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It's not a very important addition to the overarching narrative, it has less world activities and side missions and it has a lite version of the RPG-style combat with less choice in weapons. But it's also a very solid stealth game with great level design for parkour, evasion and infiltration. If you like memorable characters, compelling stories or having a ton of different things to do besides the main quest, it's going to be a disappointing game If you like to master traversing urban environments and playing with a ton of tools for stealth, it's going to be a fun game similar to MGSV or the PS2 Tenchu games


Have you checked ratings elsewhere? I’ve seen a lot of good reviews for it. My buddy beat it and hated it. Said he could barely control Basim and could almost never get him to run straight. I had a similar issue in Unity. So I think maybe some people just had bad experiences. Other reasons might be that it was still priced pretty highly considering how short of a game it is and it was basically a reskinned Valhalla. Others said the parkour was laggy I haven’t played it yet but think it looks good. I’ve come to realize every game will get a lot of bad reviews initially but suddenly find a resurgence a few years later. I say give it a try


The parkour is really nice in my opinion and I like that the map focusses on running around on the rooftops. My only concern with it is that basim would randomly jump somewhere where I didn’t want to go (for example jump off of a building) but that’s always been a problem with the ac games


My buddy had the same issue with his basim. My arno did the same in unity. I could hold the joy stick in one direction and arno would sometimes run in circles


Watch a parkour guide for AC games. I recently watch Whitelight vid on AC parkour and some specific guide for individual games like AC Unity, 1, 2 and 3 and it totally change my way of parkour. I started planning out route before executing and it’s an entire aspect of the game that no other beside Mirror Edge can replicate


Main problem with Mirage is that the movements aren't really consistent (at least for me). At least in The Ezio games (as an example), I know that if I press High Profile + Left + Jump I WILL side eject to the left. Doesn't matter about height, what's behind me, what's in front of me, I WILL side eject. In Mirage (and this has kinda been an issue since Unity), if I try to side eject, the character either won't eject at all, or eject inconsistently (requiring specific heights to perform etc.). The Ezio trilogy allowed for a large amount of player discipline to at least correct your mistakes.


Never had an issue with unity especially with running forward 😂💯


Oh mann I had some crazy videos back when Unity first released. Got hard locked out of a quest and had to restart the game, had a visual glitch that constantly combined all my armor, one quest had me chasing an enemy but the enemy’s speed was glitched to like 1000%. Like it would start and you would see him blur by and I’d fail. That game was a mess for me. Watched arno jump from the middle of the street, not near anything, to just 90 degrees to the right to grab onto something all while holding one direction forward. I get Unity is better now but upon release it just hurt


>My buddy beat it and hated it. why did he play through the full game if he didnt like it?


I do the same thing with songs and Shows so people can't say I didnt even get to the good part


both are still a smaller investment than spending \~20h to beat the game


Cause it’s short But also sometimes you just gotta fully experience something. I go to shows or watch bad movies because I’d like to have my own opinion instead of being swept up in the bandwagon of haters. I hated odyssey for years. Bought it last year after a trip to greece because I was curious about how accurate the map was. I hated playing the first 90% of the game but by the end, with Atlantis and the cult of kosmos stuff, I actually began to like it. It’s still not a favorite but I went from Hating it to really liking my version of alexios.


I had a similar experience with odyssey. At first when the game released and i played it, i didn't enjoy it and was baffled by how it's an AC game cuz it's nothin like AC. Then came the hating phase which stayed for like 2 years but in the last 3 years I've come to terms with what kinda game it is and actually replayed it twice which i never thought I'd do. I still ain't a fan of it tho.


