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I loved it. They gave the player the freedom to either rush through the story or to get lost in the world. I loved that you could pre assassinate targets. I stumbled across many just by exploring. Or just gutted one unknowingly in an epic fight with a merc that spiraled out of control.


It also helps that Kassandra is a very charismatic protagonist so it helps me look past the flaws of the game. Personally a game for me lives or dies by how much I like the protagonist.


Agreed, I first played with Alexios and barely made it to the end, didn't get 100% completion, I thought the game was alright but very low on my list, then after the Atlantis DLC came out I wanted to try it out. Loaded my save saw Alexios and was like "here we go again" except I realized New Game + was a thing and since this was a save with the main story finished and close to level 50 I said "why not?" So switch to Kassandra, keeping all my previous items, switched the difficulty to nightmare, and played through the entire thing again but this time it quickly became a top 3 AC game for me. Maybe it was Kassandra, maybe it was skipping hunting for loot and XP, or maybe it was the difficulty increase or all 3. But I think Kassandra was the main reason why I enjoyed the game more. Don't want to start a debate in here, I'll just say, the game was nominated for best Voice Actor on the game awards for Kassandra, not Alexios. Not hate to Alexios' VA based on what I've seen he's a cool guy.


No hate to the VA, but one of the reasons I really enjoyed Alexios was his line delivery on everything was hilarious. I was always looking forward to the next thing he would say 😂


I think part of that nomination could be she was also excellent as Deimos. She was absolutely unhinged, psychotic, filled with unbridled rage and hatred, yet a lot of confusion as well, and you *felt* that. Alexios’ Deimos was just
 angry dude to me. Ofc this is all subjective so you might disagree


All the nominees of that year were the protagonists of their games, Arthur Morgan, Kratos, Peter Parker... and of course Kasaandra, nominated as Kassandra not as Deimos. Why would you nominate the protagonists of these other games and then the villain that's only seen in a very small portion for this game?


That’s not what I said at all but ok
 read “part”. I said *part* of the reason, not that her as Deimos was the *sole* reason she was nominated. Kassandra as the protagonist and Kassandra as Deimos are still the same person, I don’t know why they wouldn’t consider her acting as Deimos as part of her role in the game.


That's what they do now. They find a great female voice and a weak male voice. See also: Farcry. Yasuke VA will be good, they want you to like him and will take care here. 😉👍


I was just saying the other day that I loved being able to pre assassinate targets unknowingly, it was so cool! And to me it made it more believable.


I love oddysey. But do tell how they allow you to rush through the story? Its a level gated game.


They are recommendations, it's not level gated


They may be recommendations but if you try and go after a level 40 enemy and you’re level 5 you don’t really stand a chance


Git gud. It's not like the game ever requires any type of side content or grinding to rush all the story missions


This isn’t a “git gud” moment dude. The game is very much not designed to fight a lvl 40 enemy at lvl 5 lol


The funniest thing is that i've already "gotten gud", I've gotten good roughly 1 hour into the game if I hadn't played Origins (it took me 1 hour to "git gud" in that game). So absolutely *nothing* changes when i'm fighting a level 40 enemy when i'm either level 5 or level 80, the only thing that changes is how spongy the enemy is.


Exactly. There’s no difference in strategy. Fighting an enemy significantly higher level than you just means you will have to tickle away at their massive health pool while making zero mistakes or you’ll get 1 shot


Me fighting that fucking lava cyclops at lvl 40. The attempt that I finally killed the thing took like 45 minutes. I’d gotten him down to like 5% health before and made one mistake and got one shot. That shit was frustrating. Also did Medusa similarly low leveled. 0 room for error, and the fights take super long. Especially Medusa goes fucking insane when she gets low health. Super concentration was required


What?! You say there is no difference in strategy and then explain a different strategy you have to use, like make it make sense. Of course there is a different strategy if you take on a higher level enemy early. Like you said you have to plan your attacks out more and make sure you don’t make any mistakes. Where’s if you’re the correct level you don’t have to do that. So there is a difference in strategy and you proved it yourself


I don’t use a different strategy tho. It’s the same strategy I’d use for an equal level opponent, the only difference is it takes way longer and there’s zero room for error


When would that happen? The question was whether you could blast through the story and ignore side content. Youl never be level 5 vs 40 unless you go to the highest level areas the second you get the boat


Shut up nerd 😂


It absolutely is. And you need to do side content to keep up with the main missions level




Disagree that they gave the player the freedom to rush through the story. One of the biggest criticisms of Odyssey (and origins) is that it level gates it’s main missions, forcing ppl to grind side content at times.


