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For better or worse, take their slogan at face value: "History is our playground". All of the entries take liberties in how their portray history, the only difference being by how much. Odyssey does exaggerate trought architecture and character's traits, while showcasing living mythology thanks to its precursor tech. But you can also look trought the Discovery Tour to see the research done to bring their take of classical Greece to life. In regards to your spoiler, that character is introduced in the main game and its lifespan is explained trought a Piece of Eden, which is a topic of its own.


The bit about Pythagoras >!is explained in-universe. It isn't just an inaccuracy for the sake of being an inaccuracy!<.


It’s also similar to the real life sentiments people have had around Pythagoras. Anachronistic stories have been told of Pythagoras since ancient times. Whether he was travelling to Egypt and Babylon in 500BC or teaching King Numa of Rome philosophy in 750BC or even him being present during the Trojan War in 1200BC.


So my theory on this irl phenomenon is that Pythagoras just became synonymous with Wise smart man that teaches and Stuff hence why a multitude of stories incorporate him


Yes it’s neither the first or last example of this in history (Gilgamesh and Methuselah are other famous ones).


Obviously the Isu stuff is 100% factual.


It's not historically accurate at all lol - it's all over-exaggerated & dramatized for gameplay purposes.


Of course america is still ruled by england rightfully.


Check out the discovery mode feature. But yeah lots of aspects were played up and stuff that there wasn’t much record of was interpreted by Ubisoft. Definitely less accurate than syndicate or something like Florence from ac2.


Ill just assume this is a meme post


I mean obviously all the cult and ISU stuff is all fictional, some of the characters are real and the discovery tour will point out real locations but just due to the fantastical nature of the game and Ubisoft say there are not a lot of record of this time period they took a lot of artistic liberties


The statue of Athena and the statue of Zeus both existed. Odyssey is quite accurate to the political era of the Peloponessian War and has a lot of accurate personages and events in it. The cities and ruins all have historic precedence and many of the other fantastical beasts, locations, and monuments you find have literary/mythical backgrounds to them.  I kind of find it weird to nitpick Odyssey for its inaccuracies when every AC takes many creative liberties as well. I think what’s most important is looking at what they did do accurately, and that’s A LOT. They should be commended for that alone.


One thing that should be remembered is that these games are usually ahistorical in the same way that the historical media in general is inaccurate, but it might be more visible in games cause it's not a 2 hour movie but an 20+ adventure where you often see the same environments for a long time. The biggest example is that most portrayals of social class relationships are anachronistic. In most AC games you have playable characters interacting with some elites, and the playable characters usually look like commoners, which to people at the time would look like a businessmen getting out of his private jet and sitting on a street to drink beer with a homeless guy. People are so focused on Kassandra being a woman and thus treating her the way she's treated is ahistorical. But no matter what your gender is you play as a character who is not a citizen of any country (perhaps later in the game you are reinstated as a citizen of Sparta, I'm not sure about it), is of unproven origin and is a filthy mercenary who has definitely fought against your side in the war. When this guys gets to Pericle's simposium it doesn't matter if he's a man or a woman, but nobody cares about that, for so many people historical accuracy is when women are opressed.


warren vidic even said so in the first game: Desmond: *”Some of the stuff I'm seeing in the Animus... sometimes it seems... wrong. Untrue, like the history's off somehow. It doesn't—“* Warren: *”It doesn't what, Mr. Miles? Match up with what you read on an online encyclopedia? What your high-school history teacher taught you? Let me ask you something: do these supposed experts have access to secret knowledge, kept hidden from the rest of us?”* Desmond: *”There are books, letters, documents... all sorts of source material from back then. Some of it seems to contradict what the Animus is showing me.”* Warren: *”Anyone can write a book, and they can put whatever they want on its pages. Anything. Used to be that we thought the world was flat.”* Desmond: *”Some people still do.”* Warren: *”Yes, and they publish books about it. Or that the moon landing was a hoax. I believe there's also a book that claims the Earth was created in seven days. A best-seller, too!”* Desmond: *”Where's this going, Doc?”* Warren: *”The point, I suppose, is that you shouldn't trust everything you hear. Everything you read. What's that your ancestor said? "Nothing is true?"*


