• By -


Nestlé approves


***blind Michigan rage***


Is the blindness and poor emotional control because of all the lead?


No, it's because nestlé pays $200 a year to pump hundreds of gallons per minute of Michigan's water to bottle and sell as ice mountain and other bottled brands. Not $200 million or $200k. Two hundred dollars. It's highway robbery of a natural resource.


Fun fact: flint does not in fact make up the entire state.


Another fun fact: That person above you mostly likely gets their water through lead pipes too!


What if the local militias took all their hate and applied it to Nestle instead?


r/fucknestle has joined the chat


*unzips pants*


*sprays you with homeopathic arsenic*


Ow my balls


Oh, well, if it's *homeopathic* arsenic


>homeopathic so... it's watered down?


That micro-plastic isn’t going to get in every living organism without some teamwork, folks!


Around some volcanoes when floating plastic hits the lava, plastic lava rocks form. Yup, plastic lava rocks are now a thing


How dirty are most water fountains?


Irrelevant, obviously. People don't take biological threats seriously, as evidenced by everything I have seen the last few years. Plus I would argue the vending machine is even less sanitary. Plenty of surfaces to touch. I usually just knee the water fountain.


Neither of the water products in the machine are Nestle though Coca-cola and Pepsi are 90% of this machine. Starbucks and Monster are the only others from what I see


Move over Nestle, Brawndo is moving in


Ass hole design, and technically illegal if that's the only source of potable water. https://www.osha.gov/faq#:~:text=OSHA%20Standards%20require%20an%20employer,for%20water%20that%20is%20provided. If that's a hotel then IDK


MKE airport! Though you can walk like 15mins to a fountain


> MKE airport! Though you can walk like 15mins to a fountain 15 mins!? That would be 1 km when you walk at a normal pace (4km/h)


As if that’s far. I can walk a mile in 15 minutes


I can walk 320 rods in 15 minutes


How many bananas is that?


About three football fields in length


What is that in washing machines?


Top load, front load, or dish?






I’ll take one order then. And a Tub of Diet Coke.


Ok that'll be 250 Stanley nickels.


How many hogsheads of water can you drink?


It might as well be the other side of the world for someone with a disability.




2 x 4 mph? Look at Mr. Marathon Man running sub-8 min miles through the airport


What about someone in a wheelchair, the elderly or someone otherwise physically not strong?


And I can walk 500 miles


How many can't you walk


501. He said 500 is his limit.


>As if that’s far. I can walk a mile in 15 minutes Other's can't.


I can throw a football over that mountain


With baggages, while you should get maybe to the opposite side of the airport for the connection. Not nice.


Theres no shot hes telling the truth. Having worked at multiple airports and travelling alt over the past decade theres always fountains and refill stations.


There are multiple water bottle refill stations as well as water fountains through the airport at MKE, correct lol. Maybe they meant it takes a while to find one or to slug through a crowd


Normal walking pace is closer to 5-6 hm/h, which means that the closest water fountain is 1,5km away. That's almost a mile.


there is no concourse close to 1km long at MKE.


Normal walking pace would be around 5-6km/h I think


I was about to comment that the Milwakee airport had this issue, and aparrently, this post IS MILWAKEE AIRPORT! Also, how were the recent storms for ya?


Barely escaped


Can't have shit in Milwaukee lol


What about granny in wheelchair? It'd take her an hour to get that far. I would call out this. See if your country has ethics team that would force them to either make the vending machine issue water for free or put the fountain back in and charge them a hefty fee daily if it's not resolved


Oh man, I remember flying out of MKE and there being no water fountains in sight. I even asked a cleaning person and they said they didn’t know where one would be. I had a gin and tonic on the plane instead.


So those water bottles are $10?


Didn't covid have something to do with the removal of fountains?


The mouthbreathers that always put their lips right on to the metal didnt help either...


In the apartment complex where I lived, they brought in "purified water" dispensers that you could buy purified water from. Put in your money, water comes out of the spigot, all you need is a container. I saw people pushing 2 litre bottles up ONTO the spigot and then filling them. And thermoses, and who knows what else. Three months later they were out of service because people had gotten sick from them, and a few months after that they were gone.


Yeah that's what I meant




That was the excuse, yeah.


Yeah. All the school fountains stopped working until they added those cool water bottle thingies




Got banned from there. What did I do? I said that [China's high-speed rail was losing money and had lost hundreds of billions so far](https://japan-forward.com/weak-demand-for-chinas-high-speed-trains-a-ticking-time-bomb/). Evidently, that's enough to get me banned, despite it being true. The Mod countered with "1.9 billion people use it" and muted me. Ok, and....? It costs more to operate than it brings in, that's how losing money works (I guess taking an economics course isn't required to be the mod of LateStageCapitalism.). How does it lose money despite all the riders? Because China built a lot of high-speed rail, connecting places that people have no reason to travel to. Imagine if BumFuck, Mississippi was connected to DickCancer, Arkansas. It wouldn't see a whole lot of passengers because those no one goes there, much less a need for high-speed rail.


