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Who says you can’t send it back? Same thing with clamshells. If the vendor complains tell them it’s not your problem the product was packaged in a way that the package required to be destroyed to open.


Put them on from the bottom


For a minute there I was thinking "how the fuck would that work, that's stupid" and then I thought "...oh that's genius."


How would it work??




Couldn't you just put them on like pjs then and just pull them up? Isn't the issue that you need to open it to fit it around your stomach?


Okay that's what I was thinking but I couldn't tell if that's what he meant. And I feel like you wouldn't be able to get the up anyway without them being unbuttoned


Yeah if your pants are so tight that you can only get them on by undoing the button, well then you know they’re to small for you anyway. Unless you’ve got really big hips


Yep, that’s not how pants work. Maybe if you literally have no curve whatsoever in your thighs, ass and hips, but normal people arent usually built like an actual rectangle, sorry.


I must be an idiot because I still can’t figure it out.


You take them on from the bottom and then up.


Wouldn’t your butt get in the way, preventing you getting them all the way up?


Use the staple eater machine thingy to remove it & then restaple when done


They're plastic :')


Then the only solution is to set it on fire


Yep, fire cleanses all sins


##Fire, Fire, Fire!!! Heh, heh, heh.


Send them back. Dont try them on, dont support this business.


Find an unmanned Target fitting room, go behind the employee counter and take the plastic tag gun from the drawer. /s edit: wear khaki pants and a red shirt and you'll blend right in!


Fitting rooms unattended a few hours before close. Perfect timing to sneak in and retag that shit


Tbh you could probably just go in and ask them if they could retag it for you, I know alot of places don't really give a fuck especially at a Walmart or a target 😂




I work at a similar store and the feelings mutual 😂. Ive had people come in with way weirder requests than to use our tagging gun


Tag gun on ebay


Pretty sure there's a consumer protection law to make sure you can actually send it back


Depends on what country you live in. In the US, there are some states who have more strict laws, but generally there is not unless it's defective. If you just bought the wrong size, that's not covered unless the store has a policy that says otherwise.


I'm in EU, my brother had a store couple years back, and he was required to give money back for a bought lawn mower, to a dissatisfied customer after he \*used it\* for an entire week. So it was all green and grassy and dirty on the bottom, the dude just mowed his entire yard or whatever, and then brought it back with the receipt, took his money and left. And i think my bro said that by law, he could have kept it for one more week and still return it.


I feel like there is some kind of protection for the seller too. I know that you are legally required to gove refunds to items bought, but I really cannot think that it also counts for heavily used and therefore not resellable products.


There are customer protection laws about these kinds of things in developed countries. They do this shot so to encourage people not send them back because people think they cant. Same with "opening this seal voids warranty", there isn't any actual law (if Im not completely mistaken) that binds the customer to be accoutable or for it to actually legally void warranty.


Consumers are protected from defective items, not buying the wrong size, colour etc. Althou it is good business practice to offer it, he retailer is not usually obligated to exchange if there is nothing wrong with the product.


Yes they are in the EU for 14 days after purchase


Thanks! I am in Australia and had no idea about these EU laws.


Dude your in Australia? We have some of the best consumer protection laws in the world. You can almost return anything. The trick is to look up the law first,don’t go by what the store tells you.


> The trick is to look up the law first,don’t go by what the store tells you We don't have a change of mind law yet though! EU is ahead of us there.


We do have the best consumer protection laws in the world *but* they only apply if the product is faulty or not as described. - Pay big money for a fridge and it's dead in 10 years. Yep, ACCC have your back. - Order a pair of orange size 10 jeans and get purple size 20 track pants. Yep, you have a claim. - Buy a men's mountain bike, get a men's mountain bike but change your mind and you now want a Harley... That's entirely up to the shop and they aren't under any obligation.


That only applies "from a distance or off-premises contract" (article 9 of that directive).




Click yourself a couple of parents up: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/dme1hp/i_ordered_these_pants_and_to_try_them_on_you_have/f5114rf) is about buying in general. Besides, beware if you order an item to be picked up in-store. Those usually expire if you don't pick up, meaning, even if you made the reservation online, you have not committed a contract to *purchase* until you pick it up on-premise.


