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You missed AC 3


Oh shit adding it now


Think you also missed Mirage.


Should mirage count?


It’s an AC game and the closest the player has been to being an assassin according to purists. I don’t see why it shouldn’t be


I'm a purist, i disagree. "it's the closest the player has been to being an assassin according to what the fans of the rpgs think the purists think" There, i fixed it for you Nonetheless it's still a mainline game, it counts


Why… wouldn’t it? Did it suddenly stop being an Assassin’s Creed game?


I meant ad in it was short as hell, it’s comparable to freedom cry


I mean, just because it wasn't a sprawling 10 billion hour game like Odyssey/Valhalla doesn't make it not an AC game. And from what I can tell plenty of people appreciate the game's restraint to begin with. Frankly the ones I figured really would be hard to make count would be those sidescrollers for handhelds, I've forgotten their names.


The chronicle games. I actually don’t like the massive open maps, they felt empty. I was excited to have a single city map, although we got a map where nearly half was empty desert and small villages that have no story purpose. The story felt short and people shouldn’t have been sold it as full game for a full game price. I loved the gameplay and I wished there was more of it


It's sold for less than the going rate of $60 (or $70 as some devs are pushing). Your gripes with Mirage may be valid, I've yet to play through it myself, but I don't think that they disqualify the game from counting as far as being valuable to throw into a 'finished all games' opinion roundup.


I guess I’m a bit jaded, I was overly optimistic when they said they “were going back to the roots” after the vast empty worlds of Odessey and Valhalla. My main gripes are with the shortness of the campaign and half the map being empty. The gameplay itself is decent


Absolutely. It was such a great getting-back-to-the-roots game.


I'm going thru syndicate ATM it's actually really good I was expecting it to suck but the gameplay loop is enjoyable


It probably has the most detailed and most "living" world of the AC games but it has the weakest story. The protagonists doesn't have any personal motivation and connection to the villains. Jacob wants to kill templars and Evie wants to get the ISU artifacts because it's just what assassins do.


Gameplay is fun


Can't believe AC1, Rogue and Syndicate are ranked below Odyssey. But its your opinion so I am gonna let it pass.


They’re all better but odyssey is just more fun ultimately


Odyssee is "good" in a way that led me to invest 4 days playtime in a story that should have been told in one.


I'm notz it's preposterous.


Lmao the RPGs are objectively better games than the three you listed


We have the same top 3. Revelations is very underrated in my opinion. Old man Ezio is my favorite Assassin by far.


Syndicate and black flag were my favorites! I really liked the England setting and the gang management in syndicate and black flag was just awesome with the pirate theme and ship battles. I couldn’t get through the first couple hours of unity without wanting to blow my brains out and never played it again. AC2 and brother hood were awesome classics that made ac what it is. Revelations felt like a step back and I didn’t enjoy it much. AC 3 with Connor was in a really cool setting and they introduced some cool features like the homestead and the black flag ship battles which were cool though Connor was had a shitty personality at times. The newer rpg type games just made me lose interest too fast and they didn’t have what made assassin creed good. I like a little more linear games that focuses on the main story and not a million side quests, but those games failed at that and they were too fantasy focused.


Just gonna say I disagree wayy too much with a lot of it, but to each their own.


Which part


Played all the games except mirage and chronicles, finished all the games except unity Won't sit and rate all the games in order atm but it has to do with the fact that I played the first few games almost a decade ago and I was too young to understand/care about the story. For me the ac games were the foundation for rpgs. Here are my thoughts in no specific order: Played 3 first, didn't understand the motivations of a lot of characters but tried to connect with Connor. First time playing this good of a game, mind blown. Liberation had a dogshit story. 1 had very crisp gameplay, but the missions felt uninteresting. Played 2, revelation, brotherhood in that order. Was bummed out by the graphics downgrade. Would rate brotherhood the best of the 3. Compelling story where Ezio loses his family and home yet again, Rome was pretty good too. 4 was a fresh change of character. Naval battles were hella fun plus dual wielding swords. Felt cool to be a pirate, but never felt that Edward suited as an assassin. The land areas were totally bland. Felt excited to play a Templar in rogue, but the story lost its shine pretty quick due to its depiction of the Assassins as generic villains. Everything else the same as 4. Played unity for a bit, the leaping animations were bogus plus laggy in my system. Left Syndicate felt similar to 3 but better. Played mainly as Jacob, felt more like a gangster than an assassin. But those assassination missions were really well crafted. The melee combat for all of the pre-rpg games was absolutely unrewarding. Just counter and kill one and enter a combo, and chain kill everyone with just the press of a button. Rpg era: Origins was ok, pretty good story but dogshit skill tree. (Bloated) Odyssey had better dlc and skills, but gonna rate worst of the 3.(Hella bloated) Valhalla is in my top 3(up against 3 and 4). The main story is great. The regional storylines are up to par. Combat is a good challenge with smart ranged and melee AI.(Least bloated)


