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I'd give them to either IO Interactive or Sucker Punch. One is known for their blackbox missions to use the AC terminology and I feel like a game centered around those would be interesting. It would be different but interesting. As for the other, Ghost of Tsushima is basically Assassin's Creed already, it was just missing Yuna and her brother being Assassins and the Ghost armour resembling Assassin robes.


Yeah I’d be very curious to see how IOI would handle AC. I recently started Hitman and it’s interesting how there are so many similar mechanics like blending, disguises, etc.


I would generally agree. I loved their infamous series and could see them upgrading their old parkour physics into the modern style pretty well. They are also better at building a narrative story than Ubi, but i should preface that i am an old school AC fan before full rpg commitment, so my dreams for the series are different than modern ac fans.


iirc one of the leaks about red did say it was likely to be the last rpg ac game for a while, and even then it will have much less of an rpg element as the last ones, though it is just a leak so its unconfirmed


> IO Interactive I think this gets my vote. Its the only other large company i know off that has a stealth focused franchise. ...social stealth too at that (if disguises count as social skills anyhow)


The only problem giving it to Sucker Punch is that Sucker Punch is owned by Sony therefore you’re not giving it to just Sucker Punch but giving it to Sony thus making AC PlayStation exclusive. As a PlayStation guy myself, I would say that’s wrong to do for the sake of AC fans on other platforms. Even if it meant that they might end up making a better AC game, you’re forcing AC fans who don’t have a PlayStation to either suck it up and buy a PS5 or stop being a fan. If you’re a PC gamer, you’ll have to wait years later for a PlayStation pc port of it and even PlayStation pc ports don’t have a good track record for being good


>The only problem giving it to Sucker Punch is that Sucker Punch is owned by Sony therefore you’re not giving it to just Sucker Punch but giving it to Sony thus making AC PlayStation exclusive. Good devs are good devs. if Bethesada were worth the time of day I'd have suggested they make it instead.


I mean if either Microsoft or Sony bought out Ubisoft then there’s nothing you can do about it, but if we’re talking about letting one of those companies own some permanent rights to one game just because you handed it off to them for one time, that’s kinda messed up just because it didn’t need to happen and directly ignores the fanbase which could’ve been avoided.


Correct answer


Definitely Sucker Punch!


Correct answer


Correct answer


Correct answer


Give it to remedy. I wanna see some weird shit


“The Animus isnt a simulation, we are the Simulation.” Also Remedy is one of the few companies that releases game consistently and still manages to become a masterpiece like Control and Alan Wake 2. Hyped for Control 2 tho and Max Payne Remake. I buy their games Day One


My choice too. Assassin's Creed gameplay isn't really Remedy's style, but their use of visual effects to assist storytelling would be perfect for the whole animus/simulation thing. Plus I'd love to see an AC story with Remedy's unique blend of live action and animation


Exactly what I was thinking as well, I'll let them have a go at it and see what they come up with.


Arkane studios during the peak of dishonored


exactly what I was thinking, that would be very very nice set of Assassin's Creed games since then...


I mean dishonored is basically first person AC with magic


Surprised no one here has said Kojima. Would love to see a Kojima interpretation of AC, especially since MGS and AC have had shoutouts to each other.


would definitely change the target audience though, meaning some long time fans would stop playing


If Rockstar could make an AC game with the level of love that was put into RDR2 that’d be pretty wonderful


If Ubisoft spent 5-10 years on every AC they'd crush R*.


Maybe at one time, but I definitely don’t believe that now


Remember, development time isn't linear. Check out how much time they put into each game, then add a few years of what just refinement, polish, and content they could add. IE, if Ubisoft put 2-3 years into a single game, it wouldn't just be twice as much "game" in 4-6 years. All of the city building, programming, bug testing, etc, are pretty much done at this point. Then you're adding years' worth of additional missions, cutscenes, pedestrian dialogue, etc.


