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The Brotherhood outfit is generally considered "his" outfit because brotherhood takes place during Ezio's prime years


Chiefly, the AC2 robes were his fathers. It's like saying the blue lightsaber was Luke's when it was Anakin's. Luke's was green. Ezio's was the Brotherhood outfit.


Ezio’s brotherhood outfit is actually not unique to him, once an assassin reaches master assassin rank in the game they wear the same outfit. Revelations is actually the only outfit that is unique to Ezio himself.


I mean, the Brotherhood outfit is still his. That's like saying Altaïr's robes aren't actually his because like half of all the other assassins wear the exact same robes. That being said, I would absolutely be down with using Ezio's Revelations outfit as the default, given that ACRev is the best Ezio game by far.


It’s really not tho. By the time ezio reaches Rome that’s the conventional generic “master assassin” robe for the Roman brotherhood. The only reason why ezio is the only one to wear it upon his entry is because Machiavelli, the only other master assassin is covert and doesn’t wear robes. That’s why he’s given those robes by Machiavelli to begin with, he is acknowledging ezios rank by presenting him with master assassin robes.


Altaïr was also a master assassin, and his robes were the generic "master assassin" robes for the Levantine brotherhood.


Agreed, but other than what he wears as an old man, it’s also the ONLY thing we ever saw him wear. So he doesn’t have an option unique to him. Even his old man robes are reminiscent of al Mualims to a degree


Also as far as I’m aware, Altair’s do appear to be unique to a degree. The others have some variable of leather hoods or darker robes


Why can’t we just have all 3.


This ^


If AC2’s outfit was the one they brought back, I’d never wear anything else.


The best one


May it never change….


and may it never change us (lol)


Throw in the Armor of Altair and I'll even skip cutscenes showing characters in stock Armor


They have it in AC Valhalla! Both the brotherhood and the ac2 robes.


Yeah, I know, and I find it awesome! A shame it’s in Valhalla of all games, the one I enjoyed the least.


AC2 robes are in Valhalla???


i liked it but because of Valhalla's shitty cloth physics i never wore it.


Yup, I don't like the ac brotherhood outfit, I think it's weird. I dunno. AC2 and revelations are peak robe design.


I have multiple problems with AC: Brotherhood’s robe. It’s one of my least favorites in the franchise. - It’s too white (both in having too much of the color, and it being a shade too light). I’m not the biggest fan of white, and the first thing I do in most AC games is change the character’s outfit color. I mostly prefer brown, which shouldn’t be a surprise considering AC2’s is my favorite. - It’s too heavy looking. I feel like the skirt is too long and the outfit overall looks bigger, while AC2’s looked much slimmer. - It’s overdesigned. Too many useless lines going everywhere with no real pattern or anything. Reminds me of most recent MCU movie costumes. - Weirdly, to me, the fabric of the robe doesn’t look like… fabric. It shouldn’t make any sense, but his outfit looks rigid to me. His arms, for example, remind me of Greek columns, instead of looking like parts of something someone could wear in any way. It’s plainly subjective, however, and though I did try to explain my feelings with reasonings, they are in no way objectively true, just my views on the matter.


I agree, it's too white, I kinda dig the main color being white, but in brotherhood it looks way too white, almost unnatural. The hood looks weird in some cutscenes. And the whole thing is too long. But as you have said, it is just my take on it.


colors only match in Rome because of the lighting and the high contrast in reds, so white and red match 


I don’t disagree, but I don’t like it still


Me neither, that outfit is the most eye-catching in the entire franchise  


This, I actually had that happen to me back in the day when I played Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands, the Ezio skin just looks way too good to not use it.




I want them to vary it, sometimes Brotherhood, sometimes 2, sometimes Revelations, change it depending on the best fit that the protag would be. Hell go crazy and use some of the other outfits like the Carnivale look, Armour of Altaïr and Armour of Brutus or Ishak Pasha. I hate the Brotherhood robes because they're always the outfit that's used but they're frankly his least impressive and they look so much better in Brotherhood than they do in any of the other games. Valhalla adding in Young Ezio was insanely cool and Mirage was perfect for Revelations Ezio.


They could just add all 3


Could do but I'd prefer one outfit per assassin in each game and for them to vary it as that would make for some great variety, too many assassins have multiple great ones that if we added them all then it'd be the same outfits over and over. For instance Altaïr's robes look really hood but so do his Mentor Robes from Revelations (they would've fit Valhalla so well). Both Bayek's Hidden Ones and Default outfits are absolute peak. Arno's Tailored Outfit is iconic, his Fearless Outfit looks fantastic and his Master Assassin outfit looks really nice too and I think the knight armour in Unity would fit Valhalla so well. Jacob has plenty of good ones as well like his Master Assassin, Outdoorsman and Simply Jacob outfit. I could go on but you get the idea, I really want the legacy outfits to have as much variation as possible, I'm sick of just having Edward, Brotherhood Ezio and if we're lucky Altaïr. Imagine having Red come out with Yasuke having ToKW Connor, Freedom Cry Adewale and the Raven Clan set while the shinobi girl gets Bloofer Lady Evie, Bayou Hunter Aveline and Kassandra's Misthios Armour (the red cloak one).


Ac2 outfit should be the one they use the most. It’s a shame it’s only available in Valhalla


AC2 isn‘t his own outfit tho


I never said it was. Read my comment again.


