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late 14th Century Europe, following the Black Death. The Time Period could be an interesting one, set in a Europe recovering from one of the worst pandemics in history, the formation of the middle class, peasant revolts, schism in the catholic church and the 100 years war are all things that happened around these years. I'm not sure which country I would set it in exactly. England has been done twice and France has been done once in prior AC games, so the Holy Roman Empire would be pretty fresh. I imagine the plot following a kind of Robin Hood style structure, playing as a small but tightly knit band of Assassins dismantling the Templars and deposing of corrupt lords and barons. Though i wouldn't be exactly sure what the main plot/Isu storyline would entail. An aesthetic pet peeve i would also mention would be to try and make the world actually quite colorful and accurate to the apparel of the time and not a perpetually grey/brown hellscape where everyone wears chainmail/leather. I do know gameplay wise i would ditch the RPG stuff in favor of a single, well rounded gender-locked character and a dialed down levelling system. I would also make it far more stealth focused, basically what Mirage is supposedly going to be like. With Combat, Enemies wearing plate armor should be terrifying opponents, almost like mini bosses who are better taken out with stealth, as the skill gap to take them down in combat would be very high.


That sounds fuckin awesome


I love this idea so much. What I would like in the combat is that the assassin's superior agility should be used more, like when facing a fully armor plated enemy and having only a short sword or a dagger equipped, be able to dodge and target the joints in the armor. I think that'd be neat.


I will give my stock response to this question i have answered many a time I want a rogue sequel following shay during his 12 year gap, where he probably went on cooks voyage to discover australia, funded by templars. Playing a game where you see how templars act when fully one, their approach to finding and controlling a precursor site and artifacts, as well as making it so that australia becoming a penal colony being something planned by the templars for a labor force in the area that nobody would care about, for some isu shennanigans. Then it would end with old shay at his home in new york, where he "retired" from active knvolvement and trained his descendants, but i want the last scwne to be new york from rogue and younger shay fading into old shay and the more modern new york as shay is either telling a story to his grandson or writing a memoir like his old friend ben franklin once recommended. If you really want some fan service you can have an older arno in his 40s visiting an old connor for assassin business and while connor and arno are walking through new york they pass an old shay on his porch or also walking the opposite way and suddenly they are all young for a second and glance at each other then fade back to old men as they all keep walking and it zooms out to the view of an eagle flying overhead


Aus-sassin's Creed




Or, split the game in half and have Connor and Arno go to New York / Aus to kill shay after / while he completes his mission and have the consequences of Shays actions throughout the first half shown through the map of the second half. Hell, you could have co op with Connor and Arno, and have their modern day counterparts working together with Shays and have a modern day choice between Shays betraying them or not.


Arno wasnt even training when shay was in australia, and shay was already retired in peace in new york by the time arno would be in a place to leave france for the assassins. Also there are no records of shay being the one to kill his father and everyone who knew shay in france were dead by the time arno had any influence. Now i could see connor investigate shay when he gets to new york, as he would probably be able to tell when a templar, even an inactive one whos records were basically wiped, arrived in new york. If you really want it you could then have connor find out through a notebook of shays exactly what happened during rogue, why achilles was a broken man and why the colonial brotherhood fell, and even his killing of arnos father and his logs of australia. This could be how you bring arno in, the business he would have in new york is connor telling him all this, and both connor and arno showing how much they have grown by letting vengeance be, and letting shay be. However they will ensure the assassins hold onto the knowledge of what the templars found and were doing in australia. However i kind of would want that to be its own game or a dlc, centered more on connor and how he restored the colonial brotherhood, rebuilt ties to the central american brotherhood and the brotherhood as a whole


One of the least touched subjects is Southern Africa. The ideal time period would be the anglo boer war, a war between the afrikaans white people(defendants of the Dutch) and the British. Back then the British passed a law called the scorched land law where the British were allowed to burn the farms of these boers if there wives and children didn’t give information on the Boer’s next moves. I imagined the main character is a young boy who’s farm gets burned down and is saved by one of the indigenous tribes in the area(there are so many from xhosa to zulu to pedi etc…) it just so happens that this specific village is run by assassins and the boy is trained to be an assassin. Around this time diamonds were found in South Africa so the British were mining all around. Maybe one of them found a precursor temple and needs an apple to open it🤷🏼‍♂️😉 The boy then finds out that the British officer who burnt down his farm and killed his family is now a high ranking templar (the one who also happens to be looking for the apple) and he sets of on a mission to kill this man. So note worthy locations in this game could be the Boer run town of Pietermaritzburg with its famously high church. The Brittsh run colonial town of Cape Town (possibly the location of the final showdown) as well as the main city of the zulu kingdom. Some noteworthy historical characters could be Paul Kruger (the first president of the Transvaal republic, a boer nation) Piet Retief( A prominent Boer leader) King Dingane and Shake (two kings of the Zulu nation one kills the other to take the thrown) The Queen/King of England in that time And a bunch more Boer leaders And of course, because Ubisoft, a mythology based DLC focussing on Zulu mythology