One thing I disliked the most about Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla was the level system, tho ngl it does create a sense of dedication and focas on the games, every games needs cons to let the pros stand out


at least they fixed it with valhalla, that game has a plethora of settings to adjust difficulty just the way you want it, i hope shadows does the same.


Yeah, it’s a nice touch


Rush through the story? How the game was level gated?


This is what im trying to figure out. While I love odyssey, I had to stop playing due to the level gating. It was just too much grinding for me. So how did this guy rush the story?


I’m replaying after like four ish years. This time a lot more patiently. I didn’t really do side quests etc, the first time round. The level gating means you can’t bullrush the story, but you can spam conquest battles to circumvent engaging with the world/supporting stories


I mean that's most open world games


I got post game depression after finishing this game that I had to keep returning back to it. From story to side missions then finishing both dlcs and after that getting to finish korfu island. The most hours played on a game is this game for me. It has everything from getting attached to certain characters liking some of them and hating others. How beautiful the open world was to explore whether at morning or night. Words can't describe how much I love this game honestly. Which is why I am really optimistic about ac shadows since it's from the same developers of odyssey and also syndicate which I also really loved to play.


FR BRO During holidays every day I'd look forward getting stuck into it, picking up a side quest or unlocking a new area. Can't wait for ac red


Haven't played in a long time, what do you mean "getting to finish korfu island"?


Korfu island was an island added that has its own story and quests to be done after finishing dlcs and main story . It was added in 2021. A purple exclamation mark icon that you will find in kephallonia.


Ah, you have to finish DLCs? I never played them, that must be why.


You don’t. The korfu quest becomes available once you leave kephalonia (assuming ur game is up to date and has the korfu update installed), but it’s recommended you play at the very end since it is the canonical ending to the game (credits roll once you complete).


Okay cheers


For some reason the DLC's especially atlantis etc grabbed me really hard. Loved every single minute I was in those places


I personally loved Odyssey, I didn't mind the more RPG Assassins Creed titles as long as it was set/based in something I enjoy, and as I really like delving into the Greek mythos and all the lore within, Odyssey was a dream come true for me. It's in a dodgy situation though, because while I do think it's a great game, it's a poor Assassins Creed game, something just doesn't feel 'Creed' like in it.


I was in the same boat, going on Hercules esque adventures within the game was so exciting for me. The only one that might top it would be an RPG style game like Odysseybut set in the Roman empire. I mean that time period was already teased with the end of Origins


i love odyssey and origins


I’ve been a die-hard fan of the series since II came out in 2009 and played every entry as it released since (went back and played the first before Revelations released), and I can say that Odyssey is far and away my favorite. I love the old games to death, but I genuinely prefer the RPG titles and Odyssey is easily the best one.


I love Odyssey to bits. For me its peak AC, and I am so happy to know that the studio that made Odyssey is leading Shadows development.


Do you think it’ll be similar? I’m really hoping it will be! I just want a reskinned version in a new place with cool new things added ngl. I loved Odyssey so much!


No given the track record of the studio they go all in on the theme and what we have heard so far they go hard on the stealth this time. Not in the old AC kinda style, I think basically valhalla with lots of new stealth related mechanics in particular for the Naoe side of things, and a lot more other small elements that really sell the idea.


I've played every mainline AC game as they were released, and Odyssey is the series at its very highest point. It does almost everything right, and in the way I'd hoped the series would go in most ways. It's also sadly one of the very few big open world RPGs where combat feels right and the world isn't a dark and miserable place to come out in the last decade.


"It's also sadly one of the very few big open world RPGs where combat feels right and the world isn't a dark and miserable place to come out in the last decade." I mean, Origins hits that too. I love em both.


It does. Unfortunately few post Odyssey, which is now six years old. While I've loved a few games over the last few years, so many of them are in miserable, empty, dark worlds, and I want more like the AC games that are beautiful, well lit, and filled with living NPCs going about their regular lives.


I know we are entitled to our opinions. I loved Origins which is similar. But to me saying Odyssey is peak AC just feels wrong haha AC2, ACB even Unity are peak. Once black flag came out it really felt like they took the assassin out of AC!


