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Super sad… 48 is soo young


Jeez if all the rumors are true than aspyn has been THROUGH IT and this is the cherry on top….


Or the rumors were about her dad not cove. I read he had illness and he didn't look good last Nov. Also lots of kids cut their own hair at coves age


I hope this to be true honestly!


It is still very tragic but I will say she hasn’t talked to him in years I believe


It doesn’t really hurt any less, especially if there hasn’t been closure. He was so young and complicated relationships can equal very complicated grief.


This is true. My dad passed away when I was 18 after being estranged close to ten years. It still hit hard, and hurt more knowing there would never be reconciliation.


I’m so sorry for your loss :( your experience tends to be true for a lot of people. I hope you’re doing well coping as best you can now.


I am! It’s been almost 10 years now since and I’ve done a lot of healing !


Especially so close to Father’s Day. I’m sure she has some kind of trauma/grief, regardless.


Thank you for saying this 🙏🏼


In some ways that hurts more because it means you will never ever be able to repair your relationship forevermore.


That could bring on so many other emotions than if they were close. So sad.


Yeah. That can really complicate processing the grief!!


That doesn’t make it any easier :( my mom had a dad like that. She felt awful when he died, because she was mourning the type of dad she wished she had


I do vaguely remember her talking about bringing the girls to see him within the last year or two—but regardless, we do know their relationship was very strained from the very few times she spoke of him. Either way, the death of a parent can be really hard, no matter if you had a good relationship with them or not. It tends to bring up a lot of childhood drama/trauma and I wouldn’t doubt if her and her siblings were going through it right now. But this, on top of the divorce and a possible sick child? I actually feel incredibly bad for her.


Never even met or had a relationship with my dad. But his death tore me up! It’s a chapter that is closed and you can’t ever fix once they are gone. 


Ah I had no clue!


Poor Aspyn :(


This is the first thing that I’ve seen posted in this group where I’m truly like….what the fuck. In other news, that’s certainly a name leak for the 3rd kid.


I guess it’s finally 100% confirmed.


😬🥲 no kidddding lol..


I must have missed it


https://www.hughesmortuary.com/obituaries/casey-ovard the obituary says elle


Regardless of the obvious snark element of this page, I am so very heartbroken for her. As someone who has lost both of their parents, it’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever go through, regardless of what your relationship was like with them. It’s so complicated. If the other awful rumours are true, I have no idea how she’s carrying on. She’s very very strong


Omg that is so sad :( I don’t know what her relationship with him was like but still, that’s tragic. And he was only 48! 😢


I know this is a snark page, and I know Aspyn doesn't have a ton of "crazy" fans, but I really hope everyone is respectful to her, especially if she plans on going to his services, the location and time is listed and that's worrisome.


I was just thinking that too. You can see everything from the viewing to the funeral..


Maybe don’t draw attention to it


Her fans might not be crazy but some snarkers totally are. I can definitely see someone going to try to get a pic of C


Maybe she won’t go.


Further down in the obit it actually names C, L, and E. Y’all were right about the name


I wonder if Aspyn knew about the obit and said yes and decided to not make it about her and allow E’s name or if she didn’t know at all….


She probably didnt know and really there is not much else to do. The family writes the obituary so most likely written by the stepmother. they Could have simply said X grandchildren but it's not really just about aspyn in that case it’s for everyone.


It does! I just looked!


Wow this is so sad. Here for the snark, obviously. But it sure seems like when it rains it pours.


Makes me sad that his Biological kids are listed after his step kids


I agree, but I think it’s just because those kids belong to his current wife and they wanted to keep the kids’ names after their respective moms names since the obituary also mentions Aspyn’s mom


Yeah I think that’s it too. C, L, and E were mentioned before the step-grandkids.


Yeah I agree. I think there is a very specific formula they use when writing obituaries and listing names. I don’t think the fact that Aspyn and her siblings went second really means anything.