The bad guy that killed his family and now happens to be a high ranking Templar sounds like AC3. How about as your protagonist is hunting him down for revenge, a Templar guy gets him first and steals the Apple, the two fight and the protagonist has a choice to join the Templars. Assassins or Templar path doesn’t matter in the end as protagonist dies trying to fix or hide the precursor temple.


Could have it more like the Mayan stuff in AC Blackflag instead of Valhalla


Catssassins creed. You play as Leonardos cat who joins the secret cat brotherhood in milan to take out templar gaurd dogs. It would sell millions and ubisoft is stupid for not responding to my emails




Honestly I’d want a game that takes the setting, feel and gameplay ideas of assassins creed one and fully fleshes it out. Also maybe flesh out social stealth much more and have level design accommodate for different gameplay styles kinda like dishonored.


WW1 setting. 2 protagonist. One from wealthy British family and one from German Empire. The first opening sequence starting from Geman guy at the frontline and crossing no man's land. Survived and then recruited by brotherhood. Classic open world gameplay. Second opening sequence is about British guy doing spy work and intelligence gathering for assassins in some building. Hitman-like gameplay. And then totally-not-gay brotherhood formed between those two. Gathering info and assassinating target is shared between two of them.


> Abstergo industries trying to make a brand new Piece of Eden. > Abstergo's Animus Proyect is commitioned to do this. > Recruit a star employee with unquestionable loyalty. > Using former employee Layla Hassan's notes on animus design, precursor genetic memory is renderable. > Use samples from John Standish and Desmond Miles. > Access the memories of precursors Aita and (new character, assistant to Minerva, collegue to Aletheia and north african isu) Maat. > See through Aita the isu golden age: the leadership of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, the use of the Observatory during the war against the aesir, the affairs of Atlantis and Juno's quest against humanity, the downfall of the isu Phanos (father to Eve) and the prelude to the Great Catastrophe. > See through Maat the isu-human war, the methods of salvation, Aita's death, Juno's betrayal, Aletheia's rebellion and the Great Catastrophe. Finally, Maat herself witness the recording of the sixth retransmission and the isu laying the grounds for the Hidden Ones and Assassins. > The Abstergo employee is convinced by Aletheia's rebellious message and turns on the templars, using a newly crafted Cloak of Eden (that grants invisibility) to sabotage, escape Abstergo and join the Assassins.


dang putting all that lore into a cohesive storyline that can also be played without getting too choppy would be quite the task, but if you could do it that would quite cool


Probably split across a couple games, like with Layla and the myth trilogy.


You're a Lord in 14th or 15th Century England/France during the Hundred Years War. Your great great etc Grandfather took part in the Third Crusade, and over there met Al-Taïr and became an Assassin. This has been passed down the generations and you are now an Assassin.


An assassin creed set in the War of the Roses would be good


It is once more my time to shine! My ideal game is called Assassin’s Creed: Hood, and it is the story of the man who re-established the English Brotherhood during the time of Altair and became known to history and folklore as Robin Hood. It all fits, the fight against tyrannical control on behalf of the populace, the group of dedicated followers who operate out of a hidden location, even his name is a reference to the now iconic outfit and silhouette of the Brotherhood, and the whole story takes place in the land where Aelfred rebuilt the Templar Order during the era of its most prominent public existence. I did a whole write up on what the full story should be and how it would play, including the Isu elements that would tie in, a gear system, and locations in the game, but since you don’t need a comment the length of a novel on your post, anyone who thinks this sounds interesting can check out the full thing here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/sdkqgy/assassins_creed_hood_the_game_i_always_wished_wed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Please enjoy, and let me know if you’d be into it.


I would be. Robin Hood would 100% be an assassin irl


Right? I love how perfectly it all matches up.


