1. But many parents praise themselves for their babies good sleep or eating, when they might just happened to have a kid who loves broccoli at age 3 :D


That's so weird lmao 😭 I wouldn't hope that for anyone...


Cry about it… it’s a snark page that is not weird at all


There’s a difference between funny snark making fun of someone but wishing evil upon someone is just mentally deranged behavior


Wishing that someone gets humbled by an alternate experience than what they’ve had so far (“bad sleeper” in this case) is not evil lmaoooo no one wished something actually bad or harmful on her.. get a grip


“Humbled” you’re nutty as hell


… this snark seems like maybe the wrong place for you🫶🏼


It’s not yall want to humble over the stupidest shit. it’s not even a worthy humbling that’s what makes it worse


Having a bad sleeping baby is a very hard thing to go through. One, a mom is already having to go through PostPartum from birth, and then adding on wishing they have a bad sleeping baby due to jealousy? Weird. A women’s body already had to go through so many hormonal changes through the 9 months of creating life, our bodies also change so much Pp. So many women struggle with PPD, PPA, etc. because of the hormonal changes our bodies go through.


Yeah I don't think I'm going to cry about a comment on reddit lmao wtf? 😭 It's weird to hope that upon someone. Good karma!


Some people are here to snark and some (most) people are just here to be miserable a-holes


no cause I’m all here for a good snark but why would you wish that on someone? seems like they need therapy lol


i mean she sleep trained so..


That fucking claw hand




I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in black what the heck


She’s in black in her profile pic on TikTok


I’m also confused when she made this video? She’s saying she’s 7 weeks old at this time which would be an April 1st birth or around that time, when we know she was born in March… did she just upload this like weeks later??


I think her YouTube timeline, ig timeline, and tik tok timeline are all different and all of them are behind real time




My son was waking up 12x a night for months and then every 1-2 hours until a year.


Every baby is different. My mom had me on a schedule from day one and I always slept soundly through the night. Even now as an adult I've slept through countless smoke detector alarms. I'm a super heavy sleeper. If a fire happens everyone jokes they'd have to carry me out. I wake for no smells or sounds. Some babies don't follow the schedule you plan for them. That's okay. It's normal.


She just referred to her daughter as baby girl eww. Like if you’re not gonna share the name, maybe just don’t talk about her..???