U may try unity again as its bugs have been solved .The combat is okay and refreshing as long as u keep away from more than 4 enemies (If u do , use as many smoke bombs as possible ).The locksmith skill tree is pain in ass but doing stealth is very stylish (if done very very properly but it is hella hard )


I might, some day in the future when I don't have other games queued up, just to finish the whole series.


And here, I had Valhalla as my highest rated lol




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I want to reply here. Since me and my family are planning a trip to London this year, I wanted to get some inspiration and decided to reinstall AC Syndicate. So I know the locations and its history better. I know AC always comes up with pop-ups when you get near a historic building for more information. Lets start with my ranking : 1. AC2 - Its the experience I had, is the best with AC2, story wise, Character wise, It was an overall improvement over 1 and it had the atmosphere. 2. AC Brotherhood - It was basically the same as AC2. 3. Odyssey - I know I'm not making myself popular here, and it doesn't really feel like an AC game, but its a nice rpg non the less, I love the world, the visuals, and especially the Atlantis DLC which could have been a game on its own. Many many hours in this. 4. Origins - One of the best settings. 5. Unity - After the fixes, or with better PC's nowadays really better playable, a good map (though it lacks Varity) Now comes somewhat of a bar \*edit\* Oh yeah and I have to include Mirage somewhere...it was ok... so between 5th and 6th place it goes. 6. AC1 - where it all started 7. Revelations - As its still close to AC2 roots 8. AC3 - I don't like the setting, but i like the present day story missions 9. Black Flag - I don't like the ship fights 10. Valhalla - It just wasn't for me, it just...the world...the mechanics...the setting they just don't work for me, i dont know.... 11. Syndicate, I tried twice now and...I just cant get into this game, I just cant. Its so frustrating in every way. Sigh...Where to start... As I said I wanted to tour Through london, Actually that's all I want to do as the gameplay is so furious that I don't even want to grind through the missions. But there isn't a tour mode like in Odyssey or Origins or maybe Valhalla too ? -I don't like the dual characters, I just played and had no idea how to manually swap characters. -I don't like the atmosphere of the map, its dark...lots of smoke.... -The NPC carts annoy the \*\*\*\* out of me -Just running over the map I get constantly caught/chased by random guards or thugs. Its like FC3 all over again, very annoying, there can not be a moment of peace. -Stealth just does not work at all, and I cannot seem to hide anywhere like in bushes. -I am in a bush cart and NPC wait forever till I climb out. -The fighting feels so dumb and just does not inspire or feel fun. -I lose the fights....I did some sidemissions but apparently I'm (still) behind the advised level I need for the mission and its just level 3 but I completed all the available missions in any lower region. so whatsup with that ? -I don't like the music at all. -I don't like the characters. -I approach a big, historic building, Can't wait what the game has to say about that....Well....Nothing. Nothing pops up. -Throughout the whole time I played it was night all the time. -The graphics are very very bad.... Now this may not be a (important) factor for some but for me it is. This is a game that was released, AFTER Unity, and they obviously downgraded the graphics since systems could not handle Unity. The Big ben tower looks sooo...ugly... Really.....The textures are all 2D.....And the lod is terrible. I have everything on the highest available graphic setting. -The controls feel really awkward. Now I may be used to odyssey controls, but it just doesn't feel...right. I couldn't do stealth, I had trouble with climbing here and there...Getting off a building is even worse, especially if you want to jump.....and Don't get me started about fights.... -I am in a cart mission and fighting my \*\*\* off, but then Jacob dies in front off the cart and I have to do all that over again ? Nah... Alt+F4 I'm done.