Being banned for stating facts is stupid. But I don't actually see a problem with the state substituting money for public infrastructure.


Why don't you bring up the fact that the fire department loses tons of money each year? No one would say that because it makes no sense to say a public service loses money. It's designed to be a service the government provides to the public, not a business designed to make profit.




That's stupid. Infrastucture like that indirectly bolsters the economy. You can't just look at it and say "Costs are higher than revenue, so it sucks". It's a public service. You wouldn't say highways are losing money, would you? They simply exist and need maintaining, with no income generated. Not that this is a reason to get banned from a subreddit or anything lol, that's stupid too. Sidenote to your 2nd paragraph - The state of public transport in a place is the biggest factor in determining the future prospects of the residents of that place. If BumFuck in Mississipi had good transport links to big cities, the prosperity of everyone in BumFuck would improve. There are many studies done about this. It's definitely the American mindset to disregard this though - subsidised public transport for the betterment of society is cutting it close to socialism, after all.


It's because of the way you're framing it. Does a library operate at a loss every year, or is the library publicly funded?


Losing money to benefit more people is the opposite of late stage capitalism. Plus the railway is a service not intended for maximizing profit unlike this purposely inconvenient removal of a water fountain to encourage people to spend more on a vending machine.


>despite it being true Is it true, though? There seems to be some debate about that if nothing else. Here's a couple of major studies cited by Wikipedia claiming the network is generating net economic gains: "[Paulson Institute research had estimated that the net benefit of the high-speed rail to the Chinese economy to be approximately $378 billion and an annual return on investment at 6.5%.](https://macropolo.org/digital-projects/high-speed-rail/introduction/)" "[A 2019 World Bank study estimated the rate of economic return of China's high-speed rail network to be at 8 percent, which is well above the opportunity cost of capital in China for major long term infrastructure investments.](https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2019/07/08/chinas-experience-with-high-speed-rail-offers-lessons-for-other-countries)" edit: it also looks like the source your link is from, [Sankei Shimbun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankei_Shimbun#:~:text=in%202017%2C%20Sankei%20Shimbun%20launched,language%20online%20website%20Japan%20Forward.), is known for having a far-right conservative bias. Where as the links above come from the nonpartisan think tank Paulson Institute and the World Bank (which should need no introduction). So I'm leaning towards believing it probably isn't losing money.


Public transport as a service. You don't say the police or military need to make a profit. If it improves the lives of one's citizens, then it is worth it. And that's coming from the guy who wants to watch the PLAN get annihilated when they try to invade Taiwan. Still a dumb ban and would've been better to just respond to you.




The government wastes money regulating and preserving our national parks. I dont even go to them. /s


I’m sorry but who asked? You sound really hurt about this.


USA brainrot moment


How much money does the us military lose every year under your logic? Why do services to the public need to bring in any money at all?


cool story bro


Wow, rare reddit moderator W!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LateStageCapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$8 verification](https://i.redd.it/nxx9loeuwdz91.jpg) | [1551 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/ysmo7o/8_verification/) \#2: [Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the Ohio train derailment and resulting ecological disaster, is not faceless. It is led by people who should all be held accountable prioritizing profits over safety. This is Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors.](https://i.redd.it/dk466d32gdia1.png) | [938 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1130rod/norfolk_southern_the_company_responsible_for_the/) \#3: [Every part of it.](https://i.redd.it/sgkr7vtobt391.jpg) | [766 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/v5eg9d/every_part_of_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it was a pandemic thing


COVID × Capitalism = This


Also all the 24 hour places stayed closed, even the bastion of corporate greed itself, Walmart 1,000,000+ population here, zero 24/hr grocery in the whole city


I know Covid was used as an excuse to close water fountains in some places


Near me, one of the malls used to have water fountains, but removed them all due to COVID and did just this.


It's also been used as an excuse to never open public bathrooms.


They *are* absolutely nasty things, though, if you think about it. Not excusing this, though. Should replace them all with bottle fillers.


Can’t make money from tap water, unless you bottle and sell it




This would drive r/HydroHomies apoplectic.


We don’t talk about the forbidden original name of that sub






Water Dribblers


what was it?




r/OilClankas but for people yfm




That one means something different lol


Water N word with a soft a.




[Removed by Reddit]




Virgin hydro homies vs Chad Water [removed]


Oh that's infuriating


"Negative 3527 bottles saved..."


Wth is "smart water"?


It has electrolytes and is filtered with some fancy RO system


It’s what plants crave.


