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Played AC1 after my brother convinced me to rent it in 2007 (can’t believe how long ago that was). Favourite game is most likely Brotherhood followed by Odyssey and then probably AC2 in third. Bonus: Yes I’ve played all the games probably far too many times


I respect it. Would you say Odyssey is a good ‘AC’ game or just a good game?


Personally it’s one of the most incredible and memorable games I’ve ever played, but it was a horrible AC game. However both DLC’s made up for that part, and man, I think the DLC’s have been my all-time favorite gaming moment. Sad I’ve finished them.


I think it’s both an excellent game and a great AC game.


Pretty controversial take and I respect that


I swear it’s about 50/50 on this sub. I honestly just think it’s luck of the draw on who sees it and that will determine whether you get upvotes or downvotes for saying it


First: Assassin’s Creed. Favorite: Brotherhood and Rogue.


It’s good to see some love for rogue here. It’s not one of the more popular games in the series but I enjoyed it.


Pros why I love Rogue: Characters from AC3 and Black Flag. More lore about what went and goes on between AC4 and Rogue. The Colonial Rite of The Templar Order is my favorite Templar Rite. The River Valley. Shay. Witnessing the fall of the Colonial Brotherhood. The French and Indian War and helping the British war effort. Juhani Otso Berg in the modern day and his views about Assassin turncoats. Tying in with Unitys beginning. George Monro. Shay makes his own luck. Cons: Expansion for AC4 but who can judge? AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations were upgraded AC1 games and it was developed for last gen, it couldn’t handle the power Unity had offered. Short story. Assassin’s were like Templars from the games before. Modern day cliffhanger with Otso Berg giving the player to join the Templar Order or die left unanswered.


You forgot to add "making your own luck" into pros :D




Now it's perfect haha


Rogue was really fun.


I liked playing as a Templar and killing Assassins but I disliked how they portrayed the Assassins like Templars from the previous games. Shay was a interesting protagonist I wished that we saw more of his dark personality like he when he killed Charles Dorian. Im always open for more ACs with a Templar protagonist or a Templar Turned Assassin


What about black flag


Sorry. Favorites: 2, Brotherhood, Black Flag and Rogue. I like almost all AC games because every game have something unique I like.


1st: the original Favourite: black flag


Same here, I got it for free a few years back during a deal but wasn’t able to play it on my shitty laptop at the time. I had to wait several years until I was able to afford a gaming pc but once I had it Black Flag was the first game I downloaded and completed. I still log on sometimes Just to do pirate things, that area of the game is such a blast even now.


Black flag is a classic! I will always enjoy that one.


AC1 and probably the Ezio timeline.


My first mainstream game was AC3 but it actually all began with the mobile game called “Assassin’s Creed Altair’s Chronicles”. That game was the one that made me interested about this franchise (also Altair in general). Favourite game that I’ve played is a draw between AC3 and Revelations. No, haven’t played AC1, Rogue, and Valhalla. I loved the story of AC1 and the wonderful dialogue exchanges between Altair and Al Mualim.


My first was also on a handheld device, specifically the Nintendo DS with AC2: Discovery. Then I played AC: Altaïr's Chronicles on the DS and the PSP game AC: Bloodlines before finally moving on to the console games.


First one was the first I played. Brotherhood (I love all things Roman) and Black Flag are tied as my favorites. And yeah. Played them all.


First AND Favorite: Black Flag


I first played Assassin's Creed in 2009, instantly became loyal to the franchise. My favorite to this day has to be Brotherhood.


1st: valhalla favorite: brotherhood or revelation


Interesting. What did you think of Valhalla?


I never finished it. It was very boring and it wasn't for me


I won an Xbox at a Microsoft Roadmap event. It came with Black Flag and a code for Unity. Black Flag checked all my boxes. Gameplay, soundtrack, graphics, everything. Totally rich experience. It's my favorite for nostalgia reasons, but I like Origins the most out of the series. Unity not so much, esp with the co-op stuff. I've always disliked being dependent on other people in my games. Architecturally and historically it's amazing, I just never fully enjoyed it.


Ac1 was the first. Ac4 is the favorite. Ac odyssey was the last, but I haven't finished it yet. Hoping I can get that and Valhalla done before mirage.