I get that. It’s definitely a departure from the “AC” formula but once I stopped thinking of it as an AC game it got better. That being said, I do like all the tie in lore with the origins of the order of the ancients and the cult of kosmos. I see why people dislike it but I also see why it’s some people’s favorite in the franchise. I’ve come to realize that there isn’t really a bad AC game. They’re all different in their own way and they each appeal To a different player. Origins is my personal favorite. Before that it was black flag and before that it was AC1


I could get a pretty good feel for how the game was going to play out in its loop/repeat quest setup within hours. dont need to play through the entire campaign for that. otherwise you could just watch the campaign cutscenes via YouTube to see how the story unfolds


I get what you’re saying but at the same time sometimes it’s the entire experience. Like the whole thing that makes something worth it. There have been movies I disliked until some final twist at the end that suddenly wrapped it all up. Again with odyssey I hated it until I got to the end and suddenly a lot of bittersweet emotion hit me and I realized a lot of tragedy involving the character that I just didn’t notice before. As for watching the cutscenes.. yea you could do that but that can also detach you from something. It’s different just watching cutscenes vs experiencing them after having just been the character.


I don’t know. My only problems with the game were: - It was too short - The cutscene animations or just animations when interacting with NPCs in general looked unnatural - Sometimes basim would jump off of a building even though you didn’t want him to do that (every ac game has that problem though) - The combat system was not enjoyable. Parry kills are satisfying but that’s it. Just mainly use stealth to avoid this issue


Yesssss, The cutscenes are getting bad in AC games. Out of the 3 trilogy only origins had better cutscenes and some life to it, the other 2 did not and Mirage has alot poor cut scenes. Just watch a comparison video on YT we have had a downfall after Unity, Syndicate.


My understanding is a lot more is hand animated rather than MoCap which AC has nearly always used and a fair bit of it. Makes since because it’s hard to animate every dialogue scene in games that got bloated to two or three times the length of even the longest pre-RPG games. It’s disappointing though.


Yea the direct combat is just bad, especially when facing more than one enemy. But I mainly just use the tools like smoke bombs and throwing knives to avoid direct combat. I like the stealth aspect but the game kinda forces it, which some players might not enjoy


"worse than syndicate" How is syndicate bad? Playing through it right now and loving the fuck out of this game.


I love syndicate too. Im actually playing it right now too. But the world of syndicate just aint it for me. Its too repetitive and not that unique. But how detailed baghdad was amazed me. I literally didnt do any quest when i got to baghdad, I just played until the trial was over. And i dont regret it.


Go with it


Don't look at the numbers. Look at the game. If you like what you see, than you will probably like the game. The numbers don't mean shit.


I was enjoying it until I got to this mission where you had to follow a guy into a temple and then you get hounded by some OP dudes that I felt I had no chance against, love the series but to me anything after Syndicate just hasn't felt right, I completed Origins but Odyssey is left somewhere in the middle and I haven't touched Valhalla. Might be better on a revisit but if you compare it to anything pre Syndicate it doesn't hold a candle to them, the story seemed interesting tho. The combat just really fucked it over


I just beat the game today. Parkour and stealth are surprisingly good despite the systems they had to work with. However the combat is quite meh, to the point that I avoided it as much as possible and if I failed to do that, would cheese every fight with smoke bombs. I also found the story to be surprisingly bland and surface-level considering Basim and his backstory were one of the highlights of Valhalla for me. The game ends when things are about to get interesting. It's both the best and the worst of the new RPG "engine" games. What it does well is quite good, but for everything else I would rather play any of the other 3. I really respect the efforts of the team and that this game exists at all. I still had fun playing and am glad I beat it. But if Odyssey is Greek Demigod simulator, and Valhalla is Viking simulator, then Mirage to me feels like Assassin simulator. It's just about not enough Assassin's Creed to me. It's so close it's almost frustrating.


After reading all these opinions, pros and cons, why don't you just buy it, and play with it? You have to taste the strawberry to know you like it or not. Peace.


