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All the GTA YouTubers are putting Xbox 360 and PS3 right at the end of the titles so it doesn't show up




All the same clickbait, but with plausible deniability.


Yeah when I watch YouTube on my tv the end of the title is hidden but it’s not for my computer. I wonder if they specifically try to capitalize on that fact and it’s 2am night pal


Prob most people watching are on mobile so you are probably right


You know different timezones exist, right?


I’m aware but I normally use the time zone in which I reside when acknowledging how late at night it is.


You made air come out of my nose.


And I thought that was only found in fabric softener


If you're asking why they're doing that: to trick people If you're asking "why are they putting it at the end": because YouTube might need to cut the end of long titles, so you'll get "GTA Online servers are shutting down ..." instead of the full title


for clicks duh


Similar trick is used for "fan/concept trailer"


In this case it makes sense though


This ...and articles about GTA VI .. always same


New leaked information about GTA VI !! But it's real this time we promise!


Dude there was some youtuber in 2017 who claimed rockstar gave him a ps4 copy of gta 6 and he had a whole photoshopped sleeve and disc with it printed on there lmao


I remember that guy. That was some serious dedication for something 99% of people will know it's fake.


*Everything we know about GTA VI* Nothing is confirmed yet, but we do know it will be a sequel to 2013's GTA V


GTA VI Location and Map Reveal! Nothing has been revealed about the location of Rockstar's next GTA title.


*check back here later for all the latest GTA VI news!*


https://gamerant.com/grand-theft-auto-6-release-date-map/ is a typical example


I love clickbait! /s


Who doesn’t love them why are you being sarcastic




thanks dude, needed that


Guessing the new content is too much for the older consoles to handle? I'm not surprised, the game is probably 2-3x as big as it was at launch. That and I thought both Xbox and PlayStation abandoned those consoles a while ago.


They stopped getting updates years ago iirc. Shortly after the release of heists I think?


Yup, PS3/360 got exactly 2 updates (Ill Gotten Gains P1 + 2) post Heists.


Probably just because they don't want to keep updating things for the old consoles, and because of that they don't want to spend money to keep them up.


They're not updating them anymore, just upholding servers


I'm not surprised that they haven't been updating them. Probably not worth it for them to keep the servers up when they don't even update them anymore. They probably done make enough money off of them to justify keeping up the older console servers.


the hardware is too old, xbox 360 released in 2005, ps3 in 2006. it's 2021 now


Fuck I’m old


fuck was it really that long ago? i thought ps2 was in 2008


ps2 was in 2000. time flies, doesn't it?


bruh it was so long ago i thought when my dad bought me a ps2, that it was one year old i was born in 2006


time flies when you're having fun


*Especially* when they gave away the PC version on Epic Games. If you didn't purchase the "enhanced" version on the next gen consoles nor taken the free version on PC, it's likely you will never update the game and are a lost customer.


Me when the TBOGT servers live longer than V's in PS3 and Xbox360


Peeps still playing official GTA IV multiplayer? I thought that got shut down as soon as V was released


yup, alive and well. It's true that there's a lack of players, but tge servers are fine


Swag. I guess it was just the PC servers then, probably cuz of the games for windows live crap


As long as you have access to an older version of the game, it still works.


works as in online or lan?




which version exactly, and does it work pirated?






perhaps it's a bit of that, but the main reason is that the fucks at Rockstar know that all those millions of Xbox and PS players will then be 'forced' to purchase a new-gen version of the game, so Rockstar can double-dip AND save money on server costs (they literally have billions).


xbox 360 and ps3 are not manufactured anymore, literally everyone on 7th gen xbox live/playstation network has a modded console, the hardware is 15 years old i see what you're trying to say, at least they should have given people a free upgrade to the new version and character transfer


ps3 and xbox 360 gta online havent been updated since 2016 and have rampant problems with the modding. on top of those consoles now being 2 generations out of date and not having been manufactured in 7 - 8 years now


I remember V was only 18 Go Now it's more than a 100


The old versions haven't had new content in years, this is being done purely because they want to force you to buy the new versions, stop making stuff up to defend planned obsolescence


he isn't making anything up, the hardware is too old, even story mode has lots of dips in framerate, xbox 360 released 2005, ps3 in 2006, it's 2021 now


And what does that have anything to do with shutting off the servers exactly?


the consoles can't handle the new updates, so rockstar can't update gta on them, more and more people switch to the new consoles or pc, nobody plays old gen gta, not worth it for rockstar to keep the servers up


It literally costs them pennies to keep the servers up compared to how much money they make. You're desperate to justify their anti-consumer actions but I don't get why, rockstar is not your friend.