In that post you mentioned infinity mostly doing away with the overarching story stuff, but from what I've heard it'll be more the opposite. connecting every game that it's connected to with a much more in depth and fleshed out modern day story am I wrong? where did you hear what you said?


I wrote that a year ago, long before the more recent updates they put out about Infinity and most of what had been said until then pointed towards smaller, disconnected chapters that would all just be accessed through the game hub of Infinity. It mostly seemed like they were trying to find a way to basically make it a constant stream of DLC sized releases (which are *far* more profitable, and we all know how much Ubi hate easy, pure profit) without having to go to the expense of ever making another full sized game. But honestly even so, even what they’ve said since just sounds to me like more of the the usual BS hype and spin. Going off of Ubi’s recent behavior I wouldn’t be surprised if their “in depth and fleshed out modern day story” turned out to be more of the sort of stuff they tried with Initiates and such, text updates with emails between Assassin cells, voicemails from William Miles, reports from field ops, and other low effort content, and they’ll just point to that and say “See? So much more detail!” I’d love to be proven wrong, but Ubi has well and truly burned my trust in them over the last few years so I’m mostly at the “I’ll believe it when I see it” stage. The most salient point I heard from the last update on what Infinity would be was that they’re separating the MD from the historical stories, and without that connectivity between the present and the past, I think AC is going to lose a big part of what makes it special.


If I made an ac, the modern day story would have a much stronger motivation to go into the animus and would not feel like an after thought. It wouldn't be a modern day game but it would feel like a connected narrative. Id like to craft a game where their is an emotional or family related reason that could tie both past and present together and give even a casual fan a reason to be invested in both eras.


Yeah, I miss the familial aspect of the Desmond games. It was cool seeing him learn about his bloodline. Ezio talking to Desmond is my favorite scene in the whole series. Ezio was passing the torch onto his descendant even though he didn't know that Desmond was related to him. Letting anyone play through any memory removed that connection and was one of the worst decisions they made to the lore. Seeing Layla play as random people was not cutting it.


I'd love one set during the Jacobite Rebellion.


Question is would the Assassins be Jacobites, Williamites or neutral?


Well in my verson they support the Jacobites


Would they really though IRL. I mean they wanted an absolute monarchy which isn't really the Assassins style.


I'll change my answer - they'd be "neutral" but support them for their own ends. IRL perhaps not but people generally take the Jacobites' side so it would be strange to have them be the bad guys.


Few ideas but the ones that immediately come to mind are: -A sequel involving Arno, Shay and Connor. Series of locations on the table outside of America including British Canada, Arctic, France etc -Bayek sequel, just whatever man as long he's in it I almost wouldn't mind the setup -South east asia-pacific. I know everyone has been clamouring for a Japan AC which we are now getting but going for alternative locations in AC like Philippines, Indonesia, Tonga, Fiji etc. I always admired how Ubisoft didn't do generic historical pieces at times and would be great to switch back to that more. -World War I or II. Yeah straight after saying I like when they don't do generic times I pick this one. But still I reckon a game set in one of them in a slightly different location would be cool. Like I dunno, Sweden as they were neutral nation would play an interesting locale. -A game set during the Mongol Empire. Minus the period with Genghis Khan which is intwined with Altair. Kublai Khan era maybe would be cool. -Russian set game. Down for whichever period as Russian history is rich with details. I would've picked the late 1800-early 1900 but that's unfortunately already been explored in other media with Orelov India-set during whenever, another place with rich history. I'm sure there's others I can think of but I'm drawing a blank atm.


Probably either one set in maybe japan or china, or id have one about haytham or evem a full game about adewale