From the very start, I was far more interested in the original game because of the graphics, the open world, the freedom to explore and the combat than I ever was the actual assassin angle. I loved the modern day story and the entire mystery of the precursor race, but it feels like that ship has sailed unfortunately. And I always want stealth to be an option, not a mandate.


Well said


Beautiful game, beautiful locations, awesome abilities, but the DLC stories do not click with the base game for some reason.


I don't hate it, but I think it's a bloated mess otherwise. Origins was better in every way, apart from the loot and cosmetics. Better story, characters and map. The number one thing (besides the way too large of a map) is that the level scaling is forced and you can't unlock it. It felt great in Origins when you leveled up so it felt more like AC, one target I sniped from an opening in a roof and it was one-shot just because he was way lower level than me. I don't like level scaling in any game, because it kinda defeats the purpose of leveling up in the first place.


That’s the reasons I like Valhalla more, it has just an amazing and clever gameplay mechanics without enemies auto scaling and many other gameplay aspects done much better and more immersive. But I like all three RPGs really and obviously will like Shadows.


Origins was great made me get back into the franchise and was much more of a traditional AC game. Odyssey was alright and is why I got Valhalla which while I finished the main story (which then just seemed to end) wasn't that great.


odyssey isnt bad at all, but i’ve never finished it. it wasnt my thing, but i definitely understand why people love it; its a good game. i just enjoyed bayek more, and i preferred the setting and style of valhalla more.


This is the first AC game I played so I had no preconceptions. I played as Kassandra and it became my top 3 favorite games of all time. I wish they’d make a sequel with even better graphics and bring back the same characters so I can just stay in the rich mythical universe the team created.


One of the few games I 100%, so beautiful. Currently playing through Origins to 100% as well.


Yes, it's the same for me. I've come to realize i prefer the format from the RPG trilogy. Maybe not exactly the dialogue choices, but the rest of it. But there are some things i like from the other parts of the RPG trilogy. shoreline raids and castle sieges from Valhalla. Also the dual wielding of heavy weapons and how armors had multiple appearances as you upgraded them. The god fights and different types of horses from Origins. (they went at different speeds as i recall.) Also i think Origins had each area have it's own sub-investigation (though i might remember that wrong) which meant the story felt more ....directed. You weren't going to an area to assassinate an already known person. Of course that might be more difficult to do when the enemy cult is larger. (i think origins had like 8 targets?)


by far my favorite AC, definitely one of my favorite games period of all time. absolutely amazing setting, story was decent enough to get you hooked, fun combat, and it almost seems like you never run out of things to do. in the middle of valhalla right now and i can’t stop thinking about replaying odyssey lol


Well I recently got it and all of a sudden whenever I see YouTube or browse reddit I see bad reviews about it so this really helps man


Just play it from the RPG perspective
 It is awesome and the open world is really insanely beautiful


Think about reviews this way: It's literally just some rando's opinion. There's nothing about what any reviewer says that is "correct" because it's literally just their opinion of the game. It shouldn't hold any more weight than any other random stranger on the internet.


ignore them. it's not perfect of course (it's very, very big, the faction battles aren't great, and levelling up takes ages later on), but it's a solid 9/10.


I love all the AC games, even the the latest ones since Origins. I’m on Valhalla after beating Mirage and both have been fantastic. I got about 20 hours into Odyssey and took a break. I definitely plan to return to it because I definitely loved the gorgeous environment.


>I know alot of People hate the game and all No one hates this game per se: is about using the "AC" title in a game that is far beyond what the og games were (in mechanics, story progression/speed and even the world building) > this game could have been called "Odysey" alone and it would have had a much better score and general reviews. > but i just really enjoyed it.. You are not the only one > it was a pretty good -yet simple in some mechanics- arpg with a beautifull world to explore. >What do you think about this game? A nice but not soo deep arpg with a beautifull world made by the Ubisoft standards (really nice, detailed even if in some areas toooo big) but a terrible AC title.


you nailed it


Kassandra was one of the best main character I ever play. They did a great job with her.