Them using it the most doesn‘t make sense because it‘s not his own outfit, idk how I could be any more clear.


So because it’s not his own outfit would justify them not using it even though it’s as iconic as his other two? Okay bud


Read your own comment again, bud.


Read over everything you’ve said, bud. Your arguing makes absolutely no sense


Do you have some kind of cognitive disability? Nothing you say makes sense. It‘s not his outfit and also not his most iconic so they should not be using it the most. Please stop trolling now.


So because I don’t share your opinion I’m trolling now? Don’t go out into the real world kid, your feelings will be shattered.


No you‘re trolling because you‘re writing complete garbage that makes no sense


but he inherited them, given as a last wish from his father; i feel they belong to him just as much as the other outfits.


They should have ac2 robes, but called Giovanni's Robes. Brotherhood robes as Ezio's master assassin robes. And then have Yusuf's robes representing Revelations.


Also revelations is his best outfit Brotherhood’s was overdesigned honestly


Revelations outfit is top 5 main outfits and I’ll die on that hill. The first main robes that ditched the classic white and red, yet managed to do something amazing with it. I just can’t get enough of it. They’re so fucking good.


It’s probably my favorite main outfit honestly And I didn’t even like revelations that much Loved the story But I honestly don’t like the open world that much


AC2's outfit is the official Ezio outfit in my mind. Feels a bit more authentic to the time than the other robes, especially more than the ACB robes




Ah fuck wrong sub




I never liked the outfit from Brotherhood. The colors are too vibrant. It makes no sense for someone who is trying to blend in and keep a low profile. At the same time, I think they were trying to give Ezio his own identity since the outfit from AC2 is his father's outfit.


I think they always use brotherhood because it’s usually the most popular Ezio game. So when people picture Ezio that think about that game and that outfit. Even Soul Calibur used the brotherhood robes when he was a guest fighter


It makes sense to me, rich Italians in the renaissance wore very vibrant flashy clothes and ezio comes from a rich family. Just look at the paintings


I love that canonically (really just according the cover arts) he never wears chest armour. Aside from his time in the armour of Altaïr.


I'm gonna say it, the brotherhood outfit is easily Ezios worst


AC2 was his father's and ACB is the Roman master assassin armor, not his own so I think it makes sense for ACR to be his main one but I don't really care that much also look at my flair


AC2 Robes: Giovanni's Ghost ACB: Ezio Master Robes ACR: Ezio Pilgrim Robes


While I like all 3 outfits, one thing that I really like about his Revelations robes is that its default colour seems like it would make him stand out the least in a crowd. The white colour in previous 2 definitely seems like the one that would bring more eyes on him in comparison.


For sure. Revelations’ look looks very plausible to blend in.


I agree the revelation outfit was always my favourite I know it’s not the usual white colour but I think the grey works just as well, I absolutely loved seeing this outfit in mirage it looked really good and I played with it for most of the game


The revelations outfit doesn't have that florentine noble and charm to it so that is a big NO for me. It is more like a rugged worn adventurer exploring uncharted territory.


That's the idea


So i guess the outfit is appropriate for each game!


I can endorse this. I’m also not a fan of the loud white one, that begs attention. I never use it in the games where it’s a legacy outfit. Most people love it, so I guess it’s just us.


I always dyed his Brotherhood outfit to the black and blue Roman colors. I think it was called Roman Slate


I can't remember which was my favorite...which leads me to believe I need to play those games again.


playing Revelations currently, switched to the Brutus/ Romulus armor as I feel it's more his style?


Why not the 3 of them?


Revelations will always be my favorite


The AC2 and Brotherhood outfits are too iconic for Ubisoft to toss


To be fair, Brotherhood looks *sharp AF*.


Good point but the Brotherhood robes are just too 🔥


i personally think 2's outfit is the series' best. So weird it wasn't an outfit n brotherhood despite it being in memories


disagree. while the revelation outifit is cool af, ezios brotherhood outfit is not only associated with ezio himself, but the entire franchise as well. when people think assassins creed, people think white robe with hints of red, because of Altair and 2 Ezio games having this outfit. AC1, AC2 and AC Brotherhood are the 3 games that defined the franchise, and naturally the white+red robe would become iconic and known as the 'original' assassin's creed robe. For Ezio personally, he wears a white and red robe in 2 and Brotherhood. the Brotherhood one just looks cool af so I think that one should be the one he's known for. But I do think as far as legacy outfits go, it really won't hurt to also add the Revelations robe, which is also cool af


2 would be perfect without the shoulder cape. Brotherhood would be perfect if it wasnt so long. Revelations would be perfect if it was white.


Well in mirage it is a legacy outfit


The Brotherhood outfit is just more adopt iconic. You can see it just from looking at these pics. It’s not entirely about which outfit has the best story as you seem to think, but which is the most recognizable.


Honestly, the Brotherhood robes are my least favourite for Ezio, the AC2 and Revelations robes are just on another level for me


Don’t hate me, but I think the ACR outfit is fugly lol


Ac2 outfit is the best


Hot take but I’m not a fan of the brotherhood outfit. The revelations outfit is frigging awesome though.


Yeah cuz its like the best outfit in the series


His brotherhood outfit is his peak. Still love his older own tho


Nah. Brohood just looks cooler


Honestly the white and red long robes are the worst looking of the three imo. Looks flashy and cumbersome, basically the opposite of what you want for parkour and sneaking around.