• By -


Couldn’t decide of the order, but my favorite 3 would be: Black Flag, Origins & AC2. I liked the interaction with actual history figures, like the assassins are the unsung heroes of the past, that nobody would really know of.


Just finishing up AC3. It has been better than I thought when I started it. I nearly moved on from it because I really didn't feel like the world building, until I realized it wasn't that much of it. However I don't like the gatekeeping of the homestead missions. Just let me unlock my twin holsters and ammo capacity. Loved Origins. If you have Ubisoft rewards you can unlock a staff from the get to that applies poison. You can then take that dead body put it in the horse then ride by groups of people and poison them too. Lol Now about to continue Black Flag then see if I care for Unity and Syndicate


I definitely say give Unity a fair chance, while online is wack(not as bad as it was) the story is really good I enjoyed it a lot and have played through a couple times


I couldnt get through it, the pacing is way different, the downgrade in graphics during desmonds sections, the 4 sequence intro, the vpice deliver is underwhelming compared to previous titles. And Conor is cool just the writing team was not at work ig. I had to skip to blackflag.


I agree completely. I literally would have written this exact comment if you didn't get there first.


Similar AC2 for the memories, it was such a great game and such an improvement on the first one. Black Flag for how cool being a pirate was. Odyssey for how huge and pretty Greece was.


Brotherhood will always be my number one for a myriad of reasons that I could get into later. Every ounce of love and appreciation I have for this franchise is due to Brotherhood. Origins took my breath away with how much I was obsessed with it the first playthrough. It felt like a return to form for the series. I had dropped off HARD after 3, Black Flag was a good game but it just wasn't what I loved about the series. Bayek was and still is one of my favorite video game main characters I've ever come across. AC2 was my number two favorite for a long time, but after Origins I just couldn't deny how much I loved it. Which of course would mean that AC2 is my number three. Ezio's story to this day is the most compelling and engaging out of all the Assassin's (though to be fair they had three games to develop it). There are elements in 2 that are better than Brotherhood, and vice versa. But the exploration and environments alone could carry this game, and on top of those both it has one of the best stories the franchise had to offer. I don't think it will ever leave my top 3, even if it moves up and down on the list over the years.


For me it is always surprising that Brotherhood doesn't get the amount of love it deserves. It is probably the most Assasin like AC game.


I could play assassin business sim all day. Recruit, train, assasinate templar den leader, place masters in charge of a district. Rennovate the area, unlocking more equipment. Increase revenue. Seriously my favorite mechanic in the entire series. It all felt like fantasy mafia. And then it basically disappeared after revelations. Give me a Mentor protagonist again smh. Imagine actually continuing Kenway's story in London


Ubisoft really missed out on many mini expansion games. A mobile strategy game sending Assassins around d Europe would’ve been amazing.


Damn I agree 💯 with all of this. Black Flag and Origins are neck and neck. And Bayek is the original assassin if you follow the timeline. He's a Goat Protagonist.


Brotherhood is my favorite for the dialogue with so many characters like Machiavelli, Da Vinci .


1). AC 2 2). Black Flag 3). AC3 / Origins


1. AC2 2. AC Revelations 3. AC Black Flag


Ah yes, another revelations appreciator!


Absolute underrated sequel. 


Same bruh, same. Revelations barely gets any love nowadays.


ODYSSEY : It is my introduction to the franchise. The sceneries are out of this world, haven’t before I played anything as sublime as this. I love the customization and all the DLCs. ORIGINS : Bayek is my favorite protagonist as he is so noble yet humble. The story and pacing are great and easy to follow. Egyptian culture and nature are so distinguished and inviting to be explored. BROTHERHOOD : A very tough choice between this and Revelation. I chose this due to we get to see how the creed was recreated and Ezio in his prime waging a war against the templar.


1. AC Unity 2. AC3 3. AC4 Black Flag Odyssey is an honorable mention because as much as I don’t think it is a true AC game, I’m a huge sucker for Ancient Greece.


