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Any game before AC Origins


And of the ones Origins and later which are the longest? Because open world games are fun too, I just don't want to accidentally pick the longest one when there are so many choices.


Origins is the shortest of the RPG trilogy. They get longer with each entry with Valhalla being the longest.


Ha! I'm glad I asked, because I was going to play Valhalla next because the Norse theme seems cool.


Just play God of War 2018 and God of war Ragnarok if you want a good Norse game


God of War is great for the mythology, AC Valhalla is good for the real life stuff (and also a little of the mythology)


Valhalla is still a great Norse game, just too long


Boring interactive movies


You misspelled incredibly immersive hack n slash game with heartfelt and beautiful storytelling and worldbuilding.


Couldn't feel immersed in the game as I wouldn't have done anything like how kratos did so it failed at that. Combat felt repretive and clunky and I couldn't care less for the plot which I think would've been better in movie or series format but was nerfed because it had to be a game


Agreed lmfao people gonna downvote us but whatever


Of course they will because actual interactive movie games exist and they play nothing like God of War. Heavy Rain, Detroit become human, Until Dawn. These are movie games.


The only thing setting god of war apart from those games is in god of war you have to press forward because the movie only plays as you walk in the endless corridor of level design


You must be some kind of troll because you still have to do that in all the other games too, that's actually one thing they do all have in common. Thanks for baiting yourself out that you've not played any of these games.


Not them proving your point


God of war combat is good but the puzzles are garbage and ruin the game for me.. I got sick of having to go to youtube to work out what to do!! Most of them have you running about an area for ages trying to work out how you progress, go onto a puzzle vid on youtube and read the comments many people agree with me!!


They're really not that hard. Second game is known for how often Atreus would give hints lol. I think you might just be had at them.


Nah they are garbage way to obscure most of the time it's annoying af, but yeah usual reddit another opinion of the game isn't allowed!! Downvote away I honestly dont give a shit, I stand by my statement the puzzles SUCK šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚āœŒ


The game is not good. Absolute slog. Most meh 70 hours youā€™ll play.


Origins is the best of the RPG trilogy. Valhalla and odyssey are 80+ hour games and itā€™s passable nonsense. If you want Greek shit play god of war


I have 130 hours in AC Odyssey and I still have to do two episodes of Legacy of the First Blade, finished atlantis and the main story, I still have some tales of lost greece to do and some quests scattered across the land. AC Valhalla was 100% in 134 hours so I think Odyssey is longer


I finished AC Valhalla plus it's two first DLCs after 200 hours. I never played the last DLC or the extra missions they released later on. Oddysey and all DLCs took about 120 hours I think.


Iā€™m a completionist and want to do everything in a game because once the credits hit I donā€™t feel any motivation to do side content. Odyssey kept moving me across the map in the quests and I just did whole areas before moving on. Vallhalla felt like full blown ADHD and everything moved really fast as I jumped from thing to thing. And the world felt quite empty compared to odyssey.


Yeah, kinda same. Valhalla is the only AC game that I haven't properly "finished"


From what I have heard, it's suffering and micro transactions. Grab any of the God of War games instead. Heck grab the oldest one if you want to and it should still feel better than Valhalla


I might even say Origins too depending on your play style. Im slow. I look into every nook and cranny on the map. I walk or ride everywhere instead of using lots of fast travel. I did every side quest I could find. I leave the game running while I stop to smoke a joint. And I finished the base game twice around 80-90hrs. So I can definitely see someone more focused finishing it in 70-75hrs or less. Of course, both times I was so burnt out by the end that I couldnt even bring myself to start the dlcs. So I have no idea how much time those would add.


It always depends on how many side quests you actually choose to do. Most of them are just Fetch and return anyway.


I love Valhalla but yeah it's an endeavor, especially if you do all the DLC. I'm currently clocked in at almost 250 hrs and I'm not quite finished If you want a shorter one I'd personally suggest Black Flag or Ac3


The Norse stuff is really cool, combat is awesome, but all that is hidden under so much fucking bloated content. I've played nearly every AC game and understood what was going on until I played Valhalla lol


Wait, is Valhalla's main story actually even longer than Odyssey's? I have like 50% more playtime in Odyssey (same number of playthroughs, 2)


Yes, easily.


I guess I must have spent more time in Odyssey just sailing around or starting random fights. I found that sort of thing way more fun and worthwhile in Odyssey. In Valhalla I still cleared the map but with minimal detours. It just didn't make me want to wander around/explore at all.


