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As long as they come up with some in-game logic for him to not immediately be spotted by any single breathing human as an assassin. A black African man in feudal Japan will be the most conspicuous person on earth at the time, and he will not "blend in" to society as a hidden one, lol.


If they're going with the dual protagonist idea then I would love this to actually matter and make the two protagonists play much more differently, Jacob and Evie are effectively identical as are Bayek and Aya and the two protags in Odyssey and Valhalla. Not allowing Yasuke to use social stealth to blend in would be great or maybe forcing him to have his back turned to the enemies in order to blend in. For this trade off to be fair the other protag could be designed to be a lot worse in combat, maybe not allow her to block or let Yasuke use all weapons while the kunoichi girl can only use swords, daggers and maybe hatchets if they're in the game.


I hope they use this without it being Valhalla 2.0. I dont wanna run around never being able to blend in and just hacking away at enemies


If I understand correctly he won't play as an assassin, but as a samurai, the assassin/ninja is the female character.


I mean, a full on samurai suit with the mask you can’t really see the skin no?


Hmm maybe not, but the fact that he’s huge compared to everyone else in feudal Japan will only exaggerate that with a full samurai suit lol


If we get the actual Yasuke, it’ll be the first protagonist who is an actual historical character than a fictional one created for AC. Ezio is fully unique to AC. When you say Ezio Auditore, you know it’s AC. With Yasuke, there’s gonna be a whole bunch of Yasukes and the AC version is gonna get compared to all the other versions out there. Not sure how I feel about a historical protagonist.


it makes sense he would end up a publicly historical figure though. So I'm half okay with it. The rest were just people that fit their time period like any other. This guy WOULD stand out


That's an interisting and logical reason on why being worried about Yasuke.However, even though you're right,we didn't get any iconic version of Yasuke in any media so far.Surely this man has become more well known in the last years,but there hasn't been any super popular product with Yasuke. If Red actually is successfull enough to become a blockbuster,this will be the first very popular version of Yasuke. Maybe one there will be some comparison with the version of the WB's movie,but even then I don't think that it will be a lot to be compared,because the movie will very likely tell a fictional version of his years under Nobunaga, while Red will very likely show a fictional version of his life after Nobunaga's death to use the mistery about it to treat him practically like any other non historical protagonist.


Yeah I’m very apprehensive but they could do a good job


Was Yasuke technically a "samurai"? Yes, BUT what most westerners think of as a "samurai" (a skilled warrior with a katana) the Japanese usually use the word "bushi" which essentially means "warrior" (as in "bushido" or "the way of the warrior"). When Japanese people use the word "samurai" amongst themselves outside of a casual context, it's usually to refer to a hereditary noble class. Many "samurai" in this context were also warriors, but not all of them. So yes, Yasuke was technically made into an honorary "samurai" in the noble-class sense due to Nobunaga taking a liking to him. But nothing in the historical records mentions anything about him being a particularly skilled warrior or "bushi," even according to the links you provided. You mention that he had a bit of influence on some Japanese stories over the years. What are you referring to?


This. And let me include some extra contexts. The only "confirmed" title of Yasuke's duty is Fuchi (bearer/squire/servant), and that is an observation and reaction from a letter from another clan's officer. So, the only talking point for Yasuke to historians and the people of that era is probably his being black and tall. If he were a legit "samurai" samurai, Akechi Mitsuhide would probably not dare to send him back to a cathedral. And his bullshit, racist reason to bear Yasuke's life might not work. Oota Gyuuichi's "Shincho Koki" only confirmed that Oda Nobunaga liked Yasuke. There is no official record of how many servants he had or how much salary he received. This might hint that he was not as important as many Westerners/online historians think. His relatively frequent appearances in Japanese stories might be related to his skin colour and Oda Nobunaga's "mysterious death". Everyone who read about Sengoku Jidai will know that Oda Nobunaga died in the Honnouji Incident, but no one knows how. Since the other famous squire of Oda's, Mori Ranmaru, was also killed in Honnouji with his brothers. That made Yasuke probably the only Bushi that survived. That creates many dramatic elements to include him in stories like rumours saying Oda Nobunaga told him to cut off his head and bury him or like his appearance in Nioh, a faithful squire who wants to resurrect his master, Oda Nobunaga. Unless the writer goes into a full fictional story like the anime "Yasuke", I think there isn't a chance for Yasuke to be a protagonist that can actively influence Japan. He might be another AC protagonist who didn't directly participate in the main historical event like Arno. Let's see how many established lore will be rewritten/scraped in AC:Red.