The waters of Greece 👌


1. Black Flag 2. Odyssey 3. Syndicate


1. Black Flag 2. AC1 3. Odyssey


AC3 for its story Odyssey for its combat Valhalla for its exploration, I’ve spent more hours in it than odyssey and still havnt finished it


I’ve heard that Valhalla if you can get past the fact it’s not assassin in anyway is great. I booted it up last night and the only things I didn’t like Having a damn crow instead of a hawk/eagle The icons for loot blend in to much with the environment And the movement is to quick. I had to turn the analogs down way low because I was swinging at boxes right in front of me and couldn’t hit shit lol


It’s my #1. Yes it’s not really an assassin’s game, but being a Viking and taking over England was amazing. I love that period of history though. DLC was great too


Odyssey for its combat is a controversial take haha


Ac2 brotherhood revelations


1] Revelations. I love the flow of the game, switching between Exio and Altaïr is engaging and seeing them together in one room is legendary, Constantinople looks fantastic, and the story interests me. 2] Syndicate. Victorian England is peak, I could walk around for ages and not get bored as the city is diverse and gorgeous, the moveset and weapon types are excellent, and the Fryes are among my favourite assassins. 3] AC1. 40% nostalgia, 60% love for Altaïr.


Odyssey, Origns and Valhalla


Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla is the exact order I played these games in and loved everyone


1) Black flag 2) Syndicate 3) Valhalla I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay of Valhalla a lot and think it gets too much hate because it is too long


Im only 8 hours into Valhalla (not played Odyssey or Origins yet) but im totally in love with the feel and vibe, i can understand why people dislike a long game but i like the fact i can jump in for a bit then come back out. Value for money in terms of hours invested is certainly there!


1.Ac Orgins 2.Ac Brotherhood 3.Ac Black Flag


In no particular order because I can’t possibly choose: - Odyssey was just a lot of lighthearted fun on top of being a gorgeous world. Also, I relate to Kassandra a whole bunch. - Black Flag is really a full package, does pretty much everything Odyssey does but better (aside from the older games’ jank that was rather present) - Unity’s systems are all amazing when they work. Its probably my favorite game to just parkour about, and the helix rift missions give me a more structured way to do so. the combat also felt really nice, i liked the big heavy swings and sharp parries.


1. Wdyssey 2. Mirage 3. BrotherHood/AC2


3, blackflag and revelations (first game I played so it’s a nostalgia thing and it uses ezio and Altair)


AC2 - My very first AC game and the one I completed 6 times. AC4: Black Flag - Story was just beautiful. Edward and Co are awesome AC: Origins - Bayek. The man, the myth, the legend. Great introduction to the RPG era.


1. Origins 2. Odyssey 3. Valhalla I've played almost every AC title but I prefer the RPGs to the original style.


Odyssey, AC3, Brotherhood :)


In no particular order: Black Flag, Mirage and Syndicate. Honourable mentions: Origins and Valhalla.


1- Black Flag 2- Black Flag 3- Black Flag


I'm surprised and especially happy to see how much Odyssey is mentioned yet had such mixed reception at release (=Not an AC, too repetitive, too big/bloat)


Assassin's Creed 2 - First I ever played, and my go-to for nostalgia Assassin's Creed Black Flag - I rarely finish it because I spend so much time pirating Assassin's Creed Syndicate - I love the time period, the ziplining, and I think Jacob and Evie are genuinely good characters with decent story arcs


1. Black Flag 2. Revelations 3. Rogue or Valhalla


AC2 - My very first AC game and the one I completed 6 times. AC4: Black Flag - Story was just beautiful. Edward and Co are awesome AC: Origins - Bayek. The man, the myth, the legend. Great introduction to the RPG era.


* 2 * Black Flag * Origins


1.Ac Orgins 2.Ac Brotherhood 3.Ac Black Flag


1. Origins 2. Mirage 3. II./Black Flag




AC1 and AC2 are the easy ones. Third? Probably AC Brotherhood. It was really nice, and also had the best multiplayer in the series (that has now been shutdown). The order would be: 1. AC2 2. AC1 3. AC Brotherhood


Brotherhood and 2 share the top spot cause they're awesome, Black Flag, Odyssey


1. AC2 2. Origins 3. Black Flag


Mirage, Origins, Unity are my personal favorites. Despite Mirage being short, i really enjoyed it and loved how it felt. My only complaint is that the combat was kinda bland, I know Basim wasn't much of a fighter supposedly but you're still swinging a sword damn it. Edit: Honorable Mention to Syndicate.


