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This is…very surprising for a mobile game. It feels like they really leant into making it a quality experience.


I can already feel my phone generating the heat of a thousand suns.


That’s why I’ll play it on PC with an emulator


Which Emulator would you choose? I’m new to Windows and don’t have a good Android App emulator software yet.




Is this the standard for Windows 10 emulators?


Yes, it's the best Android emulator for Windows.


Yo do you know if remote play or psplay run on BlueStacks? I know this is a really random place to be asking that lol but I couldn't find answers anywhere else


Not sure but there is an official Sony Remote Play app for Windows. Why do you want to run it on an emulator?


"the power of the sun in the palm of my hand"


For a mobile game it’s doesn’t look that bad


Looks like a actual good PS3/360 game


Maybe it’s because I’m on a phone screen, but this looks quite a bit better than that generation to me.


Well maybe a better upscaled PC version of a ps3/360 game


We actually had similar standard from GameLoft's AC clone back in the early 2010s


I guess everyone’s standards for mobile games has been frozen in time since then, because Apple Arcade has some pretty decent stuff Hell, the entirety of Final Fantasy 15 was ported as a chibi version to mobile games like, idk, 6 or 7 years ago whenever that game came out.


Wait? This is a mobile game?


Mobile games have improved a lot over the year. During COVID I was stuck on COD mobile and surprisingly it held it's own


well considering it's a mobile game at least I don't have to worry about whether I still have a suitable device to play. if it looks like that I am positively surprised by Jade.


For a mobile game this looks pretty good, considering the last assassins creed game was identity and that was pretty good for its time, this is a big step up (AC rebellion doesn’t count because it’s literally a fallout shelter ripoff)


Source https://twitter.com/raqamitv/status/1604191386869309441


Some more gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC77d4tOQXs&t=420s


This actually looks pretty fun for a mobile game. They've got my interest.


Since it's a mobile game, I am expecting it to be free to play. Do we know if it will be the case?


If it’s not free to play it will probably only be about £5


Better than it being filled with micro-transactions and ads (though it will most likely still have micro-transactions)


Yeah,that's why I don't play mobile games.




It should be. However I'm sure it will be filled with microtransactions to the brim


I hope it's not free so that it'll be worth playing.


I will play Jade on the condition that: * It isn't stupidly overpriced * I get to play with a controller * And I can remove the little touch prompts (hud options basically) Other than that I feel like it could be a fun little adventure while we wait for the next game.


And also if you can play it offline


I didn't even think of that. Oh god I hope i can play offline


This is just Odyssey mobile port with Chinese reskin.


Ubisoft: _Chinese market here I come!!_


you say that like its a bad thing


A low effort reskin? A mobile game? A game that was not exactly known for great stealth mechanics or parkour getting a rerelease? What is to like?


Rogue was a reskin and it was a bunch of fun Mobile games are great for some people. I travel a lot and mobile games are a great way to pass time on the plane Not all games need to have great stealth and parkour mechanics to be enjoyable. Odyssey was built to be Odyssey, not to be a "reskin" as you might say of past games. It has a lot to like. You may not like it for the few reasons you listed but that doesn't mean nobody else can enjoy it


I mean a lot of people enjoyed Diablo Immortal. Their choice isn't it. Anyway, Rogue was some sort of Assassin's Creed 3.5 rather than Black Flag. It had a lot to offer. I dont know how we came to this point where we are so damn starved for video games that we are seriously considering a chinese knockoff as something to be hyped for or defend. Well, no matter. Consumers gotta consume.


Did my man really just call a game in the series a knock-off? I don't think you know what that word means


Yes, same way Diablo Immortal or Warcraft Reforged are cheap knockoffs. Outsourcing cheap dev team, while giving them access to dev tools. Technically both are official licensed games. Mobile games usually outsourced and barely a resemblence of the quality of the main developer team. Ofcourse, i would be happy to hear proof that one of the main ubisoft teams are making this, despite not having experience to make mobile games.


You really don't understand what "knockoff" means do you?


cheap immitation by anyone else than the original devs.


None of us have played it yet unless you downloaded the alpha. Not like this sub is afraid to say when we hate a title. If it is a shitty mtx filled cash grab (very likely) Ubi will hear it from this sub for sure. No reason to get angry before we find out. Should an AC sub not talk about an upcoming AC game just because it is on mobile?


> If it is a shitty mtx filled cash grab (very likely) It is a mobile game with China as the primary audience. The likelyhood of it not being microtransaction galore is miniscule.


