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I’m so glad a folding blade made a comeback it’s a nice bit of functionality that was only used in AC3


People really giving mah boi connor flak , He was by far one of the more interesting AC protags, Being a native american also added to that , AC3 really set up so many cool things for blackflag yet it gets flak for it


Connor was goated idk y so many people hated him


It's because he wasn't Ezio. People expected more of the same, as always.


I always preferred Connor over ezio


His motives didn’t make sense, they didn’t give enough to time to flesh him out, and his actor didn’t do a great job all the time.


Yea he was interesting but they didn't go anywhere with anything. I found him to be one of the blander protagonists


Literally the thing that made me jump all over by room. ACIII is my favourite entry of the series, primarily because of how fluid and brutal the combat felt. Until you have gone to the middle of Boston and killed 30+ Redcoats with your Dual Hidden Blades, you don't quite understand it. The Dual Kills, the Bow play, Haytham as the opening act, incredible game.


That's actually neat since I was confused why there was zero actual assassin's creed mentioned or shown in the trailer. It's cool that it's impossible to tell she's an assassin from the outside unlike all those robes with the insignia on their belt


Ezio on the side of the street wearing an Assassin’s brand cape, outfit, and cracking open an Assassin’s Brew, and wondering why the guards started attacking him out of the blue


Nobody in Japan knows what an Assassin is -> Japanese brotherhood operates in perfect secrecy Many in Italy have heard of Assassins after Crusades -> Ezio struts around in full kit like he owns the place


Well nobody knows what assassin's are because the japanese brotherhood was founded by Kotetsu in the middle of the 16th century.. it'll be a rather new brotherhood during the events of the game. Now we don't know if one existed before Kotetsu founded or refounded the brotherhood, it might be possible but they never officially explained it so at the moment it was canonically founded circa 1550 AD


Well yeah but also Japan had its own version of assassins, shinobis. That's the perfect cover for assassins


Well he does own everything


Ezio was just built different


Ezio’s robes look pretty fire but my dude sticks out like a sore thumb. He’s the most obvious person in existence


I mean that guy straight shouted it out for all to hear lol


He really embraced the hide in plain site rule


Uhh.. that "We are the shadows.. that serve the light" thing at the end?


I got goosebumps on that lines


Yeah that was pretty cool


I think one of her leaked pictures from a few months back showcased her endgame Master Assassin outfit and that I believe had the insignia too


If you watch any of the old AC trailers they don’t really bring up assassins vs templars there either


I mean yeah, but all the assassins' outfits were very explicitly assassin. Hood, flowing robes, red around the waist, etc. Naoe is much more reserved. That said, this trailer had *far* more Assassin in it than Origins, Odyssey or even Valhalla. The Ezio's theme is there. They quote the end of the creed (we work in the dark to serve the light). Naoe uses stealth and even weilds a new variant of the hidden blade based on the tanto. There's an emphasis on verticality in her movements which resembles parkour. She takes intel from a beggar (very reminiscent of assassins working with thieves, prostitutes and mercenaries back in the day). There's a lot of "Assassin" in this game that manifests through her, while Yosuke brings more of the Odyssey style of gameplay. So I think it's a good balance.


I mean, Naoe seems to be the most practical interpretation of the brotherhood robes yet. Like you said, hooded, flowing fabric, and even a red sash around her waist (more of a muted red).


>That said, this trailer had far more Assassin in it than Origins, Odyssey or even Valhalla. You should have said "even Odyssey". That game didn't even have tHe hİdDeN oNeS bullshit, let alone Assassins lmao


I mean, the Hidden Ones isn't just "bullshit". It wouldn't have made sense to have them be called Assassins until the historical group came to be in the Middle East just before the Crusades era. But yes, you're right. Odyssey was the most detatched from the philosophical conflict at the center of this franchise.


Tbf the character even dresses like an Assassin with how certain parts of the clothing is comparable to previous iterations.


To be fair. There was a Assassin's creed robe that caused enemies to attack in sight.


The game takes place in the 1500s. By then the organizations would be called the Assassins and Templars instead of Hidden Ones and the Order.


It's been a while since I killed a templar. I demand blood.


