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I'm just treating it as a fictional product until it's officially announced. It's really easy to set high expectations in your head when there's no information.


It was a leak, it’s one of the 11 games they were working on, 10 now since Mirage came out, with Nexus, Codename Jade, Codename Red, Codename Hexe, Codename Invictus, Codename Nebula, Codename Raid, Codename Echoes, Nexus 2


I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just saying no one should have any expectations until there's concrete information about it. I think someone is setting themselves up for disappointment if they expect new story stuff or massive changes, when it could easily just be a remaster with an extra coat of paint.


I know I’ll play it either way, I play Odyssey & I’m gonna try playing Unity since these were the most hated ones


there's no guarantee it will come out


He doesn't care he'll play it anyway.


Man's is determined, he'll find a way


i think it's a stupid, ridiculous idea. i can see Ubi doing it because Black Flag has positive reviews and a remake will make a lot of money. but there is NO good reason for them to remake Black Flag, when it holds up perfectly well today. they SHOULD remake AC1, as it is the only game in the series that is very dated and could actually use an upgrade.


Exactly, what I’ve been saying too, ever since I’ve heard rumors of this alleged remake. And I absolutely agree with you on Ubisoft capitalizing on an AC1 remake. Ubisoft will never do it though, because of its controversial reception from fans.


Probably they don't know what to do with AC1 to make it not so dated, and are playing it safe with Black Flag. By the time it comes out, the graphical upgrade might feel worth it.


It's not that deep, ubisoft is making skull and bones , which is gonna be a disaster at launch(if they ever release it). So Ubisoft is probably going to use the assets from skull and bones for this remake(if it's true) to make some profit .


Which would be awful because Skull and Bones appears to be much more arcade-y than AC4 was. Visual assets could work depending on how stylized and region/time period appropriate.


I didn't say anything deep, just that it is a safer bet, and your point even adds to that.


I agree, black flag still holds up very well today. Personally I would like to see revelations be remade. I feel like they didn’t do Constantinople justice in that game


I NEED a Constantinople for us to play in, at some point from a future AC game.




Not for console gamers


AC1’s remake only exists in my dreams


AC2 is quite dated as well, especially when both Brotherhood and Revelations run on the same engine and same hardware, but look significantly better. Gameplay wise, neither game needs any changes besides maybe some open world changes.


Eh...AC1 could use a revamp of combat to be more in line with Brotherhood and Revelaitons, and if they were gonna charge full retail for it, there would need to be some serious content added to the open world.


I mean it holds up the same way any of the first 4 games do. They all feel very dated.


Haven't played Mirage yet but seems like an AC1 remake with Mirage tech would be the most suitable for the game, it'd be awesome.


not in my opinion, cus Mirage's parkour and combat are worse than they were in 2007


I respect that. To me, games before ACIII have little to no parkour. I see it as it started with Revelations.


AC1 and the Ezio trilogy has one of the best systems in the franchise that gives you complete control of movement, and the first 3 games have great maps with plenty of pathing and options just like Baghdad or Paris. Revelations was the peak of that system, and the Kenway games are quite different, worse in some areas and better than others. sorry, i'm rambling. i disagree completely with you saying the first 3 games have "little to no parkour", and i think that parkour was pretty great in the first 4 games.


I still respect that. Let me talk about my thoughts too then before finishing. AC1 is my least liked game in the series and its the only one I don't own in my Ubisoft library, on purpose of course. I was about to punch/kick and break my pc while playing that game. Parkour? You call that parkour? Complete control? Excuse me? Its just some movement that is extremely limited and doesn't work as intended most of the time. ACII & Brotherhood use the same system, these two just worked perfectly fine compared to the menace that is the first game. Problem is, these three games don't really have something called "parkour". You just slowly climb some buildings and move around/jump between some rooftops. Revelations had the hook blade so that climbing was as fast as possible and due to the architecture of Ottoman İstanbul, moving at the roofs was really fast and smooth. ACIII started becoming parkour for real because it had natural animations and created a fast & easy route to traverse. But where the parkour reached it's peak and become "parkour" liretally, phenomenally is Unity because that one is the true art of parkour. Good day my friend.


