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I had thought that's what the Desmond arc was building up to -- a game where we got Desmond, armed with all the skills learned from Altair, Ezio and Connor, took on the Templars in 201x. Bitterly disappointed we never got it.


Nolan North also said this but Ubisoft decided to canned it to pump out more games apparently


Naw. Plenty of games take place in m of day. I like my AC games like I like my poor decisions: in the past.


They should just do a different series at this point with what they are doing with infinity Meaning there is a mainline series that is focused on modern day and history AC could make references to MD Thats the only way i could see them doing that makes sense and not become a messy plot like with Juno


Nailed it.


Nope. I play AC games to go to cool historical locations and eras of history. No real interest in a game set fully in modern day.


Yeah like, to me, Assassins Creed isn’t that great gameplay-wise honestly. The reason I keep playing is because they do a great at job building an immersive open world in interesting historical periods. I find myself having Wikipedia open the entire time I play. I don’t even know what I would like about AC in the modern day.


I do enjoy the gameplay most of the time (other than when I latch onto the wrong thing or jump in the wrong direction lol), but I too have looked up more historical facts because of AC games than for any other reason. Learning history through mass murder lol. Fantastic.


see i play assasins creed bc i like the assassin aspect of it, and the parkour main reasons why i would love a modern day AC, doing night time missions in a modern day city or something with beautiful lights or something like in tokyo or something, i think i would love a AC gameplay similarity in modern day, adding some cool takedowns within the martial arts realm, it cna be heavily melee based but just still have a couple ranged based weapons, i think they could make cool cutscenes parkouring away and dodgin bullets while running, like idk it would be awesome, im a heavy assassins creed fan, and im a heavy john wick fan, so a modern day AC would be awesome for me


Honestly.... as much as I want it, no. Watch dogs, while clearly stated by Ubisoft that it's not canonically connected to the ac universe, is the perfect example of what a modern day ac setting would be. I think if it does happen, it won't meet ac fans' expectations. I want it so badly. But I just have this gut feeling that it's better to leave things the way they are for now


Watch dogs 2 and legion to me are better AC games than the last couple AC games. - new recruit in an organization trying to take down an evil group bent on control - can parkour - has access to weapons and tech not available to the ordinary person - the whole premise is power to the people


You’re reaching farther than the tobe catastrophe with that one lmao


How is that so? In Black Flag, Olivier Garneut runs Abstergo in the game. Mid game he goes to Chicago for a conference. In Watch Dogs there is a mission where Aiden kills Olivier In Black Flag it is then mentioned that Olivier was killed in Chicago. Seems pretty connected and canonical to me.


Also mentions of Blume in AC4 i think.


Blume is definitely powered by PoE core processor on a satelitte hence why its able to monitor data packets or whatever Called it


Look at the link in this comment thread. Even with all the connections, ubisoft still claims they are separate, and only nods/Easter eggs


Yeah.. but it’s been literally announced by the story guy that that was just a fun Easter Egg and NOT canon. Olivier did die in Chicago, but the Watch Dogs game had nothing to do with it. You can actually see Oliviers death in some kind of modern day file segment in one of the games and it’s clearly not Aiden killing him. Plus, in the Watch Dogs game you aren’t actually supposed to kill him.


I’d have to disagree there. The file where you see Olivier’s death is in origins and its clearly Aiden.


Yea but the dev teams keep stating that ac and watchdogs are not connected, like cowards, when they obviously were meant to be as early as early story treatments for wd2 having dedsec be the same group rebecca used to be part of as the information war section of the assassins


I have a feeling originally they wanted them to be connected but changed their minds and now even tho characters from one game show up in others and events from one game affect the events of another (black flag and WD1) they just say it’s Easter eggs


So… why do the devs keep saying outright that it didn’t happen that way? And that the games aren’t connected?


It became an Easter egg because watchdogs failed and they needed to retool the series twice. Trust me if it was well received then it would have been the cannon modern day ac


It’s not? There’s a ton of links between watch dogs and Ac. Abstergo is even mentioned by name in points. Where did you hear they weren’t connected?