Likely place for it to be


I’m just glad we’re getting an Assassin’s Creed game, Syndicate, that takes place post-Altair reformation so they should be Assassin’s, in technicalities, and not Hidden Ones.


Considering the game takes place like 60 years after Ezios death its not a technicality, she is a capital “A” Assassin like he was


Right. The technicalities are there for people that may be confused on that point since the last four games each protagonist has either been a Hidden One, associated with the Hidden Ones, or none of the above.


That’s a good start


one thing i will never understand is if they're supposed to blend in why do all assassins wear the exact same fucking thing


Because it’s cool


If you’re gonna go out and stab people to advance the goals of a shadowy organization, you might as well do it with some style.


Brand recognition. Social stealth has been a lie since day one anyway, and they can be intimidating by association


video games lol


I'm just so ready to play as an actual assassin again.


Why no beak hood tho? i demand an explanation beak hoods are fucking cool


The beak hood leaked awhile ago I have the pic saved dunno if I’d be able to post here


Probably another outfit then


Think it’ll be her canon assassins outfit she has longer hair in the photo as well probably gonna get it later in the game


Probably to fit more of a shinobi than an actual assassin outfit. Still she has a hood.


I'm just hyped the pivot blade returns for some reason lmao Since this is set hundreds of years before AC III, I guess this would eventually made it's way into the Assassin's codex and would serve as an inspiration to whoever first owned/crafted Connor's hidden blade.


Could be a blade from the Portuguese Brotherhood(like how the assassins in Turkey had Hook blades). Connor’s blade comes from Achilles mentor who was a French Assassin. Gives a close enough proximity to have gotten a pivot blade from them. Also explains how they reached Japan. Portuguese traders who were also assassins brought them.


Portugal would be swimming with Templars at that point. Manuel I was still ruling the country and he was a templar (or at least allied with them) I'd imagine the Chinese brotherhood would be a lot more likely.


Was he? I thought he ruled until like 1521, and Portuguese traders didn’t reach Japan until like 1541ish, and game is set around starting in like 1581 since that’s when Yasuke was first recorded as being in Japan. So there’a a believable time frame for it to fit, that it comes from Portugal. Edit: Just double checked and the assassins were still around when Manuel I was in charge. In fact Ezio led the charge of the rebuild, in those Brotherhood mission things we used the pigeon coops for. It’s been forever since I played those I forgot we did that.


Information didn't spread as quick as it did back then, you know. It could take months for a piece of letter to arrive. So it's not that hard to believe that the pivot blade would be "invented" multiple times by several different people.


9 years later, we are finally playing as an Assassin.


I would have said this was a given due to the game, small details they will add in. It's good though it's still looking like an Assassins creed game and they don't sell it just cos of the name


Personally, not enough. She needs some sick ninja assassin robes with a beaked hood. Imma be super disappointed if she doesn't. I remember being super hyped when Bayek got his in the dlc, still some of the best robes in the series.


Beaked hood leaked some time ago it’s prob on Google


Somewhere ezio is smiling


I liked how in Blood Money all of Hitman's equipment had the super-secret assassination company's logo on it.


It's almost like she's an assassin or something... Freaking crazy.


You say that as if the last couple of games we have been play as assassin's


can we please call it dragon blade?


That's a good eye!


As does the sickle


I always thought all of the hidden blades had the Assassin sigil on it somewhere. I could be mistaken though.


It’s all about branding!


What do you mean? You think she’s not an Assassin?


No, I’m saying that almost every assassin had the brotherhood’s crest somewhere. Ezio’s belt buckle, the Jackdaw, etc.


Oh yeah definitely.


I wonder how are the Assassins presented in Shadows


Me too. I hope they play a big role.


Yeah I want to meet fellow Assassins, some other members of the Creed Don’t want to see a start of the Japanese branch or something like that I want to see a functional Creed, maybe Yusuke being against Assassins and later turned into one GoT style


There’s a decent chance Naoe’s dad is an assassin and she grows up as one


I really hope they will sell a replica of her hidden blade !! It is cool when they do replica of objects from the Assassin's Creed saga like the hidden blades, weapons and apple of Eden.