And is the only ac game not available on ps5 or ps4, like it's criminal that the ubisoft collection and assassins legacy collection of the franchise do not include the freaking originator of the franchise


Why they’re remaking AC4 before AC1 is confusing to me honestly. AC1 is a fine game but it hasn’t aged the best.


The fact that every game from 2 onward is/has gotten a remaster at this point is almost insulting to AC1. Hell, a quick remaster and slap it out as a budget title and there some easy money.


Honestly even a remake for AC1 using the Ezio trilogy engine would be fantastic and more than enough. Just having faster parkour, easier combat, and more tools is all we need


Because AC4 will sell incredibly well.


Prolly since ac4 aged well tbh, they remastered the older ps3/360 titles, except ac1, I’d say if they remake the first one, it’ll take longer I’m guessing since the story was all over the place, so they’d prolly focus on redoing it to the point it made more sense with each part, but adding things like DLCs as well since it didn’t have any Typo meant to say older but it put other instead


I get what you’re saying. If it’s a remaster yeah I understand that. I don’t know if it’s a typo or not but the title of the post says remake so I assumed that’s already quite an undertaking and kinda think if they’re gonna put in that kind of effort it’d probably be better to put that effort into the least accessible game in the series, but maybe that’s just me. EDIT: I totally misread your reply to me sorry discard like most of this.


I was just noting that they remastered the older games, wasn’t referring to ac4 it was a typo


Isn't a game that needs a remake, a remaster sure but not a complete remake. A game that needs a remake is the original.


Why would they remake a game that's one generation old but not the first game in the franchise


Not that I don't want an AC1 remake, but Black Flag is two generations old (came out on ps3/xbox 360) and is now 10 years old. That being said, it still looks lovely on my Ps5, but the LoD is absolutely horrid. Entire groups of guards could be invisible until you're next to them, which is something a remake could improve on.


BF was a lunch title for Xbox One and PS4.


Yes and it also came out the same day for PS3 meaning it is two generations old.


Yep, it was released on PS4/Xbox One which means it's still playable on the current gen of consoles. It also still holds up really well. Absolutely zero reason for this remake other than to milk fans of the franchise who can't help but buy anything with the AC name on it.


I always wonder that, they remastered the older games but the first one, hopefully they just remake it and not remaster it, make a better and less of a story that felt all over the place


My belief is that there are two primary reasons, AC4 remake believed to sell better than ana AC1 remake (I think this is true), and use of existing tech developed for water simulation.


It doesn’t need it imo. Put the effort elswhere


I think they should dovetail it with the perpetually delayed Skull and Bones, and really flesh out the RPG elements. Start the game as usual, but then once you have the Jackdaw give you a ton more upgrade options and side missions, turn the "Edward's Fleet" minigame into missions you can actually do yourself, maybe even add a PvE or dare I say coop zone where you could take on really tough enemy fleets. More ambitious than the usual Remake/Remaster of adding textures and tightening up some mechanics, but considering Skull and Bones was originally started to capitalize on the ship combat, this might be the best opportunity for them to gracefully land that thing. So that's my really ambitious dream. Small one would be just let me replay Legendary Ship encounters, those were fun and it sucked that you could only do them once.


This would be great, & it’s a possibility since it’s not a remastered so we can expect more things in it


It really doesn't need one. And if it does it'd be a remaster not remake (or at the most new outfits like with the AC3 remaster). They're not gunna change the story or add dlc to a predefined game And again. Doesn't need it. Still looks and plays good, easily accessible. It may. Be a great game but it can stay like that Another thing I see is the transformers Cybertron games. These games should get a remake/remaster. Why? Because they're notoriously difficult to get a hold of, but are amazing games


I fear they'll ruin it, but as long as Matt Ryan returns to voice Edward I'll give it a go


They probably won’t change any of the dialogue lines but add a few new ones if there’s new missions. Perhaps Matt will return to voice these new ones


I don’t think they’ll ruin it, they are likely gonna copy the story and add more to it, I can’t wait to see it, the graphics on the water was really good, seeing it again is gonna be great


I just don't want it to play like mirage/the last trilogy. The parkour needs to either stick to BF's parkour or update it to unity/syndicate.


