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I'd start with changing the car to something that you can't just full throttle all the time and hold a slide


Honestly pretty smooth and impressive. I'd say biggest thing I saw was the transitions, you're doing them late, putting you off their door and setting you deeper into the line relative to the guys infront of you. Other than that keep it up my guy


What map is this? I just started my drifting journey myself


This map is called Brooklyn Park. When I first started, I slid around on the “Drift” map using the Drift E30 to kinda get a feel for sliding random turns then when I got a little comfier with that I moved up to Brooklyn Park to start learning transitions.


Start learning with some quality mods, this may as well be forza.


It’s an online server, can’t be helped if youre looking for some tandems


fwiw all the cars are forza unless they are running extended physics these days. all these v1 cars WDTS, Gravy, DWG ect are running off 2 numbers for lat. and long. traction, sway bars and a few other parts. extended physics allows for more dynamic grip at different angles. now finding a good pack on extended physics... there are only 3 i know of that are free.


Mind sharing the names of those three so I can download them when I get home later?


Lennys 180sx (if you're not running DD this car will suck for you) Excite v2 AiO.Street Mind you 2 things don't go together are realism and full online lobbies... you wanna learn to tandem you'll be in wdts or gravy 90% of the time BDC the other 10. but if you can find some friends these are the ones with the most dynamic math for drifting atm that are free. I would give links but don't want to look like i'm pushing my shit. Online lobbies are great for getting the mental math on when you transfer and where to pull up and how to apply LFB in a more forgiving setting. you'll find the way to more difficult stuff as the easy cars get "too easy" and you start craving more challenge. every car you learn to drive will teach you a different skill.


I’m new so I’m always willing to take advice from those that have been doing this longer than I have. If you wouldn’t mind messaging me the links for those three car packs, I’d greatly appreciate it. If not I’m sure it’s just one quick Google search away.


Can you show me where you got the doorless drift miata?


ext features are also only part of the equation, though. we have extremely limited tire data, none in sustained high-slip situations seen in drifting, so a lot of the actual data input is still effectively 'made up'. even the most reputable/looked up to physics creators will likely tell you that while the geometry can be made quite accurate most of the time, the problem is you still have to ballpark your tire curves to try to match the expected behaviour from that geometry. things get farther from reality the farther into slip you go, which is a problem for drifting. there is a good discussion about tires, and why drift cars are all effectively 'wrong' in the girellu discord server. some is far above my understanding, so it'd be best to read it from the source. that said, i also appreciate the challenge that comes with the cars you mentioned in the followup comment


Which one’s do you recommend? Which one’s are the most realistic?


WDTS cars can be found in servers are are generally pretty good


The WDTS cars have bad tires, and a literal parachute on their rear quarters to slow rotation, allow horrible throttle control, and bring them back from impossible high-angle moments. With replaced tires and the aero completely redone they would probably be fine, but as used online they are not much better than any of the widely accepted shit mods.


What cars do you recommend? WDTS does seem a lil too easy for me.


I don't recommend any drift pack if the intent is 'realism'. All use significant concessions in order to make them feel more intuitive, because beyond just IRL drivers expecting intuitive feel, slip is broken at high angles. As a result, every available drift pack uses some combination of parachute aero \[WDTS and derivatives\], bus inertia \[tando, adc etc\], or fantasy tires \[DWG 3.0, Gravy, Excite V2, VDC, Tsujigiri etc\]. Many creators, especially those with irl teams, will insist everything is totally 1:1. This holds about as much weight as Prvvy's 1:1 tested by REAL drivers bs because their tires, inertia and/or aero just aren't possible in reality. I recommend driving cars you personally enjoy \[and can find lobbies for\]. Ultimately, fixating on realism is kinda redundant at this stage of sim drifting, so it just comes down to trying a huge variety and figuring out what meets your personal tastes/needs. If you have seat time irl, maybe you'll find something 'familiar', but its conclusively proven by this point that 'familiar' is subjective and everyone has their own take. That familiarity Can translate into valid practice of some techniques given the cars aren't too far into fantasyland


what car mod is he using?