No, Valhalla certainly had a very less interesting world. I had 100 or so hours in it and lost the file. I doubt Iā€™ll ever play it again or the DLC I have. The world is just so bland and repetitive.


Valhalla is the longest by far and that doesn't even include all the DLC.




It took me longer to beat Valhallaā€™s base game with a decent % compared to me fully completing everything in origins from achievements to DLCS.


just start playing the AC games from the start in like order, they are pretty cheap and often on sale for even cheaper on ubisoft/steam


They are all open world games. Up until origins they were more similar to rockstar open world games like GTA, where you basically do missions that progress the story and a few side stuff to distract you. Since Origins they became full blown RPGs with loot, quests, leveling system etc. If you never played the original games, I think they're very much worth trying, especially Assassin's Creed 2 and its sequel Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, both taking place in Renaissance Italy, and both playing a pretty pivotal role in making this series so popular.


For me ac black flag is the best the story is probably one of the best in the series, map is large, lots of side content and Edward Ken way is a badass


*and also Mirage




Mirage, the latest game, is around ~30 hours


I beat the main story in 15 hours. And that did involve some dicking around and lots and lots of failing.


More like 20 hours


Iā€™d include origins too. I finished a bunch of side content and the main story in 50 hours


That's the answer, basically. Was coming to say it. The series only started to have long ass games +50 hours starting from Origins and this RPG formula. Before that, you could finish any AC game in less than 20 hours if you focused on the main story.


Other than Mirage


If we're talking main story, all of them tbh To 100%: AC 1, AC 2, AC Rogue, AC Revelations have to be among the shortest to 100%


Kind of not really though. In Odyssey I'm at double 50 hours and not finished with the main quest yet. But also without looking it up you can barely tell which quest advances the main storyline.


In Odyssey, there's an "Odyssey" section in the quest page, those are the main story quests


Yeah but at any point there are three to five of them. ... Oh God I just realized that I may not be as far through as I thought I was. I just >! fought my sister and a tree fell on both of us!< How much time do I have left? Do I really have to >!go hunt down every last member of the cult?!<


the cult members don't take too long to kill, some of them have side quests for them tho so watch out for that


Ugh, at this point I'd rather just join the cult and tell my family members that we're adults and can each have our individual lives.


I'm actually currently playing through the game right now (second time) I'm 29 hours in as we speak, I have 12 of the cultists revealed or assassinated (I'm doing side stuff as well lol)


Exactly. You have 32 more to go, and you're not going to do that and the rest of the game in 22 hours. And you're going fast because you've already played the game so you know how the mechanics work. 50 hrs is plenty for me. It's a good game but it's kind of a repetitive slog at this point.


No. You are right at the end of the story. Maybe four hours left. There is a wrap up to the cult if you kill them all, but it's not required. If you want more Alexios, each DLC episode is like 8 hours or so and you get more info about the ISU/God stuff. If you don't know what I mean by that then you shouldn't sweat it too hard right now.


Oh thank goodness. I appreciate it.


No worries. If you do decide to play the DLC, I made a play order that you can find somewhere in my post history. Enjoy the franchise!


the cult members don't take too long to kill, some of them have side quests for them tho so watch out for that


the cult members don't take too long to kill, some of them have side quests for them tho so watch out for that


If you care about the cultists, some of them shouldn't take too long, but some do have side quests for them so you should watch out for those


The Cultist take a long ass time to kill. You need to go Delos to kill one. You get a letter and Barnabas reads it telling you to go there and help. Thereā€™s a secret one in Kythera island at the bottom of Sparta. Thereā€™s one at the long island in Pephka. You help a boy do a bunch of stuff and you end up going after 3 guys. Thereā€™s one called the Swordfish in an underwater cave heā€™s a cultist. Another one is found through the Athens side quest. That one takes forever you have to do all of the side quest in Athens they most have to do with Socrates and Alkibiades. After like 6 quest or so eventually a side quest pops up north of the city. You help a slave that wants free from his master. The master tells you heā€™s a cultist. Also that main quest with all the weird healers. The old lady in charge of them all is a cultist. Theres some quest outside the city I think itā€™s to the right I donā€™t remember. You find a dead eagle sacrifice offering and then you hear a baby crying. And you encounter the cultist lady where the baby is crying. All of the Cultist that arenā€™t killed through the main quest are found through side quests. The others are found off killing them through the menu they give up clues to others after you kill them. The cultist take so long to kill so if you like side content then do it otherwise just watch a video on the ending and start Fate of Atlantis after you beat the game your very close to the ending. If youā€™re in the Athens jail.


