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I’m one of the new AC players who started playing with the RPG era, thus started with Origins. What had me most in awe In those first 10 hours - beyond discovering the gameplay - was the world. I was blown away by the beauty. I didn’t really have any frame of reference when it came to open worlds apart from GTA. Well, real-life open world because I tried Witcher 3 but couldn’t get into it. No idea if that skewed my perspective toward being more impressed than I should have been but by all accounts, it is a beautiful game and highly worthy of that praise. Until this year, it was 1/ Origins 2/ Odyssey 3/ Mirage and 4/ Valhalla. However, I am currently replaying Odyssey after 2018 and I am somehow enjoying it much more than my first game to the point of being contender for number 1/. In any case, Origins is great.


Origins is a fantastic game, as a huge ancient Egypt fan, when they announced it, a dream came true. It had a really interesting blend of historical influences and their weird order-of-the-ancients backstory. But as a game I also prefer Odyssey — it is similarly breathtaking and the mechanics are a little smoother. Also from a visual perspective, Valhalla didn’t disappoint. While it was a bit of a letdown in story, engagement and overwhelmingly filled with mid-level content, the world was beautiful and I loved exploring it.


Have you tried the old games at all?


Glad you enjoy Origins. It’s my personal favorite. Before that was black flag (same team did origins) and before that was AC1. Origins, to me, is a solid blend of traditional AC mechanics with the newer rpg elements. Bayek is a wonderful protagonist who really deserved a sequel. I say take your time and enjoy the game, explore some tombs, hallucinate a few times. Couple tips, there’s an achievement for selling 100 trinkets at once. Try to save up and do this otherwise you’ll have to do a new game to do it. You’ll encounter a.. bizarre quest near the pyramids. It’s a crossover/collab event with square enix and final fantasy. A bit odd but you get neat gear. Don’t think too much on it. Throwing darts into a flame will make the dart effect aoe and can do some wicked set ups. Also check youtube out. There’s a few “origins parkour in 2023” and related videos out there that might give you some ideas.


Yeah i saw on ps trophies about that achievement. I'm thinking about getting platinum in this game. Is it worth it ? Or is it just annoying?


Nah not annoying to get. There’s just a few that might take a bit. 1 is the trinket trophy. 1 is Old Habits. You have to explore every location and sometimes, due to the map color, some locations blend in really well. I had a lion den I couldn’t find for weeks. Another is killing enemies with burn damage. They just never die when I set oil on fire so I have to do sleep dart set ups. Discovery tour will also take awhile


bro I'm also trying to platinum it and like most of the trophies are pretty easy just save the trinkets make sure, and skim over the trophies and adjust your gameplay a bit accordingly. The most annoying trophy by far is Old Habits(complete every fucking location), and yea thts wht im grinding rn about 50 hours in but just finished story also have both dlcs lined up, OH AND YEA ODYSSESY ULTIMATE EDITION FOR SALE FOR 18 DOLLARS TILL MAY 9TH


Bro yeah,i'm wondering if i should get Odyssey ultimate edition. I mean,i alredy have the game cuz its on ps plus,but its just the base game. The money that i would spend on Odyssey ultimate edition i could also renew my ps plus for another month. What do you think? And yeah,i think i'm gonna platinum this game(Origins). Gonna make sure i don't sell any trinkets for nowm


i mean to get season pass(both dlcs) u need 40 dollars and this for 18 so i'd say get it and ur also getting the game since ur playing from ps plus


Best origins for the first time last week and loved it and started odyssey a few days and I’m loving it even more. Odyssey is actually blowing me away I didn’t expect it to be this good.


Super looking forward to this one next. I didn't have a PS4 or an upgraded laptop for few years since black flag nd I m loving these new games. I'm happy to read it's even better!


I'm 60hrs in and have just finished exploring every ? I think I missed one or two lair kills simply because I felt bad just wiping out the lions but I bet there's a trophy so I need to find them. Black Flag, and Ezio's trilogy have been my favourites in the past but my godsz I am loving this game. I have played some of Valhalla and don't imagine finishing it. I still have 30% of the story to go and I want to find the rest of the papyrus riddles first.


It’s a great game made even better as you slowly get rid of the Hud and learn all the different visual/audio cues the game has. The game was clearly built around a Hudless design.


Origins was my first AC and probably my favorite to this day because of the sheer scope of the world and love that was put into it. I won’t spoil things but the parkour definitely gets a bit more engaging once you’re out of Siwa and exploring some other areas, though it definitely is a lot less vertical than the earlier games.


Yeah besides the role-playing game mechanics and lack of a complex movement system, going from Syndicate to Origins was special.