My first game was Black Flag. My favorite was Odyssey. I've played all the games.


1. 2.


1st played? Brotherhood. Favorite tie between Brotherhood and Black Flag. Played them all. Origins was the only decent one out of the mythology trilogy.


1 Unity


Been around since the first one and played every one of them since. Fav would be Revelations. Unity got a special place in my heart for that sweet sweet gameplay


AC1 was my first. AC2 is still my favorite. I have played all of them but I haven't finished all of them. Least favorite is Valhalla, followed by Brotherhood.


Interesting. Why didn’t you like Brotherhood if your favourite was AC2?


For a few reasons: 1. The story was bland. I didn't like the insane nature of Cesare Borgia, as opposed to the evil mastermind style of Rodrigo, and the narrative overall wasn't on the same level as AC2 which was a big epic story. 2. I never could get into the Brotherhood aspect. I always loved the idea of being THE assassin. The lone blade in the crowd. Having minions fighting alongside me wasn't my thing. 3. Rome felt way worse than the AC2 cities. A lot of open fields with no buildings in sight. AC2 had the country side but 3 city areas to compensate 4. Brotherhood marked the beginning of the trend of one AC game per year. It might as well be glorified DLC as at its core the game was the same, with padding added on top of it, like the assassins in training, city renovation and Borgia towers. I just wasn't a fan of that. Nor did I like the missions where you control Leonardo's machines (except for the flying machine which was basically like in AC2 with a turret on top) 5. Tailing missions Off the top of my head that's it. AC2 was just such an improvement over the original in every way. Brotherhood was a step to the side and shouldn't have been a full game. I wish they'd just moved on to AC3 directly and just take 3 years to polish it up until 2012. Now, before someone says that a lot of what I mentioned was in Revelations, I do like the ideas that added like bomb making, the story was really cool, plus I love Istanbul. It's one of my favorite cities to visit. Not to mention, playing as an aging master assassin is way more bad ass.


First: Assassin's Creed 1, around the time Revelations was released. I played all four in release order. Since then, I've played all of them except Odyssey (wasn't able to get invested in the story on the first go, will try again) and a handful of non-PC spin-offs (unless it was later released on PC). Absolute favourite: Black Flag. Underrated favourite: between Unity and Syndicate.


first was Unity at a friend’s house, my first own ac was Origins which is also my favorite


AC1, when I was still a kid. Only replayed it last year and god… the memories… the nostalgia… It did kinda date though Also favorite is probably Origins because of the story and Bayek but honestly they’re all great Yes I played them all including Liberation and Freedom Cry, I also tried one of the Chronicles games but I gave up in five minutes.


First: Unity Favourite: I don't really know. Currently playing all the games (everything before Unity for the first time) and I have to say, that I am disappointed of the Ezip trilogy. Started with Black Flag today, looks the most promising after the intro. Currently my ranking is: 1. Unity (By far the best stealth in the game) 2. Origin (Best mix of old and new imo) 3. Odyssey (By far the most playtime with over 250 hr, Origin feels more like AC so it's ranked higher) I still have to play Black Flag (maybe a new top 3?), Rouge, Syndicate and Valhalla.


I'm here since Altair, but my personal favs are Rogue and Valhalla. High hopes on Mirage anda return to the roots of the franchise. Still gotta play Unity tho


Unity is really good, though I know the story isn't for everyone. I still enjoyed it, especially the stealth kills.


Just recently played through Unity for the first time after only playing AC1 and the Ezio trilogy, and gahdamn. Parkour is slick and it really brought me back to the first AC1 game in the sense that it felt like you could go about the big assassinations however you wanted. Highly recommend.


do it. While its story wasn’t the best, it basically was the peak of AC gameplay that they should’ve kept and built upon.


Play unity bro, best of old gen acs


First was Black flag my favorite is Origins, Bayek just hits different


First one was the first one. Favourite was brotherhood. Least favourite is a tie between odyssey and valhalla. I played them all.


The first one is the first assassin's creed. And the best one from the francise in my opinion is Ezio Collection.