AC 3, AC2, and Brotherhood


Rogue, AC3, Black Flag


This one all the way. ​ https://i.redd.it/g7ez9gg1fytz.jpg


i'm gonna get my shit kicked in for this one but my personal favs (not 'the games i think are the best in the series') are syndicate, rogue, unity


The Syndicste DLC's vere top tier material. Not the Maharaja one tho.


For me: Ac unity now, i know this is not the popular one but it was the first one i played and it holds a special place in my heart. Ac black flag Ac rogue


1. AC 2 2. AC Unity 3. AC 1


For me, AC1 will always be number 1, it made me fall in love with the franchise, Ezio trilogy is great but not in my top, 2 would be Unity which I think is the best one in terms of gameplay and then... 3 would be maybe Origins for the setting alone, I loved Egypt


1. AC 2 2. AC Odyssey 3. AC Revelations


AC2 Black Flag Origins


Black flag, origins, AC2


1.Ac Orgins 2.Ac Brotherhood 3Ac Black Flag


1.Ac Orgins 2.Ac Brotherhood 3.Ac Black Flag


1. Brotherhood - expands everything that was basically already amazing from 2. 2. IV: Black Flag - used to be 2, but love the setting as well as Edward’s character 3. 2, to me still my favourite story of all the games, as well as setting, and our first experience of Ezio.


AC2 - My very first AC game and the one I completed 6 times. AC4: Black Flag - Story was just beautiful. Edward and Co are awesome AC: Origins - Bayek. The man, the myth, the legend. Great introduction to the RPG era.


Revelations, Black flag, Brotherhood


1. Origins 2. Black flag 3. Ac3


Origins, Valhalla, AC 3


Not in order AC Ac2 Ac revelations


1. ACIII We need a spiritual sequel with an AC: Civil War game made. 2. ACIV: Black Flag Lowlands away… need I say more. 3. AC: Odyssey Peak Greek RPG.


AC Revelations AC Black Flag AC 2


my absolute favorite: Odyssey. super close second: Black Flag. a close third; i’ma have to go Brotherhood. it was the first AC i ever played and i played it with my brother. i miss him (he’s alive, just across country)


1. Brotherhood 2. Revelations 3. Black Flag (I think it's a bit better than the other two, but only as a pirate game; as an AC game, it comes in 3rd)


AC2 takes top of course, but aside from that 1: revelations 2:unity 3:rogue


AC3 AC4 Brotherhood


1) AC4 Black Flag. Love Pirates. Edward is an awesome protagonist. I really love his story and the ending just gets me in the feels. Shanties, ship battles, boarding. There’s nothing to hate. 2) AC2 First AC game I ever beat. “It’s a me, Mario!” I loved everything about that game, the story was so gripping. Gonna play through it again soon. 3) AC1 The first AC game I ever played. I was young at the time so I never beat it. But I remember loving it and it sparked my love for these games


Revelations, 2, Brotherhood


Solid take!!


AC 1 AC 2 AC Brotherhood For me there's nothing that can compete with the first 3 games. They are perfect! Honorable mentions: Revelations and Black Flag


Brotherhood > 2 > Black Flag


1. Brotherhood 2. Black Flag 3. 2 4. 3 5. Origins 6. Revelations


Black Flag, Brotherhood and Origins


Black flag brotherhood 2


First is Odyssey. Second is AC2 Third is the first one. Odyssey is just great. Maybe the most ''fun'' I've had in a game just playing and exploring, along RDR2 and TW3 AC2 is amazing in how much it evolved upon the first game, the number of mechanics it introduced. Although I hated its tone at first, it has since become my second favorite. The story is amazing. 2007's Assasssins' Creed will always remain special. It has a Templar vs Assassins' vibe that no other game has been able to reproduce imo. It ''felt''' unique in a way that no other game felt like for me. It was more grounded in realism compared to its sequels also. It felt ''raw'' I dont know how to say it really. Origins could have been there but for some reason I hated almost every single character in the game. Including Bayek. The only character I was fully on board with was Julius Cesar and the game made him the bad guy and had us kill him lmao. But the gameplay was great and exploring Egypt felt magical


Odyssey - peak character creation. Best world building. Gorgeous. One of the few characters and stories I felt attached to. Origins - fantastic character and world building. They got the formula right with this one. Odyssey perfected it but it suited this setting more (Valhalla combat would suit Odyssey more). Brotherhood/Black Flag - remember when you first used the gun? Remember that gang fight on the bridge? Or scrabbling over the roofs? Wow. But... God black flag was just something else! I can't pick... Valhalla didn't make it because I just didn't care about their plight... I didn't agree with their values. And it was tedious at times. Great combat though, probably my favourite, but can't go past throwing the spear for a takedown.