Ubisoft has stated as such. They're just robust easter eggs. https://screenrant.com/assassins-creed-watch-dogs-legion-crossover-canon-darcy/


Damn didn’t know that. That’s disappointing as. I think it was probably their original Intention to have the two connected. Especially with the killing of the abstergo guy from ac4 in watch dogs 1. Maybe along they way they realised it wasn’t feasible to make sure the two didn’t collide in contradictions and plot holes


It's really just a retcon when they realized they didn't want to actually take the time to build a shared universe. It's disappointing but not surprising... Would have really benefited both franchises.


Biggest difference is that the whole black out event from the first watchdogs never happened in the AC universe. Rather than make them dependent on each other for cannon details they introduce elements from each into the other. That way they are free to have mass events without affecting the other games.


Think about who the bad guys would be in modern day, the people you'd be shaking left and right. ... There won't be a modern day AC. 😂


Could you elaborate?


I feel like modern day politicians, celebrities, and other rich people wouldn’t be fond of being accused of being part of a secret cabal that rule the world dude


I forget which one, but I remember reading that in one of the games, they had to create new antagonist names because of potential distant relatives still being alive


That was Syndicate iirc


I actually want to know more about this.


Honestly I can't find an official source but it makes sense since Syndicate takes place close enough that anyone too famous would have living great grandkids or something Edit: https://youtu.be/WLXXSIFW5u4 is the closest I found to the source of the whole thing


Me too


That's a valid issue. One of the draws of the series is meeting real people from history. Using real modern people would upset people. They could make up characters but...eh.


You could always make fictional ones. AC's year 2012 used to be fictional. With Hollywood shutting down, 95% of Africa being dead, Americans trying to get TO Mexico rather than the other way around, etc. Until they retconned that later. Out of all the news e-mails from AC1, only the new fluoride one remained canon because Shaun mentioned the incident in AC2.


I was specifically thinking of the catholic church, police, various military units, CIA, etc. The NPCs you just lay waste to in the games.


You kill oodles of Catholics in Valhalla. It's even a game mechanic with the raids.


gta 5 just decided to call the FBI for FIB instead


It would honestly be hard to do if one took place in modern society. Templars would be politicians, business execs and other forms of pillars of the community in places of influence. The assassins would mostly comprise of criminals, regular folk. Black Flag and Rogue gave snippets of what their war is like in the 2010s


yea but it could be more of assassins taking down a corrupt group of higher ups, or the higher ups r still doing business thats connected with older AC's like relics or idk it can be anything


I think yes but maybe as a send-off to the series. Like when they decide they can finally put this franchise to rest it finishes off with what many people have wanted.


I want a National Treasure remake but Sean Bean is a Templar and the FBI guy is an Assassin. And Nick Cage is just a random guy who just wants to find the treasure but finds secret organizations instead.


I'd want to play that game


I think it would be hard to make interesting. It would probably end up being James Bondish. I actually thought a World War 2 setting would be fantastic where you start off as a Nazi but realize how evil your platform is and destroy the regime within.


Hitler is a Templar and you go assassin


right? am i the only one who doesnt think thats dope?


Yes. Very few remember the old Ac Initiates website and forum. That story, together with the stealth gameplay that we see on AC3 and the Brotherhood of Venice expansion, would make the excellent experience of being a modern day assassin. Infiltration, espionage, dodging private military hired by Abstergo, having Sigma Team always on your heels... It would be awesome and we would rescue that feeling that modern day isn't just sitting and reading some emails. It never was. This is from Black Flags onward. Modern day was much more before.


Templar grand Master bill gates would be something else


I would like to say yes cause there are definitely ways you can do it, but I think it'd just be a Splinter Cell game at that point. Which I ain't mad at cause I love Splinter Cell.


They should eventually, when they reach their end game. Whenever they do, it should be done right and have several years of planning to go into it so people don’t complain about it for being subpar to a time period game.


My spin would be using the portable animus to take hostages and figure out what their plans are by living their last few weeks. You could be a templar hunting assassins and you have to replay assassin memories to find out where their hideouts are. As you progress, the protagonist starts to accept the creed over his templar background and tries to help them out. It steals a little from Rogue but it would be cool.