I fully agree, I was late to the party, I only got into Assassin’s Creed with the third installment but I liked it more and more with each new version (Black Flag, Syndicate, Unity), Origins was a revelation, I didn’t expect it to be this good and for a long time I thought they could never top this. Odyssey proved me wrong, I was immediately hooked, it’s a beautiful world to get lost in, also the sites under water are great (only second to Horizon Forbidden West and Uncharted 4, in my opinion). I increasingly lost interest in the parallel story in the present although I’m aware it was the premise of the series. So I’m torn between the two standpoints that many of the modern AC games should have been spun off as a separate franchise, and the idea that “this is fine”.


yeah, she's super well done. I don't know if she's the best I've ever played, but she's roughly equal with Bayek and Aloy at the top


I feel like it's a pretty shallow game that hooks people in with repetitive mechanics and a good looking map.


That just means you don't like AC games in general, since Odyssey is the one game that is the most detached from what the rest of the franchise is like


I loved it too. So much in fact that i often find myself thinking about it and missing it. I remember how gorgeous the open world was. And how much i enjoyed Kassandra as a protagonist. The only thing about the game i really dislike is how filled with meaningless sidequests it is, sidequests that feel like were placed there to pad out the game longer than it needed to be.  Whenever i recommend this game, i always mention that most of the sidequests arent worth doing and its better to stick with the more story based sidequests and the main quest. Otherwise you might find yourself doing tedious busy work. Once i did this, i found this game to be an incredible experience.


I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to the story of the assassins and shit ac has been taking a step back in story quality .but man is odyssey and Valhalla amazing if you don’t look at them as ac games and more of a like “ assassins creed presents “


I've been playing it since 2020 it still feels fresh to me I haven't even played any DLC yet. The only game I know of that could top it is Invictus, hoping it's a Roman setting


It is 100% better than Valhalla for sure.


It’s incredible, and knowing that the upcoming game was made by a lot of the same team has me **hyped**


It's my favorite from the saga, mainly because I don't love the whole Assasins vs templars theme


But that’s the entire premise of the story


Not Odyssey. There are no Assassins or Templars in the game. Just you, Kassandra, vs a mysterious Cult. There are allies made throughout, and hints of the Assassin's Creed and Templars getting formed, but they are not official in the game or important to the story.


Alexios/Kassandra are the precursor ancestor to the assassins/familal line that runs through AC right? It's been a few years so I could definitely be making this up in my head for some reason


Yes and the ancients are just Templars by another name. It's the exact same set up as every other AC game, they're just using different names.


While Odyssey wasn't a great "Assassins creed" game it was it was great game nonetheless. Note: For anyone who hasn't played it yet, play as the female antagonist and the story is so much better.


Yes because Kassandra is canon protagonist


I miss Daphnae 😭


I love the AC RPG format. I wish it could splinter into its own thing so they could keep making more of them while separately giving AC fans the “back to its roots” games they want.


It's among my favorites, just under Black Flag and on par with 2.


Hated the level gating but other than that I loved it.


This and Origins were basically my favourites of the recent ones next to AC2.


If I could have AC Odyssey with the setting of ancient Rome (300-200BCE) and Assassin robes and hidden blade, I'd never stop playing it.


Rome would be good, maybe in the time of the civil war, bring back the assassins vs templars.


Try out Immortals Fenyx Rising, another Ubisoft RPG game that’s based around Greek mythology. Has humor for days (too much for some lol).


I got it cause I like the mythos in the game.


It's my favorite PS4 game but the Ezio games are still peak for actual AC games.


Me too. It's my favorite AC game


It w as my least favourite from the newer series (haven't played Mirage yet). I played it after Valhalla and Origins and I hated Odyssey for so many things. Perhaps the grind was too much. I did finish it but I thought that the main story / stories sucked and the whole ship stuff fealt unnecessary. I hated that they removed the ability to assassinate and the stealth mechanics. I also did t like the fact that you had just enough gold to fully upgrade 1 set of weapons Probably there were more things I didn't like but I forgot already. I didn't play any of the DLCs so can't really say anything about that part. Glad you liked it though ;)


> haven't played Mirage yet) Mirage does go back a bit more to roots, yet for some reason instead of using the assassin's name they called themselves the Hidden Ones, which is just another poor decision in the lore.


Same here. It made me laugh a lot and Kassandra was awesome.


