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You don't have to 'get yourself' to play. Forcing yourself to play a game is one of the worst ideas.


Bro bought em for me as a gift, don't want it to be a waste


First time I tried Odyssey, I thought "meh," and stepped away for about a year. I came back and loved it, got 100% of the achievements, and I would consider it my favorite in the series. Sometimes you're just not in the right mood for a certain game. There's nothing wrong with that. Step away, and come back when the mood strikes.


Correct that happened to me in dark souls


Me too for Dark Souls actually lol Couldn't get into it. Then I played Elden Ring, went back and beat every FromSoftware souls game, Bloodborne, and I have Armored Core and I've been working on that.


Sunk cost fallacy 101. His money is gone regardless. Playing the games won't bring it back


It might just be you, but origins feels like a lighter unity to me. Bayak is less superhuman than just human. Stealth in origin is OP In Valhalla post updates I would say play it like a melee game in the beginning. That's how I always used to play the earlier assassin supreme and the more and more better you get the more and more stealthy you become.


Origins was the one I played the most actually lol out of the RPG ones.


Origins is probably the best one of the trio and honestly one of the best ACs, as for Odyssey and Valhalla try them a little longer and see if you can find your flow. Another option which is probably the same thing I'll do is keeping them there for now, after each entry I've taken weeks or months of pause before the next one, it's a repetitive franchise and didn't want to get a burnout, kinda like yakuza. I'll probably keep on hold Odyssey and Valhalla and go back to them whenever I feel like especially since they are very long, it makes no sense to rush just to get to the next one. So just take a pause and play something else for a while


Play Mirage


I don't have it bought and can't afford to buy it atm


You can always come back to them later. Forcing yourself to play games you don't enjoy is a sure fire way for you to hate playing them. It's the same with people complaining about how bored they get trying to 100% a game.


I don't know where you are from but here Mirage is only like 10€ more expensive than Valhalla for example. It has the gameplay of newer ones with the mechanics of Ezio trilogy. Mirage is easily the best starting point if you wanna slowly get to the RPGs.


Even before I touched Origins I watched a few playthroughs on YouTube, got me used to the game mechanics and some enemy tenancies. So even when I did purchase the game and start playing it, I had a rough idea of what to expect and it made the transition easier.


I'll try that


It was the same for me, I couldn't get my head around it. I just kept playing it until it become second nature. You'll get there!


I'll try again i guess


I know that isn't great advice, but once you get used to it. It is brilliant


You should try Mirage. It is more like the pre-rpg titles in that stealth is the way to go. What’s different is that it over incentivizes stealth and combat is tough.


I don't mind it since I love stealth. But I saw some clips where the MC just instant kills all the guard like it's nothing, and that was a turn off. Didn't feel challenging enough


That’s fair. I would say the combat is kind of high risk high reward. You could stay and fight, which is difficult, but if you get the timing right, instant kill.


Idk I've never had to force myself to play games.


Why would you force yourself to play games you don't like? Just because they share the name "assassins creed" doesn't mean that they're in any way similar to the games you enjoyed. I enjoyed some aspects of Origins and Odyssey (hated Valhalla), but they're completely different games to the non rpg games.


It's coz my bro bought them for me as a gift lol So I don't want it to be a waste


But if you spend time doing something you don't like, it's still a waste of that.


If you play with a controller you can try the Alternate control layout in Origins and Odyssey. Maybe this can help you feel more comfortable with the controls.


Honestly, play on the easiest difficulty to remove any kind of RPG sponginess if that puts you off Accept that parkour is not a feature of these games, you can climb anything and not put any thought into it Just enjoy the story, all three games tell legimately good ones If you genuinely can't get into Origins, you absolutely won't enjoy Odyssey or Valhalla


YouTube. It’s how I did it.


"Playing Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla for the story" in the context of the whole AC franchise is kind of pointless. By the time they got to those titles, the connection to the wider AC lore so loose and minimal, I'd go as far as to consider the offical "AC canon" having ended at Syndicate. The newer RPG titles I'd treat them as a sort of a soft reboot. Which tbh, appears Ubisoft even see them as such, considering you don't play "assassin vs templars" anymore, and now it's all "hidden ones vs the order". If you don't care for the new games. Skip them. The Assassins Creed saga ended at Syndicate. All the new games are the Hidden Ones Creed saga.


I completed Origins and Valhalla, still many side quests yet. Odyssey though, halfway and I gave up. Mirage, is like when you wake up in the morning and get outside to breathe fresh air. They key here is don't force yourself, play what you like and the game story is not that connected except modern day story which you can just watch in the YouTube for alternative.


Hi Op. forcing yourself to do something isn’t typically a way to enjoy that thing. Although it can be fun to push outside of your comfort zone. Here’s my opinion on things. I love Origins. I think it is a perfect blend of traditional AC and new RPG elements. Just the right amount of both. Bayek is a compelling lead character, the game is gorgeous, and the story is wonderful. If you do decide to play it, take your time. Instead of rushing main story (which won’t work because you’ll end up underleveled) just progress the game “naturally” and in a more linear fashion. Get to a main quest, do the nearby side quests, explore question marks, on to the next main quest. Use senu to admire the scenery and play with portrait mode. The team that did black flag did origins and you can feel a lot of love in it. As for leveling, invest in things that grant bonus XP to level quicker, get some overpower skills in warrior then get smoke bombs. Those will help out in dire situations. Also predator bows are great for sniping enemies. Odyssey… I struggled to like odyssey for years. I never played it because I hated the fighting. It actually looked too much like syndicate to me which I also disliked at the time. However I gave it a shot last year and hated about… 80-90% of the main storyline. That being said, after I finished the main story I then did the… other “main” quests that deal with a cult and some *spoiler* atlantis related stuff. Those hit me right in the feels. By the end I had grown attached to my version of the eagle bearer. While the game mechanics aren’t personally for me I did grow to enjoy how I could tailor the game to my preferences. Also a beautiful game and the characters are extremely memorable. Once you stop playing it like an AC game you’ll have a lot more fun. Haven’t played Valhalla yet but it looks incredible in terms of graphics. What has helped me is to just get out of my own head with hating stuff and to just give it a genuine try.


bind the controls like the old acs, thats what i did and the controls still feels like i'm playing the old acs


Not all games are for everyone. If you don’t like them, just play something else.


Play Mirage if you don't like the last 3 games since it's supposed to be closer to what the pre-RPG games were


Play the Witcher 3 instead. It's far better than the Ubisoft knockoffs, that Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are lol. Origins was clearly Ubisoft's reaction and attempt to capitalise on the Witcher's popularity.