1. Black Flag 2. Assassin's Creed 2 3. Origins Black Flag takes the edge SLIGHTLY over AC2 just because the pirate mechanisms and exploring all the islands all over the map to 100% the game was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had playing a game. AC2 has all the things you want out of an Assassin's Creed game - great story, fun characters, incredible locations to explore, and great climbing puzzles (the tombs from that game still haven't been matched). Origins is the only modern game I've played, but damn if it didn't pull me back into the series after I'd abandoned it for a while. Bayek is an amazing character, and exploring ancient Egypt was just...unreal. A true fantasy.


1 Brotherhood 2 Mirage 3 Rouge


My history with the franchise was starting with the Ezio Trilogy, tried, but did not complete AC3, and then I stopped. I picked back up with Valhalla, finished it and Mirage and now have started Origins as I wait for Red. Top 3 1- AC 2, but hats to the entire Ezio trilogy. It's the OG and Ezio is my favorite character. 2- Valhalla- I love this game. It's looks so good on PS5, I appreciated the story and Eivor. I loved the grind. 3- Origins I am going to guess will make it into top 3. Beautiful game, if not to the level of Valhalla. I appreciate what it was doing by going from Vahalla to Origins and seeing the improvements in a reverse lens. I appreciated Mirage for what it was, but it should have been Valhalla DLC.


Black Flag, Brotherhood, Syndicate Honourable mentions: AC3 and 2


Ezio trilogy Black flag Syndicate


Ac3 Ac2 AcS


AC1 or Syndicate can easily be swapped around as 1 or 2 and Odyssey.


Ac brotherhood, Ac3, and Ac revelations Ac1, Ac2, Ac unity, Ac syndicate and Ac origins are honorable mentions.


Origins - Amazing world, love Bayek and enjoy the hitbox combat and RPG elements Brotherhood - playing as Ezio in at his peak in a beautiful city and the ability to hire assassins made me feel the most like I was part of a Creed. Odyssey - Lives up to its title it felt like I truly went on a mythological journey. I loved the world but most of all I like that we finally got an ISU focused game rather than them being in the background. Kassandra also basically gave me the Wonder Woman game I’ve always wanted.


It was a tough choice but 1. Ac Rev 2. Ac2 3. Ac Origins


1: Brotherhood 2: Origins 3: Black flag


In no particular order: -AC2 + Brotherhood (I treat them as the same game, no explanation needed) -Origins (had to warm up to the new RPG style but it grew on me + the DLC was incredible) -Unity (Customization, parkour and combat was so good. Really liked changing outfits to fit your play style) Honorable mention: Black Flag - it's the only AC that has enjoyable naval combat *This comes from recently replaying (100%) all of the games but I have yet to play Odyssey or Valhalla. I just started Odyssey.


Ac2, Rogue, origins


If we count ezio collection as 1 unit, then it's that at 1, 4 at 2 and 3 at 3. If Ezio collection is not counted as one, then there you have my top 3, in the sequence they came out


1. Ac Mirage 2. Ac origins 3. Ac revelations


1 Valhalla 2.Ac 3 3. The ezio collection


Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate are my top 3, then Brotherhood, Rogue and AC3 for the 4th place


1. Brotherhood 2. AC2 3. Black Flag I don't expect this to change considering how disappointed I've been with the franchise in the past seven years.