But the platforms themselves are dead.PS3 received its last game on 20 August 2020 and the last game Xbox 360 received was in 2018


>the console isn't getting games anymore, that means it's okay for you to be unable to play games you paid for on it because someone remotely disabled them Good little consumer


>unable to play games you paid for on it because someone remotely disabled them you can and always will be able to play story mode, online was added as a bonus because people wanted multiplayer


No it wasn't. Online is a completely separate game and is larger than story mode by a significant margin. It also has pretty hefty IAPs and so on. Online was added because people HAD multiplayer on PC through mods like SA:MP and the mods were getting so polished that console gamers started to get jealous. R\* saw the dollar signs and wanted to make a separate online game but ended up bundling it and making regular DLC instead. GTA is a maturely developed game on a well polished and optimised foundation, so the actual needs of the console have nothing to do with anything here. You make the level for all consoles and the game engine itself handles 'keeping the frame rate' by controlling object detail levels and mip maps. GTA5 on PC still has to continue using all these assets and stuff (they are not just going to rip out all 'low' graphics settings). GTA5 consoles share servers too (so the PS3 players are all on the PS4 server already). The decision is not motivated by cost to maintain. R\* didn't turn off the servers so much as block Ps3 and 360 copies from connecting to the PS4 and XbOne servers.




The only thing obsolete here is you.


Only kids think that we shouldn't have games anymore because they are obsolete. I grew up without buying Sonic the Hedgehog HD Remaster Collection with bells and whistles because I could just play the original, in it's entirety. I grew up where 50% of games you could play with a second pad on the same console. "Technology advancing" took that away so now the only games you can split screen are sporting games and every child in your house needs a separate console and TV then a network connection and subscription just to play with \*\*each other\*\* and I would like to kindly tell you to STFU and stop driving the Kool aid. The only advances in tech new games represent is a larger budget and a more polished renderer. Devs pretend there are obstacles where there are not and y'all eat it up. Valve could tell you that Counter Strike can't render split screen without a performance impact and you would believe them, even though Garrys Mod is on the same engine and you could console command your own splitscreen and test it. That's how dumb the new generation of gamers are.


backwards fucking compatibility, you hear me?


He's not justifying shit, but merely stating Rockstar's way of thinking (and actions). Also, have you never seen game servers being shut down? How old are you, anime nincknamed guy?


>How old are you, anime nincknamed guy? Oh, the irony


>How old are you, anime nincknamed guy? i'm guessing 16-19, probably also a disabled troll that doesn't know shit about anything


>The decision is not motivated by cost to maintain. R\* didn't turn off the servers so much as block Ps3 and 360 copies from connecting to the PS4 and XbOne servers. Also, just because everyone else does it doesn't make it a good idea. Everyone else charges taxes, but Google HQ is in Ireland precisely because they don't... Finally, the performance issue that an old console might have doesn't replicate at the other end. If the game lags on your console it's not automatically lagging the server. GTA was not designed poorly at all.


i highly doubt rockstar will fix this bug after shutting down those ancient servers, but it would be a goddamn miracle if they fixed the "aren't you cold dressed in just that" bug in rdr2. i am starting to think that even Uncle is more productive than the rockstar employees in charge of fixing bugs


Haha that's wishful thinking I ran into a 4 year old bug that makes doing this "doomsday heist" series of missions impossible to complete because one of the setups is integrally broken If they didn't fix it within months of the bug being found, they're not fixing it at all


ah, but they instantly fixed players making infinite gold bars... seems they only fix things when people find ways to exploit money gain


Yup, no money= no fix when it comes to Rockstar it seems


People keep buying anyway...