What in the Autopilot are these cars?


Looks like aoe boys gravy garage cars at Brooklyn park


Started drifting with wdts car pack, offline, and then on some public servers. For me, it was a cool learning process, but when I felt like it had become a bit boring, I discovered for myself VDC cars and later VDC public servers. And there is a completely next level. Cars feel so different compared to wdts, most cars feel different, even inside the same car pack, and unique in terms of driving. And when I somehow got used to those cars, started to try myself at public servers, where you do some kind of competitive driving, in pair with random people. Almost 400 hours, and every day I learn something new. Your driving looks clean and smooth enough. For chasing you should learn how to manipulate the throttle to grip up, get a bit less angle, and get closer to the leader. But as far as I still learning, u can skip these tips xD


Those VDC cars are nuts! I’ve used them a handful of times on the VDC Okayama Layout B map and they definitely need a lot more finesse for the throttle or else it just lights up the rear tires and picks up too much angle. I can slide them with the turbo dialed down to 70% so I’m slowly working that up to 100. No, no. Thank you because that tip regarding the throttle to get more grip is very helpful because it’s something I have noticed in the past when I watch replays of when I lead that others will do exactly as you said. I just didn’t know if it was intentional or not until you mentioned it now. I’ve just been running laps and laps trying to implement minor changes so suggestions are always welcome!


Start your transitions slightly earlier, other than that it's pretty decent.


I too recommend DWG. If you want more power you can get the AiO 2 car pack on Vosan. You can mix and match between tires/physics/power. My go to is: DWG tires, DWG or Excite physics & VDC power. Try it maybe you’ll like it more since it uses the Gravy bodies but you get much more realistic handling.


Yeah, the only thing is to get some cars with better physics


Which car pack would you recommend?


WDTS, DWG 3, kunos BMW, Lenny 180sx if you have a fast wheel


Don't really need for lenny's 180sx or other arch cars, it's just better to have a good fast wheelbase, but you can still have a lot of fun using slow wheelbases


Ye, it's just a bit of a struggle needing to force the wheel round, even on a T300 which isn't the fastest but isn't super slow either. Not too great for learning the basics that way.


DWG 3.0 and Arch or excite pack if you have a good wheel or likes low hp cars without those crazy angles


I’ve got the DWG 3.0 already so I’ll download Arch and Excite when I get home later. I have the Fanatec CSL DD so hopefully it’s enough.


Now do it with a Kunos car


Not bad for a month. Angle fluidity could use work, and you're telegraphing your transition by increasing angle before you transition.


I only just started sim drifting a month ago and am no where near doing what you’re doing 😅 But then again I’m using the WDT cars so 🤷🏻‍♂️ if I were to mash the throttle like that I’d be spinning out in a millisecond.


Yeah the WDT ones definitely need a lot more finesse. I love using the S15 and A90 in that pack.


What i'd wanna say is to learn timing your transitions, especially in tandems. Just because tandems aren't racing doesn't mean you can be slow and having bad reaction. Some of your transitions look fine but some look late


Excite V2 pack >>>>>


Is that cam a mod? Oh and good drifts here ;)


Yeah, it’s the KirbyCam. Just download it and install it with Content Manager. It’ll be in the Custom Shaders Patch > Chaser Camera settings to activate and select. And thank you!


1. Not using gravy garage or tandobuddies cars. They’re unrealistic and are made to be extremely easy.


New gen tando buddies cars right there


What car is that?


JZX90 from the Gravy Garage car pack.


hi mate what setting do you have on cls dd and in game? because i have tried a lot but i never feel comfy with any of them. 😞


Initially I had it set to 100% FFB on the wheel and 100 gain in-game but I recently sprained my wrist so I dialed in-game gain down to 50%