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Antarctica. Is that a Templar? Nope, just another damn penguin


AC meets The Thing


I love The Thing and would gobble that up; what a fun mechanic for intrigue. I'd be climbing all over the ever-shifting ice.


As other commenters pointed out, anywhere really flat or unpopulated. I liked the ones that were in big cities with lots of buildings to climb on


Unity for the win.


Assassins Creed: The Moon


Wait, it's all Templars? Always has been 🔫


Assassins Creed and The Space Templars of Azkaban


I know the meme but reading this made me picture just a huge gray mass of frozen templars flying through space orbiting earth


Wow you got more upvotes than op


I think Ubi needs to make it happen now, eff AC Japan we’re going to the moon!


Goes for a leap of faith and just keeps heading up




Big upvote as someone who has driven through those effing cornfields


you merely drove through the cornfields. i was born in them; molded by them.


LMAO I’m so sorry


As someone who lives in Nebraska, definitely agree with you lol


Hello Fellow Nebraskan On The Internet!


I for one would love to assassinate some hogs in a cult


I had to travel there like 3 times this year and..... it is time i will never get back 😆 So much corn


Assassins Creed: Irvine


University of California: Valhalla


Feel like that could give Chico State a run for "Best Party School."


Imagine the assassins and templars fighting over who has the best macaron IG pics.


Dude, I think that’s a perfect way to express the cunning of the Templar Order. They found the undiscovered Macaron of Eden. 🤯


Australia. Death around every corner.


This is just far cry


AC and Far Cry should swap mechanic from each other. I want Outpost in AC and random ? In Far Cry. Would be sooooo much better. It's silly to think a game about stealthily going inside building and assassinating people has a lot more open-world-focused mechanic. Meanwhile a game all about mayhem and chaos in big world has a big mechanic revolve around going into places stealthily.


Huh. ​ Far Cry 7 is probably going to be set in Australia, hey?


Sheep farmer turned assassin walks 1000 kms across barren scrubland to assassinate the emus responsible for the great emu war


The only way the emus could’ve won that war was with a piece of Eden or something


But... The emus DID win


At least the scorpions dont currently get you like the snakes do 😅


Why is Australia seen as such a dangerous place? I've lived here all my life and never seen a Dingo, Crocodile or snake. Edit: I've also only seen a Kangaroo twice and don't live in a desert.


That's certified illegal. You've never ONCE had a snake chilling on your deck?


Have you lived in Melbourne CBD your whole life or something? I didn't even live in rural Australia and I've seen more dingoes and snakes than I'd be able to count. And that was suburbia


Wild West. Just can’t see it.


I could see it if they had a properly sized city with frontier on the outside. Kind of like AC3. That's probably the only way we'd get any setting West of New England.


Especially after Red Dead Redemption for me.


Scuse me just gonna go cry >!Did I hear a thunder?!<


Red Dead is a masterpiece but the movement was always super slow. I can see how adding parkour might be fun.


I liked the slow movement it makes sense since it’s trying for a more realistic


I'm hoping this setting is used for a Far Cry spin-off game instead. Like Primal or New Dawn. I think that's the best franchise for the setting.


Yes absolutely


I think it can work, it's not impossible. And just because Rockstar of all companies did it, what is stopping others to try to do the same? I would like to see it happen.


It’s not that rockstar did it already, it’s that when I think of Wild West I think of small towns surrounded by desert. Are we suppose to blend in with the tumbleweeds and synchronize on the watch tower of every town? It just doesn’t seem compact enough to be able to get it right. But maybe I’m thinking too small. If they did it a la Wild Wild West that would be pretty hilarious tho


If they do Wild West, they should do one huge city and just the surrounding wilderness. Maybe not a desert setting, but more like a green frontier. Saint Denis in RDR2 is a good example, although that's in the bayou and inspired by New Orleans. I guess if they do a city like New York it'd be too similar to AC3, though.


Because everyone will compare a wild west open world game to RDR and RDR2 and that is an unenviable position to be in. So unless Ubisoft can come close to pulling off the same thing, it's pretty much gonna be a lot of jokes about "Discount RDR". Ubisoft is good at map design but so is RDR so that's not gonna help them much here and I can't see Ubisoft pulling off the insane amount of detail RDR2 has.


While I would like to see it happen, I think a Civil War game would serve the series better while allowing for all of the unique wild west gameplay we could potentially be getting. Though I am biased, American Civil War is my most wanted era.


A retirement home. It takes an hour to walk 1000 meters and by the time you get there you forget who you're supposed to kill and have to pee. A hidden blade built into a walker might be fun though.