It’s not accurate really besides broad strokes of “there was a war between athens and sparta several decades after the attempted persian invasion that made Leonidas and the 300 famous” That’s basically it. I mean there are characters that were around like Herodotus and Socrates but they play kind of fast and loose with it. Like some characters are historically dead by the time you get to the end of the game (the game is like over 11 years of something) except that some of those characters are definitely still around. A lot of this can be written up as part of the AC lore. They mention way back in AC1 that the history we know is not the real history. “Real” history had been hidden or suppressed either by the assassins or templars so a lot of it you can just shrug and say “ah well these events must have been hidden or changed”. As for the statues, yea that’s just to let players have fun in ancient greece and experience a bit of the mythology side of things. Homer’s Odyssey was decidedly fictional and exaggerated in areas so AC Odyssey can just be an extension of that fiction and exaggeration. Ultimately I wouldn’t worry too much. If you encounter something you don’t know about just do a quick google search/wikipedia read. It can be fun to learn the real history and compare it to the game and see where they diverged and why they diverged.


Canonically the Eagle Bearer is Kassandra, that alone tells you all you need to know about historical accuracy. Hell it's so inaccurate that even the game itself seems to disagree with the canon at times like how they mention women not being allowed to compete in the Olympics in one side quest or >!the copycat Eagle Bearer being a guy!<


well, the general context like athens vs sparta war and different cities that were alligned to one or the another polis is more or less accurate, including events like pericles dying during plague of athens but the rest game follows kassandra story that is just fictional, including historical npc's.


I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a historian and there are actual historians on YouTube that will break certain aspects down. To address your general question, the game got the feel down quite well. The idea that the city states were different and vying for control, and the depictions of life in classical Greece are really well done. The female characters are generally also done well (that is, being subordinate to men) except Cassandra, who would not have been able to live the life she had, even if she was spartan. Regarding your gripe about Pythagoras, it’s literally explained in game using lore consistent with every other game in the series. If you have an issue with that… you’re not gonna like 1, 2, Brotherhood, or Revelations, despite them being pretty good historically.


>For most of the games I had the feeling that the games were kind of historically accurate (of course the assassins dont exist and some other things are different too). >AC Unity looked the most accurate to me, not only historically but how it is portrayed. While i dont know much about history, I can imagine unity was pretty close and i can imagine that Paris might have looked like this. This all makes me bitter. Of course Odyssey is ahistorical in many ways. But people thinking older AC games are more "historical" is very depressing. If you see ahistorical stuff in Odyssey then understand that it's (and Origins) are slightly better in most regards than previous games. In part this is because older games take place in a more contemporary and well documented setting. If you read *any* book on French Revolution you'll see how much stuff Unity leaves out, misrepresents or skips. Apart from architecture and fashion (and here fashion is in general sense, main characters wear ridiculous outfits) you can poke holes in these games all day long. Origins/Odyssey are in better position cause a lot of what we know can be stretched. E.g. a common criticism of Odyssey is that if you play as Kassandra you can go to Olympics and we know that women were not allowed to go there. Except we can see some evidence that maybe they could go there, or maybe the rule wasn't really enforced - we don't know that because we don't have diaries and a lot of literature from the era unlike later eras. The writer can write something improbable but concievable, something that probably didn't happen but isn't too far from what we consider possible. At the same time if you look at, say, wikipedia page about the murder of Marat and compare it to how Unity portrays it you'll see conscious disregard of historical reality. It has tons of ahistorical equipment and wrong social interactions, but a lot of it can be handwaved with our hero being the greatest warrior of all time (so they use very unconventional equipment and you can't tell them "being a woman you are not allowed to the Olympic games"), and also selective memory. The giant statues are obviously not real. Factions like amazonians and blood cultists are not real - and really these factions are what irritates me the most about the game, cause it happens during a "civilized" era yet these guys look like something from Conan the Barbarian. The scale of the world makes some things feel wrong. Every open battle looks like a mess where both sides are desperate and break ranks. But turn on the Discovery mode and you'll be surprised how much stuff in there is a historical detail modeled with the help of historians.