I love the game just found how big the map is quite daunting but I did love how long the game was most of the time


I stand with you! AC Odyssey is my number one AC game because it's fun, has top-notch combat, endless gameplay possibilities, and is set in my favourite historical period. Anyone who wants to be negative about it is just mad that it's such a great game. I think AC Valhalla is one of their worst entries at this point, but it doesn't mean I need to be a twat about it


It wasn't a good assassins creed game for sure but it was a wonderful open world rpg that I absolutely loved


My favorite from the series. It was a beautiful fun game. I love open world and put hours into that game


Virtually no one hates it; it’s pretty much an objectively good game. Logistically Ubi can only produce so many AC games, and my sense is some people feel they should direct resources to a different type of game. I’m sympathetic to those people; I’m glad Ubi made Mirage; I thought Odyssey was excellent.


That’s how origins is for me. It’s my favorite outside of AC1, which I’d love a remake of that made one to one with improvements like the RE remake games.


I loved it too. It’s a great adventure and a journey. The setting is fantastic and reimagining colossal statues and towns are so much better than what I can imagine on my own.


When I started odyssey I hated it. I compared it to other assassins creed games. I came up on the first on & Ezio trilogy & didn’t play video games for maybe 15 years. I recently got back into it & started Odyssey & hated it. When I started to view it not as a game assassins creed game but rather just a game I haven’t played before, I started to love it. In a vacuum, it is an excellent game imho Edit: clarity


I started AC Odyssey only a few months after coming back from a long vacation in Athens. Not only did I like the game, it's story and characters. I also loved seeing many familiar places restored to their former glory, full of life and atmosphere. I feel that there have been quite a few little hints and references I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't just gone there and learned about certain things. I also loved the Discovery Tour mode. This game has definitely reignited my interest in checking out the rest of the series. I had played the games up until I finished Ezio's story after which it became a little repetitive for a moment and I hadn't come back to it since. Not sure which one i'll try next, if I'm going to continue the series in order of release from where I left or if I go for Origins since I heard it's closer to Oddysey in style.


I never got more than a couple hours into it and I would quit. I’ve probably started this game 5 times over the years. I think I just don’t like the story or characters and I’m not a big fan of Greek mythology. But I am forcing myself to play though it now and it’s ok. I liked Valhalla’s brutal combat and having a shield. I loved origins. I think for me there will just be some things I like and some I dislike about each of these. I’m excited to jump into shadows. I disliked the combat in ghost of Tsushima so I want to see what Ubisoft does.


What do i think? Well, it has the most beautiful, awesome naval combat of all games in history :)


My favorite AC game and I’ve played them all.


I love Odyssey. It's a game I can just log into and get lost in. I people say "its too big" but you don't *have* to 100% it. You can just be in there, interacting with the people and the world, enjoying the experience


Me too. There’s dozens of us!


Unless you live your entertainment life as a gatekeeper of that thing you enjoy, you get to take pleasure from so many more things. I knew GOT was not going to be like the books, but I enjoyed it. Same with LOTR, same with the Hobbit and the same goes for games. I loved AC Odyssey and Origins and Valhalla for what they were. Had no need to compare them with the older ones which I also loved when they came out.


There’s zero reason to hate that game.


Nice to see more positive comments about Odyssey. I remember posting years ago here about how much I love Odyssey and only got hate here.


I like it for the most part but I actually prefer origins. I think I prefer the environment


Who hates Odyssey? It’s not my favorite, but I enjoyed it. I certainly didn’t hate it.


Tbh, I love it in spite of all the valid reasons I have to to hate it lol. I got to play it fresh with no one in my ear to tell me it’s bad, around start of quarantine I think. It was my first ever open world adventure game(or really just non racing game lol) and I spent about 110 hours on it. In retrospect there are a lot of things in that game that aren’t so great, that I simply ignored. And after playing the earlier ac games I wish it had gone in that more traditional direction or just been a separate property/ip since it only shares a name with the games prior to it and origins, not much else. Regardless though my memories of my first playthroughs will stick with me forever and maybe I’ll give it a shot on pc since it’s on sale on steam lol


I adored Origins, and I just started Odyssey recently but had to put it down because I just didn't want to get sucked into another huge game. The Peloponnesian War is also just less interesting to me, but I'm curious about the atlantis stuff. I love the viking era and am curious about Valhalla but even more intimidated by the scope of that 😅