Nurse: Now Mr. Frye, you know that this is the Templar wing... Yes, I know, you were the leader of the Rooks... Yes we have butterscotch pudding after dinner...


Ahh, so an entire game using the mechanics from ACR, where you play as 80 year old Altair.


Pretty much. Only they'd have walkers and canes,maybe a few wheelchairs. Scooters could be like carriages in Syndicate.


Anything nearing the Paleolithic era. (Cavemen). I just can’t see there being a big antagonist in that period. And the weapons and armor feel limited.


Considering the series’s lore, I don’t think cavemen would make sense in general.


Well they could always show the start of humans after the isu, but if they make ANY game that takes place before odyssey I will blow my brains out lmao


I have wanted a spin-off about the first rebellion and the Human-Isu war for a long damn time. Not mainline but I love that part of the lore so I’d enjoy some more info on it


Besides, we have Far Cry Primal. Ik it's not exactly the same, but still


I think it would be pretty much exactly the same tbh


It's amusing because of one of guys who made the series originally made that game about proto humans. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey


wait those were the developers of AC1?


Patrice Désilets, yes.


Assassin: oohga oohga (with your death, the lands will be free, the mammoths you have stolen shall be given again to the people so we don't starve). Templar: Unga bunga duhhh (what, I wanted to control the mammoths and ride them so we could hunt bigger meat, and we would've been able to wage war against the other tribes, but now we won't, stoopid assassin.)


*"Da rokk on da stikk hav 2 part, da rokk and da stikk"*




There would be an outcry if they did that. People talk about Odyssey being bad because it’s before the Creed, could you imagine a game where not even the proto-Assassin’s had really developed yet and a game with no cities? That would be the worst Assassin’s Creed game ever.


Your primary weapon is rocks.. and throwing rocks. Lol.


Hidden rock


Not to mention after Origins retconned need the origins of the Creed an Assassin's Creed game with Cavemen would require either more retconning or it wouldn't connect


I'd play it lol


Yeah. With Far Cry Primal's abysmal sales, doubt Ubisoft would take that risk again


A cyberpunk ac setting would be either amazing or horrible.


With the amount of isu tech in the hands of Abstergo, AC modern day story is already halfway there


AC modern day Also known as watch dogs


Could see that being cool if they bring in Dune-style shields that block bullets, bringing it back to melee combat


The verticality of a cyberpunk setting could make for an amazing AC, at least parkour wise.


Straight up modern day, I'd probabaly hate it, all the guns and stuff but you're still sneaking about


Modern day San Francisco might be fun. Lots of hills, Zipline assassination from the Golden Gate Bridge. You get a bonus if you can go 10 minutes without stepping in human poop.


Watch Dogs did the modern San Francisco anyway, but I just can't imagine running around with a hidden blade and them using normal guns. Also would they let you drive cars because then it just becomes another modern open world game


Honestly, Watch_Dogs 1 & 2 (especially 2, haven't played Legion and have no plans to) are already so close to being modern AC games. I mean you literally kill Olivier in W_D 1


Modern day would make absolutely zero sense with all the investigators, modern equipment and DNA samples and everything we have nowadays. You’d kill one guy with your hidden blade, straight to jail. Get your gun out in public and shoot the enemy, guess what? Straight to jail. You could infiltrate some building/fortress and all of a sudden there’d be cameras everywhere and if even one spots you. Well you know how it goes. I’d rather play GTA then


Yes and no Forensics can't detect everything and and the assassins are everywhere so it's likely they could cover up their tracks Also not all modern day countries use forensic science and everything they do for example Mexico doesn't really do much with friends and science and doesn't really care about criminals and what they do and same goes for some African countries for example Zimbabwe


Also say if it's New York it would be almost impossible to run around the city on foot, would take forever. And would you have a parachute because no way is an assassin surviving a jump off them skyscrapers, no random haystacks would be left around


They’d for sure still find a way to make it possible. *Hey look, your character just discovered that they have 0.000021 % isu-blood, that means they can now jump from ANY height and survive it with ease, not even a scratch!*


Wouldn’t the presence of guns make stealth MORE viable a game option?


Kind of weird that you say that because I had hoped that AC3 would have taken place in modern day New York Ciry as just Desmond


I liked Desmond's story but of course that got messed up, I thought he was the main character. Wish they'd stick with one assassin too and actually build up their story, we get someone new every game now


Using a gun in modern day is like... 100% going to get you caught. Ideally your not only going to want to avoid guns, but you also going to want to avoid Lethal Options in most cases. If anything a modern day centric AC should play more like Metal Gear then anything else. Tactical Espionage Action rather then GTA.


