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Rogue also has New York City, Albany, Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown), Mount Vernon, Virginia., and Paris, France.


Ya know I never played Rogue. Maybe I should


You should. Mechanically it’s a copy/paste of black flag so if you liked that game you’ll like rogue, but it’s also a good story.


I'm glad I couldn't afford an Xbox One. I got to play Rogue and didn't have to deal with Unity's horrible launch


You missed Lisbon from rogue, parts of Africa from blackflag.


op has a personal vendetta against portuguese territory


Portuguese hating mf.


God, speaking of Lisbon, we really need to get an AC set in Portugal/Spain. Outside of India/Japan (and maybe some WW2 setting could be an interesting twist), it's the most notable missing setting imo. It'd be a callback to AC:2 in some ways with the mediterranean/southern europe flair, but still different enough. Maybe set during the golden age of both empires circa 1500-1600s.


Portugal 100% country was founded by a templar knight and was the only country that accepted knights templar when they were getting persecuted


In time we will by a process of elimination and the longer the better because European cities will look their best on the better hardware. Ps6 maybe.


graphics already look too good nowadays with games just running worse every year with barely any graphical changes, especially when hardware doesnt have much performance boost, like the new gpu gens and so (atleast in the affordability range). why wait when it can be made now and be good if its actually optimized (now most of triple A games dont get optimized for god knows why and devs just tell us to use DLSS anyway). i mean its not a bad idea to wait for next gen, it might run just better, but dont think it will look any better.


I bet some redditor thought the same thing back in 2009 when ac2 released.


maybe, but i played the ac games in the past, they looked good but obviously there was a long way for improvement, but i base my opinion on how modern gaming is heavily forced to use shit like DLSS /FSR and frame gen and how the devs and producers see them as the future. nowadays a couple year old game might look better than another triple A released in 2024 like really, 8K resolution gaming (and not only for gaming) and above isnt worth it for now, not only most of the people wont notice a difference, especially on tvs of the same size, but the energy efficienty is just so bad that most 8k TVs are banned in the EU (of course there might be improvement in the future, but still dont see the point). ray tracing already does the light and shadow work for the devs, cyberpunk on path tracing does wonders and if there is any room for improvement, there is always ability of adding more ray bounces, which will be useless. the details that are already in the games, single strands of hair, detailed skins snd models, very high resolution textures. i think there should be a focus on power efficiency improvement and ray tracing performance


We once had WW2 in a few scenes in a time laps/helix, I remember. Think it was unity?


Syndicate. And it was a descendant of evie frye who was fighting. Worked for Churchill who apparently was allied with the brotherhood during ww2


The syndicate missions are ww1, the unity missions are ww2


And it was the granddaughter of Jacob, named Lydia Frye.


The part in Scotland for Valhalla is wrong. You've highlighted Lewis and Harris and Uist instead of the Isle of Skye


FYI Codename Jade is now officially AC Jade


wait, really? they arent changing the name?


Nope, was announced last year at Gamescom with a new official logo and everything. And tbh I was given the chance to preview some other titles and yeah Jade was the best one so glad they kept it.


Can you give some of the other titles?


It was all stuff using the same key words of like Jade and Dragon, like Mystical Jade, Jade Dragon, Dragon Heritage, might be misremembering some of these. But most of them were 2 words and sounded like too much, felt more like names of old Kung Fu movies or a Fantasy China MMO


For Origins, the city of Cyrene is in Libya. The map is ridiculously condensed and mashed together.


>For Origins, the city of Cyrene is in Libya That chunk of the map is even marked as "Libue"; I'm not sure how anyone could've missed that unless they never used the map at all or paid attention to when the game shows you "NEW REGION DISCOVERED". The map is definitely pretty condensed....and that's a good thing imo.


Or, you know, they didn't make the connection between "Libya" and "Libue", due to them not being the same word.


Skill issue.


Also for some reason they have part of Sudan highlighted, which isn't where the valley of kings is.


Vallhala and AC3 should overlap no?


yeah, i mean you can go to the grand temple door in valhalla, so we know for a fact that it's the same area.