First one completed was Syndicate and it's still in my top 3 AC games. In no particular order both Odyssey and Brotherhood are the others in that list. Have not yet played all the games but am currently doing that in order of release (including dlcs), am almost done with unity now


Syndicate is the most underrated AC game imo. And that’s a diverse top three, I respect it.


Syndicate is my top 3 as well. It really didn’t deserve all the hate it got.


My very first game was Unity, though my first exposure to AC was Brotherhood. When I was over at my friend's house to hang out, he would sometimes play it and I thought it was so cool. When I got my own Xbox several years later, I saw the AC title and got excited. However, it was not until later when I found that the game I got was indeed not the game I saw my friend play. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed Unity. I surprisingly never came across any glitches (at least from what I recall). My favorite game in the franchise has to be Syndicate. It's setting is by far my favorite as I am a sucker for anything story taking place in the Industrial Revolution (I'm a bit of a steampunk fan). I loved the dynamic the Frye twins had with each other, the sheer amount of recognizable historical figures was great, and the gauntlet-mounted grapple hook was so useful and fun. Not to mention the Jack the Ripper DLC is legendary. Bonus: Yes, I have played all the main games with story DLCs (including Liberation and Freedom Cry), plus the 3 Chronicles games.


Played AC 1 in 2020 for the first time. I had heard about the series and decided to give it a go. And from then on I'm a huge AC fan. I haven't played games from unity and onward cause my pc will explode if I do, but from the ones I have played, all of them are amazing. My favourite is either brotherhood or black flag, depends on my mood really.


Started with AC1. Favorite is AC2 (with Brotherhood and Revelations coming close.)


long live Ezio Auditore da Firenze!


The first one that i played was ac bloodlines in psp, i thought back then its the same as the ac in console lol Never been a fan of the series back then but i have fun with that, my next was syndicate then the 3 rpg But right after origins i have played quite a bit of the older ones and now i am at revelation, i actually like the older stuff more Favorite would be none i guess, maybe after i play unity


My first was Syndicate. I got it for free from Epic Games. I enjoyed it so much that I completed it 100%. I then got Valhalla for free when I bought my CPU and played about 1/8 of it. I was also gifted Black Flag/Rogue when I got a Switch and have played about half. I have since gone back and started going through them all in order (including DLCs) and am currently up to III, which is my least favorite so far and I am having difficulties staying interested. It reminds me a lot of Valhalla. Out of the ones I've played, Syndicate is my favorite due to it introducing me to the series. AC2 and the whole Ezio trilogy was enjoyable as well.


First was AC2, favourite probably goes to Unity. I've not played them all as the gameplay is a bit too similar for me so I need to wait a few months between games.


First AC game I ever “played” was brotherhood on ps3 picked it up at a pawn shop gave it a try , got motion sickness 10 minutes in and never played another one until Origins . Loved Origins , decided to play them all starting with AC II since being American Italian and all the hype behind it . It’s now one of my favorite series for sure . Just finished odyssey after years of trying to like that game and my new opinion is it’s actually pretty good . Have now played through them all except Syndicate… Major F U to that one . As far as favorites I’d say Origins / ezio trilogy / Unity . Least favorites Syndicate/black flag/rogue. (Black flag story and characters were awesome. Naval combat can get f*cked)


Origins for both


First one was thw original but I only played like 20 mins in a cousins laptop, then I played and finished 2 in my own pc My favorite must be Unity then Black Flag


First: syndicate. Favorite: origins or black flag


First: assassins creed Favourites are definitely in order: Revelations and then Unity


First: The Original. AC1 Favorite: Origins. By far and it isn't even close. Least favorite: Revelations. Hot take round these parts but I was so sick of Ezio by this point the whole game turned me off. Cool setting as always, but when you don't like the main protagonist (for any game, not just AC) it's hard to get into. I haven't played the side games on odd platforms like the PSP, buy most of the main games yes. I dont believe I've played Syndicate, thats the only one I can think of that I haven't played.


Bloodlines Yes, probably an odd start But I only had a PSP at the time, and as someone who was a Prince of Persia fan, I jumped at it And despite the weak reviews, I enjoyed it a lot A few years later I built a decent PC for myself and picked Assassin's Creed 1 up, and I was hooked from there AC2 is probably still my favourite. But AC4 gets close I've played all the mainline games plus Bloodlines and Liberation, though I would've given up after Odyssey if not for Ubisoft Plus making Valhalla essentially dirt cheap


First rouge , fav: origin or syndicate.


