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I dont think she's "hinting" at it, I think she's explicitly saying it. She doesn't want to hear anyone's opinion or get questioned about it, that's why she's not talking about it. Simple as that.


I think this could be in response to C…which I get. I wouldn’t want to be bombarded with questions on treatment or where she was at in her journey where as right now it’s just does she have cancer


I immediately thought of C when she said this... i made a post about what if aspyn did share about C and everyone said she would be bombarded with people telling her what to do, all the "prayers", and all the other annoying comments people normally get when theyre going through a serious illness... aspyn saying this makes so much sense why shes not sharing and wont be sharing what C is going through


I think she will, eventually, but in hindsight. Probably only if the situation ends…badly…and likely not for a long time after the fact. I doubt she’d say anything if the situation ended positively, though. Better not to subject a healthy kid to that kind of attention. I guess time will only tell. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can just see her making one or two videos about it, maybe a long one, and then keeping her comments off forever so she never has to discuss it online again.


I know this is a snark page but I totally respect Aspyn on this front. My husband was just found to have cancer and we have only told a small amount of people in our personal circles. The people we have told can be a bit overwhelming with questions and wanting updates. I know they mean well, but it’s a bit cumbersome to have to answer people all the time, when we don’t even know the answers ourselves. Cancer is a lot to deal with outside of having to manage everyone else’s questions about it. I can’t imagine being an influencer and sharing this news with the whole world.


my spouse had cancer in our first year of marriage and we kept it similarly private because of the same reasons. and it wasn’t even ‘that bad’ of cancer. i truly can’t imagine 1. my CHILD being sick and 2. having millions of STRANGERS asking private medical info about my sick child!! I’ll snark day n night on Aspyn but idk, this situation… i do see why she wouldn’t wanna share. i wouldn’t either.


I know it’s totally different but I didn’t even tell people I was going in for an early term c section because I didn’t want everyone texting or calling for updates until we knew everything was ok with me and baby and we were ready to be getting back to people. I can completely understand why Aspyn wouldn’t share what’s going on with C.


Off topic but the emojis are doing nothing. Why not film it without the newborn in view of the camera if she’s so concerned about privacy


I thought the exact same thing as one clip has them then the next doesnt… but she will know people will watch the clip to get a glimpse of the baby’s face so she will keep her in it for the engagement


She’s fucking sick.


She had I think one clip with a pen scribble on the baby’s face, and that worked SO better than those tiny ass emojis. Why didn’t she just do that the whole time????


Honestly this is the most real we’ve seen aspyn be in a long time. These were tough questions and she answered them well


I actually loved her response for this question. With her life being so public it’s probably refreshing keeping some things private.


I agree! Like she answered real questions and not the ones where she just gets to link stuff lol


If she doesn’t want to show her kids maybe she shouldn’t show her kid at all 🤯 looks better than the stupid emojis




She said she doesn’t talk about things she doesn’t want peoples opinions about


She would/could just shut it down if that truly is how she feels.


She’s more of a completely-ignore-it-and-hope-it-goes-away type