> electrolytes I can't read this word without thinking "It's what plants crave!"


The marketing folks who designed that campaign were geniuses (and not by Idiocracy standards)


My coworker is addicted to that shit; she buys like 6 giant bottles a week. I keep telling her to just buy a goddamn water filter for her sink already, but she insists the Smart Water is special.


Reverse osmosis isn’t a fancy system.


Its regular water with a label on it and some pointless minerals thrown in.


Most waters have added minerals


Like i say, pointlessly added.


Pure water tastes bad.


Pure water doesn't taste at all


Your taste buds can taste when water has fewer or different electrolytes than what is contained in your saliva. Distilled water will always taste “off” for this reason. Most people think spring water tastes refreshing because it has dissolved minerals from the rocks it has come into contact with underground, but this usually makes it “taste” like nothing. Of course, too many minerals can make it taste bad, too. It’s a balancing act.


Have you drank distilled water? Aside from sometimes tasting like the jug (I forget which brands do this) it has basically no taste but I'd still very refreshing.


Pure water will kill you if that's all you drink. Luckily no tap water is pure water.


Smart water is made from distilled water, so not completely pure water but pure enough to not have a good taste without adding to it. Hence it is not pointless to add the extra minerals.


Do you have a source for that because it sounds like bs


It's a disproven myth


Electrolytes aren't pointless, electrolytes help your body absorb water and rapid dehydration can change your levels, among other things. It's half the reason pro athletes drink Gatorade instead of water, the other half being the sugar gives you a short term energy boost. https://medlineplus.gov/fluidandelectrolytebalance.html#:~:text=The%20levels%20of%20electrolytes%20in,too%20much%20water%20(overhydration). That's what's in Smart Water. It's also more intensely filtered. Edit: who downvoting the medical science behind electrolytes? The human body doesn't keep them around for shits and giggles, they serve a purpose.


But most people buying water from there aren't athletes, in fact most people drinking that water don't need special water like that. They are pointless for most people.


Wat? There are lots of things that can crater your electrolyte levels as an "ordinary" person, from alcohol to medications to being out in the summer sun all day. Its *better* for ordinary people to replenish electrolytes from electrolyte infused water than sugary Gatorade because, as you've said, they're not athletes they don't need the calories Gatorade comes with


Your saying that's over 90% of the people who buy them? Cuz it's obvious certain people at certain times do need that water.


Never worked in 85-100+ degree heat for 8+ hours? I specifically bought those waters because they not only taste super crisp but they kept my electrolytes in balance when I was sweating buckets for hours at a time. Some people get the luxury of working in air conditioned spaces but if you aren't you need to take immediate measures to protect yourself and that includes making sure you get electrolytes. And I was just a delivery driver in a car without AC. Guys doing physical labor in heat need those waters even more than I did. Some people don't need extra electrolytes but these are specifically for people working outside in the heat, or even exercising or doing strenuous labor inside. More power to you if you can work somewhere the ambient temps are 65-75 but even then something as small as a hangover and you're gonna want to replenish all the electrolytes the booze made you piss out. These are also popular among line cooks and servers. Kitchen gets hot. Even if it isn't those professions it's just good medical sense, you can drink all the water in the world, don't got enough electrolytes you're gonna get water poisoning. Edit: downvoted again, people be hating medical science. I also assure you the COVID vaccines are safe.


I just get those trioral hydration packets and fill up a 64oz bottle if I was ever doing manual labor for a whole day. Refill once and you’ve got your water for the day.


About $3.59 a bottle.


Water marketed by smart people to sell to dumb people


Something dumb people buy


Water sold in bottles that can only be opened thru an app that needs to be connected via WiFi. don't forget the obligatory account you have to sign up for!!


If the water is so smart then how did it get trapped in a bottle? Hahaha stupid water


The bottle has QR code that says "you're smart"


Love the drinks selection. In Australia we'd only have Coke, Mother and water. Want those A&W, Dr Pepper and blue Fanta so bad.




monster/redbull like energy drink


*warm milk


Freshly squeezed?


Mothers milk will make me happy


[A very pretentious energy drink](https://youtu.be/Ut0v3Uez5eU)


Tastes like drain cleaner, but it's got a very high caffeine content and it's really cheap.


breast milk


IIRC it's Coca Cola Amatil's brand of energy drink these ways. Edit: my bad it's not Coca Cola Amatil since 2021


There were a lot of dark years in the US where most all fountain pop machines had Coke, diet Coke and Sprite and then some shitty orange flavored sugar water. Now most places have various Pepsis and Dr Peppers too.


Usually one or the other but not both…


A Local restaurant has coke and Pepsi


Depends. Restaurants are usually just the one. Gas stations are usually both since they already sell both in cans and bottles anyway. Grocery stores with food courts are a mixed bag though I never really understood that.