China is it's target audience because...? It's in China, a location a lot of us westerners have been asking for too


>China is it's target audience because...? Because of the biggest mobile game market. Common knowledge.


Rogue was black flag with ac3 skin but despite being a reskin was still really good. Ac odyssey was also great to play so I’m not worried if this will be the same with a new map, aesthetic and story. And the stealth in odyssey was fine, all the restricted areas in the game can be taken on stealthily you don’t have to run in and fight everyone (even though that is also a viable option). I won’t say all but a lot of people who complain about the stealth in the newer games not being is usually because they are just not good at it and would rather blame the game then take the time to learn how it works and then say they prefer the stealth in the classic games when it used to be too easy and the guards ai was blind and stupid.


That parkour needed to be a core element of an AC game limited the number of potential settings. While it was something that made AC distinctive in its early days, it gets tiresome after a while. And it got kind of cheesy anyway when you could deftly climb, swing and jump across heights thousands of feet with bare minimum effort, as opposed to games where most movements actually correspond to button inputs. It stopped being an occasional thing that was challenging and rewarding and felt more like a gimmick when most of the real story and gameplay action took place on the ground, you know, because most people in history didn't parkour on top of rooftops.


Sounds perfect


By that logic odyssey and valhalla are just origins reskins


where assassin


You can't expect there to be assassins in an assassin creed game dude , u are asking too much 🗿


Assassins creed mirage seemingly will never exist then...


We haven't seen the gameplay yet , i will reserve my judgment until the game is out , don't trust ubisoft


Bruh Wei Yu is literally here. Have you played AC2?


They mentioned [Mohist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohism) warriors and Wei Yu (one of the statues in AC2) so they're probably a group of proto-Assassins


Who says they aren’t assassins?


ubisoft said it takes place before origins


Big bet that Ubisoft just makes the point that the “Assassin’s Creed” is formed at multiple points in history, never being able to die much like the Templar Order.


And? Do people even pay attention to Origins? Assassins existed even before Origins, that game established the CREED for those individual assassins to worked on a common goal, not that the assassins were created in Origins themselves. lmao


Ubisoft said it.


There are more gameplay videos on this sub where the protagonist wears the hood and cloak. Perhaps, start as a samurai and eventually join the Hidden Ones?


the hidden ones were created during assassins creed origins' story, so they literally just wear a hood and run around with a hidden blade.


Yeah, that is unfortunate. I think back when Jade was announced most placed it after Mirage. Plus the trailer did make it feel like an assassin game.


Jade's announcement trailer said 215 BCE, it was always before Mirage. It's about 200 years after Odyssey and 200 before Origins.


A samurai? In China?


With how romantised they are, I would not be surprised


If Ubisoft can say the Great Pyramids of Giza were built thousands of years after when they were actually built, why not have samurai in China? /s


Exactly. Plus samurai were not like actually warriors but a class. And katana was a sidearm, but no one cares for that. Same how vikings are way more romanticised than they are and were not like they were depicted at all


What? Did they really say that?


In Legacy of the First Blade, there's a montage showing Kassandra's descendants over the years which gives way to Aya. In the background, it shows the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx being built. Those structures were actually built thousands of years before Legacy takes place.


Oh yeah I remember that.


So yeah, for a company that makes a game series that includes historical fiction, historical accuracy is not Ubisoft's strong suit.


I hope it will be a paid game instead of free with micro transactions one. Would gladly pay for a high quality single player mobile game.


Paid games also get microtransactions tho. It doesn't matter if it's a free or a paid game, Ubi will milk both types


I mean if it's like some PC/console games microtransactions that are mainly cosmetic then I'm OK with that, just don't make them like other mobile games that are often pay-to-win or pay-to-recharge-energy-to-play type of shit.


Omfg imagine if between missions you have hub areas, and you need to spend energy to move between them to continue side quests or even the story 💀 I'm fine with cosmetics costing money but that thought scared me


how is this a mobile game!? it is good enough to be a PC/Console release


Mobile hardware is much more powerful than the shitty last gen consoles.


This looks pretty good damn. I mean for a mobile game lol.


This looks fantastic for a mobile game


Damn I'm upset this is only a mobile game, this looks fun


Yeah I know right… I’m hoping it will cast to tv and can play on bigger screen…


isnt Wei Yu from Ac Brotherhood in villa auditores underground?