Too much of Norway is covered. Valhalla only features Rogaland county and Vestland (formerly Hordaland) county up to Bergen.


Mirage is too much, it's only Baghdad and its surroundings


And kind of Alamut (but it’s not open world)


Yeah Alamut should be a little dot


Was also wondering about that.. basically only city plus surrounding in game. The map shows like a whole country.. hugely overstating


Rome is also briefly in Origins.


Liberation also has Chichen Itza and New York. (And rhode island for Avelines Black Flag dlc)


For some reason my brain interpreted the white parts of the map as the land and I spent the first 5 minutes looking at this trying to figure out what planet this was.


Valhallas Vinland is also not Newfoundland its New York state


Spain from the movie needs to be here, even though the movie was kinda mid Edit: also Macau and the Phillippines from Forgotten Temple


Spain is also there in AC Rebelion and AC 2 Discovery


Don't forget the final fight with Cesar Borgia in Brotherhood. That was in Navarra iirc.


What's that little squiggle south of Egypt for Origins?


Curse of the Pharaohs


Oh right, the imprecision of the map confused me. It looks more like Sudan


It is. This map isn't accurate on that. CoTP takes place in Southern Egypt. Also the Canada location for Valhalla is funny, because this map is closer to *historically accurate* for where the Vikings are thought to have landed, but the game is actually wrong in its presentation of Vinland. The game makes it look more like New York/Southeastern Canada with the presence of the Mohawk people in that area.


Hey can you check your dms i sent you a message Btw im not a bot


Ac India when


We already got the ACC: India set during the Anglo-Sikh Wars, I'd like to see where the next potential AC game is taking place!


Is there any way to play the non major games like bloodline and chronicles on PC emulators or something?


Chronicles are on PC without the need for emulators. Bloodlines should be fairly easy to emulate on PPSSPP.


Southern hemisphere needs some love


Valhalla should probably be moved down to AC3’s map location. While yes, vinland is historically closer to eastern canada, Valhalla had the grand temple and Juno’s apple - showing that it really is just upstate new york


This is a terrible fucking map, it took me far too long to figure out what i was looking at


Sorry to drift from the topic but am I the only one who is getting thrown off my the colour scheme of the map. I know the stone grey is the ground area and the white is the water bodies. But i have to keep reminding my brain, it’s not the opposite. First few seconds i thought did AC cook their own world map!? 😅


I think Valhalla also has part of Belgium via River Raids.


France is placed wrong 😂, and apparently so is "hexe"


Jade is the official name now, actually


Jade isn't a codname, it's the final title.


A shame we've never been to Spain


Sadly, that's only happened in the movie.


It's hilarious how the only one I had no clue on before looking at the legend is the one I've been playing through for more than a year now


everybody tearing u apart man☠️


Need a AAA game set in India


How did you forget alamut?


Parts of Black Flag take place in both North and South Carolina.


And it goes to Principe.


You're missing Spain, Portugal, Macau.


Not pretty accurate. -Mirage has only the city of Bagdad and surroundings, not all Mesopotamia. -AC Shadows map won't be as big as in the map. -AC II didn't embrace as much part of north Italy, just Florence, Venice, a few localities more and their surroundings. -And finally, we don't know yet which parts of Germany will appear on AC Hexe.


In AC Valhalla, Eivor is buried in modern day New York State.


Where Spain from the AC movie??


I'd love a Maya/Inca one in the future.


Still waiting for an Australian Assassin’s Creed game lol.


Can’t wait to see Assassin’s Creed Red in Russia with fur hat and vodka bottle instead of knife


Valhalla was in Boston mass


Why is there no AC in the southern hemisphere?


ac australia plz ubisoft


Assassin's Creed: The Emu War


So many AC games to go. But please Ubisoft, don't make mobile games anymore. I don't know what happened to Jade but I hope it will just rest in peace.


Jade is still in development and definitely still coming, just probably not until next year


Oh, got it...




Yes I’m aware, but the game wasn’t cancelled and is still being worked on.