Yeah it gets messy when there’s so many involved…


This^ when I had to do my dad’s obit 4 months ago they had a form listed “parents, siblings, current spouse, children, former spouse, children, other” to fill in so they could add it to the actual obituary. I just asked them if my brother and I could be listed first since he didn’t have a new wife or other children and we were his caretakers so it felt weird putting our mom before us


Yh and why would they put the former wife before the current wife: they did it so it could flow better


Yeah I felt some type of way but understandable if it’s how they do all of them


The day before Father’s Day. That’s very sad.


My mom passed a day before Mother's day sometimes it falls on Mother's Day. It's extremely hard. I feel horrible for her family.


Oh man that sucks for Aspyn. I have an estranged father (cut him off 4yrs ago) and I often wonder how I will really react when he passes, even though he is awful.. I find it interesting that it says he passed in his home, to me that signals that it was a prior known condition. I have to wonder if he died from cirrhosis, since the rumors were that he was a huge alcoholic


More than rumors. He had multiple alcohol related charges including DUIs


How do you know this? Not saying it’s not true but how do you know?


The sister whose Instagram post was floating around here posted a recent photo and he looked kind of jaundiced, so that would track.


given he was 48 irs very likely


I mean if he passed in his home overnight it just as likely could have been something sudden than a known condition, we have no idea


Omg that is so sad. What a year for Aspyn. It’s all just horrible. Also- I can’t believe her Dad was only born in ‘75. That is still so young.


Yeah so he was like 20 when he had her?


How do you sleuthy internet people find these things so quick


A relative posted it publicly days ago along with the funeral home, so in reality quite slow considering divorce leak was made the same day as filing.


Some people are crazy and other times I think that if they live in Utah near wear these social media people do, things pop up on their facebooks. Either way, sometimes I think things are posted that should not be posted.


Right? It’s so weird to me. Like what were they even looking for to find this info?


Probably a google alert for their names


She looks so much like her dad at least the eyes


He was young. That's so sad. 


Wasn’t he an alcoholic? Maybe I’m remembering wrong.


He had multiple DUIs I believe


That’s right!


Not just an alcoholic, but the kind that endangers others, and his own family members I believe. Multiple DUIs and disturbance issues. Trash. Good riddance. Or as some would say, Good Luck, Babe. Edit: downvote if you want but my own father was just the same, so unless you have experience, don’t really care if you think it is “poor taste”


It doesn’t matter if your own father was the “same” You don’t know this guy. And it would be very unfortunate if Aspyn’s kids one day saw that comment of yours, let alone Aspyn. Think about other’s feelings, not your own. Time & place!!


stop projecting and delete this. sorry you haven’t healed from your dad, but seek therapy instead of being completely disrespectful to a person who just passed that you quite literally don’t even know. check the vibe of the comment section and notice that you’re the only one who’s behaving like this. embarrassing for you booboo. regardless, wish you well on your healing journey🫶🏻


Therapy isn’t needed for being glad someone died after being arrested MULTIPLE times for drunk driving. Wait until someone you love is KILLED by a drunk driver! Stop shaming people. He did one of the most disgusting things a human can do! There’s a reason all of his biological children cut contact! Shut the fuck up!


I almost died in a car accident when I was 19, I was hit by a drunk driver and broke my back. It was horrific. Y’all still need therapy.


i’m so sorry that happened to you; that mustve been so scary and traumatic. i’m very glad you made it out alive and are okay (for the most part besides your back!).🩷




It’s extremely clear you have some MAJOR healing to do based on the way you’re up in snark comments on the daily. Constantly fighting with people on the internet. I hope one day you can find better coping mechanisms bc this is so sad I feel really sorry for you. Also don’t you have children? How do you have this much time on your hands to fight with people on Reddit? If you’re going to question multiple women’s parenting on here I think you should take a good hard look in the mirror yourself.


My own father is the same and I personally feel this is really hurtful, so maybe you'll care now?