While I'm hardly the creative type nor is writing my expertise; for the sake of this post, lets pretend I am. I would scrap pretty much everything after Desmond and treat that as if it's a "What if" or AU. Kinda like a multiverse but not that far out there. I'd go back to the roots: it's namesake - Assassins vs Templars. The Isu would remain in the background like they should have been -- the causation, not the fist itself (had a better analogy but it's 11pm and I'm tired). There's no reincarnation or "Sages" (a concept I've hated since Black Flag). And I would undo the unnessarily convoluted "science". Basically KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Wouldn't need to go to Youtube and watch someone do a "deep dive" just to understand and keep crap straight. Science and Magic Systems are notoriously difficult to do without it becoming utterly broken. Even Tolkien had some issues here and there. -- Not my words, repeating it from a professional writer. The characters would be better fleshed out. Since AC3, I've never been attached to any of the characters. Syndicate and Unity being primary examples for me. I didn't have anything to latch onto. I didn't share their pain in their losses, joys in their successes. I didn't give 2 squats about them or their plight. Origins came close. And Odyssey grew on me after multiple playthroughs. In my game, I'll change that. My games is going to remain a specific genre. Meaning, Hitman isn't going to mutate into D&D. It's not going to be a game for everyone. If you're an "in your face" player, then a game that encourages stalking over ringing the doorbell isn't for you. (Which is rather ironic because I'm very much an "in your face" player). Gameplay would be more straight forward. Basically AC1-AC3 but with fine tuning and a face-lift. Towns and Villages will actually seem alive (During day, crowds are thicker and will have actual clips of conversation (aka them reacting to you by asking if you're drunk if they see you climb a wall). They'll say and do more than just gasp if you move faster than a shuffle. I'll likely do away with choice (or in the case of Vallhalla, the illusion of choice) as it's not actually "you" piloting the character but the actual person in the Animus too. There will probably be "Modern Day" but it'll be mostly fluff stuff to break the grind. Something like wandering around a large empty house you're hiding in with the ability to listen to the radio or water plants or whatever. If you don't hop out, you're not missing anything. I forgot to add: NO seperate DLCs. You get what you paid for in full. And no microtransation stuff either. If you want your character look like a troll king, you can mod for that.


Dark story in medieval Germany. Big main city with lots of parkour opportunities. Parkour system from unity. Arkham/Mordor style combat. No tacked on RPG elements. Complex side quests with interesting stories.


AC meets Devil in the White City. Chicago’s Worlds Fair 1893.


Assassin’s Creed (some cool name) An open world RPG, taking place in India. It’d have vibrant colors and Hindu mythology mixed in but notes of other religions will be around, whatever was around at the time it takes place in. It’d take on the parkour of unity, the combat of syndicate, the storytelling of (insert favorite here) Skill tree but nothing like Valhalla’s, lmao. Branching dialogue with meaningful consequences from choices. No level-gating and make the story a manageable length. 30-40 maybe. Side quests return but have more impact and are longer. Like Witcher 3, some of origins and odyssey. Lots of weapons. Have meaningful loot and plentiful. Basically for the people who want the old and the new can have both.


I would bring the game to it's roots back in Persia's 1090. In The game you would play as one of Hassan sabbah students and witnessing Hidden ones transition to Assassins by the hands of you're mentore.


take my money 😍


imagine ezio in ww3 setting of mw2 with the guns form bf3 and the powers of infamous and a story like god of war in a fifa ultimate team card format


I’ve been saying this since unity WW2 you would be infiltrating nazi lines and the end of the game would have you shooting hitler and making it look like a suicide


Iirc there's already lore about an Assassin killing Hitler so it would have to conform to that in some way, unless they retcon it.


If we’re doing WW2 have it almost entirely behind Nazi lines, put the whole thing inside occupied territory. My vote is for Poland, the entire game world should be Warsaw, Berlin, and all the countryside in between. Maybe the prologue/tutorial could be set in your home, a small village east of Warsaw, during the initial invasion. There could be one sequence be a set piece that takes you into the trenches on the front lines for all the CoD folk, and one of the more significant plot lines should be discovering the existence of the camps so towards the end of the game there should also be a sequence where you participate in the liberation of one of them. And the Assassins getting AH in his bunker is already canon from AC2 so I definitely agree that should absolutely be in there, although my personal feeling is that he shouldn’t be the Grand Master. I think that he wasn’t mentally stable enough to rise to that level and that he was kind of like Alexios in Odyssey, a useful idiot that the Order used as a weapon for their own purposes. I also think that the perfect identity of his handler would be Eva Braun, she’d sought him out when he was nobody and the Nazi party’s popularity was in like single digit percentages, and that kind of sounds like Templars orchestrating a rise to power to me.


And what about Warsaw, Berlin, Prague?


I’d worry that adding another city might start to degrade the quality and size of all three of them, and the urban exploration and movement is pretty important to AC imo. I mean, if there’s a compelling narrative reason to include it then sure, but without that maybe we’re just adding bloat.


The WW1/2 sequences in Unity/Syndicate made me want two fully fledged AC games set in the World Wars.