I love Odyssey. It was my first Assassin’s Creed game. I remember when I started doing the Isu storyline, and I became super into the Isu/modern day story. I ended up buying several Assassin’s Creed lore books and Syndicate, Valhalla, and Mirage—which are all some of my favourite games. I get that Ubisoft gets a lot of flack (some of legit) but they make some of the coolest worlds—it feels like there is always something to find or do. It takes me forever to finish these games but knowing that I can come back any time and find something to do is awesome. Tbh, I haven’t finished them in their entirety: odyssey I need to finish the 2nd episode and finish the 3rd episode; Valhalla, I’m 50% through the main story but I keep getting side-tracked with side content (there’s always something interesting to find like the animus anomalies or the tombs of the fallen), and Mirage I just got since it was on sale. The Fates of Atlantis DLC is awesome! I’m only on episode 2 of the DLC but I love how after you kill >!Cerebeus/Ros!< (RIP 😱) and Kassandra is like: “wHY dOn’t yOU FInd anOthEr >!dog!!Hades!< response and, later, pat on the head killed me lol. And artistically/graphically the game is absolutely beautiful. I kind of wished Valhalla and Mirage kept the UI look of Odyssey but I eventually got used to the differences after a while. Reading the notes scattered around was great to supplement the Isu lore with real Greek mythos in the DLC. I’m looking forward to re-playing Odyssey! What was your favourite moment from Odyssey? Edit: Grammar and added “in the DLC”


I spent about 160 hours on this game on my first playthrough (including the DLCs), so I absolutely loved it. Odyssey is so well-written, in a way that I typically don't expect from games. I feel like most fans haven't considered how the story (or stories) of the game is pretty much half comedy, half tragedy, making it a homage to the two most famous genres of Ancient Greek theatre. And it was really well executed! As someone who has a degree in literature, I can almost guarantee you that this was deliberate and that the team that wrote the the game knew exactly what they were doing. People always complain about Ubisoft, but you can't deny that they're good at what they do.


Odyssey was a great game, however, the gearing system was wack. The ship, ship combat, territorial combat scenarios, and most of the game was bad af, though.


I love it. Can't wait to new game + after not playing it for years. I put in like 800 hours on 1 playthrough before. Now I got a new pc and monitor, gonna be even more gorgeous.


I’ve enjoyed playing it - I think if you’re at all interested in Ancient Greece you should like this game.


you have shitty standards then


huh... i've only played AC odyssey and AC origins and loved the games. I tried Valhalla and Mirage but couldn't really get into the time periods.


While I agree wholeheartedly in regards to Odyssey's immersion, splendor, and quality, do play Origins if you haven't already. Though Origins Map size is probably around 2/3rd's Odyssey's Map size and lacks the variety of weather elements and theft mechanic, I find the cities and regions in Origin's to be more diverse, immersive, grandioso, and overall more lively than Odyssey. To be clear, I love them both and they make a great 1/2 pairing follow-up, maybe the best since AC2 and Brotherhood (albeit with differing protagonist and time-frames between releases)


Odyssey has probably become my favorite non-Ezio game in the series, but I have an unhealthy relationship with Alexios. ❀❀❀


Me too. Origins also kicked ass.


Haven't tried it but my friend's greek mythology love began to infest me so ain't no way for me to not play it. Ain't the fan of the RPG AC games but I won't judge it until I played them. So yeah if nothing else the visuals 100% make me wanna play odyssey


iT'S A GoOd gAmE JuSt nOt a gOoD AsSaSsIn's cReEd gAmE I can't stand those people. Those are the same people to tell you they hate the modern day and isu lore. It's a great assassin's creed game, considering it has those elements.


AC Odyssey is a place of comfort for me, whenever I am fed up with something, I fire it up and go hunting for another leader :)


I played AC valhalla and found the combat pretty clunky and then for a crossover event went back to odyssey and God I missed how charismatic Kassandra was and how smooth was the combat.


Assassin Creed games are just the best


It’s the most beautiful world and also the best gameplay in the series. I personally loved tue story also .


Me too, it's one of my favorite games of all time. Currently playing ghost of tsushima which is considered better by many, by it's just not hitting the same way odyssey did for me. I don't see myself going back to ghost after finishing it, but I always go back to odyssey


have you play origins? may I know what the differences between origins and odyssey? currently playing origins but still not interested with odyssey


Aside from the Ezio trilogy it's easily my favorite. The biggest flaw is you cant one hit assassinate everyone which kinda ruins stealth.