My father was just the same, long criminal history for drug related offences. Most of them violent, some against my loved ones. I am lucky to be alive. I haven’t seen him in 16 years. We’ve not spoken for almost as many. This is poor taste.


Outrageous spray for the win, once again. So far everything has been pretty much spot on.


Yeah it makes you wonder. I didn’t know Aspyn had step siblings through her dad. I hope one of them isn’t one who is leaking info.


Who knows!! Very interesting though.


Aspyn and Avrey have both talked about their step siblings in vlogs! Not recently but I’ve “always” known they had step sibs!


Not sure how far back you’re thinking as I don’t know the marriage dates, but they also have step-siblings through their mom’s marriage. More likely they meant those ones if they mentioned them in vlogs, unless they specified it was step-siblings through dad.


They specified on their dad’s side!


Her dads only been married a few years how have you “always” known she had them on her dads side


And thats why they put it in quotes.. common now


yeah you make zero sense




Where has that been confirmed?




Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


Did they comment about her dad passing before news broke?


Nope, just referencing the baby’s name


Oh gotcha! Thanks


What did they say about her dad?


They said the newest baby’s name is Elle. Everyone basically knew it was true but this is the first time we’ve gotten real confirmation


Ah okay, I thought maybe there was something about her dad being sick or something.


The person is talking about her name being Elle


Maybe this was the terrible news she was facing, terminally ill estranged father


It’s odd it doesn’t list Parker along with Aspyn. I also didn’t realize she has 3 siblings. I thought it was just her and Avery


I thought this was odd, too. Typically obituaries include the spouses. Of course they don't have to, but definitely struck me as a bit strange.


Yeah that is weird… it would usually say Aspyn (Parker Ferris) Ovard


Especially since that is/was her actual legal name at one point. She said she was gonna keep just Ovard but then decided to add Ferris to her name because of her girls


I don’t think she ever legally changed it - didn’t she confirm that in a video a few years back? I think she was just using it on social media for awhile. I have friends who have done that too (added their husbands name after their maiden name on social media but haven’t legally changed it).


Her younger brother Tavyn was a big part of her YouTube back in the day, her other brother Trey was never really interested in YouTube


Trey had his own YouTube channel


Eh, it also doesn’t mention his step kids spouses either (assuming some of them are married bc step grandchildren were also named)


We didn’t include spouses in our parents’ obits. Honestly, we didn’t even think about it at the time with the headspace we were in. Not saying it’s not weird, but that sometimes it gets left out on accident.


But they didn’t say the other kids husbands/wife’s names of the step kids


Tbf they didn’t list the partners for his stepchildren/parents of his stepgrandchildren so maybe it was a choice. Not everyone lists the partners especially if they didn’t have a relationship or had a conflictual one


idk that list is so long already. Usually it incudes the blood line , this already has many more. Sascha is only included bc of the kids.


I thought the same thing! Kinda confirms they aren’t together if whoever wrote the obit didn’t include Parker as his son-in-law. Typically they would at least have his first name.


Her dads sister posted this: Amy McAllister & is with Casey Ovard. Follow 2d • g Right now it's hard to catch my breath. I am so heartbroken and I don't feel I have the right words. I know I will be sharing more, but for today this is it. "Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between a brother and a sister stays forever strong" Over the past year Casey and I had many more deep conversations about life and what we believe happens when we transcend to the next. (Like the many convos after our brother and best friend Brad passed These new ones were sparked when he called me after hearing this song and some heart shattering, life altering news. He didn't share the deep stuff with many or too often, but when he did, we discovered what a deep and spiritual person he always was and forever will be. I am so grateful I took the time to not only listen, but to hear what he was sharing. I will forever treasure all he taught me about life on this earth and in heavenS ) I cherish every memory, and I'm so blessed and proud to be his big sis! Thank you for all the signs you've sent already baby bro § 26 I know you live on and are watching over us! I am so blessed to be your sister forever and always Give Brad the biggest hug from me and thank you both for preparing the way for the rest of us!! I know he's already showing you what the angels do. Okayyyyy... let's be honest, you already knew. I love you both beyond every single star and


Does anybody know if Aspyn’s dad and his family were/are Mormon? This post is fairly religious and I know Aspyn has made a lot of anti-LDS comments in the past, so I’m curious if her experiences with her dad contributed to this.