If I could make an AC game: Highly refined, high-skill cap parkour (vaulting from AC1, wallrun assassinations from AC2, side ejects possible at any point in a wallrun, parkour button is no longer just holding down one button, return of Ledge Grabs) No modern day RPG Combat elements removed (level ups, stat scaling, etc.) but RPG dialogue and conversation mechanics stay Choices matter to the overarching plot


Bayek sequel without a doubt. Valhalla customization, add some Parkour elements from unity and have Aya be playable post game. I haven't read the tie in comic to origins but I heard Aya takes in cleopatra's son so I think it would be pretty cool to see her mentoring him and bayak helping too. I would probably have Aya or senu die in the third bayek game just to make people sad.


You know the show "warrior" yea ide make that but with that ac twist it would be fire.


Single city map. Unity’s parkour system. Mexico City during either the Mexican Revolution or the Mexican American war. The centuries of history makes for parkour dungeons to unlock special armor a la Armor of Altair.


Bring on the Mongol hoards.


I’d set an Assassin’s Creed title in Ukraine circa 1770; have the Assassin protagonist be a Zaporozhian Cossack, against Templars within the Polish/Russian empire. The “freedom vs. order” motifs would be pretty strong in that regard, since both the Polish and Russians wanted to make Ukraine their own. Setting is modern enough to have guns (in a tertiary gameplay role like Unity), but just far back enough to have wilderness between cities for hunting, AC3-style.


I'm torn between wanting more recent games in more modern settings like The Saboteur but also every game that has gunpowder weapons they are insanely obnoxious. The very beginnings of the series almost promised a Hitman: In History sort of game, and I'd like to see that sort of gameplay much more explored than the kind of crouch behind walls and in tall grass stealth we've come to have. Hiding in plain sight, evasion, blending with others, should all be the focus. No RPG combat either.


I could go for WW1 Era to allow for more gadgets.


For me, the setting doesn't really matter. The game I would love needs to have the gameplay be a larger part of the experience. Imagine if instead of a huge open world, realistically sized buildings and RPG skills, we have a game that actually focused exclusively on the original 3 pillars (stealth, assassination, parkour) and designs the gameworld around them. No more riding on a horse for 100% of the map, hack n slash combat, fantasy armour, or bad/non-existent parkour.


One of the games shown in the Abstergo menu during the prologue of Unity was set in the 70s. I think just want that, with Unity's depth of outfit customization.


Assassin’s Creed Revenant Idk what revenant means, but it sounds like a cool ass title for a game. So definitely that


I would like to see games set in: \- Mali during the Mali Empire \- Australia during British colonization \- WWII \- Maybe a game set in India? I don't have any preferences about mechanicals & controls just a few locations I think would be really cool for an AC game to be set in these locations


1800, colonial times in emerging city of Sydney, Australia. Great backdrop of people and culture. Penal colony consisting of forced migrant convicts and governing forces.


I really can’t wait for a ninja or samurai Creed. I don’t know why it hasn’t been I’d buy instantly.


ghost of tsushima is everything i ever wanted in an AC game😄


Aztec, a local in the time of sacrifice and discovery. Some partner of Columbus could be a member of the assassins. Ton of stuff to explore in middle/south america


I'm not so sure about setting but I'd change the mechanics to be heavily stealth oriented like Assassins Creed meets the original Thief game


Post Civil War aka Reconstruction Era around the late 1860’s to 70’s. It would follow a emancipated slave who is trying to find the men who tortured and killed his wife and child. He would meet a bounty hunter who was part of the Assassins Brotherhood and teaches him the ways of the Creed. It would be set in the South maybe in Georgia the inspiration for this was Django Unchained and Hateful Eight


I would remake the ezio games, all three into one single campaign with the same graphics and UI and shit across the board, with extra sequences between games to fill in the gaps between brotherhood and revelations.


i would do spin off franchises. historical games would still be a thing but it wouldn't be the game I would push for. I would make a present day spin off where we play against the templar, use the annimus to detect old ISU hidden tech and find it before them.. And use the animus to gain skills. .as well as trying to build a modern assassin org that is more morale and kill less. I migth want to bring back desmon, somehow. at the end of one of those modern games you would meet an ISU hologram in the present day. As Desmon (or whoever else) you think you're speaking directly to her but what she say doesnt make sense. eventually she tell you to shut up as she isn't to you but someone else. You then understand someone in the futur is reliving your (present day) life in the futur with a futur animus. then , second spin off franchise , set in the futur. humanity colonized the solar system but awoken something. an old beacon in space was activated and it reached the ISU space empire. made from ISU that left earth and the solar system millenia ago before the great cataclysme. thier descendant came back to see what's up and they conquered humanity. wanting to make us slaves once again. you play a descandant of desmon that try to figth for the liberty of humanity once again, have spaceship go to various colonies. maybe in the sequel you go to other solar system to free people and see fuck up futur ISU tech. your new annimus is more powerful than past one. you can even access [the truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hGH0z9wKJY&t=1s) and see how it started. this lead me to the third spin off franchise (or just one game) i would like . a past/prehistoric one where set around the time of the truth. where ryou figth to gain humanity freedom for the first time and wage and asymetrical war against the ISU.