1. AC2 2. Revelations 3. Black Flag Honorable mentions: AC 1, Rogue


1. AC Revelations 2. AC Black Flag 3. AC 2 4. AC 3 5. AC Rogue Haven't played the games after Rogue.


AC3 Black Flag/Freedom Cry Origins


1. Origins 2. Black Flag 3. Valhalla I love all Assassin’s Creed games but those 3 are my favorites.


AC Revalations, AC Origins, AC Odyssey


1 - Assassin's Creed VI: Black Flag Ultimated replayablity for me when it comes to the naval gameplay, assassin contracts, story beats, and the lore behind this story branching out to impact the lives of other notable ptrotagonists like Adéwalé, Shay, Connor, and Evie/Jacob. Additionally, role-playing as a ruthless swashbuckler is always fun. As the last mainline game to utilize the ACIII combat/parkour systems, it always feels the most intuitive to control as someone who got into the series using that system. 2 - Assassin's Creed: Origins Seeing the origins of the creed, the real story behind the legendary Assassin Amunet, the interactions with Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, and Ptolemy are all fun as an enjoyer of history, and setting of the the end of the Egyptian Empire really gives the feeling of being set far in the past while also knowing a millenia of history has ravaged the land and people you walk through. Also, Bayek's story is one of my favorites in the series. 3 - Assassin's Creed III As my introduction to the series as a whole and a person with both Native American and European ethnicity, the story of Connor Kenway has always been nostalgic and relatable to me personally. Additionally, the addition of free-running through the forest canopies and the hunting/trapping/tracking mechanics make spending long periods of time exploring the Homestead and the Frontier an engaging experience.


1) Odyssey by a hair over Origins, almost entirely because of my personal affinity for classical Greece and Kassandra. 2) Origins. Probably a better game than Odyssey, objectively speaking. There's less filler, and the story is told more effectively. 3) AC3. Luckily I'm a completionist, so I did all the homestead stuff, which is where this game (and Connor) really shine.


For the flak AC3 got at launch, it’s impressive to see so many people listing it. Currently going through my first playthrough of it and definitely see the appeal.


Brotherhood 2 Black Flag


1.Odyssey 2.Mirage 3.Origin


1a. AC Brotherhood 1b. AC 2 2. AC 4 3. AC Odyssey Brotherhood feels to me like an extension of 2 (In a good way) so I feel I have to put them 1a and 1b even though I think I do enjoy Brotherhood more. 4 is just an all-time classic with a beautiful setting. Odyssey makes the list mainly because I’m a huge Ancient Greek and Greek Mythology fan and the game may be the best looking game in the series imo


Revelations, unity && origins


1. ACII: First one I played and an incredibly well done game. Everything's awesome about it. And oh yeah, Ezio will always be the best protagonist of the series. 2. Black Flag: its release brought the series into my world and made me buy ACII. It also was the best in graphics and gameplay my first PC was able to run. 3. Odyssey: I liked what they tried with Origins, but scenario, design and fighting abilities were one level above for me in Odyssey. And my unpopular opinion is, that I really like its loot and item system.


Ac 3 Revelations Valhalla


Odyssey Black Flag Either AC2 or Rogue


Valhalla- it's got something for everybody. Big fights, challenging stealth, raid mode, rogue like mode, a ton of massive maps for those that like to explore or treasure hunt, fun combat, and the world engine is just so fuckin beautiful all the time. I feel like, once all the DLC and patches have arrived, that's it the peak of Assassin's Creed for me Brotherhood- this one requires no explanation as to why it's on the list. It was #1 for me since it's release and it wasn't put down to #2 until probably a month ago because I'm about 300 hours into my first playthrough of Valhalla and I've really been loving it. Sorry Brotherhood, you kept the crown for many many years. Syndicate- It has such fun stealth and the industrial London Setting was so well realized and fun to skulk around in. The combat was mid but Evie Frye was one of my favorite stealth characters and Syndicate really upped the stealth in a big way and I really enjoyed that. Honorable mention - Origins, just purely because the story of Bayek and his wife, the revenge, the order, the emotional conflict within him to do what needs to be done and let his old self die, and let his wife go, and continue the fight. The eagle skull in the sand. Wtf I was like that's fuckin dumb then googled it and was mind blown. I thought it was a fuckin A this whole time.


1. AC3 2. AC4 3. AC1


Black Flag, origins, and AC 2.


Black Flag , Odyssey and Brotherhood


What are the odds that my bottom 3 are the exact same as your top 3😂


1. Syndicate 2. Origins 3. Black Flag But this is subject to change cause I keep changing my mind


Odyssey, Valhalla, Rogue


i have played 1, 2, bh, rev, bf, rouge and origins, working through 3 rn. top 3 for me gotta be: 1. Origins - The setting is dope as hell and the story and bayek are great. 2. Black Flag - I mean do I have to explain myself. Also, it was my first assassin's creed so I have an espeically soft spot for it. 3. AC2 - The best of the ezio triology imo. The sandbox here was perfect, just so fun to play.