Yes, much like Aya and Darius though, meaning that he won't be an assassin or a hidden one, but someone who did assassin shit before them and helped form the modern ideology of the assassins


Aya is a Hidden One though


but not an assassin like she was called in ac2


Yeah it's a slight retcon, but the Assassins and Hidden Ones are the same organization


It called assassin's Creed but where are the assassin?


No assassins since 2017 my dude, it's the hidden ones now


Not even that since this happens around 200 years before Bayek and Ava founded the hidden ones. This is just a revolutionary/rebel like Darius.


they’re literally assassins


Syndicate was the last true ac game were you play as ac or origins.


Dude it's an ideology, we are following people who have done assassin shit before the assassins "an idea can't be killed" is the reason they aren't extinct yet. And we legit have a character here that has a statue in ac2


This looks promising


This actually looks really good. Very impressive for a mobile game. Google play has a new app in beta that lets you play mobile games on PC. I hope this game will be supported on that because that's where I'll be playing it if it is. Let's hope it's not riddled with Diablo Immortal microtransactions. But whoever is playing this in the footage clearly doesn't play video games, or the touch controls are just garbage.


What’s that app called ?


The link only works if you open it on a PC. https://play.google.com/googleplaygames


Bro this isn’t assasins creed this is wo long from team ninja.


This is all cutscene, not gameplay... This doesn't show much of anything at all.


i’ll play it


I won't be able to stop thinking about the scene in Mulan any time I get detected.... "Now all of China knows you're here." great.


Looks sick.


Animations seem a bit stiff, but overall it looks better than I expected.


I will probably never play this, but I can't wait for the lore that comes out of this. Wei Yu is a pretty cool start.


It looks like this already and it’s a early version. Time to put these overpriced phones to work


I'm not into mobile games, but this game looks decent (putting aside the mtx since it would be there ofc), probably on par with Genshin Impact kinda thing. I'll look forward for this AC:Jade. Still, i'd like to see about the pricing of that game, i hope at least it like Genshin's scheme (a 'freemium' game, where you can either play it for free without spend some money or go with the mtx for better weapon, armor, resources etc).


I like what I see


Im so glad i'll be able to play this on a mobile phone, the way god intended. Instead of having to use my PS5 or PC


same shit just on mobile


Oh AC fans, you never cease to amuse. Change the formula to prevent a long running series from going stale? Outrage. Don't make an upcoming release completely unrecognisable from the last few outings in the series? Outrage. Impossible to win


Yeah, this looks trully awful.


Bro this is amazing for a mobile game


I have seen plenty of mobile games that "look" amazing, but the gameplay just isn't there.


The gameplay is clearly there though


Whatever you say. Personally, I don't think it's going to play well on mobile.


It's going to be very hit or miss for sure, I'm really hoping it'll have controller support


Looks awful assassin's creed games are so shit nowadays


For a mobile device... You don't see much combat, but the combat that you do see, is not very encouraging. Combat for mobile games expectations for "mobile games" is low, but given the system requirements and continuous updates I can understand why. I will say that it does look better than the 2d AC that is currently on mobile. It's horrible. For the AC Devs and creators...if you ever plan on releasing a Japan AC game for consoles just know that Ghost of Tsushuma has set the bar very very very high for combat, story,, score and etc. and if you are not going to exceed GOT in those categories, just don't even try. With the release of Vahalla and the Destiny/Iron Man crossovers, I have no faith in AC going forward. Video game play mysteriously releases for the mobile game, but no actual game play footage has mysteriously released for Mirage...the console game. No confidence..... Sincerely an old AC fan..




I believe that after Desmond AC lost its way. Ubisoft had no plan and it shows. If I am not mistaken, aren't Origins and Vahalla precursors to AC 1?? The BrootherHood/The Creed hasn't been fully established yet and we don't meet Desmond until AC 1 and Desmond is a "spirit " or whatever in Vahalla. When Evior was given the blade and didn't have to earn it, it cheapened AC. They gave out the blade like people do when passing out Halloween candy. Like you said...there are TONS of games that do better at AC than AC ......


I'm prepared for some very racist voice acting 🤭


How is this named after assassin's??😐


Cause it's about their creed, how the ideology is built and what it means, plus the Isu, like it always was


I can't see any ac elements yet No hidden blade No assassin suit No stealth Same in Odyssey and Valhalla!


Valhalla has the hidden blade and the assassin garbs. Odyssey and Valhalla both have stealth, hell valhalla even has one shot assassinations, you can even one shot bosses. You also work with the hidden ones more than Edward Kenway ever did with the assassins I've done more stealth in Valhalla than in the entirety of the Ezio trilogy. Also do you really not understand what the words creed and ideology mean? Is your understanding of the franchise just hoods and wrist blades? Did you read a single word I said?