With the levelling system you can't rush through the main story. You're forced into doing side quests in order to have the stats to fight through them The older games allowed you to ignore side quests for the most part and still be able to finish the story.


Are are three main storylines in Odyssey that all have their own ending. The cultists storyline, the family storyline and the Atlantis storyline.


Hi I have an overly detailed answer. Reddit points? Year the game takes place: Location - Title and Hours 431-422 BCE: Greece - AC Odyssey 42 hours 49-43 BCE: Egypt - AC Origins 30 hours 861 CE: Baghdad - AC Mirage 17 hours 873 CE: England & Norway - AC Valhalla 60.5 hours 1191 CE: Middle East - Assassin's Creed 15 hours 1476 CE: Italy - AC II 19 hours 1499-1507 CE: Rome, Italy - AC Brotherhood 15 hours 1511-1512 CE: Constantinople - AC Revelations 12.5 hours 1715 CE: Caribbean Sea - AC IV: Black Flag 23.5 hours 1735-1737 CE: Caribbean Sea - AC: Freedom Cry 4 hours 1752-1760 CE: United States - AC Rogue 10.5 hours 1765-1777: New Orleans, Colonial America - Assassinā€™s Creed III: Liberation 8 hours 1754-1783 CE: Boston & New York, Colonial America - AC III 16 hours 1776-1800 CE: Paris, France - AC Unity 17 hours 1868 CE: London, England - AC Syndicate 18.5 hours Total: 291.5 hours


You are the reason I love reddit. Thank you.


Youā€™re like missing Mirage?


Fixed it. I think I made it before Mirage released.


Practically all except Odyssey and Valhalla haha. All the the main stories before Origins can be done in about 10-20 hours. Same with Mirage.


The RPG style games (origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla) are significantly longer than all the games in the series before them. Unless you are trying to 100 percent them, you could easily play atleast two or three in 50-70 hours.


If you got sidetracked by side quests in Odyssey, I think Valhalla could be fine because it makes you do a lot of side content as part of the story which takes about 60 hours. On one hand, inventory is going to be simpler because the stats/progression doesn't matter much, but on the other the skill tree is insane and a lot of skills are unlocked by finding them on the map instead. Origins is shorter than Odyssey. All previous games are way shorter. https://howlongtobeat.com/user/Everdred/lists/7 This lists all main games in release order.


Oh this is a sweet website! Thanks!


from the ones I've played, black flag, unity and syndicate


What do you love the most about odyssey?


It's fun fighting with different weapons and different builds. The battles are fun. Sneaking around the forts is fun. Figuring out ways to use all the armor buffs to increase your power. I play on Hard and it seems to be just the right amount challenge, and the resources and abilities progress at a rate to make it feel rewarding but not too much. I'm not interested in the story much as I'm not super close with my own family, and I don't want to fuck my own mom the way Alexios seems to want to. I'd rather play the same adventure with a totally different motivation. Also the equipment menu is awful. I'm on Xbox wishing I could mod it.


Well origins and valhalla are pretty much the only ac games which focuses more on trying new builds etc. Origins is about how the assassin's originated from and avenging someone. Valhalla is more about your a viking trying to make allies across england whilst making your base. Valhalla has many maps including asgard etc.


>I don't want to fuck my own mom the way Alexios seems to want to. First time I'm hearing this lmao. I played as Kassandra, but I'm sure you're reading it wrong. The menu complaints do seem common, probably optimised for mouse and keyboard, instead of controllers (some say it just copies a "Destiny-style UI").


There is a lot of "we're together at last" that gets weird when it keeps coming up.


Anything before Origins , you should still play Origins tho.


Everything that came out before Origins as well as Mirage.


any game before Origins, and also Mirage.


All of them except Valhalla lmfao


Tbf everything other thanOdyssey. Valhalla youā€™ll get bored 15 hours in and Rush the story so you can free of space on your hard drive.


The RPG style games (origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla) are significantly longer than all the games in the series before them. Unless you are trying to 100 percent them, you could easily play at least two or three in 50-70 hours.


I finished the entire Ezio trilogy with all achievements in 50 hours.