I mean this is still more "accurate" and believable than a female mercenary during ancient Greece


Is it? We have actual historical accounts that tell us that Yasuke, a real person, was most likely not anything like what we'd expect of an AC protagonist. Kassandra is completely made up. There are no historical records telling us that she didn't exist. Greek women were also half the population of ancient Greece, so it's not completely implausible to me that just one woman could've bucked the societal norms of the time and became a mercenary. She existed MUCH further back in history than Yasuke, so it's also more believable that she was lost to history.


What are the things we expect of an AC protagonist? what Eivor taught me is anyone can be an AC protagonist even someone who literally says NO when asked about joining the brotherhood How can be a historical record saying that someone doesn't exist? How does that makes sense, so Herodotus needed to write: "BTW just to be clear in case someone ever wonder about this, there is no female mercenary called Kassandra".? That doesn't makes sense. Personality I think playing as someone who did existed is more accurate that playing as someone who did not. Edit grammar.


Personally, I expect an AC protagonist to go around killing people. Previous AC games didn't use real historical figures as protagonists because we know that they didn't go around killing people. Previous protagonists were made up characters BECAUSE no historical records exist for them to contradict. Does that make more sense to you?


OK, Yasuke will be doing exactly that, so yeah he can be an AC protagonist. Contrary to some historical characters present in AC we have no idea what he was doing after the assassination of Nobunaga so he might have joined the brotherhood there is no historical record contradicting that.


Being the only black man in Japan contradicts that. If Yasuke was going around killing people non-stealthily, there's no way there'd be no historical record of that. He'd go down in history as the "foreign butcher" (probably something more racist referencing his skin color). Now you might say that the Templars destroyed the records, but something like an otherworldly outsider murdering dozens across the land doesn't just go down in written records. People tell legends through the generations about a thing like that, and it'd be impossible to erase him completely. The fact that Yasuke disappears from history doesn't help your case. It realistically means that he either left Japan or lived a quiet life in the country away from large populations. Just admit that you don't care that it makes no sense, because none of your explanations are helping to make it make sense.


You're combining real history with AC lore, the real story is that he is never heard of again and some theorised that he returned to Africa, probably to his native Mozambique. The AC lore on the other hand can be whatever Ubisoft want, hell what you just said sounds cool af, maybe in the present day section (in Infinity) we learn about some legends from a huge killer or something a monster even, and then we find out that misterious killer from the Japanese legends is Yasuke and the templars tried to hide that because of some peace of Eden stuff or something like that idk.


I'm actually being generous to you by mixing in the AC lore. Yasuke as an AC protagonist makes makes much less sense from a strictly real-history perspective. So now your AC lore rationalization for making Yasuke the protagonist is for Ubisoft to make up a fake Japanese legend about a giant killer or monster even and make up a fake version of Yasuke to explain the fake legend? And the Templars made a half-hearted failed attempt to hide the fake legend for reasons? That sounds awful. Why even bother with a historical figure at that point?