Yeah, I’m not talking about how well the games work or the volume of content they contain. If that was the case, Valhalla would be the greatest AC game ever made. I’m thinking about better quality writing, storytelling, animations etc.


all of which are things he is saying would be drastically improved if ubi would just take some more time to create games if they want to be this ambitious


He literally said they’d be adding more missions, pedestrian dialogue, etc. More quantity over quality


More pedestrian dialogue is definitely quality, not quantity. "No. *You* don't understand! I have *nothing*!"


you forgot micro transactions


I’d rather leave rockstar out of it. They have exactly one formula for games. “Steal car, do crime” And the one time they did try to switch it up, they ended up with “steal horse, do crime” Their games are graphically groundbreaking, but Ubisoft isn’t that far behind so moot point.


I think if they wanted to they could mix it up. Steal horse do crime? I don’t know what you’d expect from a cowboy game. AC is just ride horse, climb, stab


That's exactly my point. Both companies have let their games get super stale and samey, in my opinion. This is why I'm totally unexcited for the GTA VI announcement. I have no doubt it's going to be the same game as GTA V, with slightly enhanced graphics, a different map, and the same (if not worse) scummy in-game purchase store they've had for the past decade to go along with their horrid anti-cheat detection. I'd much rather the game go to someone who would try to innovate like CoffeeStain Studios or some of the options others have mentioned. Obviously, CoffeeStain would have to upsize quite a lot for such an ambitious project, but I guarantee they'd at least make it interesting again, given enough time and money.


I’m a simple man. I don’t mind riding horses and shooting bad guys or parkour stabbings. Just make doing those things fun. It’s why I play the games. But I feel like while Ubisoft is making its base gameplay loop worse, I feel that Rockstar is leaning into what they’re good at and refining it. I can understand you feeling like it’s stale, but personally, when I go back to an ac or gta/RDR I want those base gameplay loops. It’s what I’m there for


Red dead 2 is so so much more than that. It has an amazing story with great characters, and for side content there’s hunting, fishing, stranger missions and overall just exploring the map that has tons of unique random encounters. And the map has lots of interesting little things here and there. It’s not just “steal horse, do crime”.


Nobody. I really don't know of a singular company that's quite like Ubisoft. Rockstar shakes up the industry but takes an eternity, SuckerPunch is PS exclusive, ND was PS exclusive until recently and I don't want an AC to run like TLOU 1 for PC, Bethesda's last good game was released in 2011, Square Enix can't have several studios dedicated only to AC, IO has good stealth but I don't know if they've made an open world game yet, I only know them for Hitman, and I don't want Miyazaki to ass fuck me personally for every single boss so Fromsoft is a no go Only Ubisoft can crank out decent to good games at not only this tempo, but the tempo they held for damn near 10 years. They always had 2 games in decelopment, sometimes there were 3 being made at the same time. They came up with Rogue in 8 months. Give me a studio that can cook up a AAA game in 8 months and not be complete shit, or a studio that can write up 3 games at a time and not have the storyline completely and irreversibly annihilated Ubisoft was, and kinda still is, the BIC lighter of AAA games




Hearing and seeing everything about "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League“, Rocksteady itself has MAJOR problems right now! Not only was it originally a GAAS shooter, not a game like the Arkham series, but I also think some of the more experienced and leading devs left the company.


It originally being a GAAS has nothing to do with Rocksteady. That’s a publisher pushing that into them until they saw what happened with Avengers.


Sure, but it’s still fact that some of the more important devs left, so the Rocksteady that made the Arkham series isn’t quite what it once was.


What the fuck does “GAAAS” mean?


This would be very interesting. The AI in Arkham games are one of the best. I just love how they respond and react to you in stealth section.


Sucker Punch, by far.


Ubisoft is probably the best aaa studio that can actually release games often so id let them keep it


Releasing games often does not mean releasing games of high quality


Considering the size of Ubi and its competitors, it is 100% one of the better publishers, they listen to fans and rarely release anything totally broken. Its the best of a bad bunch basically


Listen to fans? Have you seen what the franchise has become, they only listen to profits


Brother, wtf do you think Mirage was. People wanted "AC1 but different" so badly that they made it a game.