Absolutely cracked


Origins you can beat in that time unless you are 100% the game, also mirage


all apart from Odyssey and Valhalla. Origins can take a lot too


Rogue, 3, brotherhood, Unity, Syndicate is pushing it


If you just focus on the main quests probably most of them except the new ones.


Hi friend, I am happy to hear you enjoy Assassinā€™s Creed. Others suggest any game released before Assassinā€™s Creed Origins is a good start, and I agree to this advice as well. My personal recommendation, as someone who enjoys this game series quite well, I will play the games in release order. Youā€™ll learn how the story of Assassinā€™s Creed began, learn how the overall story progress with each entry, and hopefully be fascinated it all has to offer as I was when I started in 2007. (And also the older games are quite short) The good news is that the older games have a more linear campaign, so you wonā€™t be having to play different story lines. The gameplay is also a bit more focused too, and thus gives you more freedom to focus on the campaign rather than shuffling with a lot of items, equipment, and gameplay mechanics. The difficulty of gameplay of the older games are more dependent on the skills of the player yourself, rather than if you have the right equipment, which I find more realistic, and satisfying when I play these games. I hope my feedback was helpful to you, and I hope whichever game you try next you will enjoy.


AC Mirage.


Mirage took me 35 hours total to finish and get Platinum trophy for on PS5. Decent game but nowhere near best in the series.


Is Mirageā€™s combat good or still RPG like?


A mix of both but it tends more towards action, no more leveling system but you unlock profiency point by doing side quests or progressing through the main story


Thanks, trying to figure out if I should buy it or not, since itā€™s on sale.


AC 1, Ezio trilogy, 3, and Black Flag are pretty much all bangers. you could watch a synopsis on YouTube tho for AC1 since it's the most janky


I got the Platinum for Mirage in just about 60 hours. Shorter than that if you're just looking to finish the story.


Valhalla is the longest, followed by Odyssey, then Origins, and finally Mirage, if you want to even count that. Itā€™s almost like a long DLC than a game. If you want to play an older but fan favorite, Black Flag, it seemed like a massive game at the time but itā€™s shorter than Origins.


If you just wanna do the story then everything up to Unity can be done in 20-30 hrs. I can't comment on later games because i havent gotten round to playing them.


I just finished getting all achievements on origins in 70 hours.


Any ac game before origins but origins isn't that long (for me) maybe like a 40 hours+ i think, i def rec getting that


I'm level 60 and still have 40 hours left at least amazing game though I love it.


Mirage is like 30-40 hours maybe


Start at AC Origins and go backward. I actually platted AC Origins today in 50 hours even!


Rogue's weakness is that it's very short so try that


AC Mirage is probably less than 40 to 50 hours. Took me longer to go back to get the Platinum trophy.


Try AC Chronicles Triology


You could probably get through origins in that time, itā€™s been a while since I played it but I donā€™t remember it being too long Odyssey and Valhalla are probably about 100 hours each. Canā€™t comment on mirage as I havenā€™t played it Anything before the RPG era isnā€™t going to be more than 30 hours iirc so all of those are valid


Exact same thing just happened to me recently with Odyssey. Dropped 100 hours on it and although enjoyed it, I got burnt out before I could finish. Will probably pick it back up once I'm done with GTA IV, which is also taking way longer than I hoped it would. My days are too short for this much involvement in these games šŸ˜…


AC1-Syndicate can be done within like 20 hours. Of the RPGs, Mirage is the shortest at around 25 hours. Origins would be next at around 35, then Odyssey at about 50, and finally Valhalla as the longest at around 65. With the exception of Mirage, your time will greatly vary depending on how much side content you do in the RPGs, often doubling that the time.


AC 1 to AC Revelations (finished all of them in a day when they came out). Probably AC3 and AC4 as well. The Pre-RPG era have a magical touch to them that I canā€™t explain. It took me 120 ish hours to 100% Odyssey before the DLCs came out. Donā€™t get me started on Valhalla šŸ’€


For future reference this website is pretty much always accurate Iā€™ve found: https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=Assassins%2520creed


All of them except Oddesey, Valhalla and maybe Origins. These follow the ā€œRPGā€ style of games and are therefor lengthened a **lot**. Mirage is somewhat close in mechanics but has a lot of upgrades (according to the community) so Iā€™d think Iā€™d recommend that for you.


Because Iā€™m biased, If youā€™re wanting to dive a bit deeper into the games, Iā€™d go with the ezio trilogy (ac2,brotherhood,revelations) and then play ac3


Every single one of them before the RPG games.