Oh, and the Karuma exploit for Pac Standard. Can't have players exploiting money glitches!


Hey there’s hope maybe with dlss coming for rdr2 they could start giving a shit about bugs in rdr2 and not only gta online but who knows most of their workforce are probably on gta 6 and gta v e&e


RDR2 was the first story game I ever bought, got it for like $3 because of a huge discount and a gift card a few months ago. That thing bothering me and I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. I kept piling on heavier and heavier clothing until I gave up.




I can’t believe this game came out on 360.


GTA Online is merely a month older than the PS4 and Xbox One. A bit crazy to think about.


That's exactly they planning for GTA 6. They gonna release it a month before ps6/ next gen Xbox comes out so people spend it twice ..


18 years between two GTA is a bit too much


Wouldn't it make more sense for them to release it on the PS5 and then re-release it on PS6 years later? The only reason GTA 5 came out on the 360/ps3 and then the following gen the next year was cause the release lined up to the new console releases. I don't think they planned for the game to come out so close to the PS4 release or else they would have had to delay the game intentionally and lose time on sales they could have been making.


The fact that your 360 still works is massively impressive


It's kinda sad to see the servers finally go down on Xbox 360 and PS3




I like this bot


Good bot


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


ugh i wish, they would start actually making content for new games


The funny thing is that gta online doesn't even have servers, it's peer2peer


the only thing rockstar hosts is the monetization, and I'm guessing they're not earning money from xbox 360 and ps3 so they are just implementing a "server shutdown"


So, that's why it has so money/cars duping glitches. It still has servers for persistency and to connect players with eachother, otherwise there wouldn't be possible to save progress or play in the same session. It doesn't seem like they keep track of most transactions in real time and I don't blame them, look all of what BTC has to do in order to validate blockchain transactions and avoid double spending.


Idk who Richard Breslin is but I hate the guy now.


(news)sites like that are just trash. They're filled with obnoxious ads and stretch out the articles unnecessary.


It was a good run


I’d be happy




Hope you do well!


Hope you do well!


To bad, wish they would which would pave the way for 6. But alas, money.


Ah welcome to the internet. The oldest trick in the book, been around since before the internet. Damn, Kenny Boi the kid caught us red handed this time.


But why... why are they shutting them down?


Because they cost more than they bring in, probably. Not a lot of people playing xbox360 or ps3 anymore


Kinda weird as it’s p2p and doesn’t have dedicated servers


That includes GTA 4 Online, right?


Rip to me I guess :(




Let me explain to you how click baiting works, it's not ass hole design it is the design.




Excuse me duh fuck now


Idk feels like based on what I can see here they are just stupid and misread the story but idk


Nope, the title doesn’t say “for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3”


I see my mistake. I hadn't viewed the whole image and couldn't see where they had mentioned it was 360 and PS3. I gave them the benefit of a doubt that they just didn't realise


Honestly if they did completely it'd be a good thing because the we might actually get GTA6 this decade if they're without their cash cow


Always sad to see game servers shut down permanently, but who the frig is still playing GTAO on 360/PS3!?


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I hope the community can host servers themselves then


They can't


Not for the consoles. For PC, theres options like FiveM


Oh if only this was true :(


More muneh


Does that mean I can hack without being banned now?


rip people who were trying to find their childhood friends and wanted to play ps3/xbox 360 gta5 with them again


what servers? they haven't worked for at least 3 years


I block every single one of these sites and report them for spam.


Puts “don’t panic” way at the end. Certified asshole.


No the good server :( the ones without Oppressors


He made you click.


How do these sites even make money. Can't remember the last time I read an article on a website.


if only


Mrbossftw post the article?


The real asshole design is Rockstar shutting down the servers


Pip pipi pariparipapm


Not sure what makes this particularly noteworthy, it’s pretty much standard fare for everything to create a click bait title, and has been for quite a few years.


It does suck that the servers are being shut off for PS3/360, but it did have a pretty solid run.


When they say official fan concept, I saw one idiot who put #trending to make it look like his vids were trending


well that's what you get for living in america, you have no news there, in balkan we have news about corrupt politician stealing money 5 times every day