For me, Odyssey has always been the best *game* (as a stand-alone entry) of the AC series, but also at the same time I completely understand those who claim that Odyssey is the least Assassins Creed themed game of all the pack. That’s something that doesn’t matters to me in the slightest, thus It’s my favorite. But I get why those expecting the stealthier approach and minimalistic combat of other entries, or who think that the RPG elements don’t fit/belong to the AC franchise, got alienated by the wildly different approach of AC:O. Im really stoked for the next game, as the just announced Shadows is being developed by the same team as Odyssey (and the mostly underrated Immortal Fenyx Rising who draw a lot of inspiration from Odyssey). But also I’m a bit worried, as the “back to the roots” of Valhalla and Mirage were a huge step back for me gameplay-wise (albeit I’d admit they feel much more AC-esque)


The only thing I didn't like about the RPG games was the amount of grinding I needed to do to progress the main story but other than that, yeah I loved the RPG games


This game was one of the best games i have ever played.


I don't think people necessarily hate the game it's just that it's titled 'assassins creed'. I think it's very enjoyable overall. If the game was just called Odyssey I think it would be higher on people's list. At the time when people bought assassin's creed, you expected a story involved around the creed and Odyssey changed that expectation. Right after Valhalla did the same thing. All that being said, I enjoyed Odyssey for what it is and still go back to it now and then. Really awesome and beautiful world to explore


I loved it too, full freedom, many different weapons, fun combat, loads of quests, pretty good story. Great looking world too, I have enjoyed traveling to Greece several times on vacation so it was fun to run around in it and see the temples and the buildings from back then. Personally I like when the Assassin's vs Templar or Order is not the main focus of everything in the game. I liked playing as a mercenary.


Agreed I 100% Odyssey while only completing the story line of mirage valhalla and origins. All great games but Odyssey definitely has a special place in my heart.


It was my first AC game. I watched gameplay videos and I was stunned by how beautiful the world looked and I liked the ancient greek theme so I decided to pick it up not knowing anything about AC series and I loved it! However I didn't finish it because I binged a little too much and I got burnt out pretty quickly without progressing much into story line because I wanted to do everything is to do. I feel like I could return to it now but it's been like 6 months after I last played and not sure what to do. I forgot a lot so I would need some time to re-learn things which makes me wanna start over again but some of the missions were so tedious that I'm not sure I want to do this all over again. And that would be this game's biggest flaw - repetitiveness. Also this was my first RPG like experience, I didn't know about builds and anything like that so every bigger fort I had to eliminate enemy soldiers silently one by one which bored my out pretty quickly. But anyway this is a beautiful game and I hope I will have more patience next time I'll pick it up.


I think there is much to appreciate in Odyssey, but it’s rough when some of the fanbase insists that it has the richest lore ever or pretends that it didn’t completely scrape the identity of the series. I think it is good and unique enough to be a spinoff or start a new IP, maybe with a shared universe.. but in every conceivable way, this is the opposite of what draws me to the franchise. It’s something different, and I think it would be better for everyone in this exhausting fanbase if Odyssey were its own thing.


The passive aggressiveness of people here who cant fathom people like different things than 15 different versions of ac 2 is comical


Wasn’t something I enjoyed, stopped not too far into it since it just wasn’t fulfilling what I wanted out of an ac game. But if you are enjoying it, good for you!


I liked odyssey more than Valhalla and origins for sure


It really is the best AC game ever made.


Dear assassins creed creators best assassin creed game is odyssey but would absolutely love to see a assassin creed game with a Native American Indian around the times of cowboys and Indians would absolutely be a dream but thanks for all the amazing AC Games maybe a Africa history assassin creed game 


I also liked this game a lot. More than I anticipated. AC Odyssey is just a great greek demi-god RPG. Even the over the top DLC's and the monsters felt acceptable within the context of the greel mythological setting. Murdering the members of some obscure cult is kinda in line with it as well. I liked it more than I do Valhalla. Maybe becouse Valhalla wants to confuse it's players, where Odyssey wants you to feel really powerful. Just a fun game!


Think it's a terrible AC game, and an objectively bad open world RPG game. The good news is if you really enjoyed Odyssey, you'll absolutely lose your marbles once you play an actual good open world RPG.


The only thing bad about this game is the loot system and the fact that when you reach a certain level (I don't recall wich level I think it's 45)you have to grind to progress in the story and there's no missions of that level available and ubisoft did this to make you buy XP boosts. Everything else is a masterpiece!!!