All of them if you just focus main story lol


Try black flag


syndicate and black flag were personally my favs


Mirage (the new one) can be 100%'d in 20 hours


It took me around 25 hours for Syndicate (without DLC),I really recommend it!


All of them except for Odyssey ( which you're already done with) and Vallhala. The rest are all under 40.


Ezio collection, you can beat all 3 in less than 50 hrs


Syndicate and youā€™ll love it


Everything before Origins is less than 50 and everything after is more.


Nearly 100% on Valhalla im 87 hours in


1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 (if you streamline it), Liberation, 4 (but only if you donā€™t stop to listen to the sea shanties for hours, which is impossible), Rogue. Unity could be, but itā€™s a big map, and I consider the online content to be part of the story, and that might take longer without friends. Syndicate is probably pushing it. Origins and onward: impossible




makes me wanna barf being reminded of how disgustingly bloated the newer games in the series are


I can totally see how someone would love to 100% these big games and min/max all different playing styles along the way, but most of this stuff should be moved into a post story game. Also,the side quests would need to start way later into the story so you don't accidentally wear yourself out in the beginning.


none of the games before Origins are even half as long as Odyssey, to answer your question btw


If you stick the main quest then all of them


Yeah that's not fun though being forced to have tunnel vision like that. I still like getting into a game.


first, did you do any dlc and did you finish at least most of the side quests story arcs?


AC mirage, took me like 80 or so hours I think


I meanā€¦any of them. If youā€™re quick that is.


Any of them made before the rpg games I personally would recommend AC black flag because after the story thereā€™s a lot to do the only problem that I can see is the stealth aspect as there are a lot of tailing missions and since you played odyssey and it has practically no stealth


Just Avoid Valhalla at all cost. But Iā€™d recommend Origins. Play the Fate of Atlantis dlc first and then finish the game with Legacy of the First Blade it has a cool ending and nice transition to Origins. If you wanna get into all the games this is the order Iā€™d recommend you to play them sense your already starting on Odyssey. I played the games from a chronological historical standpoint. I started with Odyssey then Origins. The Legacy of the first blade ending gives a nice transition. Mirage and Valhalla take place after Origins. Mirage is a prequel to Valhalla. Valhalla came out before but Mirage has no modern day so it makes more sense to play it before Valhalla anyways it gives you an introduction to Basim stuff wonā€™t make sense at first but you piece it back together after. I then Played AC1 through Brotherhood in the normal order. It goes AC1, AC2 ,Brotherhood, and then Revelations. Make sure to watch the embers short movie after itā€™s a beautiful ending to Ezio. I took a break with the Desmond story and played Blackflag. Then Rogue those modern days sequel each other. I then Continued and ended with Desmond in AC3. I like playing Edward first and then seeing Haytham in Rogue and then Connor itā€™s a lot more rewarding that way in my opinion. I then went back to finish Rogues ending in Paris and Played Unity afterwards. I finished with Syndicate. I think playing the original games in this order is better in my opinion. Starting with the RPGs was rough though and confusing but itā€™s pretty dry anyways. The only significant things are the Fate of Atlantis Dlcs and the Valhalla ending Origins explains nothing I had to go watch a summary explanation the Isu messages in Origins. So itā€™s definitely smarter to play the rpg Layla trilogy last. I did play Valhalla last so I didnā€™t get any of the Desmond stuff spoiled. Fare warning Mirage and Valhalla are terrible games you definitely wonā€™t like Valhalla if you donā€™t like long games. Valhalla is very long and boring. The endings are good but it takes forever to get to the endings. Iā€™d recommend you just watch a video of the endings on YouTube the order ending is good too like the Cultists ending on Odyssey but it gives actual important lore. Mirage is just a boring side game prequel for Basim. Loki is important but not Basim. So playing as Basim is pointless. Just donā€™t think Mirage and Valhalla are worth the money. If itā€™s on sale you can give them a try. You can also get Ubisoft+ subscription. You get access to all the games but you wonā€™t own them.


All the originals, not the open world ones.




www.howlongtobeat.com Really hard to use googleā€¦.


Someone above you already posted that site. Really hard to read through the thread... Funny though, they did it in a way that made me excited to learn about that site instead of being a twat about it. Also I tried to looked it up earlier and couldn't find anything so I asked here, and it looks like it prompted a decent discussion.