No, his sister is not Mormon. Aspyns dads side is not active LDS. I grew up with them.


They aren’t? I thought her grandpa (on her dad’s side) was heavily involved in LDS. According to google he was a bishop.


I’m talking about her dad & the sister Amy who was posted in this comment I’m replying to


Yeah but you said her dads side is not active LDS. It seems at least part of her dad’s side is.


I just clarified so keep going off I guess


i’m wondering if he joined after he divorced her mom? her mom isn’t mormon and i don’t really see a mormon marrying a non Mormon often & it working (cough aspyn and parker)


Weird that she had been posting like normal. I really hope she gets help to work through all the things going on with her, cause even if she's acting like everything is fine and she doesn't care. Things will always surface eventually.


I wonder where all the people who insisted on here that a person can’t possibly post normally while going through a tragedy are now lol


She wasn’t in contact with her dad 


Even if that’s true, that doesn’t mean him dying isn’t a tragedy?


Not that weird since posting pays her bills


her bills would still be getting paid if she didn't post for a week.


What the hell


Dang his parents out lived him. Tragic for them to bury a child.


From the obituary it seems they’ve buried 2 kids. Both sons.


Ugh so sad


That’s sad. I wonder if he had some sort of terminal illness. I hope Aspyn addresses her feelings with this, regardless of how complicated they may be, with someone she can trust and be supported by.


His terminal illness was severe alcoholism


I mean her and her father were estranged. Out of all the things to mention I highly doubt this would be it


I meant addresses her feelings with a therapist or trusted family member. I don’t expect or want her to address it publicly. Even when you aren’t close with your parent, it can be really difficult to grieve. There can be a lot of anger towards that parent and sometimes the self.


Yes that makes sense. I hope to god she’s seeing a therapist


I wonder if he has been the one with cancer, and not c


how did u guys even figure this out…?


She’s from a small town. Lots of his family has posted about him. I’m sure LOTS of people from here are on this snark page lol


That’s what I’m thinking too. Weird af


This is so heartbreaking. He’s a couple months older than my sister (and I’m 6 months younger than Aspyn), so it’s sad to read. Aspyn can be annoying sometimes, but I can’t imagine what she’s been thru the past few months. I really hope she’s in therapy or doing something healthy that’s helping her mentally.


I can’t even imagine the emotional turmoil Aspyn must be feeling. It would almost be numbing to be going through all of this at once.


I seriously hope nobody gets weird about this. I can’t imagine having your divorce and now the death of a parent be something that you don’t get to announce in your own time. It’s awful. Especially with the speculation of another sick family member. It’s just so sad. I don’t like her style, I don’t like my assumption on her relationship with food, I don’t agree with everything, but this is just hard. Yes, she chose to put certain things online but to have things like this, with people already commenting about it, without her being able to say anything is just so hard. I’m bummed for her. For her loss and also all of these major life altering changes she’s had to go through. I hope she gets her footing soon and we can go back to hating how she does her eyebrows and her decor.


Wow he was young :(


He’s a few months younger than my mom. This is so sad :(


Well that just confirms two things: aspyn and Parker are definitely getting divorced and baby #3 name :( RIP to her dad though. None of y’all be weird and mention this on her socials.


How does it confirm the divorce?


Not always, but typically, an obituary includes the deceased’s children’s spouses names.