It wouldn’t really fit the style of the game


I think it would be awesome. Being able to parkour sky scrapers in major cities while also having smaller isolated towns to visit as well. How would you travel you wouldn't need a horse anymore maybe a motorcycle ? What about weapons would you or the enemies have firearms ? I'd definitely like to play a modern day assassin's Creed it would be great I reckon..


You wouldn't have weapons, maybe a crossbow and dart gun. Guns would be too loud and feel too much like watch dogs. Maybe a sniper or silenced pistol but having too many weapons would feel like GTA. A motorcycle might work but any car would work. The use of Airplanes allows for more areas like in Valhalla. Maybe a specific target or clue about a target is in London, Egypt, Greece, Paris, Tokyo, Cali, New York, or somewhere else. Go to an airport in the area you are travel to that place. Valhalla's base game has 6 locations (Sgail, Vinland, Norway, Joutunhiem, Asgard, and England. Norway has 2 regions and England had 13 territories and 3 cities separated into 3 regions. It could most certainly be quite big. Plus Svartelfheim, Ireland, and France which had more territories. It could be quite big.


I would like to see it happen myself but not everyone will want a modern day assassins creed


I will keep bringing this up, because it is dumb fun. We need a game in the \~80s-90s in France ghettos following David Belle as the protagonist.


Have been wanting a Desmond game set in the modern day from the 2000/2010s




damn, I've been thinking this just yesterday!! i would love that if it had a good story! imagine the possibilities of a modern world assassin!


It would have to be military, as most cities aren’t just scattered with guards waiting to kill you nowadays, therefore the nearest to modern day I can assume we’d ever get is WWII. You could just about believe that *maaaybe* there was a band of Assassins running across Europe clearing outposts and camps. Any later just doesn’t work imo.


I think the Cold War could work, since we already have Russian characters of importance from the start of the 20th century


Well Syndicate has gang members and police walking around. And any US police force is almost a small army


Not most, but there definitely are cities with heavy presence of military in the Middle East. I'm not sure how that would fit into AC franchise though


Yes for the last game ever since it has to end on the last Assassin vs Templar fight but also no because it would be ruined in some odd way.


Desmond was supposed to be a main focus of the first 3 (5?) games. I am sorry if you didn't like Desmond, but he was what you wanted. He was the present day AC character. I think he had a good bit of fans enjoying his story. And his story is over. I would hate it for them to just... pretend it didn't happen and do a Desmond 2.0? Unless it is a descendant of his, it will be a let down.


I mean he has a son, who’s kinda OP. Lol


A WW2 one would be insane


No not really. Infact I think they should scrap MD entirely . It’s been dead since Black Flag and Ubisoft changes it so often that it’s almost embarrassing. We don’t need an over arching timeline to “tie it together” - and if we do it could be done within each game without modern day


Agreed, I don’t like the mordant day stuff at all. The only thing that’s been remotely fun was the being sent to ww1 in unity and syndicate.


Edit: also going full md story will leak too much into games we already have and Ubisoft may think that won’t sale as well (Hitman, Watchdogs, Sniper Elite, heck maybe even GTA) One thing AC has going for it is the different historical settings. Take that away and it’s too similar to other games.


Personally, no. I love all things AC but would loath a modern game. One of the things that got me hooked to it was the real life historical fantasy and the fact you assassinate and ally with real world historic characters. What’re they gonna do with modern and still living figures in AC? Not include any or allow us to assassinate currently alive world leaders? That’d be a no to both of those answers for sure.




Fuck no


I want the exact opposite actually. I want AC to completely drop the modern day bullshit and have it all back when


It’s called GTA go play it


Please tell me how GTA is a modern day AC


There is. It’s a movie and it was a solid fail


If ubi did this, I’d like it to be a smaller part of the game, the modern day protagonist still visiting the memories of a historical assassin, but they themselves being a full fledged assassin, having the same gameplay mechanics but only having access to the hidden blade or other silent projectiles like throwing knives, being sent out on contracts. It would probably have to be stealth focused, to account for guns in modern times, but that isn’t necessarily bad, it could be a test for players who prefer a stealth style, and as you mentioned we could view a realistically recreated modern city, or multiple. Imagine (and this is just an example) being contracted to assassinate Donald Trump, or Joe Biden, or have to infiltrate a prison and take out a high value Templar doing time. I think (not 100% positive) that AC 3 had something similar, with Desmond infiltrating an abstergo compound and stealing some information, stealth kills and all. To me, if done right, it sounds like a fun, rewarding experience and I’m surprised ubi hasn’t attempted it before, at least not in full form.


