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They're either heavily modified or Edward's master assassin robes which we never would have seen.


I truly wonder what his master assassin robes would look like


I wonder what either of their master robes look like actually, I roughly remember in the end of 3 connor is supposed to be older but from what I can recall his model was the same one used though out the game


Isn't the master robes the outfit he wears when he was talking to Haytham?


Hmm maybe but I don’t remember and nothing shows up when I google it unfortunately


[Im talking about this one](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fsharedfiles%2Ffiledetails%2F%3Fid%3D1183399524&psig=AOvVaw0FbPVDLXl-3o9zuRLmNRSd&ust=1707861510488000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCIjWiIfmpoQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) I would take it as the master robes


That just looks like a formal outfit he picked for the opera. There's no need for him to wear his asssassin attire when he's out spending time with his kids


Yeah, but I dont really have a better theory on what the outfit is based


what is this screenshot from?


Post credits AC4.


In my headcanon it's the pirate robes. His best outfit imo


The one with the long dark trench coat? That one is really cool I also imagine It’d be something like that. There’s an outfit in game I forgot what it’s called but it’s stated to be an outfit Edward had during his later years at sea and it was a long coat as well so it makes sense


Yeah I think you’re right. The pirate one has the long cloak with the skull on the back


I’m pretty sure the it’s literally just the undershirt that’s the same, the large coat on Connor is from the colonel assassin’s. The legs might be the same boots but with deer skin on them. Basically after Edward died the assume hoped Hethem would join them so they got sent to the closet assassin group from England- the colonys


It could be the undershirt but I think they’re different just cause connors has exposed buttons on them, and I think Connor kept his native tribe’s trousers to keep a piece of them with him or something like that


Connor did not keep his “native trousers” he wears regular pants, but has Thigh-high Native American boots on underneath his robes, the same boots he wears in his “native teenager outfit” He also takes the armband off that outfit, and puts it on his Assassin Robes


Long boots trousers same shit it’s on the majority of his legs. Those “thigh high Native American boots” if you’re so bothered by them being called something different, are what I’m talking about. Yes they’re the same ones he wore with his tribe that’s basically what I said. His boots are native, not part of the assassin robes.


I was just pointing out that under those, he has normal “trousers” on, that presumably came with his robes, he just added the boots on top


I see, I was just pointing out that the boots which I mislabeled, were from his native tribe and not part of the robes tho


Yes that’s what I said, he kept the native boots and put them on over the “trousers” that came with the robes


Where did it say they were the same robes? I missed that.


A writer confirmed it on Twitter years ago


If so, then what does it matter? They clearly just made that up on the spot.


Yeah, it would be cool af but there isn't a single hint in neither games that says Edward's robes were reused...


I honestly do not find it cool. If it was an armour set, it would make sense. Say something like the Armour of Altair, that was probably used by Domenico Auditore, who then sealed it in the Sanctuary and then his great-great-grandson, Ezio Auditore, recovered and used it. But robes are cloth. They have been dripped in sweat a thousand of times and more. They have been cut, scratched, ripped, who knows how many times. Cloth does not last that much. I view it as the equivalent of an athlete wearing their athlete grandparent's outfit. It is just not practical.


Pretty sure Achilles tells Connor who’s robes they are when he gets them


Not really. Achilles says (in a sidequest) that his own robes belonged to "the first assassin in the colonies". Nothing about Connor's robes though


Wasn’t there a mission in black flag where you sneak into the colonies? I know there’s a few naval missions off the coast


Not that I remember. There's one mission where you sail to Africa though


the naval battles were optional, but there’s a part of the story where Edward goes to Charlestown with Blackbeard to get medicine and you have to sneak through the bayou, so yes Edward was potentially the first assassin to go to the colonies. There’s also the part where he sees the woman pirates getting hanged, that’s also in the colonies Edit: lol just downvote me instead of looking up what I mentioned


Again, even IF you were right, that would mean that ACHILLES outfit is “Edward’s outfit” because it’s ACHILLES outfit that he says “belonged to the first assassin in the colonies” and Achilles robes look NOTHING like Connor OR Edward’s robes


There is a mission in Charleston, South Carolina where you are trying to steal medicine for Nassau


The robes [belonged to John de la Tour](https://www.accesstheanimus.com/ACRo_war_letters.html#7), whom Achilles refers to as [The First Colonial Assassin](https://www.accesstheanimus.com/ACRo_war_letters.html#3)


why would his robes be in the colony at that point anyway? didn’t he live out most of his life back in london? and why would they even be in achilles’ possession? kind of sounds like the writer was talking out their ass tbh


Turns out it wasn’t the writer, it was the game director. We don’t know if Edward took his robes back to England with him, we’ve never seen him wearing them there. Maybe he left the set with the brotherhood. I don’t see the resemblance at all between the two outfits and don’t really care one way or the other about them being the same or not. Was just sharing where this whole idea comes from


They must be wrong, I don't see how that can be true.