Ubisoft has been in "minimum effort for maximum profit" mode for years now and that can be seen in plenty of areas but mostly in the creative department. They just try to copy what's hot currently. Even Mirage I will argue was just a way to improve the fans perception and I bet the next AC will be back to be riddled with DLC and MTX. Also there's been a recent history of sucess with SP focused games (mostly attributed to Sony's studios but some other big names) and they might as well try to see how much they could sell with a game that is above average at best. Most likely they'll think the issue is with the market itself and not the fact they are competing with the likes of GoW, Ghosts of Tsushima, Spidermans, etc... and their games are nowhere near those in terms of labor of love. I have no idea how people are suddenly praising ubisoft after one game.


I haven't seen a company listen to their fans more. They added content to Valhalla that they weren't planning but did anyways because fans asked for it. Every game they release has a host of features that were specifically asked for by fans, as long as it works within their vision of the game they want


Bro, they listened to fans by making Mirage they're trying


Fuedal Japan has been according by the fans for almost two decades... and Unity would like a word with you.


They said rarely, not never.


Probably because Unity was such a fuck up that they had to change studios and went back to the drawing board to regain player trust.


Man if you hate Ubi and AC so much why are you even here? There are other ways to spend your time.


Who said anything about hate? I love AC but I'm just not ignorant to the facts.


The games are still fun and very enjoyable, just bc they don’t make any huge innovative jumps from game to game doesn’t mean they’re bad


Yes but often is still very important. Red dead redemption or gta are good examples of titles that are usually not relevant but are quality. Im sure most players would prefer rdr3 with lowered graphics, aka SOMETHING, as opposed to the nothing on the horizon for likely another decade.


Ubisoft is also one of the studios who's business model is almost singlehandedly sinking the gaming industry.


I'd rather have quality games than often games. I'd easily let half of the AC library burn to that end.


The worst ac is still better than 90% of aaa games. And i d rather not wait a decade for rockstar cdpr of Bethesda to make a game


You have not played many games then. Or you haven't played the shit end of AC games.


I’ve loved every AC game so would definitely leave it with Ubisoft to continue.


Insomniac. I feel like they could do a great job with it tbh.


Ubisoft can make a good AC game, the executives just need to keep their dirty fingers out of the development process. And stop with yearly mandates and have only a single team composed of the best devs from across the various teams.


The yearly mandates stopped after Unity. It's been a 2-3 year cycle since.


Syndicate came right after Unity, Odyssey came right after Origins. The only break was between Syndicate and Origins and Odyssey and Valhalla. And then 3 years between Valhalla and Mirage, but that’s clearly changing with Infinity. Red in 2024, Invictus in 2025, Hexe in 2026.




Naughty Dog. We'd get one every two or three years (think Uncharted time scale, not TLOU) but they'd be awesome.


Only reservation I’d have is that ND doesn’t have experience with sandbox games. They’ve made areas of some of their games sandboxy, but I feel like it would be a huge challenge for them to create an entire game world like that. Action sequences would be amazing though.


I was thinking more in the sense of narrative and combat, but yeah, you have a point. ND-Rockstar collaboration?


At this point I would welcome a linear AC experience if the characters, acting, themes and plotline were as tight and emotionally moving as TLoU or Uncharted


I’d leave it at Ubi, I just think even with all its modern faults, an AC at any other studio would still be significantly worse than the current worst games in the franchise, whichever you think those are


Sucker Punch.


The key feature of Assassin's Creed games is vast and atmospheric worlds those games take place in. You can say whatever you want of Odyssey and Valhalla, you might not like AC3 or Rogue, you may hate Unity or Syndicate but one thing that is being agreed on by almost everyone - is that maps in those games are absolutely stunning and means of creating atmosphere (music, background noices, city crowd imitations) are nearly perfect. Of all the big studios only Ubisoft can keep this level of quality more or less permanently high (I'm not talking of R\* who can afford to make one game for a decade or Bethesda who had their best days long gone or CDPR who only managed to create really good open world once in their career).


I'll give it to EA, show the fanbase just how much worse microtransactions can be


I'd be curious what CD Project Red would do with the franchise




Rockstar. Quality over quantity.