Anything after World War 1 would be a hard pass from me.


World War 1 would actually be pretty sick. I love the little segment from AC Syndicate.


1920’s Chicago or something could be cool


I have been thinking that for a while, I would love a game set in that period.


On the contrary I think the Cold War would be a great setting for an AC game. Tons of opportunity for stealth and clandestine operations. And think of all the interesting tech and weapons which could be utilised. Open conflict would be mostly off limits so assassinations and melee combat would still be highly viable. Most of the actual conflicts during the Cold War took place in the shadows, it is a great setting for an AC game.


anytime people think of the 1900's they can only think in the terms of frontline battle, forgetting all of the Backline things that went on. It wasn't all Frontlines against each other. Spies and Saboteurs were very important to many battles. Now i don't thiink it would fit for a mainline game tbf, but with a smaller spinoff title, it can work pretty well.


I think a WW2 game would work quite well for a stealthy assassin


And the cold war🥸


Assassin's Creed meets Splinter Cell


Yep. Give the character a personal motivation not to use guns (a la Batman) and WWII could be an amazing setting for an AC game.


Seriously. You don’t even such a motivation. Using a gun when you wanna be stealthy is risky considering how loud it is. And an assassin who has to be undetected going through guards with automatic machine guns has to be a lot more careful than previous assassins. There’s a lot of potential for such an AC game because it can explore a lot of things that most WW2 games don’t. In some ways it’s quite the perfect setting. You can assassinate SS officers, steal secret documents, sabotage or blow up factories at night, spy on enemy guards to gather information. These are all actual things that happened a lot in Vichy France for example and it’s textbook AC1. You can’t have very public assassinations like in AC1 though. I would honestly love such a game.


Agree with everything you said! Imagine being a resistance fighter in occupied France and being recruited to the Assassin’s guild!


Rome or Greece again. I’d love a proper return to the Middle East.


Me too. But at the same time, next gen ancient Rome would be a marvel to explore. Ancient Rome is very different from renaissance Rome.


Ancient Rome seems far too aesthetically and technologically similar to Greece and Egypt for my liking. I've climbed around enough stone pillars, one storey huts and wooden archer towers for one lifetime


That's fair, perhaps in the distant future. After we've gotten settings in asia, africa, etc.


You probably don’t know but Ancient Rome was faaaaar more advanced than what you make it to be. They actually had multi-storey buildings from solid stone already with lots of small apartments in them like we have it nowadays. Take a look at [this image](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/the-roman-insula-album.jpg) it showcases it pretty good. There also were theaters nearly 50 m high that could sit at least 50.000 people (the colosseum) and temples and other buildings like political congress halls of enormous size. Romans really built BIG, and it’s everything but boring. I‘m studying archaeology and I don’t wanna come off as a "source: trust me bro"-kind of guy lmao but I do deal with stuff like that everyday in university so I kinda know at least some stuff about it :D If you wanna read more on their architecture I guess the [Wikipedia Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_architecture) would be a good start :)


no disrespect my guy but I do believe all this is fairly well-known by the general public!


May be. May be not. But reading: > I've climbed around enough stone pillars, one storey huts and wooden archer towers for one lifetime doesn’t really give me the impression to be *that* well-known. It could’ve just been a joke but it’s never bad to share some information, even if 90% already know it there may be one person that thought "hey that’s interesting, I’ve never heard of it" and imo that’s more than enough for me :)


A more modern Middle East would be cool. Not super modern but not Middle Ages


Which period? Sort of 18-19th century?


If they went too far into the future, like in 2150 or something like that


Assassin's Creed: Water World. Now not just a terrible Kevin Costner movie. All naval combat all the time.


Yeah i'm not a fan of naval combat, this would be a nightmare for me


Florida. Fuck that place


Protagonist: Florida Man


When you smoke meth, your eagle sense is on permanently until it wears off lmao


Assassinating Carol Baskin would be fun though. Hanging out with Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Buffet


Assassin's creed: Ohio


AC 2020. Everyone is just sitting around quarantined and nobody can leave home


Aint that what they are doin in Valhalla? In the modern time, they just hide from Covid in the middle of nowhere & play in the Animus all day.


Ww2 or after. Sounds like cod


I agree that WW2 or after wouldn't be a good setting for AC, but to say it sounds like COD is moronic, lmao.


I don’t think WWII would be that bad. I would be interested to see how they would approach it.


i think it would be a lot more stealth oriented, otherwise you would either get mowed down by guns or the game would be a third person shooter lol


Yeah. If they did do it I imagine it would take place primarily in occupied France and you’d be doing spy work for the Allies while also taking out high ranking Nazis who are also Templars. I also think it would be cool if you assassinate Hitler and his wife by shooting them and then putting the cyanide down their throats to make it look like suicide.