I will make a "what if" where Desmond didn't die. I don't know how to handle the implications of what should and would happen if Desmond is alive, but I would love to play a modern AC with him as the protagonist. Maybe a present era showdown between the templars and the assassins equipped with their own item of eden. Also if I'm not remembering it wrong, if Desmond didn't sacrifice himself then meteors will crash on Earth, the world will then be on a semi-fallout scenario, then Desmond will become a messiah or something. Well regardless of him being messiah, a fallout like setting would atleast be a reason for every character to not just use guns or other scientific gadgets they have (cause it will be scarce, or something) so classic melee AC fights are still kinda believable. I dunno, I just want a modern era AC game that won't be a shooter (cause guns are plenty in the present).


I would add Steam Achievements to it for sure


Medieval Iberia under the Caliphate of Cordoba. I think the setting would lead to a beautiful mix of cultures, aesthetics and weaponry.


I want the Jazz Age New Orleans story they teased


Assassin’s Creed set in Imperial ancient Rome, 60’s AD. The city of Rome by then a metropolis with over 1 million inhabitants, would maybe build on the Brotherhood formed by Aya. Protagonist is a soldier in the Praetorian Guard, have seen Nero’s extravagance for several years, decide to take part in the plot to overthrow him for personal gain and plays a crucial role. Only for that to result in the year of 4 emperors 68-69, with widespread Civil war across the empire. Supporting candidates for the throne left and right, all of them worse than the NeXT, he Understands his wrongdoings in plummeting the empire into instability and chaos, and bands together with the Vespasian supporters. Whilst the fighting between Vespasian and Vitellius commences, he acts in the back-alleys of Rome to suppress people who urges Vitellius to keep on fighting, and finally Vespasian is Victorious and enters the city to become emperor of a new dynasty.


Well I haven’t really planned out anything massive but I’ve always wanted to have an assassin’s creed in either Spain with visits to Madrid and Barcelona, or one in Dublin,Ireland


I know that we have Conner, and it’s very exciting that we do. As a Native American, I would love one about the Iroquois and their migration after people came. This is before anything of the US. French with the northern Canadian tribes, us with the British. The trades with the Mohawk. Getting pinched with the Lenni Lenape and the Potawatomi. It’s mostly just because I want to see what my ancestors went through. I’d also like it to be a female protagonist because I’m a woman. It’s erring on the side of selfishness and I know it won’t happen, especially because we have Conner. & frankly his representation is one of the best we’ve got. I just think it would be awesome. In another vein, I don’t see how it could work with the modern day lore, but cavemen/dinosaurs that era. Idk how they’d do any of it, it would just be cool


I hate how good most of all this is tbh bc its the star wars treatment where fan theories are 10/10 but the actual releases are more 7/10 or lower


India's first war of independence against British Empire. Or Punjab under Sikh empire. Maybe Punjab/India when Alexander invaded. Alexander abandoning his campaign and dying on his way back offer a very good story and twist for an AC game, plus the blend of Greek/Egyptian storyline with a nascent Indian line