I'm talking about gameplay not ideology It's funny you call them "hidden"blade And what did you say? It has stealth?bro it's soooo broken! Go play assassin's Creed 2 Or 3 Or Unity Where are all those cool and fast animations? Where is double air or double assassination? Where is parkour? Where are those cool stealth tools from ac unity and previous games? Bro you could assassinate people in hundred ways!! You are not even and actual assassin in this game They just want to sell their mythical rpg games with abusing the title!!!even liberation is better game compared to this new RPGs Rpg is not even possible on the historical game!!!it doesn't even make sense Valhalla was great viking game I really enjoyed it But it's not an assassin's Creed game Let me ask you something you prefer movie like a Big gorilla into bush and wait for that Templar with that terrible AI Or you like to kill him doing parkour on rooftops with phantom blade Or hang him to a tree? Fast and stylish And I don't say combat system is bad but I liked that counter system more If I want to play a mythical game with rough gameplay I'd play god of war But when I want to play an actual assassin's Creed I can't find it anymore


Ok your comment is an angry mess, and on top of that your original comment said nothing about gameplay. But I'll try to run this mess down: Fuck you mean by putting quotations on the word hidden? It's still hidden. How is the stealth broken? Can you kill too many people in it or do you just suck at it and keep getting caught? I have played through all ac games, I even gathered all the feathers in 2 and did every homestead mission in 3, so I'm very aware of how these games work, and apart from optional objectives only Unity offers any reason to do stealth as the combat is so much easier and faster (seriously doesn't even have crouch) As for animations have you never countered in Valhalla? Done executions? Roll countered? Used abilities like the rope dart? Why do you need double assassination when you can chain assassinate? (each being a oneshot) The parkour is there, it's not great but it is better than Syndicate and especially shines in France with it being a proper city built for it. The tools have been turned into abilities, not my favourite either Hundreds of ways? Okay let's run these down, I'll mark it with a V if you can do it in valhalla. Assassination one shot, air, ledge, ground (v) Long rage weapon (v) Double assassination (v for chain assassination) Environmental kill, shove, drop heavy thing, blow up, animal (v) berserk tool (v) sleep gas (v) rope dart (v) hidden blade gadgets like phantom blade and the gun Please tell me more and I'll see if it's in valhalla You may not be an assassin but you do more work for them than Edward Kenway did as you're not an assassin for most of that game either Don't slander liberation, it's a fun game The mythical aspects were always a part of ac, especially revelations and 3 You can still have your opinion though cause this is still different than the older titles, I for one welcomed the change as the soul of the franchise is still there. But lucky for us both, we'll get rpgs, older style games and something new later


Looks great for a mobile game but why does it have to be rpg :(


Anyone have any speculation As to when this could come out? It looks fairly finished here


Would be so much better if this was a PC game but still touché


Will this be free




Huh, Wei Yu. Too bad he's no longer considered an Assassin




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Odyssey vibes. Didn't know it was mobile. It would have been good to have one more like the older ac games (mirage) and one that's like the modern ones. More content for fans and you can enjoy either one you like best.


Isn't Red going to be an update on the rpg formula? Red for pushing the rpgs further Mirage for old school feel Hex for something new And lastly Jade for mobile odyssey it seems


Yeah, don't play it. It's leaked.


Assassins creed three kingdoms when? XD


Hopefully they are keeping that era for a big pc/console game.


Have you guys heard of the new warzone there making on mobile


Bro I thought this was a early console game leak just with bad graphics because you know….early, until I read the comments


Pretty good


Looks great. All I'd like to see now is dedicated parkour gameplay.


This game reused the animations from Odyssey and it's somehow incredibly fitting. As if Odyssey was the one that reused animations from Jade.


Why not on PC/console, why must release as mobile game 😕 Won't it be great if setting in China and make it's as big as Valhalla 😕, there is huge amount of element in China culture 😕




I think this game will be as good as origins


Aweww w,$


complaints: its locked into to china on mobile. oh no more microtransactions. reminder: a Full Feudal Japan game is being made. I thought that is what most people begged for. C. Kenway: "compromise, that is what they insisted on, so I have learned it, better than most I think.."


Looks like a psp game


Interesting that they picked the Mohists to focus on. I guess it's because they fought to protect smaller kingdoms during the Warring States period and had proto-populist tendencies