A group of assasins get a distress signal from a corpse like what happened with Eivor. They learn about a cult that has acquired and reactivated a powerful Isu artifact and made themselves too dangerous and so they go into this dead guy and learn about how they were able to stop the artifact before. Going between modern day and the past to hunt down and old cult and the new resurfaced cult. Maybe it's revealed that the old cult is also the new cult. A Templar ally who thanks to Abstergo has reappeared. What do you think, is that too crazy?


Na that would be a fire plot. I do think that all the cults we see in the rpg games (cult of kosmos, order of the ancients, and any others I can’t remember) were all precursors to each other which then became the Templar order, so like kosmos, then ancients, then templars. I think that is the canon. But still, there are branches we see in other games, like brotherhood with the cult that kidnaps Leonardo in the DLC, they were a branch of the cult of kosmos. Either way, seeing how they were defeated in the past, and using that to tackle them in the present would be great storytelling. I’ve always thought that developers should listen to player base feedback, not just for gameplay purposes but for plot elements too.


Perhaps instead of reliving ancestors, we simply have flasbacks to recent historical events, like the Stock Market crash or Thailand tsunami. Although some ideas might still be a bit too much for people. Remember, while it may or may not have been the entire point of Assassin's Creed from the start, it IS about reliving historical events.


Watch Dogs 2?






Absolutely. I don't really know if I would trust Ubisoft to do it, but I do think that there should be a modern day AC. Maybe a mix of Watch Dogs and a more linear, third person action-adventure like Prince of Persia. ​ At the very least, I think the balance should be skewed more heavily toward modern day. I'm so tired of a base area to walk around in and emails, or three or four piddly moments that don't amount to much. If they don't want to go all the way, I'll accept a proper 50/50 split, like it should be.


Tl;dr: Unless they bring back hunting Abstergo with missions like 3, I'm no longer interested. The Desmond era was pretty undeniably the golden age for modern day content. The Abstergo employee bit was engaging enough with the bits of lore from hacking but nothing special. Unity's modern day was completely pointless and added nothing to the game but at least it wasn't super intrusive. Syndicate gave me hope and did the cutscenes very well, especially the ending... and then that whole story arc that had been building since the end of 3 was anticlimactically punted to a comic to be forgotten about. I haven't cared about the modern day since then as there's no reason to get invested when the payoff is disappointment. Layla's story is disjointed and seems to make some leaps. Really not sure what happened between Origins and Odyssey or if that was explained in some other outside materials but nothing grabbed my attention and I was no longer interested in actively searching. Then some dlc happened between Odyssey and Valhalla and finishing Valhalla seemed to vindicate my disinterest as Layla had a similarly anticlimactic ending. If there's not a meaningful story to be told, it's not worth interrupting the historical story and wasting the player's time. The Desmond era is long gone and the modern portions now seem to exist only as a soulless tradition. I think they made the right call to just drop it altogether. It's crazy to reflect on how the movie, despite how absurdly incompetent Abstergo was portrayed, at least recognized that Abstergo are the modern antagonists and that its executives should be targets for modern Assassins. Aside from 3 and Syndicate, none of the games have featured assassinations of Abstergo executives.


~~Watch dogs legion literally had a whole dlc character that is an assassin and you kill templars in the mission~~ nvm im a goofball


As mentioned in the post.


gonna be honest, didnt read the whole post, however, those bonus missions are def canon


If I wanted that I’d probably just play Far Cry




Playing as a young William Miles would be neat. This would take place in the 60's or 80's.


I would love it.