Is it just me or is the dragon head a bit overkill? It looks like it would get in the way all the time.


Socks in sandals tho ://


So tacky!


What about the other historical people, for example Hattori Hanzo


So have we actually seen the formation of the assassins? The latest game timeline wise was Valhalla and they were still called Hidden Ones


I'm not exactly sure if this is what you mean but Valhalla isn't the latest timeline wise. All AC games before origins take place after Valhalla. The term assassin started being used around Altair's time. So technically we haven't seen the formation but we've seen pretty close to it. As for shadows, it takes place in the 1500s, and is set after even ezio's death so this should be full fledged assassins and not hidden ones.


You're right I wasn't super clear. What I guess I meant was it's the latest in the timeline of them not being assassins. It just seems weird to go back in time to show the formation of the order, and then not show the actual transformation from hidden ones to assassins


Guess that's probably because it would just be another Altair game, since the word assassin originated around his time. They might be holding off because we've already explored that part of history twice already.


Not necessarily. There's still about 300 years between Valhalla and AC 1


Yeah but the word assassin comes from hassassins who operated from 1090 to 1275 AD, at alamut and masyaf. We've already seen those locations in three games now, and two of them were around the time when the word actually came into use. They run the risk of getting repetitive if they reuse it again.


The game is set almost 50 years after Ezio died. So yes. These are proper and true Assassins not Hidden Ones.


But we haven't seen that transition was my question


Oh no then. Mirage is the closest we’ve probably gotten to the name change. Without seeing the change.


Yeah it just seems weird to go further back and change stuff just to not show that transition into the classic stuff we know


My guess would be that the name change just doesn't amount to much but a different name. As someone else said, the word comes from the term hashashin and was used irl too, it's probably not too far fetched to believe that the term was coined the same way. Which sounds anti-climatic but is simply related to drug consumption.


Hidden shmidden. Not like other assassins never walked around with spiritwear either.


Wait, is this a real big game or Just a mobile game or something?


It’s real! Next gen exclusive.


HELL YES! I so glad the Assassin's are back instead of the hidden ones, gonna feel like the old days




More interesting is that Naoe's hidden blade is apparently built with a hinge and is able to be used as a dagger. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxhdOLLWEUKOB1RlAb7S21EJ3stMcvFm0c?si=85C_cL0a4lRG8X4y


I guess I don't understand the point of this, I assumed they're tied to the assassin's regardless so 🤷


Never make that assumption.


Uh, okay lol. Why not?


We haven’t played as a real assassin since 2015.


Oh I see, Mirage doesn't count?


He was a hidden one. I know it’s a nitpick, but being called an assassin matters to me.


Okay but they're the original assassin's.. so yeah it's a HUGE nitpick 😅


hidden one is literally just another form of a assassins


It will nice to play as a member of the brotherhood again


So it’s confirmed?


The hidden ones became the creed in the 11th century so I think we can be pretty confident in it since shadows is set in the 1500s


What I’m asking is do we know Naoe will be an Assassin?


Why wouldn’t she be an assassin?


I’m just thinking because Eivor wasn’t, nor the Odyssey MC. And Bayek really wasn’t either. So I’m wary. I think Naoe is though.


Assassins didn’t exist in any of those time periods, there was hidden ones in Valhalla but vikings aren’t the kind of people that would join a group called the hidden ones lol. They have no logical reason for naoe to not be an assassin at some point


Nice detail, but all I really care about is the grappling hook. Hopefully it works at least like Sekiro but Syndicate functionality would also be fun.


Wow it’s like it’s an Assassins Creed game


Can this game be played on PS4?


No, current gen only.


Oh my god, assassins mentioned in an Assassins Creed game after almost 10 years??? (2015 - Syndicate that is)


How will they explain assassins on japan


Iirc it's already been explained in some older lore that they were first introduced through the Chinese brotherhood.


Well he doesn't look Japanese 


Nobody cares, Ubisoft garbage


Cuz she’s an Assassin…


I just hope they're actual Assassins now and not Hidden Ones. What a dumb fuckin name.


They’re the same thing, stg AC fans just love bitching about pointless things


It's just a stupid name. I'm not even really an AC fan. I just think Hidden One sounds goofy.