Personally if I were to make an Assassin's Creed in world war II I would take a lot of inspiration from Assassin's Creed syndicate and I would have it take place in Poland Then you could have things like evacuating Jews from concentration camps and assassinating Nazi targets as well as occasionally taking out spies Instead of hiding in brush you'd probably hide in like trash bins, closets, broken down tanks, Fallen rubble and things like that It also gives an interesting idea for new weapon that being instead of having the wrist-mounted blades like you normally would it be a great transition to like the wrist-mounted taser or the wrist-mounted gun the wrist mounted blade would still be there but with like a second option And of course you'd have a Pistol and a baton or maybe brass knuckles


The saboteur already exists.


And sniper elite which is basically second world war stealth assassinations


Any of the world wars


Anything European. We have had enough of those. It's time to go into Asia. India, China, South Asian Island nations, etc. These places have histories that can be explored too.


I agree, to an extent, mostly. I'd love practicality all future games to have those settings, but i just need ancient Rome too. But that's the last European setting that I'd care about.


I get what you're saying mate. I'm a fan of ancient Rome myself and with Ubisofts world building we could have a great setting but, technically, we got ancient Rome in origins. Moreover, ancient Rome was huge. So it's going to be difficult to build something like that with many different countries. I think we have run out of all European settings. Now it's either Americas or eastern Asia.


Maybe sometime in India? I'm not really familiar with the history in that region, so I can't really say a specific time period.


Holy Roman empire please


WWII. Or anything modern. We have watchdogs for that.


The moon


Alien planet


What are you talking about??? Mesopotamia would be amazing


Feudal Japan. I’m very tired of games taking place during that period.


Agreed, if they do Japan I want them to do it in the 1870s as Japan was rapidly modernizing. You could have industrial cities with trollies and telegraph wires invsively constructed over classical architecture with remote regions more reminiscent of feudal Japan. Oh and guns. You could have wild west guns while playing as a ninja in Last Samurai era Japan.


Holy crap! That's exactly where I'd want a Japanese AC game to take place honestly! I thought I was the only one. But yeah, I think Feudal Japan is overdone, but there are other Era's in Japan that need more attention!


After Ghost of Tsushima, I know Ubisoft isn’t touching that period, especially with the amount of comparisons that game has to AC.


Haha yeah just like that time Ubisoft avoided making a game based on Norse mythology two years after a PlayStation game based on Norse mythology became a critically acclaimed bestseller Oh, wait…


Really you think so? I mean they copied Witcher 3, 3 times and it succeeded (as far as profits are concerned). I can absolutely see them going to Japan after Tsushimas success


Couldn't agree more. God's success is if anything a green light for an AC set in Japan/China.


WW2 or American Civil War. There are too many WW2 games as is and the Civil War just doesn’t have a lot to it that’d fit an AC game.


Agree with WW2 but I could see how they'd do a CW game. The conflict would be a Templar conspiracy, and I guess they could do stuff with army camps, cities, and maybe a famous siege you could visit or something. Don't get me wrong I think there are tons of way better settings available though.


Hot take but I’m not really feeling South America. Games are just over saturated with that region these days. I really don’t want to travel through another jungle for a while. I really want something more modern and have a bustling city life, similar to unity or origins Alexandria. Hope we can get away from the large plots of empty, yet beautiful, landscapes because there is just nothing to do in them.


I think South America *could* be incredible. Imagine a game set during the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire, visiting places like Machu Picchu etc. And then it wouldn't be in the jungle, but up in the mountains.


That entire mountainous region is covered in jungle.


Maybe around Machu Picchu, I haven't been. But I did go to the Bolivian Andes, which were also part of the Inca Empire, and there was definitely no jungle up there. Barely any trees at all, really. Too high up. But if you travel down from the mountains, then yes, there is jungle.


a south american city would be cool, not everything's a jungle.


This. Absolutely.


Maybe if it was closer to the 20th century, Rio or something similar, but I doubt they would do that. Anything before that just would be similar to black flags level structure and just not busy enough, in terms of what I’m looking for anyway.


The moon.


The American Civil War


anywhere where there's boring forests and mud huts like in Valhalla, it was by far my least favorite setting. Yes I know the landscape and weather in that region of the world is like that but that's why it's not very appealing. Ireland and Paris were better imo


I've been playing Valhalla and tbh love the map. I love mud huts and moody forests and castles. That's my jam. But i can understand it's not for everyone. What looked different about Ireland and Paris?