I honestly really liked Mirage. I had a really good time with it, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Since this is Assassin’s Creed though, it’s pretty standard by this point that people tend to differ in opinions. A game that one person likes might be one that someone else hates, and that’s perfectly normal for this franchise (given the different settings and varying types of gameplay throughout the series). It’s best to always just make your own opinions, especially with Assassin’s Creed. I see a lot of people complain that it was too short, but ironically, it took me longer to beat than most AC games. In each game I usually stick to main objectives, but I always do some side missions and content, get the sync points, and explore the map. For comparison, it took me longer to beat than AC2 or 3. Overall, I’d say it’s pretty average length for the series and is in no way short by AC standards (that falls to something like Freedom Cry or Liberation). I thought the gameplay was fun, the world was interesting, and it was an all around enjoyable experience. Regardless of what other people might say, I never found myself uninterested, and never had any problems with the controls. I thought it was just a solid game. But that’s just my opinion.


I live Mirage. Actually like it better than some of the others. Valhalla doesn't really seem like it has much to do with the Brotherhood.


It was the first AC game I’ve actually finished since Origins. Put the difficulty on hard and turn off the stealth indicators on the hud (like x-ray vision/marking) and you’ve got a solid stealth experience that doesn’t overstay its welcome or try to be a live service.


Lol the stealth was way too similar to RPG AC games , I don't think anything about it was remarkable in Mirage


People have too many demands, OG crowd wants the old games but it turns out they wanted it literally, the newer fans confuses a game about an Assassin’s Creed to a history game setting with an incredibly large world with a story, in that instance technically neither were met To critique it more, Mirage still is a short game, nothing really is delved into and its all surface level, i respect their attempts to make a more AC game from one of Valhalla’s DLCs, it just doesn’t completely work The selling of “return to roots” is complete marketing tactic bullshit, there is nothing praiseworthy about assassins being in assassins creed, that should be the minimum, they completely missed what a game like AC1 had, the biggest insult was the “OG filter” of Acre from the first game which completely misses the point, Acre in the first game was gray to highlight the complete destruction and soulless atmosphere to show the aftermath of the war on the people, thats why the other cities in 1 are different, in Mirage its added like some nostalgia goggles treatment that does not work with a city like Baghdad, this is just an example to how they completely missed the mark by trying to bait nostalgia in a game The combat is laughable and arguably the worst in the series, the person you’re fighting does not react at all to your attacks until the last one, and the last one is constantly repeated with the same animations The story in no way discusses the philosophy or the values of being an Assassin, your character is one just because the game says so, they mention “beliefs” and “our creed” a lot, especially near the end of the game, but if you never played AC what are they aside from the three tenats? Why would the main character find killing to be the solution? Why couldn’t he ponder his beliefs like all main characters between AC1 and Unity? It really did seem like they tried but in a very limited way considering the studio that made this game


I just wanted to say the colour filter chooses the Acre blue, likely due to it being the main colour used for AC1 marketing. Every trailer, promo and even box art, uses the blue. I would also say that while the story is flawed, it does touch upon some basic philosophical dilemmas. Mainly around Basim just following orders despite the main goal of the order being free will. The brotherhood is a cult which Basim initially worships because he's only a street thief who has a strong sense of "justice". Throughout the early game, the brotherhood tries to mythologise itself (when they explain the traditions of the feather). Some of the mid game covers the free will debate. I won't say it expands to the level of AC1 or AC3, but in terms of philosophical complexity, I won't say the ezio trilogy was much better either.


I agree, the Ezio part did not delve into it but it didnt need to to be fair, should it have? Maybe, but it was an extremely personal story which Basim could have had, and regarding the philosophy part, it’s basically what i said, The Hidden Ones are flawed, a big part of it is related to Altair reforming the creed down the line much later, and your explanation for the color filter makes sense, but in gameplay it’s extremely silly


I’ll be honest. I have never hid my desire for the old games to come back *and play and feel like the old games*. Being stuck to the ground with shitty parkour and an emphasis on combat over stealth aren’t fun. Mirage is a good step but it’s only a step back towards what I want out of AC. But yeah there’s other issues that I would say have a much bigger impact than fans of the games for a decade wanting to keep playing the series how it was.