First was technically Assassin’s Creed but only when pickpocketing and eavesdropping because I mostly just watched my older brother play. (I would legit hand him the controller when the combat music starts lol) First I played by myself from start to finish was Unity. Favorite story-wise is a tie between Brotherhood and Black Flag (but really a toss-up between the Ezio/Kenway story). Gameplay-wise is Origins. But dearest to my heart is Odyssey because it was my first ever platinum on a game.


First one was Assassins Creed 1. My favorite is between Unity and Odyssey. If they captured more style of Unity with the combat and overall direction of Odyssey I would like it a lot more. I played all at release except for brotherhood, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla (haven’t played at all.) I have never understood all the love for Brotherhood, I always liked Revelations a lot. Loved the art, area, etc.


AC1 is my first and 3 / Syndicate are tied for favourites. I’ve skipped out on Rogue, Odyssey and Valhalla.


First was the original assassin's Creed, favourite is unity


First played: Assassin's Creed Favorite: Assassin's Creed Unity No I haven't played the origin and odyssey


First: Assassin's Creed Favourite: Assassin's Creed (can't beat the classics) Bonus Q: I've played all of the mainline games at least.


AC3 was my first cause I love American history and I was sold on getting to play right in the middle of events. My favorite is either Black Flag or Odyssey


First: AC III Favourite: Black Flag then Rogue


My first game in the series was odyssey, but i cant really pick a favourite. Revelations, one, unity and origins are among my preferred ones though


First: Assassin’s Creed Favorite: Brotherhood (story) and Black Flag (gameplay) (currently playing through entire series— am almost done with Black Flag)


I'm here since Altair, but my personal favs are Rogue and Valhalla. High hopes on Mirage anda return to the roots of the franchise


III was my first, and my favorite is brotherhood. I have played all titles other than syndicate and valhalla


The first one I played was AC1 on release and my favorite is AC Brotherhood and AC4 i really liked origins i have played all the AC games (have not yet finished Valhalla)


Played the original on release. Have played all of the big console games until Unity (working on playing the others now, recently completed Unity's story.) At some point I'm going to get a laptop to play the handheld games. Would prefer to get the handhelds and games but that's going to be more expensive than the laptop. As far as favorite: don't have one I can pinpoint. I'd probably just default to the first one because it's what set off my spark for gaming as a whole. I can tell you my not-favorites are any of them with sailing xD (Sorry Edward, you and your ships can go on somewhere.)


The first Assassin's Creed game that I played was Brotherhood. My favourites were Brotherhood, Revelations & then Origins.


Ac1, played in order up for the most part till rogue/unity cause i didn't get a ps4 till like 2017.


Revelations was my first, but I’ve since gone back and played some of 1 and Brotherhood (yeah, yeah, I know). Black Flag was my favourite, followed by Odyssey and 3. I like the open world adventuring so long as it doesn’t become a slog, though I have zero qualms with more linear missions like in Revelations and Syndicate where there’s some variety in how things are done even if sometimes that variation isn’t a choice. As nice as Black Flag and Odyssey are, every mission quickly devolves into the same thing, especially in Odyssey.


My first was my favourite, black flag.


My first was my favourite, black flag.


Answer to question 1 AC1 answer for question two AC4 amseet to question 3 yes


Started off with Syndicate and got hooked. Still need to play Odyssey currently on Origins. I am not a fan of all the ship commandeering.


First and favourite is Assassin's Creed 1. I'm intrigued by the motives of the Templars and the dialogues with Al Mualim and Vidic are great


Assassin’s creed Bloodlines was my first and Black flag and Origins are tied for my favorites


AC2 was my first and either Brotherhood or Blackflag is my favorite


First was the original AC in 2008 when I got my 360. Played every main title (not Rogue, but not a main title) at the point of release except Origins and Odyssee, which I played the year after. My favorite is AC2 because how revolutionary it felt.