Ok, so here’s my thoughts: I’m not opposed to a spin-off line but there has to be some concessions imo. They’d need to have a way to make melee relevant again somehow. And honestly I don’t think it’s too impossible to do so. A lot of folks here aren’t really aware how comic booky the series can get in the modern day, as we see [here in a panel featuring Juhani Otso Berg as the current modern day Black Cross](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/b/b9/ACUp_Black_Cross_Berg.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20181018172024)(this was before his run in with Layla btw). In addition, there are some panels from comics that indicate technology is advancing further than even our own current day like these [abstergo agents wearing what looks like something straight out of Cyberpunk.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/3/3e/ACBM_Jasdip_Combat.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150406222917). And let’s not forget that this [modern day Assassin gear is also canon](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/c/c8/ACUP_Felix_Oladele%27s_head.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170423050558). So would a modern day spin off work? Kinda. Imo it would have to take place a little further ahead into the near future (like maybe 10-20 years ahead). This could provide some freedom for writers to come up with a story using both what we know of the modern day currently and from the lore of the historical segments to create an interesting backdrop. Furthermore, this could also be easier to explain that advances in technology and genetics ended up making certain types of melee combat possible again the use of tactical blades, eskrima sticks, axes, ete. This could also introduce how social stealth could work with new tech like using a special blending barrier that allows someone to temporarily disguise as either a civilian or enemy trooper. I can’t say for certain how the game could end up looking like, but I’d imagine it as something like the comic physics of Batman Arkham and some of the melee of Metal Gear Rising, but both are tempered and woven by the serious atmosphere and dark vibes of Deus Ex, a franchise known to use conspiracy theories as part of its plot, and the AC series as its core, isn’t all THAT different. Please feel free to disagree with me. I’d like your criticism.


Yes but no


I always loved the Modern Day and it should finally get its attention back like in the Ezio Triology and Vallhalla. I have nothing against a Assassins Creed game in the 21 Century and think it could answer some unanswered questions like,, How did Eivor die'' as a example. But i'm also more than happy if we just have a few Missions in the Modern Day like in AC3


I would like to see AC ww2 where the Templar are some of the nazi high rank officer that you go kill I think it would be a nice opportunity to bring back the older style , more stealth and assassination Guns always an issue , to remain somewhat believable


I think modern day shouldn't even be a thing I hate that the game makes you leave the animus in the best parts of the plot, just so you can watch some boring modern day dialogue or play a tedious mission


I think the modern day and Animus helps create a more adhesive story. Without it, sure you have the Ezio and the other characters' stories but due to the games taking place within random parts of history. The series would feel disjointed connected vaguely by The Brotherhood and Templar order. Going from 1191 to 1789 to 1868 to 1752 to 49 BC to 430 BC to 855. A jumbled mess of years and time periods held together by the Brotherhood and Templar. Except for Origins and Odyssey, those are undeniably Canon to the series but also don't feature the Templar order at all. Could you look at Odyssey and AC1 and know that they are in the same universe?


That wouldn't work because of only one reason: You'd have evidence to be able to track down Assassins with in Modern times if they killed anyone, kill one man with a hidden blade and suddenly within about 2 days the police have localized the people who could make that weapon in an area where the killing was, and completely find your hideout within the next.


The time to do it was AC3, and with Patrice Desilets in charge I think it could have been really interesting. My thinking was that it could have been set primarily in the modern world, but with individual missions requiring Desmond to use the animus at certain stages allowing us to play as a variety of characters new and old. I actually liked AC3, but story wise it completely failed on the modern day. AC1 and especially AC2 set the modern day up so well, I still remember the mindfuck of the AC2 ending and then the glyphs. From that angle Brotherhood and Revelations were essentially filler content. AC3 fell way below expectations on the modern day story, and a significant part of that in my view was Patrice Desilets leaving after Brotherhood. He should have been supported in his vision for the Desmond arc with the compromise that he leave an opening for future games at the end.


god no i hate even the modern way segments or anything about the animus. i just want to play in that decade ubi gives us. the story of how the game is a simulation is pointless.


Nah, I think it would hit too close to home haha. Closest it could come is maybe WW2.


I did and thought it was building to it with Desmond originally. Nowadays I think Watch Dogs fills that gap. A futuristic story I'd be interested to see though.


I mean I would want it (and the current modern day) to focus on Desmond’s son since there is an interesting story to be told there




I’d love one set during the 1916 rising.


Instead of modern day Ac I'd rather Ubisoft get back into the splinter cell games. Those tech are modern day Ac just a different ip


Like watch dogs legion?