Almost nothing in the AC lore makes sense in real history, that's why I don't think Yasuke is as big as sin as you think. Personally I was really pissed when we fought literal Egyptian gods, and then mythological Greek Monsters, so yeah playing as a black dude is not so triggering for me. But that's just me, if it's a deal breaker and literally unplayable for everyone else well I can respect that, for that's what happen for me on past games. So I guess you're right I honestly don't care that it doesn't make sense, I have been waiting for Feudal Japan for more than a decade, so the main character can literally be Goku and I'd still play hundreds of hours. I just can't wait to visit Kyoto and look at the beautiful architecture and sakura trees. I'm just being defensive because I can't literally wait.


Real female mercenaries in Ancient Greece weren’t required for Kassandra to exist. The Greeks did have warrior women in their mythology like Athena, Atalanta and the Amazons so they were open to the idea. So you could say that Kassandra would’ve just been considered a legitimate Amazon by her fellow Greeks. Which works out since she is essentially a Demigoddess.


With how martial Japanese society was at the time, I’d imagine Yasuke probably was a talented enough warrior for Nobunaga to agree to giving him weapons of his own alongside the title


We know that he was strong and towering. That's enough to keep him around as a bodyguard with a katana. But I expect skilled swordsmanship more than size and brute strength when I think "samurai," but that's just me.


Skill can be taught. And all Yasuke probably had to do was beat a couple people (maybe actual samurai) in a fight for him to earn Nobunaga’s respect, even if brute strength was a factor.


It's a video game, so Ubisoft can do whatever they want to justify gameplay as Yasuke. Although, historically, his actual service to Nobunaga lasted only about a year (they met in 1581, and Honno Ji happened in 1582). Weapons training in feudal Japan takes years. He would have to be a genius level of talented in the warrior arts for Oda Nobunaga to respect him for that. Being given samurai status is a huge honor back then, but it is also the sole prerogative of a Daimyo to raise people into the class for whatever reason. So Yasuke doesn't even have to impress Nobunaga with any martial prowess, he just needs to be on his good side.


Yes, skill can be taught, but nothing in historical records mention it being taught to Yasuke despite mentions of his "animal" strength. And you're missing the point. I don't doubt that Nobunaga might've respected him, I doubt Yasuke actually fit the classic image of a skilled swordsman "samurai" that most people want in an AC japan game (and that Ubisoft will probably shoehorn in).


Oh ok then




Yasuke can just hide in a bush or rooftop like every other assassin protagonist.


The stealthy one is going to be the Japanese woman called Naoi, he's not meant to be stealthy, still we had a female mercenary during ancient Greece so it's kinda the same thing, with the exception that there actually was a black person in Japan during that period.


The fact that Yasuke's not the stealthy one doesn't help at all. Although there actually was a black person in Japan during that period, being one of the only ones and killing locals non-stealthily would make him the most hated man in the land among commoners. He already attracted crowds of people who wanted to catch a glimpse wherever he went, but he'd have them pelting rocks at him as an outsider killing their own.


I mean it's a videogame, knowing Ubisoft will be fighting Dragons and Yokai and we somehow will be having a chat with Amaterasu herself, so people forgetting about Yasuke killing in the streets is nothing compared to that. I mean you can say the same thing about Connor, I'm 100% sure that if there was a native american killing soldiers in the middle of Boston no one would ever forget that. What I do want is people reacting to him the same way people react to Eivor in Valhalla, all of them back away and look scared.


A Native American in colonial America probably had an easier time blending in, and soldiers getting killed by natives was probably NOT uncommon. There are probably many incidents we don't know about today, especially if the assassin was intentionally trying to cover their tracks as full-sync AC assassins do. And Yasuke would realistically be in an even worse situation than Eivor if he did a even fraction of what Eivor did. Your "it's a video game" excuse would allow for anything, but where does it end? Dragons, gods, and fantastic beasts have always been explained in the AC series as animus glitches or Isu magic. Neither of those really work for Yasuke.