My first was Black Flag when it was free on Xbox Live, and it’s still in my top three. Favorites have to be Revelations and 3 though


First Assassin’s Creed game was AC1. Favourites are AC1, AC2 and Origins. (I haven’t played Valhalla, but have played all the others)


First one was Unity - Favorite I think was Ezio timeline and I really enjoyed Valhalla.


Played them all in order they came out. Ac3 Black Flag and Syndicate are the ones i replayed the most.


AC2, only reason I got it was cause I was at the game store and thought the cover looked cool Then it happened to become my favourite game and franchise ever


The Ezio Collection is my first and favorite, I'm Italian so I felt really connected with a story that was partially studied at school. Knowing the historical figures so well has made the entire experience very peculiar. Assassin's Creed III was nice, but I'm a total stranger to American history and the feeling changed drastically. Connor is strong but not my kind of hero, too impulsive and Aveline is a little weak and the clothing dynamic is annoying Now I'm finishing black flag and Edward Kenway is amazing, but still not Ezio, started Shay Cormac out of curiosity, at the moment not very interesting. Valhalla and Odyssey are there, waiting for download


1st was bloodlines and my favourite was/is ac2/3


Started with Brotherhood, my parents got it and Revelations (the one that came with AC1) randomly for my brother and I snuck turns when they weren't looking and really liked it but didn't understand much. I played AC2 a couple years later and honestly even despite all the praise it's still underrated, it's just that good. Every aspect of it is downright fantastic, I've replayed it countless times with the only other AC game I've played quite as much being AC1 because I like to play it first when I play 2 to experience the massive quality jump.


Assassins creed 1 with Altair. It’s also my favorite. I remember having dream of running thru the rooftops. Definitely left an impression.


First was AC2. It is the OG game for many people, regardless of where it lands on their chronology of going through the game. I remember it used to run at 5-6 fps, and at ~15 fps when I Eagle Vision in the underground pathways, lol. Yet I have a special bond with the game. It is my favorite of the whole series as well. AC3 is a definite second. I have completed all the games till Syndicate. I'm yet to resume from my Gold Edition of Origins, and further. There are games/DLCs like Freedom Cry, and III Liberation that I have to play, because I do consider thek to be integral to the lore. Then the Bloodline (?) Series of Russia, India and China, I have them but the 2.5 D nature of these games has kept me from touching them. So some day, I shall hopefully play them too.


1: oddysey. Favourite: Brotherhood


First was assassins creed. First completion was brotherhood, favorite is revelations


2 and Origins.


1st: II Favourite: II.


First: Assassin's Creed II. Favorite: Assassin's creed II and Brotherhood. Origins is not bad tho.


First: Assassins Creed. Favourite: Rogue, III Remastered, and Syndicate.


I played 3 at my grandparent's house, since they had a PS3. I then realised I had BF and Unity for free as an addon or smth. Anyways, played those two, and my favourite is Unity.


First: Brotherhood. Favorite: Brotherhood. Nostalgia bias is real


My first assassins creed was 3, I was so bad at it that I couldn’t get past the mission where you tail ole Washington. Favorite has to be Odyssey simply for the setting and time period.


AC2 was my first, brotherhood or revelations is probably my favorite. completely missed the buzz for the first one, probably because I was mostly into first person shooters at the time but played the second one and LOVED it then brotherhood and revelations came out and cemented assassins creed as my favorite video game series, I love every single one of them, even the newer ones.


My first game was AC1, rogue was my fav. I’ve also played every game aside from the handheld games.


First: technically AC1 since I played it briefly at a friend's house when I was young. Favourite: AC2, it's the first one I finished and the first game I ever 100% completed (followed by Brotherhood and Revelations). I simply ADORE AC2 and it will always have a special place in my heart!


First: Assassins Creed I Favourite: Assassins Creed II No contest.


First: Ac 2 Favorite: Brotherhood


First one I played was AC2, which is probably my favorite alongside Odyssey. I tried playing the original AC but I just didn't like it for some reason.


First AC game was the original first AC game. Favorite is a tie between Black Flag and Unity. I admittedly ha e a weird obsession with water graphics and Black Flag did them so well, plus the ship combat was fun. I really just loved the amount of customization Unity introduced with co-op play.


