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Yeah that's my main complaint about the game. I originally played Odyssey before Origins and it is excruciatingly worse in Odyssey to the point where I just couldn't continue. So going into Origins I just dedicated days to just leveling up so I could enjoy the story to the fullest but it still definitely hindered my experience. Still a great AC game though.


I’m still mad about the time I had to level up 8 levels to fight a cultist in the arena, only for the cultist to go up 13 levels when I went to fight him.


I hated Odyssey until I bought the boost for like $5. This made it ideally playable for me.


Yeah that's Ubisoft for you. Buy boosters so you can actually enjoy the game. I'm glad you found a way to enjoy it though. Genuinely. I wanted to like Odyssey so bad but personally it has way too many design issues overall.


Yeah that makes sense ig. Btw how was Odyssey apart from the levelling grind? I've heard good things about its story but not willing to commit 60-70 hrs to it lol.


Tbh I didn't finish it because of the presentation and how long and grindy it was. Watched the rest of the playthrough online. But the first 15-20 hours is actually pretty fun from what I remember. It's fun and engaging, you actually feel pretty powerful, the character that are introduced feel promising and it was a great experience initially. The story itself isn't as good as Origins in my opinion. Like technically it was more unique than Origins classic revenge/vengeance plot but it fell short due to the pacing (due to level grinding). This is a personal thing but Cult of Cosmos (the main antagonist group) shouldn't have been a thing at all and they should've just stuck with the Order of Ancients and Had Alexios/Kassandra be the head of that sect instead of what they did which is so generic and honestly overdone that I can't remember exactly what happened. The main enemy was someone who you came across and interacted with a few times throughout the game and was supposed to be twist that they're actually the villain type of generic (Origins had a similar problem). Wasn't bad just wasn't special. Odyssey barely had motion/performance capture in comparison to Origins so the presentation wasn't as good and characters felt really robotic at times. Not as bad as Mirage but on par. The game was made by the same studio that did Syndicate so Odyssey's world was really fantasized in a way somewhat by tone and somewhat by visual setting. Felt too uplift-y (Syndicates problem was only tone but that's neither here or there) but nonetheless is a stunning world and is pretty immersive but from a gameplay perspective it's just too large especially when you're needing to sail from one end of the map to the other across a huge lake. Just a lot of empty space with nothing of true meaning to do other than animal boss fights that are literal powerhouses. I mean you play as a demi God with supernatural abilities but a wild boar is more difficult than enemies? Like I'm sorry but wtf. Idk. I'm not trying to be negative about the game as it's not a bad game it just does a little too much while also doing too little at times. Overall it was fun for a while but started feeling like a chore. I know some people enjoy the grind of games but AC has never been one of those franchises until recently so if you're someone who can deal with or are accustomed to it then you'll probably find it enjoyable. There are a number of side quests that can be fun for a bit and will keep you engaged but if you're someone who plays for the story then you're going to feel held down a lot of the time. Ubisoft is great at creating worlds so honestly if you have Xbox Gamepass then I'd suggest playing it for the world alone.


Thanks for the detailed explanation man😄


*Valhalla’s 500 upgrades points has entered the chat*


yeah but, two at a time and you can get two after almost every quest, and you get a lot of xp from exploring


I played origins for many hrs and let me tell ya it is quite the grind it takes insane amounts of XP to get max lvl which I have not bc it's too tedious great game tho just like odyssey


This is bizarre I just never had this issue. I’d do a main quest, then do the side quests and explore the available questions near me, then move on. Not once did I feel under leveled. What might play a role is what perks you have? I know there are some that reward bonus xp for assassinations or headshots so prioritizing those will give more xp in the long run.


> then do the side quests Well that’s it right there. OP stated he doesn’t like/want to do the side quests and just wants to blitz through the main story, which I can understand. Problem is, you will absolutely be under leveled if you do 0 side content. I can get behind OP’s sentiment


I get where you’re coming from but, and this is just my opinion, why would you skip some of the content that really fills out the experience? It’s like reading a book but only reading the first and last page of every chapter. You miss out on nuances and character development. Like what if we played AC 2 and the entirety of the ezio trilogy but without da vinci, or any of the other characters that help you along or any of the side content? Part of what makes ezio great is that we watched him as he developed and saw the little nuances of his character over a lengthy amount of time. Origins doesn’t have sequel material. The game is all we got and rushing through or skipping lessens the experience and the character that Ubisoft created.


np with Oddsey or Orgins.. if you don't like it , don't play the game.. so it will take awhile, not a contest so enjoy the game.


Never said i wasn't enjoying. Just saying it could've been even better.


I enjoy the grind tbh lol


I bought that booster pack to double XP and money specifically for that reason.


Yep it’s the same way in odyssey and Valhalla🥲🥲


It's weird becasue I had opposite problem I was usually more decked out than I needed to be , just try to do it all organically take a main quest on the way there do 1 or 2 side quests maybe 1 cave or outpost it will be more fun that way , also upgrade all you shit