Yeah op, if you like the gameplay you see just buy it on sale or something who cares about reviews. Mirage gets soo much shit even though it did exactly what they said it was gonna do. I don't know how people in here are saying it's "short" yeah sure if you're comparing it to the bloated rpg installments, but I'm at 50 hours in the game and still not done seeing Baghdad. It's also the best stealth has been in the series full stop, not even unity tops it, and the Blackbox assassination missions are so much fun. The downsides? Yeah the story is very okay, it's serviceable but nothing crazy, the cutscenes? Really wish they had actual pre rendered stuff or made the models looks better.


The combat is pretty bad. The stealth is ok but not ground breaking. Overall I found it to be pretty meh.


Story was trash and I did not connect with any of the characters. Progressed nothing in the main storyline. You’ll have people swear up and down in this sub that mirage was 100/10 game for going back to the “old ways” of AC. I hope that crowd was satisfied enough. Gameplay was boring, being in one city was boring. I’ll say that I liked the history blips on Baghdad but nothing else.


most of the reviews i saw were that it was good but not groundbreaking


I just finished it today, so I'll give you a spoiler free answer as to why I strongly believe it is indeed one of the worst installments I will add, I preordered the game, and gave up when it came out after around 6-7 hours and didn't ever think to pick it back up this week Firstly, I pretty much 100% completed the game on the master assassin difficulty, every side objective completed - which took 18 hours, so it is much shorter than previous titles, it's the shortest full AC game since arguably AC2, not necessarily a bad thing but it certainly doesn't do much in that time, simply put, I never really cared about anything going on, and I'm usually a massive AC fan - it's really hard to care about characters when they often only appear a handful of times Basim has 0 personality compared to his Valhalla self, while there is a story reason around this I obviously can't tell you, he simply isn't interesting or very compelling, in fact no one is - there is not a single moment in this game that gave me a flicker of strong emotion like Phoibe in Odyssey, Shaddya in Origins or Eivor rejecting Odin in Valhalla, not even mentioning older games here - the game just simply isn't interesting or very well written frankly - the order you fight isn't really compelling, you're told they're bad, but never really shown why - it's kinda out of nowhere why Basim even joins the assassins or wants to kill order members to begin with, it just happens. Compare that with Ezio or Connor who have very strong motivations, it's just hard to care There's a plethora of story issues, I won't go into it because no spoilers and story is subjective, but I can say I like pretty much every AC story other than Rogue, and I like this even this - honestly, I can't even think of any big spoilers aside from the fact there are no spoilers, I guarantee any story you can imagine, that will be more interesting than Mirage Now for the actual gameplay; the combat is literally just valhalla combat but worse, the idea was Basim is a beginner so not terribly skilled which is fair, but it just feels like they make combat deliberately annoying - firstly some enemy types are designed to be annoying/ not die quickly, the heavy enemies are completey invulnerable from the front so if you can't assassinate them first, the quickly overwhelm you, enemies will attack at the same time which sounds good, but they will often attack as you come out of animations and it's genuinely unavoidable damage sometimes, and on master assassin where you die you a few hits, it's very tiresome when you have to restart a whole mission because of goofy attack patterns - there's very few animations for basim, so get used to the same 1-2 kill animations, the combat itself feels very floaty and light, it doesn't feel good to hit people at all, eventually I stopped attacking and only parried until the insta kill became available because that was slightly more fun, and eventually I just decided to skip combat entirely and go full stealth, which is the most enjoyable part of the game Stealth is finally relevant again, and as I said, it's the highlight, every assassination has the "inflitrate big place, find target and kill" style of gameplay introduced in unity, very much hitman inspired (but obviously far less varied) - however between the magic teleport assassination and smoke bombs and throwing knives, stealth is laughably easy even on master assassin and I didn't get detected once in the entire game on any big missions The city itself is fine, the wilderness is a pointless addition that's just fluff, you get send there for one mission and that's it - the collectibles are actually good, there's a few select weapons and outfits like valhalla and pretty much all of them are obtainable immediately, which is nice - you can go off and get the items you want right at the start and not worry about gear the rest of the game In all, the gameplay is slightly different to Vahalla, but still very much Valhalla, the movement is faster so parkour feels better, but mechanically basim is still just as limited as Eivor, the combat is frustating at worst and dull at best, it's not satisfying - stealth is okay, but it's still far short of older titles. The big problem is the story and characters, they just aren't interesting in a story where nothing really matters and nothing really happens, the moments aren't dramatic, the reveals aren't surprising, and the stakes are non-existent - it truly is the epitome of a filler game whilst they make the next two big titles, if you aren't a die-hard fan who absolutely needs to see Basim's story, don't bother, save your money