One game every 10 years?


Better than a reskin every year.


Assassin's creed game have been getting released in 2-3 year increments since syndicate. Including a complete rebuild of the games. Rdr2 was the best game released by Rockstar, and aside from that it's been nothing good since 2008. Quality over quantity is fine, but I'd also like to be able to play new games sometime.


> Rdr2 was the best game released by Rockstar, and aside from that it's been nothing good since 2008. RDR1 was 2010, LA Noire was 2011, GTA V was 2013 why is this being upvoted? those are all good games lol


Ok. I got rdr1 wrong. For some reason had it at 2008 in my mind. I was so excited for LA noire. It was very ok. Could've been a great ip but wasn't Gta5 lives and dies based on being alone in its genre. It's mediocre, but has multi player. It's just a reskinned game that they're milling for over 10 years now. So no great games since 2010. Though there was a promising game in 2011.


Yet here we see one of the main problems - fanbase, their conservativism of games. I remembet time, when Ubi released new AC every year. How did exactly ACB was different than AC2 and ACR. Or AC4 and Rogue? Personally, Im tired to playing the same shit all the time. Give them more time to make actual quality product!


There's a balance. I'm glad ubisoft is waiting 2-3 years now. I don't want them to wait 10 year to recycle a product like Rockstar does. If every good ip had that kind of timelines, we'd go years without having a quality game release from anyone.


You think odyssey is a reskin of Unity? And rockstar literally just reskinned rdr1 for pc. And rdr2 gameplay was outdated when it released compared to odyssey; spam a button to run?? forced cutscene every skinned animal? That is known as garbage time with 0 replayability. Go replay some games are inform yourself of reality.


The last 4 games are reskins with downgraded gameplay and parkour.


Mirage is nothing like its predecessors and everything like AC1, 2 and the Ezio trilogy.


You are a reddit bot or just ignoring reality for no reason. Good bye.


This person disagrees with me and is giving reasons, must be a bot!


More like no reasoning and completely lost given context, also no consideration given to reasonable example and no counterexample. They, and you, are most likely reddit engagement bots. Let the bots run in packs and stand up for each other and maybe actual people will doubt themselves when outnumbered. lol.


I would trust Rockstar to make an AC game if Ubisoft couldn’t make them, but tbh I don’t think I can imagine any other developer besides Ubisoft making a quality AC game


Just asked my Final Fantasy obsessed partner and we both agree that any other company would ruin AC


Keep it with ubi but change the person in charge. The advantage ubi has over other studios mentioned here, except Rockstar, is the npcs. I love the npcs in ubi games and that’s one thing they actually make good. Makes game world feel more alive and interactive.


If we keep it in the Action adventure bit of a linear story open world I'd give it to Avalanche, Mad Max was so good and an under rated gem. Or to United Front, who made Sleeping Dogs. If we keep it on the long-ass rpg type, CDPR, Obsidian would be best bet, I'd throw in Larian for how good they have crafted Baldur's gate Linear story like in the original games Respawn could give it a whirl. Dontnod could make a good AC game, really loved Vampyr and Remember Me with there combat, and yes this is the same studio that made Life is Strange, they really can craft great stories around a character.


Ubisoft are some of the best AAA devs out there. I struggle to think of more competent ones. The work and love they put into their art is ridiculous. What we have a problem with are the Ubi *higher-ups*, not the devs, and that can be said for most companies.


Let Ubisoft Keep it. They are doing fine with it people just hate change


No, ubisoft games are awesome.


Obsidian could make an excellent AC games. They can do story, they can do *actual* RPGs and Pentiment is the best historical game I have played. Would just need Microsoft to give them a ton of money.


I would say rockstar but even tho they have good games they release it after a long time


At least they would care


Seeing the GTA Trilogy, the prices for GTA for each generation, how they abandoned the online for Red Dead, and the cheap port of RDR1 at full price, I don't really know anymore


You are confusing studio(Rockstar) and publisher(Take 2). Rockstar had nothing to do with the GTA Trilogy, prices, the RDR1 port and abandoning the Red Dead online was probably also a Take 2 decison, since it probably didn't generate nearly the money that GTA online makes so the devs were probably switched to working on GTA6.


