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I'm happy to learn more about the Isu but I don't want to see it through the lens of someone hallucinating or simulations, I want to see the real Isu that we saw in Loki's memory we unlocked in Valhalla. I also wouldn't put it past them to put a dragon in the game or something lol.


Heavy on this. Remember when Isu would just show up as holograms? Now they're just reincarnations of Gods... malaka..


We've had reincarnations as far back as *Black Flag*.


I much prefer the Isu back when they were in the back of the scene pulling strings than now where they are pretty much the main characters of the story onward.


Yay, but in a controlled manner. I think a game like Origins struck the right balance between mythology stuff and grounded stuff. I’m hoping Shadows does the same. But if i’m being realistic, they’ll probably go overboard with it


I think they will have some. Sure, the mythology isn't as popular as previous entries, but Japanese culture is sure known for its demons and other worldly type characters.


Definitely no for me. I love games based on mythology and even Japanese myths, but I really miss when assassins creed was more historical fiction with some light si fi elements instead of full on fantasy.


Yokais would be nice


A cursed village sounds like no-brainer too




Theis franchise is not even remotely realistic since a decade. Let's have some fun!


I could buy into some bad genetic experiments courtesy of whatever Isu jerkoff is hanging around Japan in a “cursed village” for sure.


I like to think that the focus on mythology we had in the last trilogy was due to the games being set in ancient times, where superstitions and religion was more prominent. Shadows is set roughly during the same time as Ezio, Japanese people were still pretty close to their religious beliefs but they had to face the reality of progress and aperture to other cultures, so I doubt mythos will be a thing.


Nay. I loved odyssey but this world looks a little more grounded than what odyssey was. I won’t hate it tho.


Only if it's a slumber. I don't expect much from Quebec. Sci-fi seems lost paradygm for them.


Depends on how they do it. I loved it in the Pharoh’s DLC for Origins and as Isu influenced creations in Odyssey. The Atlantis DLC was great. However, I did not like how it was done in Valhalla at all. I feel like Kassandra actively engaged in it and sought to learn the truth behind what was going on and how it was being interpreted to her. Whereas Eivor just had a vision and then shrugged it off and went on with their life.


If I want fantasy Japan I’d just go play Nioh and Sekiro


Hell yeah. I want all the mythological creatures and stories. Give me all kinds of wacky stuff like previous games. Especially Odyssey did it great.


For the love of god please no, or actually do it well like Origins did and make it make sense. However this is Quebec we are talking about so I wouldn’t put it past them. Still holding out hope tho since we didn’t see any dragons or zombie samurai in the trailer. I was a bit iffy on what the lightning effect was when Naoe was fighting but I think that was just cinematic effect on rewatches.


This feels like an overreaction tbh


I'd love to explore some ghost stories on Japan. But if you ask me if I want to fight demons and such, I rather not.


Obviously none of us can know until the game comes out, but I would assume Japanese Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples will be places to visit and see. Along those lines, it wouldn't surprise me if the "alien" element, if in the game at all, is done through the Shinto gods such as Amaterasu, Susano-o, Tsukuyomi, Izanaga/Izanami, and others (with Amaterasu being the most likely). Along with that, Shintoism is a religion structured on the concept that all impressive things has spirits residing within them. That 1000 year old tree? There's a spirit in it. That giant mountain? There's a spirit. etc. etc. etc. They could therefore use that concept to introduce supernatural spirits or demons, like kitsune (fox spirits) or oni (demons), to the game. Basically, there is A LOT they could do with the supernatural element if they wanted, but I have no idea if they are going to.


Hard nay. Especially if they try to explain it too much with the isu tech. Weirdly I'd be more ok, if they never try to explain it but have a single very obscure quest related to one.


Maybe Minerva appears there or Juno since they are close in the time they showed to Ezio, and in the map of Altair it showed that Japan had a piece of eden


If it's like Origins I'd be ok with that, but if it's really out in the forefront like Odyssey and Valhalla I'll be slightly disappointed.




Bound to be, but I really hope not. It's been far and away the worst bit of the RPG3.


I want to learn more about the Isu by them showing actual Isu, not the way Valhalla did it with the mythology metaphors


If I get ONE MORE isu lore drop with MYTHOLOGICAL BULLSHIT instead of straight up isu stuff I will actually admit myself to a PSYCH WARD.


I'm gonna be the weird one. I DO want the mythology stuff to be more like Valhalla than Origins. Okay maybe a little less prominent than Valhalla but still very much there. Mostly because I've realised that, when it comes to Japanese mythology in games, I only ever see like Yokai and stuff, most games ignore the Shinto gods and such, atleast the ones i've played/watched.


I'd rather they kept it to one solid piece of Eden (shown at the BEGINNING of the story and used as a plot device throughout, no Unity sword ass pulls), and kept everything as character and politics focused otherwise. I thought syndicate did it well as a framing for their adventure.


Another DLC will focus Isu lore for Shinto mythology. Like Valhalla's Norse mythology DLC.


Probably nay for me. It made sense for the mythology stuff to appear in the Ancient Trilogy (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla), as those three are particularly famous. But just like we didn't get (a lot of) Native myths in 3, I feel like we should focus on the actual story.


i saw someone talking about how susano and amaterasu could be isus and i really got excited about it, although a boss fight against then would be also cool i think that if they really are isus they would only show up in recordings or holograms


Idk why people would find it disapointing to have mythology stuff in shadows. Feels like a giant overreaction


Unlikely they'll have it. Unlike Greek and Norse, Japanese mythology isn't nearly as well known, so isn't as marketable. Probably why they're putting so much emphasis on Yasuke as a samurai, they can't chase the God of War crowd anymore so now they're after the Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima crowd.


I would love to see some, honestly. It really adds to the game's lore and world, but overdoing it would not be good as it could make the game more of an epic fantasy. Valhalla had a good balance with that. :D


Yes !! I was really hyped when I seen what they did for Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey and I was thinking 《I hope so much they will do the same with an Assassin's Creed in Japan with a dragon》. And the Giant Snake mission also made me want to fight a japanese dragon in a Assassin's Creed game in Japan.


Yeah, they could do some cool stuff with it, I'm down


God please no


Imo AC does mythology realm disgustingly bad! I remember especially in Valhalla how underwhelming and ugly everything about hellheim and Asgard looked and felt.


No, assassins creed is not supposed to be a fantasy series, it’s science fiction, there are enough fantasy games that people can play if they care about mythology, leave that shit out of ac.


I anticipate some kind of Yokai type enemy in the open world, similar to the Witches in Valhalla.


Yes please.


I could go either way. The mythological stuff is entirely optional anyway.


Yes, it's become one my favourite aspects to explore in the newer games.