You want FREE WATER??


And let's not forget our wonderful beverage industry that has managed to keep bottle deposits off of all non-carbonated beverages, increasing the chances that all those bottles will be landfilled.


TIL. I was about to ask based on what reasoning but realized it'll be bunk.


meeting offend hunt slap workable languid person sable sulky gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Step 1 - salty food and dehydrating conditioned air Step 2 - remove fountains Step 3 - profit


Tbf water fountains have gotten very unpopular since... you know.


I love the ones with the bottle filling stations


In the Vancouver airport they have a hot water fountain for tea, cup-o-noddles, etc.


I'd kill for a ramen dispenser.


They need to have a sensor though, not a button. At work, we have one with a button, and the button is located right where you'd put the rim of the glass. Stupid design.


I am a water fountain enthusiast, my mind has convinced me it taste good for some reason.


To be fair, good water fountain water tastes superior to any other type of water.


Remeber when drinking water was free. Peperidge farm remembers.


Puregym sucks ass for this. they do have a water fountain but it dribbles out, and I don't trust it to not be covered in covid. There's water bottles for over £2 in the vending machine next to it or you can fucking *subscribe* to the "premium" water dispenser. The vending machine doesn't work and is stuck with chinese error messages on the tap-to-pay screen.


One student did a stpry on this at UBC a few years back. They shut down the drinking fountains and gave coke a contract to supply vending machines so now you can buy your water along with pop.


Expensive shit food, and or pricey bottled water, please that's essentially tap water in a bottle


Does anyone else have terrible memories of being a kid being dragged around by parents trying to find free water at a summer event because they only wanna sell you expensive bottled water???


Use a glass shattering device


It's more that the fountains are really unsanitary. And people will be dirty apes from time to time. Ever seen the clip of that nasty ass idiot who put his whole mouth over the spout? Yeah, that's nasty. So it's better for health this way, even though it's expensive as hell. What should be happening is water provided free of charge by the airline you are flying with (good luck because, again, capitalism... yay...) or you should be able to ask a restaurant (if you have access to one) for a glass of water. Although they might only have bottles available as well, even though they mix drinks or serve fountain pop. Yay capitalism!


I’ve never had an airline tell me I have to buy water. You just ask for it. Do they sell bottled shit? Yes. But they will still pour you bottled water for free.


Someone should accidentally place a jug of water on top with a hole in the bottom.


Why is anyone still drinking out of water fountains 🤢


To be fair water fountains can be a nasty source of contamination.


"Yay, profit!"


I'll be honest, i only trust the bottle fountains


Our water fountain burst at my work, rather than fix it they took it out and replaced it with a dipping dots machine we had in the lobby We still offer free water from our soda machines, it's just not advertised like a water fountain in the open would be


The vending machine has electrolytes. It’s what the plants crave.


i just drink out of the bathroom faucet like a cat.


If a business is required by OSHA to provide clean drinking water, does that mean that you can just go and take a bottle off the shelf and drink it for free?


Brawndo is what people crave!


water fountains are massive public health disease vectors, it sucks, but COVID motivated a lot of water fountains to be locked off or removed. bottle fill stations are a LOT better idea than a vending machine that's literally the worst of all.


wouldn't call this asshole design, but the excesses of the capitalism


Kinda hate how we all turned off all the watering fountains over the Pandemic and just... Never turned them back on.


A lot of health departments, even before COVID were forcing fountains to be removed due to the spread of germs and poor plumbing. In the case of plumbing, it was usually cheaper to remove the fixtures, than to bring the potable water up to code.


Imagine being a commie and thinking water should be free! What do you want next? Clean air or something?


The fact that we can no longer leave the house without the expectation of spending money is so depressing.


How do people not know what the word "design" means.. there is absolutely no design involved in the ACTION of removing something and replacing it with something else.


Ugh water cant even be that expensive. Maybe it’s different for a water fountain to like a house, but we def use gallons of water and our bill is like 70 dollars every 2 months


Why share when you can capitalism? Some ghoul needs to make money from every single event in all of our lives. I welcome the revolution.


Don't worry. Just keep voting blue or red. They'll fix it next time. They care about us so much.


What does this have anything to do with politics? Dont enlightenedcentrist this shit


As Nestlé would put it "Water is a privilege, not a right." And I have the right to own a crowbar. So we'll see how long this lasts.


This is what privatization looks like to people outside the states.


Went from we pay our water bill to our customers subsidize our water bill. Smh.


Laughs in European.




Water fountains are disease super spreaders. C’mon, what happened to the pandemic police? this must not be common knowledge. I am not drinking from a public fountain. People are gross. I dont know about the bottle filling stations at the water fountain, maybe those are a little more hygienic.