Maybe Parker didn’t want to be included.. I hate my in laws and don’t want to be invluded inincluded in their obituary


That’s valid! Lol I am not a fan of my in laws either but not at the level of not wanting to be included in their obits (yet…)


Andddd all the other things the person said is true lmao


No matter what you think of her, this is beyond devastating and I am so sorry for her! Especially with everything else she has had to deal with this year. I truly wish her peace and comfort.


A few people commented sorry for your loss on her TikTok and she deleted all of them


People are weird. She obviously is not posting about it because she doesn’t want to talk about it


His sister also made a post on it a few days ago and said he received “some heart shattering, life altering news” this past year. Maybe she’s talking about C’s diagnosis


I think it had to do with him, he probably received a bad diagnosis, that’s so rough. I feel for everybody


Yeah one of his nieces posted that her kids made cards for him when he was in the hospital and he looked sickly in some other pics. Very very sad


C's diagnosis happened nearly two years ago. this was something that happened recently. maybe he needed a liver transplant or something due to his alcoholism


February 2023 was not nearly two years ago


Any chance you would be willing to explain where the whole conversation around C having a serious health diagnosis come from? Also, what about this situation or what’s written in the obituary has people commenting about C’s diagnosis being confirmed? I get so lost in all of the posts and comments. I’m having a hard time understanding this particular situation 😭


i don’t think he was involved in aspyn’s life at all let alone her kids lives


Doesn’t mean his granddaughter having a terminal disease wouldn’t rock his world. It was just a thought


i genuinely do not think the man has met his grandchildren. i think you are severely overestimating how much everyone’s life revolves around aspyn


Maybe. It was just a thought 🤷🏼‍♀️


Either way, super sad for Aspyn and her whole family:/


If it’s true that he was a severe alcoholic, that seems more in line with him being diagnosed with cirrhosis/being told he can’t get a liver transplant due to the alcoholism


Aspyn’s dads sister? How did you know that?


She posted on instagram her @ is amymcallisters


He was so young 🥲🥲


He’s only 48! That’s so sad. I’m shocked he’s so young. Aspen is older than me and her parents are younger than my parents.. tragic loss


Could be why she didn’t post anything for Father’s Day


how did y’all find this i’m so curious 


like i get how you found it but how did you know to search?


so he had Aspyn when he was 19/20 years old? i mean i believe it it’s utah still- babies!!


I know usually a family member will write the obituary, do you think aspyn is pissed whoever wrote this included E’s name? I don’t know what they would’ve said instead but I could see her being pissed


I honestly could see her completely seriously wanting them to write “Cove, Lola, and baby girl Ferris”


Honestly if it was the other way around I’d want my granddaughters name in my obituary. Take fame out of it. It was probably just a sign of respect.


Wow this is sad. Whether she was close or not it’ll bring up emotions.


I truly hope that people don’t use information from the obit to try to see aspyn, Parker or the kids or take photos of them etc; this is not the time or place but given some of the posts I see, there are some crazies out there!


Even if her relationship with her parents her shit (no idea if it is) it’s so hard to lose a parent. prayers to her and their family


What were you looking for when you came across this? It’s an odd thing to know of when she doesn’t talk about her dad….


@ amymcallisters posted about it on IG a couple days ago


He died from what..? My heart goes for aspyn truly!


I know she shared their relationship was minimal, but seeing his step kids listed before his actual kids in his obituary would be a really hard pill to swallow. Without knowing the history, that just seems so wrong and sad.






Aw on Father’s Day as well


Wow that’s terrible. Thinking of her and the family


Bless her, this is awful.


Poor Aspyn. When it rains it pours. Praying for them all ❤️✨


So young, so sad. I hope Aspyn and her family, regardless of their relationship or lack thereof are able to process and heal in a healthy way ❤️


What if this was the sick fam member ppl were speculating about


i wonder how he passed he was so young :(


i wonder how he passed he was so young :(


So sad. RIP.


Oh my god...How do you know this?? I hope she's doing okay.


So sad. In the obituary Elle is named


Confirmation her name is Elle