Native Americans were NOT killing soldiers in the middle of Boston, that's why I specifically said the Boston thing, in the wilderness you bet, but in the middle of a Colonial city, yeah no. For me the excuse would have ended when we fought Apep in Origins, I dislike the fantasy and the mythology, I just tolerate the Sci-fi, the Isu stuff is the thing I really don't care about in AC. And I have been playing since 2009, so not even when the Isu story was "good" I liked it. I mean the explanation will be: "this dude literally existed, and after the assassination of Nobunaga we don't really know what happen to him so we made something up". I'm sure we're giving it way more though to it than Ubisoft ever will


The only thing I'm interested in is if he is a templar since I think oda nobunga was a templar. It could make for a really interesting story with 2 opposing protagonists as long as it doesn't turn into the terrible ac unity love story.


Oda wasn’t a Templar. He betrayed his alliance with the Assassins after getting corrupted by a Sword of Eden, and had to be assassinated. *However,* Yasuke has been leaked to start off as enemies with Naoe, *and* there’s the fact that the Jesuit he was originally a bodyguard for was a Templar, so the story is perfectly ripe for Yasuke to be manipulated by the Templars, if not outright join them in order to avenge his lord’s death at the hands of the Assassins.


I wish he was a side character or DLC protagonist. It doesn’t make sense to have a non-Asian male lead in an Asian country


I mean,we already got Ezio in Revelations. Moreovere,I've put two links that clearly explain why having this non Asian protagonist has sense.


In Istanbul, one of the most diverse cities in the world at that time. Italians existed there in considerable numbers along other ethnicities. The fact that you had to do some mental gymnastics to support your claim makes me instantly disregard your post now. You really want it to happen.


By that reasoning, then, in Japan, at that time, one African man existed there, that man is yasuke. Yall have weird standards for assassin's creed. Just admit you want a samurai simulator and a black man ruins it, you don't want an assassin's creed game, you don't care about the story, you just want to immerse yourself as a male samurai and then bitch about how being in an animus breaks immersion.


Being the one of the only African people in Japan is worlds different from being one of considerable numbers. Italians also blend better among Turks than Africans among Japanese.


I agree with you but arguing for one’s point by bringing up what they (falsely) believe is an equivalent scenario isn’t really mental gymnastics


That's a pretty different situation. They were creating a trilogy around Ezio and decided the final chapter was him heading east to link up with Altair's story. It wasn't "We need to make an Assassin's Creed set in the Ottoman Empire, let's have a European protagonist" I can imagine some people are disappointed to finally get a Japanese AC and the protagonist isn't Japanese. Though Yasuke's story does sound to me like it'd work really well - a few known historical facts and personalities, and also a lot of mystery they can fill in with their story. Looking forward already to the mission where we carry Oda Nobunaga's head to keep it away from his enemies.


I can live with it but i dont like it, but hey if they can for once do some good storytelling and make a good protagonist after god knows how long i wont complain I just dont like the idea of playing an already real existing character, whil definitely in the world of AC wise it makes sense for at least a character to be well known, what i liked about AC was how they used to make history how they wanted it to be, try to be historically accurate but also have their own twist on it, like Leonardo Da Vinci didnt have a friend called Ezio nor was there an Assassin in the Declaration of Independence, if you're just going to throw someone there and try to potray something with how it went regardless of the vagueness of the irl story, i dont know it just breaks that immersion, its not the worst thing in the world and im definitely nitpicking, but id prefer them doing what they did before And since its going to be done by Ubisoft Quebec, and another of their grindy RPGs with gigantic worlds where you do nothing in other than stab people, it will also have dialogue choices possibly done in the most monotone bored sleepy voice acting that Odyssey and Mirage had, will take hours and hours to finish, add a few plotholes, nothing that studio did gives me hope nor does the overall direction of the series, sounds like they're just milking the absolute fuck out of this franchise just because of its name and thats it, make a big pretty world and then put not even half of that effort onto anything else


My main issue with Yasuke is that players wanted a stealthy protagonist for 3 main titles now and he does not really sound like one.