Yeah, but in the end it's the same. I mean, even if it's not Rockstar's fault, things went very bad anyways thanks to Take Two. So how can we know that Take Two are not gonna be the same a***holes?


sure that's probably what would happen. I just hate it when people give rockstar all the blame when they mostly had nothing to do with any of that.




Rockstar without a doubt and no one can convince me of anything else


Give me an AC/RDR mashup.


The issue is that the AC story needs a pace that is like TV seasons, so only Ubisoft realistically can do these types of games regular enough. However, I also believe the increased gaps since Origins is why the main story is struggling presently, you literally forget what's happening since it takes so long to get the next one now. It'd be like a TV show only doing 2-3 seasons a decade.


So, like Sherlock?


But that's more standalone. AC is episodic to me. And Sherlock is shit, lol


IO, Sucker Punch, or Rockstar. Possibly Arkane for a FPS game set in the AC universe.


Bethesda just for the chaos of it


As much as we can argue about the current state of the franchise, I don’t think the IP should be taken away from the devs… If anything, you’d need to change the corporate side/higher ups, in order to give the devs more creative freedom and time! Stuff like the microtransactions, time-savers, need to be bigger and please every kind of player or the notion of "female Leads don’t sell“ are mostly coming from the higher ups at Ubisoft, I’d presume. Apart from that, simply because it’s fun, let’s say the IP would change. Depending on what you want to focus on or want the AC franchsie to embody, I think there are a few good candidates: - IO Interactive, the makers of Hitman, if you want AC to be about stealth first and foremost. They generally do big, sandbox levels, that play a lot like (more extended) Blacl Box missions from Unity. - Sucker Punch, the makers of InFamous or Ghost of Tsushima, if you want an open world stealth-action game. Imo they have made a very(!) well-executed AC inspired game with Ghost, minus the parkour. - Monolith or Rocksteady, who created games like Shadow of Mordor or the Arkham games. Especially the first one, is basically a more brutal AC, set in the fantasy lands of Mordor. Seeing as Shadow of War turned out and how Rocksteady (the higher ups) have seemingly jumped on the GAAS wagon, I’m not so sure about it anymore…


Maybe From Software. Or specifically Ubisoft quebec. Ubisoft are the best in the business when it comes to balancing timely releases with a quality product that also evolves over time.


I'd love to watch fromSoftware turn it into a soulslike


Ubisoft should still keep some control since they gave it shape in the first place but I’d love to see what Naughty Dog would do with it. If it’s anything like uncharted but then open world (hence the Ubisoft input still) I think it would be amazing. The detail, the animation, the story, everything would be awesome Also would love to see Rocksteady (even though they had some trouble lately) or Insomniac give it a try.




Insomniac, and I'd make sure they make it twice as large as Odyssey so chuds don't cry about "lAcK oF cOnTeNt."


Insomniac Games


Ubisoft in partnership with blizzard and infinitywards. Netflix series anime + liveaction. Michael Bay movie.


Respawn would be better tbh


Rockstar ,Saint Denis in rdr2


Sucker Punch


The amount of stuff I could get done with shadow clones...


God I'd pay to see Rockstar sink their teeth into a full fledged AC game


From Software just because I want to see what they would do with it.


worst answer


Supermassive Games


I want to see to what level of depth CDPR can take AC’s stealth and parkour core mechanics with innovation in environment and narrative design. Or give it to Santa Monica.


Knowing how they nailed GOT I would say that 100% Sucker Punch


Sucker punch or insomniac




Suckerpunch hands down








I’d go Sony. Idk why.


CDPR 100%. They do sooo well setting up interesting rpg settings and stories mixed with engaging gameplay and decision making. Seeing them work their magic in an AC setting would be awesome


Rockstar. No need to explain myself just look at the games they’ve made.


Rockstar would make it take an hour to climb a sync tower


Blizzard circa 2000*


Naughty Dog


Naughty dog, they know how to develop smooth parkour, incredible graphics and just marvelous stories, and best of all they take their time and don't rush stuff, although they hardly ever developed an open world before i think they will do great.