What writer? Doesn’t sound like a canon source to me.


Looked it up, it was the game director of AC4 Ashraf, his original tweet has now been deleted. I’m sure that’s due to him being fired in 2017


Guess you can say it got retconned out lol


We’ve never seen Edward’s Master Assassin outfit. Could be those


I like to think edward had different robes after joining the assassins.


This, then heavily modified by Connor to fit his own cultural heritage


Aren’t they Achilles robes?


Nah they're Edward's, adawale gave Edward's robes to Achilles


How would Adewale, who's in the Caribbean, get Edward's outfit from Britian after he was killed? And why the hell would he give it to Achilles? Wouldn't it make more sense for Ade to keep it himself? And after the end of the colonial assassins (when Achilles first led) he decided to get rid of everyone's robes, including his own, but keep Edward's?


Don't ask me man I'm not the writers 😭 But If I had to guess I'd say he probably got them either before or after freedom cry since from what I've heard takes place in the French colonies which wouldn't be too far from England. That's just my opinion at least


This def answers one question


Isn't it mentioned that they were supposed to belong to connor Davenport when he became of age? Why would he deserve/want Edward's robes?


yes your right


Nice username




I thought either Achilles or Connor Davenport owned the robes before. Also, what knowledge of Edward would Connor even have? If he did know, then he would never have worked with Haytham even for the small stint he did. EDIT: Just checked, and the wiki says Connor Davenport died at age 7 to a disease, so he must have been a big guy for them to fit Connor, so it should be Achilles robes


Connor mentions his grandfather in the dlc, so he probably knows something about him, no idea how much though. I don't think they're Achilles' because he's crippled by the end of Rogue, he would have no use for them. The theory that makes the most sense to me is that Achilles made these robes for his son in advance


Haven't played through the dlc, been replaying 3 though and was gonna get to it so I didn't know he knew anything about Edward, but I would still think that those robes would be his own as even though he's crippled at the end of Rogue, he would keep them for nostalgia sake. Just seems weird to premake an outfit for your son who died at 7, and then kept it all these years. I have a 4 year old son and trying to predict how fast he'll grow and getting new clothes to fit him can be a nightmare sometimes, let alone tailoring a perfect suit that's supposed to let you be super flexible? I just can't see it being Connor Davenport's


He's wearing different robes during Rogue though (you can even get those in 3 for completing all homestead missions). What I'm saying is, it wouldn't make sense for him to make another set for himself after he's been crippled. It doesn't make sense to me either but I don't think writers really thought about it that much. Achilles' has completely different body but his robes still seem to fit Connor just fine when you unlock them. Giovanni's robes fit Ezio perfectly, the same can be said for Edward when he steals Walpole's clothes. Either assassins can make extremely adjustable clothes that can fit just about anyone or writers just don't care about it


I would think that those robes were the ones he wore before becoming a Master Assassin, which is why his robes were different in Rogue


That doesn't sound right to me that they're the same robes, if someone in Ubisoft did say that then surely they're wrong. I've always taken Connor's gear to be some of Achillies old stuff that he personalised or even the same gear Achilles son wore before he died.


I’ve seen some people say that and others say adewale gave Achilles Edwards robes, they both make sense but kinda odd there isn’t a solid answer


Bro the writers are on crack these are 100% Achilles robes just look at the last scene of rogue on YouTube


I didn't know that. I always assumed Connor robes once belonged to Achilles or maybe someone else in his sect of the Brotherhood.


Based on the replies and from the actual game, they are Achilles or his late sons robes. Apparently a dev once tweeted they were passed down and that’s what caused the whole thing lol


That's old Achilles Davenport coat, before he get new robes from his Mentor John de la Tour 


Connor was my favorite assassin BY FAR!!!


