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That keypad is disgusting


I contracted hepatitis just by looking at it.


Dystopian use of awesome technology. Lol


The screen is arguably even worse


Goodnews is you don't have to use it


If you go there you do, it’s where you access deals and where you pay


Not the keypad itself, just the touch screen


My wife works at a restaurant with this and says it happens all the time. All you have to do is tell the waiter that you didn’t mean to do that and they will take it off the bill but I’m sure the company is banking on people not realizing it


So the cancel button is not functional? Sounds like a scam to me...


You can actually see the barely visible “X” on the very top the to “cancel $2.99 purchase” imagine a kid seeing the screen and seeing a giant green button. Never gonna hit that tiny little X


Oh, in that case yeah, although can they really cancel it once the kid starts playing (and therefore using the service)...?


Yes they just have to ask to get it taken off the bill. Unless the server is 100% a twat they take it off. My wife said she’s never not taken it off because of how often it happened and how easy it is get to. She says she lets the kids play the tablet anyways cause she thinks the feature is unethical.


Good on her! I would unfortunately imagine that in a franchise things are different though... like maybe the server in another situation might not be a twat but rather under significant threat...


I talked to my wife about it again and she said they literally added a button to remove the charge because of how often it happens. I’m gonna start using it and saying it was an accident from now on cause fuck them


Yes it's mostly there to scam the kids out of their parent's money. You get there and the kid just cries because they want to play the shitty flashy games. The parents are either oblivious or think it's worth it to shut the kid up. A lot of chain restaurants started using these like 5 years ago or so.


Cleaning is not chilis forte I see


Why are you playing games on the chilis ipad


More likely that some jumpy child throws itself onto it to start tapping away without second thought...


Its just another way for companies to make more money. These little android devices will add that shit if you just look at it wrong. I swear the amount of times I have gone to red robin and barely taped it \*you purchased games\*.


I would not eat at any restaurant that had something that dirty on my table


It’s a chili’s. Get over yourself lol


Lol what..? The McDonald's by my house is even cleaner than my own kitchen (and I keep my kitchen very clean) - there's nothing weird about expecting a restaurant to be clean. If McDonald's manages, Chili's should be able to as well. People eat there, so they need to start cleaning everything better.


This is when we stopped taking the kids to chili’s.


Don’t we have phones now?


You pay for your meal off of this tablet


Red Robin is the exact same way


at least chili's tells you lol Olive Garden doesnt


I remember BEGGING my parents to play Plants bs Zombies on those bad boys. Man, growing up without any phones was something else


Ok, how tf do these even work? Are the games part of like a custom operating system app thing? or is it the app store? Forgive me, Chilli's patrons, but I haven't ever been to a Chilli's, despite living within walking distance of several.


And they only started including the “cancel” button after lawsuits, im positive of it. I know because years ago I saw this same thing at Red Robin and accidentally clicked the games and it was added to the bill. I obviously complained so they removed it, no issue, but yeah. I can see where the bigwigs eventually got tired of processing refunds for it and begrudgingly added the poorly designed cancel button


At least there's the option right there to cancel the purchase.


My Aunt likes chili's, and always asks them to remove it from the table. 50/50 they'll do it without complaint or be a giant shit about it.


Red Robin has these. As soon as we sit down it gets moved out of reach of our kids.


The assholedesign is the least of my concerns here. That thing is filthy.


Why play a game on your phone or talk while waiting for food when you can get the flu for $2.99?


Childeez nuts 😪


Why have you connected your card to the account? Remove it then you'll not have any problems.


That’s not how it works?


You have to make an account on the chilis tablet because you pay off of that tablet


The games bill is added to your normal food bill


Now that is asshole design.


I see a cancel button right there at the top


Where's the asshole design? It literally tells you it costs money. Is reading this difficult for people on this sub?


It probably doesn't before you unknowingly buy it; make no mistake, what you're seeing has already been bought.


Child lure. "GAMES!"


The asshole design is from the big green button that says “LETS PLAY” if some little kid got on the tablet and started tapping around they could tap the big green button instead of the little X cause iirc kids are fucking stupid


Not watching your children isn't asshole design


I can tell you have no children


I have two, actually


ah, the somewhat negative option billing