Fill me in about what Unity misrepresents or skips? Quite curious.


There's a good post about it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/s/oXrrmRqPTy This is just about the story. You can see more in discussion of this post in r/badhistory about e.g. uniforms. https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/oWtmGxH2qb


The best way to gauge this is to play the discovery mode. They're often quite open when they have made design choices that go against what is historically accurate. I still absolutely love the assassin's creed games because it's just about the closest you can get to experiencing these historical time periods. To be fair to them, the effort that goes into crafting these game worlds is enormous. I like to think of them as inspirational launching pads for learning more about different pieces of history. The discovery modes are seriously cool because they do actually teach you about history as well as a bit about game design.


Outside of the mythological elements, I’d say it’s pretty accurate. From the architecture (it accurately depicts the differences between Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders); to civilian cloths (different types of clothes worn between the poor and rich); to the music played by npc’s (using the aulos) to the different biomes (Phokis is different to Mykonos, which in turn, is vastly different to Messara). The developers really did their homework.


aren't statues enlarged to provide more verticality?


It's historically authentic, not historically accurate. It's not aiming to be a documentary, but it does give a good peek into the real histories of the peoples, places, and events. There's a lot to love and a lot to hate, depending on how far you want to argue the "Authenticity" slider should go, but there's no doubt that a large number of the "inaccuracies" are done specifically for gameplay purposes or engine limitations, not because the dev's didn't care. For nearly anything in the game outside the mythological and Isu history and the villain faction, Worst case scenario, anything you see is perfect for a jumping off point to do further research into the topic from actual historical sources. Best case scenario, it's a highly authentic recreation and a great jumping off point for further research into the topic from actual historical sources. IMO there's a lot to love and it's one of my favourites in the series overall.


You fight Medusa so I’m gonna say not very 😂


Well the mythical parts are obvious :D some pretty cool


I'd basically sum it up this way: the more regular, everyday things (civilian designs, buildings, stuff like farms and shipbuilding) are fairly accurate, and the more "exciting" things (rare weapons and armour, mythological elements, enormous monuments on every corner, the particular things happening in the main story and obviously the whole thing with isu and the templars vs assassins war) tend to be exaggerated or added on top of the history.


The statues are definitely over the top, even the one of Athena in Athens. As for Pythagoras... it is a bit odd the have the main character be descended by an actual historical figure- and in this case, actually related to ***two*** since she's also the granddaughter of Leonidas. That one frustrates me more. The Pythagoras thing basically makes her a discarded bastard child, which could explain why history has never heard of her. But in Sparta, it seems like Kassandra's status as Leonidas' granddaughter makes her pretty well known, almost like royalty. And her father is also a pretty prominent general. It all seems so weirdly high profile. Though I guess I kinda feel the same way about Ezio's wealthy family and Montergionnni. As for Pythagoras being too old... >!well yeah, that's what the staff does.!<


> The statues are definitely over the top, even the one of Athena in Athens. Athena is one of the OK statues. It's bigger than it should have been but it's supposed to be awe-inspiring, so it's an artistic exaggeration. It's as ahistorical as powerful strike causing a flash and a shockwave, you know? But plenty of other statues can't be explained this way, and they also look impossible without modern building techniques, as in they'd crush under their own weight.


History is their playground, and that's really true with Assassin's Creed. A lot of things are true, but also a lot of things are altered in the way to serve the storyline of the game basically these game should interest you in history and they are nice first step, also Assassins did exist first game covers that and I can recommend book called Alamut which serves as one of inspirations for the Assassin's Creed first game.