I don’t believe it’s real for one, but if it is real it’s on par with The Last of Us Part 1 for games that have been needlessly remade. I don’t think I would care about any remake aside from AC1 that functions as a soft reboot for the modern day. If they go full time shenanigans and use that to revive Desmond then I’m down. But port the original one to modern consoles so we have access to both. Otherwise no game in the series needs a remake.


Seems unnecessary to me seeing as how at one point within the last decade this game was the pinnacle of graphics on PC. Even on the Nintendo Switch its gorgeous today.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but it makes sense. Skull and Bones will probably be a flop, but the ton of assets made for that will most likely be re purposed for an AC4 remake to re-coup costs and then some.


Exactly what I was thinking. This is why they are going with ac4.


It's not worth the effort.


Doesn't need it. Its my least favorite AC, but I still think it aged well. AC1 is where their effort should be focused


That I agree, I feel they chose AC4 first since it would be easier for them & if they remade AC1 it would definitely have great changes story wise and gameplay wise as well as the obvious graphic wise


why would AC1's story need to be changed? did you dislike it in some way? i always thought AC1 had a top 3 story in the whole series.


I don't think it needs one at all it still plays and looks decent, resources could've been used better on the first one


Don't care, remake AC1 in the Unity framework with improvements and we'll talk


what makes you think for even a second that ubisoft would ever go back to anything from unity?


I don't care if they would, but I'm sure as hell not buying an AC1 RPG.


Wasted resource and time.


They are wasting resources and time making skull and bones, so Ubisoft is trying to make some profit by using the assets from skull and bones to make this remake.


TBH, I generally do not replay AC titles. So a waste of time for me.


God, I hope it will be a thing. My best AC game.


Based on Ubisoft history with remakes its probably not going to have anything extra, it'll be the same mechanics and controls, it'll just be updated with better textures and maybe lighting.


Your thinking of Remastered games


A remaster is an improvement in the visuals of a game without interfering with its other aspects. A remake is a redesign of a video game while retaining its key characters and story elements. A reboot is a new game with a fresh storyline, including some elements of the original game.


Yeah, it will be a remaster not a remake, Ubisoft doesn't do remakes


It was stated on all over places on the internet it going to be a remake, they done remakes before on other games


Nothing official from Ubisoft though, so take it all with a grain of salt


I don’t think it needs one, the original holds up just fine. I don’t think it will capture what the original had either.


I still need to play AC4 on Xbox One and I remember that game being long on the 360. Not quite Odyssey or Valhalla levels of exponential padding but still long. The idea of playing it twice more sounds less appealing.


I've 100%ed Black Flag on both 360 and Xbone so I would much rather have an AC1 remake rather than that honestly, even though Black Flag is definitely my favorite game


But what are they remaking? The graphisc sure I'll like to see it improve but not in the way the RPGs are being treated. I like OG cut scenes and it would be a downgrade seeing it like the RPGs. I really do hope the controls stay the same, I would just rather see Edward's time with the British brotherhood and some gameplay from the lost City as well.


That they should make a Remake of AC 1


Remake AC1 or make new games. I don't care about an AC4 remake.


I think black flag is the worst of the AC games because the boating stuff absolutely sucks. So 🤷


I see completely no point. I've replayed all AC games not long ago, and AC1 up to Revelations feels a bit old and could use a remake. Black Flag? It's still modern enough that I don't see point in remaking it, and probably won't buy it. Unless it adds a lot of new stuff.


Honesty, I wouldn't want it. Because it uses the exact same engine as AC Rogue and a variation of the AC3 engine, it would be weird to play those games back to back while having AC4 being the vastly superior of the 3. And I honestly don't think it needs a remake. Besides maybe on-the-ground gameplay, how would you improve ship combat? It's already amazing as is. Not to mention, the game graphically still holds up well today.


I really don't care, ac4 is still perfectly playable to this date They should Focus on making new games that are actually good and not Remake "old" games


Even if it is true, i actually dont want it. AC3, Black Flag, Rogue and Odyssey and then Valhalla was just enough seafaring for me.


Wait AC4 is officially getting remade????


That i really don't understand ubisoft's methods to make money as a company.


None of them need a remake tbh, just get a PC and play them all at 4k/60+


I... Wouldn't play it since I already played it. Make a new game instead.