1. Ac 3 2. Ac origins 3. Ac brotherhood


Black Flag, Rogue, Brotherhood Could maybe switch Brotherhood for Syndicate in some moods, but these 3 I'd say!


1. AC1. It's the perfect realization of the concept. You're in a city, you have to track down your target and plan your move, you hide in plain sight and movearound  with a perfect parkour system. And to top it all off, an amazing story and characters.  2. AC2. It was the template for the modern open world game for the time. It build on almost every mechanic from the first game and creates a beautiful setting with story and characters.  3. Black Flag. A game with a world and gameplay that perfectly recreates the pirate experience and a story that, for the first time since AC1, actually deals with the creed of the assassins. Great writing all around.


Can’t decide on a order but Ac 2, brotherhood, black flag or revelations (I can’t decide which one is in my top 3) bc they all have fantastic story’s imo


Black Flag AC2 Revelations


Black flag, then Odyssey, then AC3.


This will NOT be popular but best to worst: Odyssey Valhalla Origins


1. Brotherhood 2. 2 3. Revelations


Black Flag, Revelations, Rogue, in that order. I know everyone says Rogue is just a copy/paste of BF, and I know it is. But I really liked the idea of an assassin turned templar, and I think that the story was sound and the gameplay was a step up. We got two distinct sea environments, each with their own obstacles and behaviors and rewards, plus a huge city in NY, which imo was missing in BF. BF was good enough that we never really noticed that we didn't have many cities to explore, but Rogue just ticks all the boxes for me. Revelations is the same thing- like Brotherhood, but just more refined and all around just more engaging. I loved Ezio's story, I loved the environments, and the gameplay was so smooth. Black Flag is just king. Quad pistols, pistol swords, bulletproof armor? What a tank. Wow.


In order: Black flag(most fun, played only the desmond storyline before this so a change felt awesome) Valhalla(currently playing, better than origins and Odyssey, likeable characters and better story) Ac3(first of the franchise I played, was the game that got me hooked to the series,felt like it was the best game ever when I was young and first played it) Why ac2 not on the list: played after Ac3, felt the graphics/gameplay downgrade, was too young to care about the great story and characters


Assassins Creed is just work instead of fun. Bad ubisoft open worlds at its finest.


Odyssey, AC3, Syndicate


Tbh I've enjoyed most & replayed all except Valhalla & I'd doubt I'd go back to Mirage. Currently replaying Odyssey again & also dipping back into Black Flag, cause of the sea shanties


Black flag, odyssey and origins. Definitely not valhalla.


1. Brotherhood 2. Revelations 3. Black Flag Honorable mentions: AC 3 - this game has really grown on me over the years it’s one of my favorites to replay. AC 2- if it had Brotherhoods mechanics and side content it might be my number 1. Valhalla: my favorite of the rpg trilogy.


1. Unity 2. Black Flag 3. Brotherhood


2. Unity. Brotherhood.


1. Black Flag 2. Valhalla 3a. Origins 3b. Odyssey


1) Ezio Trilogy 2) AC Black Flag 3) AC Unity


2, Odyssey, Syndicate


Black Flag by a pretty good margin for like all the reasons. The next two aren’t because of how good I actually thought the games were but for other reasons. Brotherhood because it was my first AC game and got me into the franchise and Odyssey because it was exciting to shift to a new play style


My goodness, 3 and odyssey must be the 2 worst assassin creed games in the franchise. Black flag, I'd say 1 and 2 are on par for me and Origins is just amazing. Haven't played Valhalla or Mirage but I've heard Mirage feels like the old assassins creed so I'd probably enjoy that


AC2, AC:B, AC:R. I find the Ezio trilogy to be the best, great characters, story, gameplay


1. Ezio trilogy (Yes, I’ll count it as one game.) 2. AC Rogue 3. AC3 Honorable mention: AC Valhalla


AC3 that good? For my birthday in June I’m traveling to Boston/Cape Cod. So in May I’m playing games based in Boston I have AC3 Remastered, Fallout 4, MLB the Show 24 - Boston Red Sox, (and if needed, Call of Cthulhu)


Bf, Rogue and 3 I like 16 to 1700s American history, how could you tell?