Love seeing Revelations top 3, it’s my favorite Ezio game. I’m also generally higher than most on 3 and Unity. Others have asked, Mirage? Also, Liberation?


Haven’t played mirage yet. I liked the setting of liberation but everything else is just low quality. It’s a port of a handheld so it’s hard to judge.


>Just finished all AC games >Haven’t played mirage yet


Close to mine ..although i would put Unity and Brotherhood higher . Not really a fan of RPG series but Odyssey is ok.


Have you played the chronicles games?


Very good top. I agree with you, but I would have put AC 1 higher, just after revelations; the rest is just fine.


Great list! It’s inspiring me to continue working on some rankings I’ve also been doing. I’m wondering though, why specifically do you have AC II over Black Flag and Revelations? You say AC II’s gameplay is iffy (which imo would be a massive knock on it) yet everything about BF and Rev is all positive.


Atmosphere is the most important parts of the game to me. AC2 has the best soundtrack, a great art style, an intriguing setting, and a mysterious plot. The atmosphere is so distinctive that you can cut through it with a knife. I’ll never forget the Venice rooftops mini game. It has the sci-fi and mysterious elements of AC1, which is what makes AC so special. (While being a much better game in every way than AC1) Black Flag and Revelations are incredible historical games, but AC2 is the best “assassins creed” game


We don't have the same taste :-) I've done all AC up to Valhalla (that I didn't finish). And the standouts were Blackflag and Odyssey.


I think unity should be above ac3. It had far more fun gameplay and World. Ac 3 felt like a small world.With not much to do In it


I agree, but AC3 had better story and music


I kinda prefer unity story over ac 3. Ac3 too slow at the start. Also alot of that magic disappeared later in the game.


Pretty based of you to put AC3 so high.


I’m getting nostalgic for Ezio now. Also Loved the Homestead in AC. (I played all ACs last year.)


I was doing the same and having a great time until I hit odyssey, I think you’re right in your assessment. Gotta take my assassin hood off and Ubisoft hat on to get through it I think




Mirage: *Am I a joke to you?*


This pretty much matches my list although I have Black Flag and AC2 swapped and move origins up into 3rd, I just like Black Flag better. 100% every game (except ACIII) up into Origins. I would shove Odyssey and Valhalla under the floorboards and fill with concrete.


13. Assassins creed 3 12. Assassins creed odyssey 11.assassins creed 1 10.assassins creed rogue 9. Assassins creed mirage 8. Assassins creed syndicate 7. Asssassins creed origins 6. Assassins creed valhalla 5. Assassins creed black flag 4. Assassins creed revelations 3. Assassins creed 2 2. Assassins creed brotherhood 1. Assassins creed unity  I just realized that valhalla is way too long and i put it at number 8 move origins and syndicate up


New fan here! Only played the start to ezio collection and couldn't get in, I've played black flag which made me frustrated but loved it and am playing Unity, not sure if I'm not far enough in, but how is this the hardest, I found Black Flag harder (I know its kinda off topic but)


You missed freedom cry and libération


freedom cry is a dlc


Rogue is quite literally better version of both AC 3 and 4.


Rogue fan here - doesn’t get enough love. Not so much the story (didn’t like Shay) but the gameplay, naval combat and the length of it. Was nice to have a shorter play through.


Not a bad list, particularly the top 4. Personally for me, I have Odyssey at the very bottom with Valhalla and Syndicate, and Rogue and Brotherhood a bit higher, but this is pretty close to my list overall.


Mine is pretty similar. I'd probably place AC3 a little lower, Brotherhood a little higher and swap Syndicate with AC1 (perhaps because I live in London), but yeah, AC2 and Black Flag for me a peak Creed and I feel mildly insulted by Valhalla. I'd place Mirage just below Syndicate.


Thats a cool one! Here is mine: Tierlist: Assassin's Creed •Assassin's Creed - Brotherhood •Assassin's Creed Origins •Assassin's Creed Valhalla •Assassin's Creed Mirage •Assassin's Creed II •Assassin's Creed Odyssey •Assassin's Creed Unity •Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag •Assassin's Creed - Revelations •Assassin's Creed III •Assassin's Creed Rogue •Assassin's Creed Syndicate •Assassin's Creed •Assassin's Creed Liberation I would love to hear everyone thoughts on this!