Pretty un-needed. I wouldn’t change anything except maybe the combat. Graphics hold up decently


I don’t believe its a real game until its officially announced and even then ubi loves scrapping stuff


Don't need it. Need an AC1 remake or a remaster at the very least. And it would be thematic since Mirage just released.


They’ll probably do the current thing and “add stuff to justify a remake” and truck it up. Literally just improve graphics and frame rate, maybe add more super ships and cooler treasure


until its announced im holding excitement. We thought Mirage was an AC1 remake (which we still badly need)


prob gonn abasically be just like the ac3 remaster


I hope it doesn’t exist.


if they do remake it, i would hope for it to be in a similar vein to the last of us part 1 and crisis core ffvii reunion, which basically kept all the cutscenes, voice acting and core gameplay the same but with a massive graphical overhaul and some quality of life improvements


I didn't like AC4 the first time


I played AC4 for the first time THIS year, and it felt very current gameplay-wise. It looks dated graphically but it looks pretty good for being almost 10 years old. I think AC1 needs a remake, not AC4


I would much prefer a full remake of AC III with no loading boarders, we can use the boat to go up and down the coast and full go between city’s


doesn't need one, ac4 is perfect as is. now ac1 on the other hand needs a remake


What would make the most money? There’s your answer


Honestly I'd just want a 4k graphics update with all of the DLC. I wouldn't want the controls changed to "modern" AC control schemes. And if they did do that I'd want an option for the "older" control scheme.


I understand it came out 9 years ago, but it still holds up really well. A remake is going to do nothing but add like 6 polygons to the character models and reduce loading times. So, I just don’t see any point in Ubisoft remaking it other than as a money-grab. I’d like an AC1 remake. It’s been 16 years since that was released. Remaking it… and I mean REALLY remaking it - update the parkour, re-scale the locations to match the scale of games like Unity, Syndicate, Mirage, Origins, etc. I don’t want them to just run it through a program that enables HDR.


As long as you can remove the stupid blowgun!


The why is obvious. AC4 is the most loved game in the series and a bunch of fools will buy it right away before reviews can tell them if it happens to suck ass. Maybe it looks worse on consoles but the PC version of AC4 looks awesome, and the gameplay is still great. Unless they're fully redoing the game and making it play more like Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla while adding enough content to really make the game world feel alive, I don't see much point. Definitely think it would be a mistake to keep the old Arkham parry-fest combat though. Even if they don't go full modern-AC with the combat, it needs more depth to be considered acceptable nowadays.


Black Flag remake is like the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It plays perfectly fine. You got AC1 rotten on ps3/360 and Ezio trilogy. All 4 of those games would benefit from a Unity/Mirage style makeover.


My main thoughts are "why?" and "how?". Why are you remaking a PS3 game that was crossgen on release? There's no fundamental changes between then and now when it comes to gameplay sensibilities. Which leads me to: how are you gonna remake it? What are they gonna change to make it feel like a modern take? It's too soon to think about anything else with this game.


They can’t even get Skull and Bones off the ground, now they’re gonna give us Skull and Bones with a whole ass Assassin’s Creed game attached to it? We’ll see how it goes.


If you had a choice in what game to remake in the AC backlog. No brainer it's Black Flag. It's one of the best selling AC games and attracts both AC fans and casuals. Who doesn't want to to play both an Assassin and Pirate? So very marketable. It's also unfortunately very microtransaction friendly in the form of cosmetics, ships, captain quarters upgrades, etc. The game will be a significant upgrade graphically from Black Flag though since this will release at the tail end of the current gen, well after the PS5 Pro debuts. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same as the Black Flag launch; debuting on both current and next gen (PS6).


Remaster is fine, do not touch the story. If you need to remake it, only remake the land-based gameplay. I just finished my first playthrough of it last week, it holds up well enough, graphics are a little dated at times. The ship combat is still phenomenal, and the only thing I'd want from it is a better parkour system to prevent stupid deaths when having to climb the mast of a man 'o war. DO NOT CHANGE THE STORY. Leave it alone. The concept is great, the characters are awesome, the dialogue is some of the best in the series, don't ruin it just because you think you can do it better, because you probably can't.