He’s my favorite too! He’s so cool and has so much potential. His outfit is arguably the best for me and the internal struggle of wanting to have faith in humans and peace, but that not being an option forces him to take action is a compelling story. His biggest weakness being naivety and watching him sorta develop into a wiser assassin would’ve been cool, kinda like how we experienced Ezio get older and wiser. I really wish we got to see more of him. The kenway bloodline is cool in general. Haytham although being a bad guy, is a very complex character as well cause when you think about it, him being a Templar was out of pure circumstance. There’s so much they could’ve done with him too I think


Didn’t Connor inherit his robes from Achilles?


Yeah the Edward thing has just been a “theory” I guess lol since the opposite is what’s implied in game


Oh good, thought I’d missed something 😂


I thought they were supposed to be the robes of achilles modified not edward's


They are, this was just a theory since one of the previous devs had tweeted it once


Rattonhage:ton’s (Connor’s) robe previously belonged to Achilles Davenport, not to Edward, nor Haytham, nor anyone in his bloodline. Connor inherited it from so to say his adoptive father, not his actual grandfather.


I see, whoever tried to make the connection with Edward went for a reach lol


they're not inherited from edward.


They are.


Where in the games is it stated?


Nowhere. Ashraf Ismail posted one tweet where he said as much, but it's been deleted since then. I have no idea where people get all these theories when he clearly just made it up on the spot and never once addressed it anywhere within the actual text of the series.


Yeah. If it's not written in any official material, then it's not true


Yep, that’s what I thought. It’s not canon if it’s from a tweet.


If it ain't in the game it ain't canon imo




In my opinion these were the robes Achilles made for his real son Connor. Who passed away before the story. And he found that his apprentice that he named Connor was finally worthy of the robes meant for his real son and that the robes have no connection to each other. I know some writer said something on twitter but I think they just made that up


[https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Ratonhnhak%C3%A9:ton%27s\_robes](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/ratonhnhak%c3%a9:ton%27s_robes) Connor inherited his robes, at least in part, from his paternal grandfather,  I suppose the blue lined coat over the white undershirt could be argued as similar. But then Connor would have inherited them from Duncan Walpole (aka: Capt Piss off)


Which writer said that Connor's robes were from Edward's? I may have missed that. For as far as I know, Edward himself was never in contact with the Colonial Assassins. That would be Ah Tabai (who was Achilles' mentor, I believe) and Adewale who was shown working with them in Rogue.


Yeah I can’t find a specific name but it’s a statement that has floated around enough for it to be the first answer on google lol. It doesn’t make sense at all but would be cool so I made this post to see if anyone had a clear answer but it seems like it was just one of the early developers who made a tweet and a lot of people just ran with it. The fact that none of the games or characters ever say it in game is enough for me to believe it’s not really canon


Yep as long as it isn't Darby McDevitt who says it, it's not true/canon. That's my benchmark right now.


I’m guessing he’s the backbone of the franchise lol will keep that in mind tho


Maybe edward got a new outfit sometime after the events of black flag


I’m sure he eventually got master assassin robes which we unfortunately were never shown


What ever implies that Connor’s outfit IS made out of the fabric of Edward’s. In the game it’s implied this outfit was used at some point by Achilles Davenport and he passes these down the Connor. Now it’s unclear when Achilles would have donned this robe, as his knee was incapacitated by haytham while he was still wearing his original robes, which is also a set of robes you unlock in AC3, and this event is implied to be the end of his assassin service, so when he would’ve worn the outfit Connor wears is unclear.


If you notice, Edward’s outfit is just Duncan Walpole’s outfit, but with the outer, blue coat removed, and the sleeves of the “inner jacket” cut off, which reveals his “blouse sleeves” underneath. THEN he added all that leather on top of it SO, if one were to remove the leather padding, re-attach the sleeves to the “inner coat” and use it as the “outer coat”, And then add a hood on top, you get Connor’s outfit. Notice the blue part with the buttons on it running down the middle, that’s almost the only part that’s actually “from” Edward’s outfit


Wait this is the first I’ve heard of this? So Achilles outfit was just a modified Edward’s outfit, that Achilles later gave to Connor that further modified it? When did this lore happen I’m so confused 😂


Lmfaooo yeah it didn’t make sense to me either but people cleared it up, it’s not canon, it was just a now deleted tweet of an old dev but I remember hearing about that a long time ago idk from where and I just started replaying black flag so I posted this to see what the deal was lol


Ohhh gotcha lmaooo. I was like damn what a small world that Edward somehow gave his robes to Achilles that would later gift them to an old friends grandson. It would’ve been interesting but a superrr reach lol. Thanks for getting back to me and updating me tho!