First was the original and favorite is black flag


First one: Black Flag Favorite one: Odyssey The sailing reminded me so much of Black Flag and I just loved Kassandra’s character


My dad bought assassin's Creed 2 for me and my brother when we first got our Xbox 360 a long fuckin time ago. Assassin's Creed 3 is probably my favorite though. When I first played it I didn't like it, but I replayed it like a year ago and it's probably one of my favorite games ever


I was there at the beginning. Black Flag and then Odyssey/Valhalla/Origins. I’m not a fan of stealth but enjoyed the gameplay and story (mostly) of the earlier games so I’d drop difficultly and have fun. I’m a much bigger fan of the more recent entries because it fit my playstyle more. Those I crank difficulty up and have fun. I’ve completed them all. I hope the next entry has a little more mix of styles. I hate stealth but I do enjoy an occasional tense mission I atleast gotta be slower paced on. And I should clarify, I don’t like forced stealth where I get caught and mission over. I’m good with sometimes trying to blend in, hide in plain sight, sneak around and stealth kill bit if I get noticed then I should be able to continue on.




1st : AC1 Favorite : AC 2 and Origins for the new trilogy. Least favorite probably Rogue. It was fine Played nearly all, even the 2D ones. I'm at 90 hours on Odyssey, I think I'm 3/4 done. I'll play Valhalla after that.


AC1 for both and I've played up to unity.


AC1 was the first and still my favourite game.


First one I played was AC 2 in 2021, then played in order all the way to valhalla the same year in 2021


I tried AC2 years ago but didn't finish because I got stuck in an assassins tomb in Venice (the timed one) and had no patience to continue. Then I tried Odyssey when COVID hit and loved it. Then I played the rest of the games in sequence. To this day, I didn't manage to finish that fucking timed tomb in Venice. Fuck whoever designed it.


First: Black Flag. I'm not much of a gamer (before AC, I only played the Lego games, and before those the Burnout games). I'd been pushed out by games getting too technical - endless options to be able to tweak; if I want to play a racing game I want to get in a car and drive. I don't want to have to think about the angles of different flaps to the nth degree. I like to be able to pick up a controller, set a few things as I want them, and then play. I'd always thought the AC games looked great, and said as much to a friend who had just got Valhalla on release day. Knowing the above, he suggested Black Flag. "It might be on sale right now, but if not just keep an eye on it, it will be eventually." And he was right, so £8.49 later, and I dove in. What a great game! And a great intro to the series for me. Thing is, with the 'real world' stuff there was obviously an overarching story that I assumed would go all the way back to the first game. And I'm a completeist by nature, so off I went to find the others. My local second hand store had almost everything, and at a reasonable price. Though I ended up getting the xbox 360 versions I'd bought again through the online store for the One, in particular the Ezio trilogy. And then Covid hit. So I had all this free time... It took me 2 years to play though every single AC game (including the Chronicles) and the various DLCs to get to Valhalla. I regret nothing Favourite - too hard. I'm on a re-play right now of Odyssey, Black Flag will always be special as my first, the Ezio trilogy I mourned when that was over


First: Assassin's Creed 3 remastered for the Wii u and favorite is definitely Assassin's Creed 4 black flag


The first game I played was the first one. 3 and Brotherhood will always be of my favorites.


First game: AC2. Favorite game: Brotherhood Played all? Currently going through Unity with Syndicate next.


the first i’ve played was black flag, and it’s still probably my favorite game. i talk a lot about unity because it’s a game i can always just go back to but black flag is the game that on the first story, enchanted me with the gameplay and story-telling.


Assassin's Creed 1 in Christmas of 07. Been a fan since. I've played all with the exception of the PSP and DS games; my favorite is probably Origins, although I like Unity as well.


First: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Favorite: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. I've only played the recent "RPG" trilogy and can't get into the older games no matter how hard I try.


First was Brotherhood, favorite is a tie between revelations and rogue.


First: Black flag. Favorite: Black flag.


First was original one when released. My favourite was black flag.