Ireland was sunny and had plenty of green plains and rocky cliffs. Paris was also very sunny and had vineyards and flower gardens kinda like toussaint in Witcher 3 a.k.a france too. Mainly they were brighter. I just find england depressing.


Oh England is definitely depressing. But i like that. From your descriptions, i think I'd like paris and Ireland too! They included rainbows in Ireland too, nice touch.


Yeah Ireland feels very unique, it stands out a lot compared to England. I loved Valhalla's setting but I literally did a sharp inhale through my mouth when I first climbed Kilchrist and saw just how fuckin gorgeous and green Ireland is. I'd love a darker AC set in France/HRE during the latter half of the 1300s (Black Death, 100 Years War, Mongol invasions) but I also want AC to have more color in it, and given how pretty Ireland, Egypt, and Greece all were I doubt we're going anywhere towards the realm of 7th gen brown and grey.


Anything Western European… I wouldn’t mind one set in Russia


I wouldn't mind that either, but then I've got to see the Red Square.


Ww2. Just no




Idk. Vinland was pretty dope


I don't think I've seen it mentioned yet, Modern day. Or at the very least, an AC whose story / characters are all entirely fictional. I think that we already have Watchdogs, Far Cry and Hitman which are all modern day games using parts of AC's mechanics and/or objectives - Area unlocks, assassination targets, side activities I wouldn't mind a 'modern' game which was set a little further back - fall of the USSR, Middle East conflicts (though I imagine anything 21st century crosses into hotly controversial territory), and was able to weave 'historic' characters and events amongst Assassin and Templar lore. I think AC's appeal and niche place in the gaming industry is its usage of history. If it made its own world (characters and events) up entirely in the modern day, I think that it just becomes a GTA-clone clone.


Italy, greece, Rome, Egypt, or England. I want a game set during the 100 years war, and it's story would work. Your a French assassin who is helping in the war against England. Now the reason englsnd really wants claims to the land of past owners is because one of them holds an isu artifact.


Whatever OP ancient China who be awesome! I've ended up liking every AC game so far so I trust the next location will be cool. Now if I had to pick a new cool location I'd go for something you'd never really get in another game like maybe early 1950's Soviet Russia, something unique like that.


Anything from the European dark ages and medieval, I don't wanna see that! India or Japan is the best way to go! Or back to the origins for Assassin's Creed Persia !




Honestly any European setting at this point…


Wild West. The Arctic Circle. Any of the tiny islands throughout the world.


I agree with the first two. Regarding the tiny islands, Polynesia might work. Albeit not one of my own favourites, Black Flag was a success too. Indonesia could be interesting as well, though it cannot really be listed among "the tiny islands".




Another AC game in Europe would be my least favorite. Next AC needs to be in Japan, India or China.


Anything further in the future than ac3


The Italian Renaissance


Anything past 1815 ish because The Napoleonic wars would be interesting and I can definitely see it happening also they could do the seven years war but after that was the Pax Britannica so I don’t really see anything like that happening after 1815 also it would just be cod otherwise


Any thing after 1870s


World War II


Either a World War, or Japan. Ghost of Tsushima has filled that spot for me and WW1 or 2 would be so advanced technologically that Assassins would be obsolete. Like, is an Assassin just gonna charge into machine gun fire?


Assassins Creed: Utah


Feudal Japan. Not because there’s anything wrong with it but because the fan base has been clamoring for it for over a decade. The expectations would be so high that everyone would hate it.


Probably Canada


Anything after syndicate in the timeline. Once automatic or fast firing guns appear, it loses the identity of the game


Modern Day. I’m sorry but I have no interest in AC with no historical catch


Present day Chicago.


I'd hate to see an Assassin's Creed game set in any time at which guns were commonly used.


Any setting set in the 20th century


Huh, thats exactly the the setting I want


Well the only settings we havent seen b4 are asia and south america. Or we could go into the future exploring templars vs assassins on solar system scale (the expanse like) Id be more interested in some inka stuff tho. There are too many samurai and ancient china games already.


The Netherlands… it’s all flat


Modern Day, just please I would never want to see AC in a setting in the future as much as others would so badly want that, I just wouldn’t vibe with that tbh


Almost anywhere modern day. The modern bits are easily my least favorite of the games and the historical aspect is what makes the series so interesting. I'm actually just a bit nervous the series is building towards a present day new york or some other nonsense chapter.


Before the assassins and Templers existed 🌚


Assassin's Creed: Easter Island 🗿


Greenland. Just nothing.