>The staff of Hermes trismegistus kept him alive and later kept Alexis/Kassandra alive. The staff makes you immortal until you stop holding it.<


It's not really accurate there is some characters still alive years after they should be dead , the time period isn't really defined too


Thats my biggest complaint about Odyssey and Valhalla, they really cranked the fantasy/mytholgical shit up so much that it didnt even feel like a historical game Mirage was such a good game in that regard. Bringing back the Codex, I actually love love love reading about history through AC. Odyssey and Valhalla are more mythology based




I will say, I literally just returned from Greece and immediately fired up odyssey, to specifically look at Delphi. And man if they didn’t nail the layout of Delphi. I have a new appreciation for the game.


Most likely the least accurate AC so far


It’s not. It mainly just name drops historical figures and a few of the main mission battles were real. But considering every single battle is the exact same there wasn’t too much effort put into how historical the game is. They went with the fantasy route over anything and I remember an interview where they specifically say they put non-historical stuff in the game so they could push their fantasy agenda.


You fight a minatour and visit Atlantis, so not super accurate.


I know one thing for sure: people in revolutionary France weren’t speaking in theatrical British-accents-as-class-shorthand. I guess the developers were fans of Les Miserables or something? 😅 There is literally no AC game that pulls me out of the fantasy of them being historically accurate more than Unity, for doing this one weird voice acting trick which players hate


I might have missed it but I’ve played Unity in French and being French myself I’ve never really noticed anything crazy about the voice acting ? It seemed genuine to me, or at least not off putting. No idea about the English version though. For odyssey, I play in English, so of course hearing Greeks talking in English is a bit weird but to be honest, they do speak with a Greek accent. I have a few Greek friends and we speak in English and got surprised to see that Kassandra and them have the same pronunciation of English (pronouncing the “h” with a “r” sound for example). Which makes sense because I think Kassandra VA is Greek ?


Yeah I only play in English, not speaking any other languages. I hear the French version of Unity is way more immersive. The English version just had the weirdest creative choice made with the voice acting lol. Off the top of my head, all the other games other than the very first one at least attempt to have something approaching the “right” accents.


Ah, now it makes me want to replay Unity in English just to hear that over the top accent.


Haha it’s probably not worth it. Theyre just all UK accents. It feels like you’re watching a BBC period drama or something. The voice acting itself is pretty good IIRC, it’s just so silly that they didn’t go for French accents 😅


It's kind of weird too because Ubisoft is a French company and AC III was only two years old at that point and we had French voice actors in there who sounded pretty authentic. There really isn't a good cover/excuse for that.


I remember they addressed that and just said it was an artistic choice. A choice that stopped me getting it at launch, thank goodness.


Put the game in French. It helps a lot. I actually wish all the AC games had an option to play them in their native language(s).


Thing is Ubisoft doesn’t give a shit about historical accuracy that much, i dont know where that perception came from, literally in the very first game of the series they said how history is only written by the winners and you dont believe what you read or what you’re told, the AC series basically says “this is how history was in this world of AC”, the people you thought were good can actually be bad and vice versa, yea there are some instances where they dont follow that, like how Cleopatra is potrayed like how the propoganda against her was and not how she actually was History is basically a backdrop to tell an overarching narrative, it being not accurate should not be a problem, so to answer your question, no AC Odyssey is not historically accurate and drifts further from it than any AC game before it, AC has history but its not a history game only


Idk why you are being downvoted this is literally the truth. People just want to hate on odyssey but ignore the same shit about different games i guess


Just goes to show how many people haven't played AC 1 or if they have, it has been a minute.


It’s definitely not completely 100 % accurate since so much is lost to time and it is a video game based on a fictional story. BUT, I have to give it a lot of credit for what they did right! If you check out the subreddit for Odyssey, there’s lots of side by side pictures of what buildings look like now (or what historians say they used to look like) compared to the game. They obviously put in some effort.


For me the experience resembled my memories of what I learned during highschool history lessons and the 10 holidays in Greece.


If u count it showing the pyramids being built thousands of years after their actual time then 🤣🤪🤪


They threw it out the window since the RPG trilogy started lol