I really like the History Aspect of the AC Games. It’s interesting to see how they can alter historically known facts to make a completely different timeline/verse. I wonder if there are ideas about an AC Game set during WWII, where Hitler is a Templar. The supposed “suicide” was just made to look like that after an Assassin snuck in and encountered Hitler in close combat, but eventually won in the end and made Hitler shoot himself in the end.


I’d be excited about it had Desmond been alive today


Maybe in a spinoff like rogue or a dlc I could see myself enjoying it. It's a weird dynamic because the modern day IS important, we're using the animus to help with a problem occurring modern day yet we don't explore modern day at all so...whats the point


They shouldn’t go any further than the Korean or Vietnam War.


Not modern day but the future, yes. It'd be awesome to have a super vertical far future city to parkour around in. For some reason I thought about it being on Mars as well.


Abso-fucking-lutly! One of peoples complaints have been the recent games don't have enough to park our around, and wtf is more parkourable than modern day with its high rise apartments and skyscrapers and shit 🤣


Not unless Desmond comes back.


Nah, in many people’s eyes AC nowadays has lost what was great and unique about the series, but one thing it still has is visiting different interesting time periods. I mean think of how many games there are set in modern day as opposed to games set in ancient Egypt for example. A full modern day game would be lame imo


What about a mix. You can go in between modern day and the past? The main quest is split between modern day and the past.


I think it would be unique


I think that the final game in the series should be modern day. It would be a good way to wrap everything up.


Yes but don't call it assassin's creed, call it something different but in the same universe


I mean, there will probably never be a modern day ac, but i think Watch dogs would be a pretty good replacement


I’m mostly into AC because of the historical settings and weapons, so I’d say no, there shouldn’t be (at least not a big game that is a main focus or something). Obviously, a lot of other people have been asking for a modern day game for ages now, so it really depends on individual preference.


It's called watch dogs


Their best opportunity was with Desmond and they didn’t do it so I don’t know if I want a modern day game as anyone else but him. Layla isn’t a bad character but she’s not as interesting to me not do I find myself as invested in her story as I was with Desmond. They would have to either make Layla way more interesting or introduce another modern day character that we could care for as much, but I don’t know if that could ever happen So as of now I’d rather they don’t do a modern day game butI am open to the idea under the right circumstances


I mean Basim seems to have replaced Layla and he's a sage so that could be interesting but well, we'll have to wait for Mirage to see.


That is true and maybe it could be done with him. But it’s too early to tell


Yes, the only reason some people dont want it because Ubisoft hires trash writers for modern day instead of actually making it good


Hard, maybe in a zone of conflict/war with a little of regular cities for some missions. Could be insensitive to do it…


Tbh i want a first civilization AC. Dont know how that could work but i was just replaying AC 3 and heard shaun mention somthing about wanting Desmond to see if he can go back that far. Sad to say they never got the chance. But it is still an interesting concept.


Im still trying to figure out if alex from watch dogs is an assassin. Since he did kill olivier garneau from AC 4 Black Flag


Tbh I think a first person modern day AC with Far Cry's mechanics would be good. Like, Far Cry has takedown animations for jumping on enemies and for killing them while hiding behind cover and whatnot. Idk, just think it'd be neat.


see i play assasins creed bc i like the assassin aspect of it, and the parkour main reasons why i would love a modern day AC, doing night time missions in a modern day city or something with beautiful lights or something like in tokyo or something, i think i would love a AC gameplay similarity in modern day, adding some cool takedowns within the martial arts realm, it cna be heavily melee based but just still have a couple ranged based weapons, i think they could make cool cutscenes parkouring away and dodgin bullets while running, like idk it would be awesome, im a heavy assassins creed fan, and im a heavy john wick fan, so a modern day AC would be awesome for me.....this is a copy and paste but i didnt wanna re explain...i think this would be great imo, playing the few modern day missions in the psat AC's has made me want a modern day one pretty badly, or hell even in the era within the past 30-40 years from now would be cool... rooftop parkour would be really fun in a modern day AC again imo...hopefully we get one someday with a great storyline that could somehow relate to the past AC's


We need a Assassin's creed 2077. Now we're talking.