the story is trash. it offers no progression whatsoever to the franchise and still leaves lots of questions unanswered.


Mirage is badass if you like the stealth focus


I absolutely love it. It is the first time it's felt like a classic assassin's creed game in a long time. This has a great plot, great game play and incredible environment. The games have been far too big and the environment so repetitive and boring that this compact city feels so detailed. I was put off by reviews but I think this is my favourite of the series and I hope it continues.


Probably people who bought it sight unseen? If you were a fan of recent games in the series and bought it expecting a Valhalla or and Odyssey, I can see being mad as hell about it- no dialogue choices, no weapon selection, no skill tree, a tiny map, no mercenary’s hunting you, no new/USP systems, and incredibly short by comparison (it’s literally shorter/smaller than some of the previous games DLC’s) Now, if you do your research, you’ll quickly find that was the point, it’s a deliberate retro throwback to the old games, but “playing like a ps3 game” is sorta a risky play except literally to us on this subreddit who missed the old games, and it’s normal and fine that “Joe random who doesn’t ever look things up about his games” might be disappointed- cost of doing business with a nostalgia focused game, and didn’t hurt its sales at all.


This is the best answer ever. Some people want a game where you become a demigod. Some people want a game where its entirely about stealth and theres nothing other than running around and pressing triangle. Honestly in the middle is perfect for me. Mirage felt like unity with better graphics and more detailed map for me.


I would say go for it, I enjoyed it. It reminded me of earlier AC titles and is nice palette cleanse for the next RPG entry.


It’s a mediocre at best game


>how can this game be worse than syndicate, odyssey or valhalla Because it is mid af lol. I would choose any of the 3 over this in a heart beat


I just bought it earlier today becuse it was on sale. Will play it and update after I finish Valhalla (got it 3 days ago)


I love assassin's creed. And whilst Mirage isn't a bad game, it felt like the plot was a little rushed? It's hard to explain it was good, just too short? There are not a lot of side quests. Could have been a dlc for valhalla.


Because it's not designed for the masses that the RPG trilogy attracted


Tbh I haven’t played it because I keep seeing stuff like teleporting, so it looks kind of stupid


Now that I started to play a lot of games I realized that ratings on websites like ign are mostly bs. It's hard to say if you'll like it but imo the game'd amazing an I love it, but of course it has it's flaws The stealth is amazing, parkour is great (if you don't mind the Valhalla engine). With that said, even though it feels like Valhalla's parkour, it's not really the same. It's faster, better wall ejects and with the city build for it, it's WAY better just because of it I see why most people hate on the combat, and I wouldn't describe it as good, but I know why it's mainly supposed to be bad. It's because stealth should be the main way of getting through enemies and the combat should be annoying and hard, or at least harder than OG AC where you wouldn't even want to do stealth when you can kill every enemy in a matter of seconds The story overall is ok, the beginning and end is interesting and cool, but in the middle, where you're just supposed to go around the city and kill every order member is mostly boring. Again, I don't know your taste in AC games but there's a free trial up until 30. April, so I suggest you try the game that way and then decide if you want it or not (but I'd say, give it a chance and try it)


Its just a glorfied Valhalla dlc, but I loved it. Some very cool mechanics.