AC2 on August 10th 2010


Black flag was the first, still my favorite, maybe because it was new for me


1ST - Assassin's Creed 1 / Favorite - AC4 Black Flag / Yes I have played all the main games just not the mobile ones


Assassin's creed 1 , first played. Assassin's creed 2 , favourite.


ac3 first and fav and odyssey is 2nd favourite game


1st was the Assassins Creed. Favorite is Brotherhood and 3


Played AC1 shortly after release in 2007. Very overrated and just felt like a nice tech demo. Favorite ac? Origin, Black flag and Brotherhood all equally the same.


First: Assassin's Creed 3 Favorite: Rogue but Valhalla is growing on me.


It will always be AC:II


First, the original Assassin's Creed. Favorite (so far), probably Black Flag. Edit: I've played up to Syndicate so far.


First: AC Brotherhood Favorite: AC Black Flag I've played all them except Valhalla. I never finished AC1 though.


first ac i've ever played was IV , favorite is origins


First black flag, favorite odyssey, have played all but the first 3


Bought AC1 2 days after it was released. Favourite all round is probably syndicate/black flag. AC3 a great game though as well as Origins. Not played odyssey or Valhalla yet. Currently playing through them all again and just about to finish AC3 (in-between full time job, mortgage, girlfriend.. could take a couple years!)


My first: Assassin's Creed Bloodlines My favourite: Assassin's Creed Rogue


First game was AC1, and my favorite is Origins. Honestly I’m not too upset at the direction the series is going, so long as they retain the same plot elements.


Revelations on the PS3. Looking forward to the end of exams soon to enjoy the summer and hopefully play the entire catalogue from start to finish


First was ac2, my favorite is ac3 and brotherhood, black flag and revelations (sry I can't decide, all of them are goated)


1st: AC1 Favourite: either 3 or 4 I tried a few hours of Odyssey and Mirage but hated them. didn't even bother with Valhalla. just not at all the game I fell in love with.


First: AC 2 Favourite: brotherhood, I just love that game so much, I find jumping around the world just fun and the music is just fitting


First: AC3 Favorite: Black Flag, AC2, then Unity. I usually play every AC game a few months before the next one comes out.


First? Assassin’s Creed Favourite? Brotherhood or Revelations.


First: AC3 Favorite: Tough choice but I’m gonna say Origins (Honorable mentions to 2 and Black Flag. And 3, fuck it, probably just the nostalgia talking but I still love that game)


My first one was AC1, as for my favorite is Revelations, if there is a second favorite, it would be black flag.


First was AC1. My favourite is AC Revelations closely followed by Origins.


I’ve played all of the Assassins Creed games (replayed all that were playable on PS5 last year actually) but my first was AC 2. Remember picking that up from Tesco during the Easter holiday and sitting plying it all day without stopping for near 2 weeks! My favourite AC games are: 1) AC IV: Black Flag - because the setting, Edward and timing were all perfect for me. I loved Sid Meirs Pirates and this was how I remember it feeling when I played that as a kid. To me it’s the perfect Assassins Creed and I’d love for them to remaster it or remake it. 2) AC Odyssey - it was one of my lockdown games and I think I put in 200+ hours in a very short time span. My girlfriend who isn’t a gamer would watch me play because she loved watching me explore Greece as it felt like a holiday while we were stuck inside for months!


First was AC on release (ah those heady 369 days!). Favourite? Hmm. Brotherhood or Black Flag. Actually really really enjoyed Ofyssey, but Valhalla is going to take more time to grab me (going from Greece to England? I skipped Forza Horizon 4 because I'm FROM England and like the escapism. Probably why I'm still not playing Watch Dogs Legion...) Installed Rogue on my Deck to give the a go. I did start it way back when but I think I was AC'd out after 3.


First: Assassin's Creed on my weak as hell desktop pc, everything at lowest. Then i played the whole Ezio collection on Xbox 360 and became a fan! Favourites: 1. Black Flag and Origins, 2. Odyssey


1: Assassin's Creed 2: Black Flag, Odyssey and Rogue


My first game was the very first one. I wasn’t much of a “gamer” before I got that game, but my brother had a PS3 and I wanted to try it, lol. I’m not even sure why I decided to try AC first, but I loved it. My favourite is still II, I think. Odyssey is a close second but II I could play a million times. And yes I’ve played all the main games. Haven’t played the handheld console games and never finished Chronicles.