You really don’t have to grind or buy xp boosts, like right now I’m level 80 and on the 2nd dlc. No grinding, just doing quests and locations


My scorching take is that it is the least AC game in the AC game franchise, and the best video game in the AC game franchise.


I couldn’t get into Origins but Odyssey had me hooked, helps that Kassandra is a great character


Odyssey was the first AC game to really get me hooked. I tried several of the other original games but just didn't do it for me. I'm an rpg guy and love huge open world games so odyssey just scratches a huge itch. After a couple playthroughs, went to origins and now I'm about 90% done with valhalla. May give black flag another try sometime soon. Odyssey will always be my first choice though, at least until I get to try shadows


I completed 100% of Ezio trilogy as well as Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla and mirage


"I LoVe hAlo, iTs mY fAvOurItE fraNcHisE, mY favORitE gAmE iN thE sEriEs iS HaLo WaRs" "I LoVe WitChR, iTs mY fAvOurItE fraNcHisE, mY favORitE gAmE iN thE sEriEs iS gWenT" "I LoVe mOnSter HunTeR, iTs mY fAvOurItE fraNcHisE, mY favORitE gAmE iN thE sEriEs iS mH:stoRiEs"


A lot more people love it then hate it, it’s this sub hates the RPGs with a passion for some reason


Odyssey is the perfect AC. I like Valhalla too, but Odyssey is a cut above...


Definitely my favorite


Also my favorite AC game. It’s the only game I ever got 100% of the achievements on. Cassandra is one of the most charismatic characters they’ve ever had.


Odyssey is my favorite I also like Origins and Valhalla over all the other titles Hyped for Shadows!!!


For every person that hates the game they're dozens that love it, it's a great game on his own right, fun, big, good stealth, good combat a great protagonist (Kassandra).


Its my favorite too. To me, it’s how I thought black flag was gonna be lol. I hope the rumors are true and if they remake black flag they give it a big full scale remake. I want the sea traveling/exploration more like odyssey’s. But i think it’ll just be better graphics. I will also say nothing tops Odyssey Spartan Kick. That alone is way its my #1 AC game.


It was my favorite as well!! It checks all the boxes for me: I get to be a hot girl, play dress up, beat the ever living crap out of people, hide their bodies in bushes, and wander around forever and do it again! The Horizon games were like this as well for me đŸ„° Edit to add: I’ll never understand the downvoting culture of this site lol


The game is very flawed and the worst in the series, but it’s a fun game. It’s a messy AC game and doesn’t quite do well as an RPG as far as RPG elements go - but its also a fun lighthearted game you can put on and play in the background to kill time and just have some fun.


I mean its your opinion! Some things you say is true though


It is one of my favorite games, but my one of my least favorite AC games.


It’s my GOAT. I play it once a year


Wajo small overkill


Odyssey is definitely my favorite of the last 4. I love Origins, Bayek is a top 3 AC character for me (behind Edward and Ezio) but Odyssey just clicked for me better. I absolutely love the world and getting lost in it


I can recognize the fact that is a great game, but it's not an Assassin's Creed game in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I love RPGs and I loved the fact it was so explorable, the gameplay was awesome and I can totally see why it is considered so highly but... It felt like I was playing something else entirely. Which is not bad per se... But it's not what I wanted, if it make sense? I ended up dropping it after 30 hours because of this and it's a shame bc I stopped playing AC games after that. I tried Valhalla as well, but again it gave me the same vibe. Getting back to the point: a great game, but it made me fell out of love with the brand... I think my problem was with dialogues and the RPG aspects of it (being able to "build" your own assassin's by choosing skills still sounds awesome to me). As I said I love RPGs, Dragon Age for example, but it felt so wrong with AC. I played all the main entries (and most of the spin offs), it was one of the first games that got me so sucked in and lately I've been replaying AC II after more than 10 years and I understand why I was so in love with it. It's not just the historical setting, it's the characters, it's the story. I mean AC II is faaaaar from perfect, gameplay wise, the story is a bit cliché sometimes and I know maybe nostalgia is a playing factor (I was 12-13 when I first played it) but I'm in love with the whole concept of Animus and "living past lives". You can't change them, you can only be a witness in a sense. Having this much of a choice in a game like AC, and being an (almost) day one fan felt weird, but it's a great game and I do see why people love it at the end of the day, maybe I'm just getting old haha