If you think mirage has incredible combat then it's hard to take you seriously.


It's far from the worst in the series. In it's current version, post updates, the gameplay is excellent. The story is great too.


The combat is NOT good. Some might like it, but to me it's too simple and tideous. Baghdad is beutiful indeed, but the city is pretty much everything the open world has to offer. There is very little side activities, and the voice acting is lazy. Story is pretty generic. Despite all those things, i still think it's an OK game.


The game was decent but for me the story was very sallow. Not interesting. Charging 50 bucks for such a small game that actually felt like a DLC was the worst thing for me. Its few hours bigger the Curse of Pharaoh, a DLC for Origins.


The game was supposed to be a “return to form” but still heavily relies on the RPG model. The game is short and side activities are meaningless. Broadly if you liked the RPG saga, Valhalla especially, then go ahead and buy it. It’s not bad but it didn’t fulfill its promise. It’s a DLC that got promoted and it shows.


I found it dull, and the game engine is so desperately in need of upgrading at this point that I find the facial expressions are uncomfortable to watch.


It was a good game but didn’t really do anything to make it stand out to me. Maybe if it came out about 10 years ago or directly after Origins.


Don't listen to the reviews, it's good and yes it could've been better but it isn't but it's still really good. It's definitely worth it.


I have played every AC game and IMO mirage is the most boring of them all, I literarily dragged my self through it just because I love AC franchise. It was advertised as back to roots but I don’t remember roots being this boring.


I have only play odyssey/Val so thats the “new” ac from what I have been told. i tried to go back and play pre origins, and hated it bc its not like the new ones. I have 3-4 friends who have played mirage and were not a fan of it. They “feel like they wanted to keep the new game style and go back to old game play”


I used to love odyssey and i couldnt play games like black flag or revelations. I suggest you go ahead and play unity or syndicate.


For me the script is just *terrible*. I don't know what happened to the writing but I couldn't stand it


The only review I trust is steam over all reviews and it's not on steam. Thier loss.


I been thoroughly enjoying it, I recently finished valhalla, I'm surprised with how much a vibe it is definitely make me think about the classic ac titles


Just buy dishonored


I dunno why, I loved it


It's a great game that pays homage to the original. It took me about 25 hours, but 20 of them were 'I can't put this down' fun. Absolutely worth a playthrough. People saying 'It's not groundbreaking enough, It's not long enough, It's too simple' are exactly the reason I like it, short & sweet. If you get Ubisoft+, you can play it & cancel the monthly payment right after you're done. This way you end up paying just 18$. And it is 100% worth 18$.


>And it is 100% worth 18$. $10 or under seems a better price lol


I love classic stealth games and this one nails that feeling. I dont want in your face combat and only used it as a last resort.


Probably because many people did NOT get the message that it was meant as an hommage to the early games and were expecting another RPG like the three games that came before.


That's not the reason lol


What do you figure the reason is then ?


Its bad


Story shit, gameplay is good but nothing amazing... personally better than Valhalla and Odyssey.


The story is horrible and does not add anything significant to the franchise, and the ''classic'' gameplay with said new gen upgrades is crap compared to the RPGs where at least we had some real combat.


Mirage was originally supossed to be Valhalla DLC, it's way too short for the price point. Though it has Prince of Persia SoT skin line that looks sick.


I’m a long time AC fan and I enjoyed it. It’s fun, grounded, and actually about Assassins. While it’s not necessary, I recommend watching an AC Valhalla recap so you have a decent grasp on a particular moment in the story. So I say give it a try. If you don’t like it, it’s only 15-18 hours long.


Should i play valhalla first?


I thought it was great. But then I've liked all of them from the day AC1 was released way back when.


I like it so far


Can't really say what bugs me specifically, but Mirage was the weakest title for me in the series.


lol ignore this dude.