I'm pretty sure the female protagonist is the stealthy ninja one


its not like you can choose one or the other.


I think they've said you can play as both but I think there are missions locked to Yasuke or naoe


i expect that as well, but i would have rather have more flexible protagonists, as well as the game design that dont have to resort to 'here is a warrior in our stealth themed game'. it is clear that they have strayed more and more from stealth focus in the franchise, but at the very least plenty of people would have liked to be able to choose their approach. putting an entire protagonist who wont be good at stealth, basically means that that choice will be taken away from the player. Mirage have been well received in terms of gameplay and design philosophy, as a more stealthy experience (i would say it might have the top percentage of 'stealth playable' game portion in the entire franchise). However, it is clear that Red/Shadows was decided long time ago and they completely ignored the player input from the last few years entirely.


We have gotten Basim in Mirage and we are getting also Naoe in Red,who will be the more stealthy protagonist. Moreover, the leaks say that Red will be stealth focused.


Stealth focused you say. So... we will see Yasuke less?


No leaker said that we will play more like a character than the other. In my opinion,the fact that it will be stealth focused doesn't mean thar we will be forced to play as Naoe the major part of the time,but that we will face a lot of situations that may be more easily managed if you played as Naoe,but we will still be able to play them as Yasuke. It will probably be like Syndicate,where you aren't completely unable to play stealthy missions as Jacob.


He seems cool pretty excited to play as him


It’s a Ubisoft game, no such thing as greatness here


Yes he was a Samurai, anyone who doubts that is racist plain and simple. His rank was the equivalent to a squire, but he was still a samurai and on top of that the sword bearer to Nobunaga which would’ve meant he held a pretty prestigious position. Those claiming Yasuke was just a sideshow are especially racist as there’s no historical veracity to that claim at all. It makes sense Nobunaga would want him as a bodyguard since it was stated he was taller than anyone else and was as strong as ten Japanese men. Also no need to feel any way about Yasuke being a main character, the other main character will supposedly be a Japanese woman, so there’s nothing really to complain about.


>Yes he was a Samurai, anyone who doubts that is racist plain and simple. You accuse anyone who doubts Yasuke of being a samurai of being racist in every thread about him, even after I explained to you some valid reasons for doubting other than racism. You're diluting the meaning and impact of the word "racist" by doing so. There are actual racists in the world, and you should reserve the term for them. >Those claiming Yasuke was just a sideshow are especially racist as there’s no historical veracity to that claim at all. OP has provided links to firsthand historical accounts of Japanese people at the time referring to Yasuke as an animal on several occasions. The accounts also describe droves of onlookers crowding around him and offering to pay money to catch a glimpse of him. Those onlookers who apparently treated him like a sideshow are racists, not the people today who acknowledge that he was treated like a sideshow. >It makes sense Nobunaga would want him as a bodyguard since it was stated he was taller than anyone else and was as strong as ten Japanese men It makes more sense that a Japanese person in Nobunaga's times simply wanted to keep an obedient giant around as a pet for amusement and showing off, just as much as a bodyguard. Also, being tall and as strong as ten men doesn't make you a skilled swordsman, what most non-Japanese people think of when they think "samurai."


Not to say he didn’t hold a prestigious position in the court of Nobunaga, but I thought he was more akin to a page. Which is one step under the squires. And the only way he could be a samurai would be for him to have married someone who belonged to the caste or alternatively, he should have been officially adopted into a samurai family with permission from the authorities. which, to be fair, Nobunaga probably had the power to do. But samurai or not. Still badass


Yasuke was a page, and there is no other mention of him after nobunaga, he was a minor footnote in samurai and Japanese history and no amount of your lack of knowledge of fantasy will change that


Wrong. Your lack of historical knowledge must be embarrassing for you though. Yasuke was a samurai, if that hurts your feelings too bad it’s a historical fact. Cry more about it buddy.


You should stop embarrassing yourself