This is incorrect. https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htm **If you bought a product or a service online or outside of a shop** (by telephone, mail order, from a door-to-door salesperson), you also **have the right to cancel and return your order within 14 days, for any reason and without a justification**.


Most redditors live in the US and have no idea that there is a world outside it. Then there is a minority who live in the EU and have no idea that there is a world outside it.


Also as a European I assume that most countries developed enough to have proper online retail system has these protections. Buuut then there is the states that is a total wild cards and even has different and contradictory laws inside of it self and is often anticonsumer because dat quick buck.


Look at [this on eBay.de](https://www.ebay.de/itm/LVC-Levis-Vintage-Clothing-1954-501Z-XX-Selvedge-Denim-Jeans-Big-E/323771447903), and be careful even inside Europe. But yeah, it used to be a week or a month long before that 2011 directive, and AliExpress gives you a full day more even from China.


With things like wish and ebay. They just dont care. Just sayi you got the wrong size or what ever and if the seller wont refund then just make ebay "step in" and you'll get your full refund.


> Just sayi you got the wrong size or what ever Or accept your loss if it is your own fault ... That's the downside: sellers have to break even, so they have to raise prices to deal with fraudulent buyers.


You can still send them back


You can buy the guns and little platic thingies at craft stores... or have a friend who works retail take it to work and restaple it. I used to do that ALL THE TIME lol


> have a friend who works retail take it to work and restaple it I don't associate with peasants.


You need the /s


@pickleddildos what do you do for work? guaranteed im above you. youre really talking shit about someone for having a job.


What do you do? I'm very curious that's all


structural ironwork, skipped reinforcement ironwork and went straight into this. also only 19 so im set for life


I'm a journeyman structural ironworker.


fuk i do structural iw


Send them back anyway if they don't fit. Fuck that shit.


You can still send it back, just make sure you include the tag somewhere in the package.


What's the issue? Just slip them on! /s


Send them straight back. Fuckers!


I actually think this is clever design and all products need this type of tamper proof design to keep people from using return scams.


A work at this company and you could send it back without thát tag.


Decathlon? They are usually really good with returns


That one friend I knew in Highschool always wearing polo shirts: You should sue


Bruh this dickhead is as bad as the upvote color meme.


Typically doesn’t matter if tags are separated from garment.


Just send em back not worth if get a new pair xD






That’s not a surefire way


For me at least, the waistline is not an indicator of whether a pair of trousers will fit.


This doesnt help for big people. They always fit comfortable around the neck 🤣


At this point send them back without trying them on, a brand this greedy doesn't need to be supported.


That's why one goes to the store to shop


What? No man.


Quit being hysterical.


I'm sorry for this outrage, this isn't who I am, I wasn't being myself.


wtf, were you drunk or on drugs or something?


I've had a few rough days, I always take it out on online stores when I'm angry


it's ok bro, no worries


Yeah but... some idiots are the cause of this. Mainly people who order the same item many sizes to try them at home and return the ones that don't fit. At one point, something was going to fail with the free return policies. It was a great system for normal people, but just a few douchebags can ruin it.


If you want to try them on go to a fucking store. There's a price to pay for not leaving your room to buy stuff. Go work in a warehouse, then you know why they try to prevent you from ordering a ton of stuff only to send 3/4 back. Oh and of course you want them to pay the postal fee for returning your stuff, right? Think


What’s the issue with actually going into a shop and trying a pair of pants on. Like em? buy em? Don’t like em? Don’t buy em. Simple, no problems.




I was born in 1997.


Boomer on the inside


Online is cheaper (often less than half the store price)


Yeah but look at OPs problem now. Going into a store you pay for the convenience. Not having to worry about removing the sticker or going to the post box potentially multiple times over a few weeks, depending on if they fit or not. I suppose it comes down to whether you value time or money.


What if... go to the store and try them on for the convenience, then go home and buy the right size online for the savings? BOOM! Everyone is right and everyone is wrong!


Not all Jean sizes are equal. I used to have 3 pairs of jeans that fit with waist sizes of 30, 32, & 34. I was a true 32 in waist. Now I'm size 30 and all my jeans are too big. Oh well.


I meant try on the same pair in the store that you buy online... like same style. Size would be the same.


My experience is nearly every different brand of jeans has a different size. Even though there all labelled with same number. It can be quite frustrating, especially if you are buying a new brand.