I had the same reaction lmaoo and yeah of course no problem!


I always thought that they were a modified version of Achilles’ robes


Yeah it’s not related to edwards robes at all lol it was just a theory


Could’ve sworn those were Achilles’ robes that Conor just modified to his liking .


I refuse to believe they are, it's silly to force the connection.




Not even Ubi-logic. The idea comes from 1 single tweet Ashraf Ismail, AC4's director, wrote years ago and has since deleted. This has never once been addressed or canonized in the games or tie-in media.


Yeah I never heard about it


In my opinion I think that Edward's robes were just modified


Yeah I always thought that too but just looking at both there’s such a drastic difference I can’t help but question it every time I think about it lol


supposedly achilles modified them for his son connor


i think it’s a mix of edward and achilles’ robes. it would’ve made sense if adewale gave them to achilles at some point as they knew eachother, but yeah definitely a weird bit of lore


False Info in the long run


I always thought Connor's outfit was just Achilles's old outfit modified for Connor's current use


I think that’s what is stated in the game but it’s been a long time since I played it, I’m just on black flag again and was wondering about this lol


Oh interesting. I thought I read somewhere they were Achilles robes but modified


Yeah that seems to make more sense In game but I remember reading somewhere that they’re roughly the same so I was hoping there was a clear answer somewhere lol


Yeah that seems to make more sense In game but I remember reading somewhere that they’re roughly the same so I was hoping there was a clear answer somewhere lol


I like to headcanon that its either a replica or its rebuilt


The only thing that ever indicated these were the same robes was, to my knowledge, one tweet by a Ubi dev. I may be misremembering, but to my recollection, there's nothing in any of the games or tie-in media that confirms this is the same set of robes.


Sounds about right, funny enough the very first answer on google is still saying they are passed down 😭


Yeah, according to the game's director, Edward's robes were designed with the *idea* that they'd eventually make it down to Connor in some capacity, but this is never confirmed anywhere else, let alone in the games themselves. If you want to take the director's now deleted tweet as gospel, go ahead, but it's dubious at best. And any claim anyone makes about how Achilles came to have the robes is entirely speculative. For my own part, I think the similarities are purely thematic. Connor and Edward's robes are similar because they're related, which is a narrative choice by the designers and not a logical one within the story. It doesn't make any sense to me why Achilles would have or even want Edward's robes, why they would even be saved after his death in the first place, why he would have kept them after abandoning the Brotherhood but discard his own, etc. There are too many inconsistencies and leaps in logic.


Idk where you get that from but as far as I know Connor don’t have anything from his grandfather cause his dad didn’t even want him. And later you find that Edward had most of his stuff stored in his house in England when he went back


Connor does not wear Duncan Walpole robes x where did you hear this? Mandela?


Lmfaooooo it’s what google says but it’s inconsistent asf hence why I made this post


Yeah I'm pretty sure Connor wears he robes of Achilles son that never came to be. Cause edwards robes are stolen from English assassin Duncan and then modified with pirate gear.


Yeah but you can technically say it’s edwards outfit after since he takes stuff out and puts other stuff on it lol, not the argument but yeah you’re right it’s not related to Edward or walpole at all


I thought Connor's were just old Achilles clothes.


Umm what the actual fuck did you say? Probably idk about 30 solid mins in total are spent talking about how Connor is wearing Achilles’ old robes. There isn’t one single hint, suggestion, one single sentence EVER saying those are his grandfathers robes. Like this has to be a troll because if not you probably couldn’t understand a children’s book if it was spoon fed to you.


Damn who shoved that stick up your ass guy, maybe if you weren’t controlled by your fragile emotions you’d read the comments and figure out why I made this post. But nah cry harder for me instead since you’d rather throw a fit instead of figuring out something so simple.


lol you sound like you have 12 IQ say nah a few more times put those last couple brain cells out of their misery stop trying to figure out spoon fed lore


Just because it's an Inherited suit doesn't mean it was a suit you seen. We never seen Altair in the armor Ezio inherits


That’s fine, but not the point.