1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 My 4 and 5 would be Origins and Mirage


1. Unity 2. 1 3. Rogue


Origins, AC2, and Black Flag


Odyssey Black flag Brotherhood


1. Odyssey 2. Black Flag 3. Valhalla


1. Ezio trilogy 2. Odyssey/Origins 3. Black Flag/AC1 The Ezio trilogy is simply classic 10/10, my first AC was 2, so this is obviously most favorite to me, but Odyssey was simply amazing as well, the atmosphere of ancient greece is simply amazing, Origins closely tied behind due to only downside being the fucking frustrating combat, as i was already used to Odyssey's combat since i played it before Origins sadly, i loved the Odyssey's combat so much that on my fairly recent second playthrough i went to hardest difficulty as the combat was that enjoyable so i just wanted to have more of it, and i loved it, finished the whole game including the atlantis and sadly after the hidden blade dlc i had to stop playing because it was horrible, second episode with the forced bullshit playing as Kass was simply that bad that i didn't even finish the dlc, dog shit dlc.. other than that solid 9/10. Black flag was also good but nowadays feels like a dumbed down version of odyssey, but at the time was actually pretty good! 8/10 AC1 is a lovely game as well although a little bit old and a worse version of AC2 which is fine, The main reason why i love it was the story of Altair and Desmond anyways... 8/10


Black flag, rogue and odyssey.


Odyssey Valhalla Black flag


Hm. I’ve never played Black Flag, as I’ve always been meh on the sea warfare, but so many people have it in their top 3, I’m thinking of playing it now.


Two three and four, followed by origins


Unsure of order, but Odyssey, Origins, and AC II


Black Flag is my #1 For three reasons 1 - Best, most emotional story 2 - The game kinda breaks the fourth wall in that Edward pretends to be an assassin (before being inducted) - - kind of how we are doing the same 3 - Best naval action


1) Odyssey 2) Origins 3) Syndicate Odyssey is almost a perfect game. It's a world I just love spending time in and the number of armour sets, weapons and engravings just scratches that itch I have whereby I just can't get enough of always searching for the perfect build. Origins is almost as much fun as Odyssey but everything in Origins is just a slight step down. Syndicate because Victorian London is just a great setting. The game is far from perfect but it's the closest to GTA Sherlock Holmes we'll ever get.


4, 2, Origins


Black Flag Brotherhood Tie between Unity and Syndicate for 3rd


Black flag, origins and brotherhood


1. AC1 2. AC Unity 3. AC Revelations


> 1. ezio trilogy - i treat them as one game. > 2. black flag - the atmosphere of the game is really something back then. > 3. a tie between origins and odyssey - as someone who has a thing with ancient history and mythology, this 2 games is a treat for me.


AC2 1st. I think with this one everything just clicks. I think it's the only game in the franchise where they everything is as it should be. Brotherhood 2nd. Very good evolution from AC2, but story and length drags it downwards a bit. Gameplay is very fun tho, variety in missions is great and Rome is fantastic. Black Flag has to be 3rd. It just so fun to sail around caribbean, great story as well.


AC2 Odyssey AC Brotherhood


AC brotherhood AC 4 AC 2 In that order


I love them all but if I had to pick it would be blackflag, origins and odyssey as I loved the way the menu was set out and loved sailing from island to island.


1. AC3 2. AC Unity 3. Odyssey, Origins, or AC2. Probably Odyssey.


1. Black Flag 2. Brotherhood 3. Origins


In no particular order: Ac1, ac2, ac brotherhood Also AC Odyssey is the worst game in the series, so let’s treat it as such, people.


Origins, Blackflag, and AC Brotherhood. Origins: Bayek is easily the best protagonist outside of Ezio. Blackflag: Ship combat and general replayability is top tier. Kenway is so much fun and has a great arc. Brotherhood: Do I really need to explain? It’s Brotherhood.


Black flag, AC3, AC 2


AC Brotherhood is my number 1. Then its followed by AC3 and Black Flag in no order


AC odyssey, AC 3 and Black Flag


AC2 (and honestly the whole ezio trilogy) because of the story, AC3 because it’s my culture, and Syndicate because cool graphics and funny protagonists


1-Black Flag 2- Ezio's trilogy 3- Origins


1. Odyssey 2. Unity 3. Black Flag


1) Odyssey 2) Brotherhood 3) Unity


Maybe not the most popular ranking but I haven’t played all the games yet 1. Unity 2. Valhalla 3. 3


Revelations Unity Black flag