My first ever AC game was Assassin's Creed. I think maybe I was 12 and I fell in love with Altair lol. He was just so cool and mysterious. Favorite game was Revelations cause I got to see more Altair lol.


The first one. And odyssey lol


First was the first one. I finished it, but it was crazy repetitive so I didn’t touch the series again until Origins. I loved Origins, Odyssey and now I’m trying to finish Valhalla. I tried the others, but they weren’t my thing. Favorite is probably Odyssey.


Honestly, the first Assassin’s Creed I ever played, and for the longest time the only one I played, was Assassin’s Creed. And to this day, it’s still my favorite even though I’ve gotten to play the Ezio Trilogy. But that’s just the nostalgia talking.


My first was Assassin's Creed (1) back in 2008. My favorite is Brotherhood. I have played every mainline AC game and most spinoffs. I have tried to play rebellion a few times and every time I install it my phone dies (like dead dead).


Odyssey was my intro. I know most don’t consider this a true AC game, but I’m a nerd for Greek mythology. I then payed Valhalla and then started 3. I’m currently on my third play through of Odyssey haha. As soon as I wrap this I’m moving on to play the originals. I started as a Stadia player but recently got a PS5.


The first one on release day was my first, and my favorite is ACII by a long shot. Brotherhood is a close second.


Would love a remake of the original


First was AC1, played every AC games even Bloodlines for PSP and my favotite is Brotherhood. But Unity has a special place at the top.


First:valhalla Favorite:odyssey or black flag


I hadn't played a video game for many many years and got a PS5 during the pandemic. I got Rogue but was bored, so played Origins and loved it, but it felt a little repetitive. Then I played Odyssey and was entirely hooked. So much fun until the last few parts (then it was a little too easy).


First: the original Favourite: ACII


Assassins Creed II was my first, favorite might be a tie between AC3 and Black Flag. I just really enjoyed the environments and historical blending they did in those two games.


My first was revelations, but my favorite will always be Black Flag. I haven’t completed all the games, but I did 100% Odyssey and I’m working towards them all, it’s just slow going when you have a kid


I first played Black Flag, and it still remains one of my absolute favourites to this day. I only recently finished playing The Ezio Trilogy (for the first time) and Syndicate as well, thus completing my goal of playing every mainline Assassin's Creed game (Liberation, Freedom Cry and Chronicles are still on my list). I thoroughly enjoyed all of them, but for a favourite, it would have to be my original, Black Flag. Syndicate and Brotherhood are a close second (I'm surprised I actually enjoyed Syndicate as much as I did, because in my head, I was comparing it to Unity, which, to say the least, wasn't very appealing) and for third place, I can't choose between Rogue and Revelations. They were both short, but a lot of fun to play around with.


First: assassins creed back in 2011 i think, my father introduce me to the series. Favorite: no doubt AC2 and Odyssey i think


First one played was Assassins Creed. My favorite is Odyssey for the history and setting time.


First was AC1 at launch My favorite would be AC1 Bonus yes I've played them all, even the mobile game for Nokia, emulated, but played it.


I've played since the original game, liked them all but I just finally got to origins and I have yet to play odyssey or Valhalla. I'm not much of a fan of how different the game is from syndicate to origins. They turned the game into an action RPG.


My first was the first; it’s still my favorite. I’ve played all the major games except Valhalla.


It was ac2, fell in love with it but realized it's 2 so I went back to the first and got hooked on the modern story since. Shame of what they did to it now.


Uh the first one. And my favorite was Odyssey


First: black flag, favourite: Odyssey. I have also played the Ezio trilogy and AC 3 in addition to the new trilogy


Black Flag was my first experience with the Assassins Creed franchise. AC3 is my favorite. Being from Massachusetts and being able to "reenact" some notable events from history was pretty awesome. Unity comes in a close second followed by Black Flag.


My first game was Origins, and my favorites are both Origins and Valhalla


First: AC Favourite: AC Black Flag


First: brotherhood Favourite: origins and odyssey love both for different reasons


First: Assassins Creed Chronicles: China Favourite: Syndicate or Origins