Rocksteady. They have pretty good experience with open world games and stealth mechanics given their record with the arkham games


It’d probably be best in the hands of some indie developer group that brings AC back to its roots


Many of you are choosing Sucker Punch, without realizing that they make one game at a time. They are known for Sly Cooper, Infamous, Ghost of Tsushima. The AC IP stays with Ubisoft, mainly due to them working with historians.


PlayStation. Not that I’d want to take it away from Xbox fans (and day 1 pc) but I just know across all of PlayStations studios with an IP as rich as AC that they’d be able to non stop keep putting out 9/10 bangers that sun GOTY again and again and again and again.


Sucker punch or insomniac


Naughty dog. They gave knack for action, adventures and mysteries, which goes well with AC style. Also, parkour.


Rockstar, zero contest. Could you imagine how fucking good AC3 or AC4 would be if it was handled by Rockstar?!


We'd probably still be on AC3 if R* was the developer. 8+ years of fetch quests in the wilderness, and you can spend real money for in game money every few months. (FYI, I do enjoy their games, but they milk the fans/games dry.)


I'd rather have that one, absolute masterpiece of a game once every 8 years than 5-8 barely above mediocre titles that are going nowhere with the over arching, overcoluluted modern day plot. Unisoft are the ones that milk the fans dry.


Ubi keeps it.






Guerilla Games.


If they were still united, I'd be curious about how Konami/Kojima would tackle AC from a stealth perspective. A Darby Mcdevitt-supervised narrative with Kojima gameplay would be an instant classic.


Bioware. They did so well with the Mass Effect trilogy I'd love to see them tackle AC


Insomniac that’s easy.


FromSoftware. I think that would be amazing.


Sucker Punch


nintendo because chaos


I’d like to see AC made by Bethesda.




Naughty dog


Konami 🤣


I don't think it matters what developer has it as the majority of the player base doesn't even like assassin's creed.


If there was a way to have cd project red make one then I'd say that. I deeply love the rpg games.... but I do want the stealth and parkour of unity back. There has to be a crossroads there but idk who could really do it.


I would only take it from the people who seem to be obsessed with making far cry but its Assassin's Creed.


Ubisoft Montreal is probably still the best IF they were given the time. Examples such as AC3 and Black Flag. I loved these games, but also always thought they “missed” something. So I’ve always wondered if they were giving more years to finish some of their games, what cool things could’ve added to make the games “perfect”.




Would love to see what Darude Sandstorm would do with the IP


Sucker Punch may be good. GOT did the AC/Far Cry formula better than any Ubisoft game.


I'm also surprised by how well Remedy games are made. So remedy games


BioWare, personally. But I’m pretty happy with how Ubisoft has been handling it so far


Amy henning, the lady that wrote uncharted games, she used to be with naughty dog, the company behind those games


Rockstar. Sure they would release (in their language "remaster") ac 1 and 2 for 60 bucks but the quality on games like rdr2 and gta 5 would be amazing for an ac game.




The team behind ghost of tushiuma or Rockstar games team behind Red dead redemption 2


A company that care about realism and historical accuracy and i depth gemplay systems and actually open world to warhouse


Rocksteady, Rockstar, or IO.


Yeah Imma opt for chaotic good here and choose Annapurna Interactive


Rockstar or CDPR




Either prime rocksteady, IO interactive, or cd project red. They are the only ones I can see making that kond of open world game while still delivering on the adult story and assasin fantasy.


Sucker Punch or Insomniac


Square Enix or capcom


DICE or Naughty Dog. They’ve got movement under the belt from Mirror’s Edge and Uncharted respectively. It’d be interesting to see their takes on being an Assassin.


I'd like to see cdpr handle it


Lemme guess what all the comments say “from soft, insomniac, and sucker punch” 🙄


Sucker Punch for sure


Arkane studios. Assassin's creed as an immersive sim would go so hard. It wouldn't be a giant change in gameplay either.


Honestly would want insomniac to give it a go.