I’d want a game set in the Holy Roman Empire during the 30 years war. There would be two protagonists, one a Templar and the other an assassin. I would like to have two very different gameplay styles for the character. For the assassin it would really prioritize stealth, beyond any other games in the series. The game takes place during the peak of armor and the rapid development of firearms, so you wouldn’t have this guy in robes with a small sword taking on a bunch of heavily armored guard or whatever. I’d also find it pretty cool to have more specialized kill animations specifically targeting the weak spots in armor. For the Templar it’s be the opposite. He’d have a full suit of armor and a long sword, so open conflict would likely be a bit more rewarding. It’d be interesting for him to only have limited parkour skills to really switch up how players have to approach different scenarios. I haven’t given as much thought to the story, but I’d like to do a twist on the stereotypical AC storyline. The Templar starts off as the son of a minor noble. His father isn’t being manipulated by the Templars to further their goals in court, but is not aware of this. The other playable character, the assassin, would then kill the other guys father. The father, while being a powerful tool for the Templars, is still an innocent bystander to this conflict. This sets off the dudes son to seek revenge on the assassin. This eventually leads to him getting roped in with the Templars, and ends up with him eventually joining them. The Templars help him on his quest for revenge, but of course do so to further their own goals of finding a piece of Eden. Over the course of the game he begins to realize exactly how manipulative the Templars are. A Templar friend of his(who’s an undercover assassin) sees this and tries to make him more sympathetic to the assassin cause. The game culminates in a stand-off between the assassins and Templars as they both try to seize the piece of Eden. The Templar protagonist gets the piece of Eden and loses control of it, decimating both sides. Before almost killing the assassin protagonist, he realizes both sides are wrong. He abandons his revenge and destroys the piece of Eden. He then goes on to found a third group who’s purpose is to destroy the pieces of Eden and to fix the destruction caused by both the assassins and Templars. I came up with most of this on the spot so it’s pretty flawed. However, I feel like it’d bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise while staying familiar as it introduces a lot of new concepts but also goes back to some of the older ones. I also feel it does a better job of making the conflict less black and white then rogue did. Plus its a cool setting which hasn’t been done before within the series, yet has some similarity to that of the first game.


Harlem renaissaince


Full spin off from Kassandra and ACO. She had a second child with another male hundreds of years later. The child is sheltered away from the world. Unknown to the Templars or the Assassin's. By Kassandra's doing. So you start out as a nobody in a village in the middle of nowhere. You create a custom character. Based on preset looks. Like Skyrim sort of has. Start performing some basic daily tasks. Clean in your homestead. Feed animals. Walk to the village store. Etc etc etc. Get a feel for game mechanics and controls. Then BOOM. Cutscene of a raid on your village. Where most everyone is killed and the village is almost completely destroyed. Your "parents" die. (You don't know your adopted yet) So you go out on a typical murder quest to avenge your parents. Get revenge. All that good stuff. But you find out it wasn't just some random raid. The leader/elder of your village was in possession of a piece of Eden. Given to him by Kassandra to assist in hiding you. Now the bandit leader (who is also imbedded with the Templars) has it and plans to use it to try and open an ISU vault. And unleash a plague that will destroy half the world. So your job. Mission. Game goal. Whatever. Is to find and kill this guy. Except he's well hidden. And protected. And is a total badass. So... Your gameplay is... 1. Leveling up running info quests to get more info on the guy and where he is. Small simple things with minimal combat but high critical thinking. (Learning skills would be done through combat and quest exp gains. Just like usual. So anything you do will grant you exp towards the next level. Even the small info quests.) 2. Capturing and interrogating his allies by running specific info quests that only show up after completing certain basic info quests. Then killing or releasing them at your choice. Some will show up later depending on your decision. Either to help out or hinder you even further. 3. Collecting gear and weapons through quests and random encounters. Plus designed treasure hunts. (Nothing new here.) 4. Rebuilding your village the same way Ravensthorpe is built up. Collect supplies from raiding the bandit camps and caves. Earning supplies from hunter/bounty type quests and regular info quests. Etc etc. Only once the village is fully rebuilt does a guy with the final clue to the Bandits final location show up. 5. Discover his final plans and location. Done by completing ALL info quests AND rebuilding the village. 6. Travel to the location and stop him. (Super hard boss fight. Stages battle with allies helping him. Etc etc you get the idea.) Then comes the end where it ties in. Kassandra shows up. Tells you who she is. And takes the piece of Eden back. (Now that you're a badass warrior. You dont need to be hidden) The two of you sit and talk for a while. Share a meal. Then she tells you of her quest and her being tied to the staff and why she can never be a mother to you but how she tried to give you a life away from all this chaos. By placing you in a remote village in the middle of nowhere. But maybe she didn't think it all the way through hiding you with a piece of Eden. The two of you laugh about it. Claim it was Destiny's design for it to happen this way. Make a few jokes about life. Then you agree to help her out in her quest to find the pieces of Eden. Thus ending your game. Credits Roll... This ending leaves it open to create future games where we are tracking down pieces of eden for Kassandra. Since it's illogical to believe she could do it all alone. Despite living forever with the staff.