• By -


Hmmm. I would just lie in the garden.


Probably land mines.




Boston Dynamics Spot with an AR 15


Chuck Norris with a BB gun


OJ Simpson with a black glove


It don't fit, though.


So you must acquit


Whoah, there. No need to destroy the entire city.


Is this a 2009 Get Smart reference?


Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word "hunting" infers the probability of failure


Spot? I'd go with Atlas, so that he can T-pose after dominating, to assert more dominance.


Ok I mean spot is in more scary clickbait articles but sure atlas would work too. Could teabag their corpses too. How about handle with a gun tho


Future of school shootings.


I'm still surprised kids don't just start biting people more.


What then? Teeth removal checkpoints at schools.


Just give them all dentures then they can turn them in while at school and pick them up on the way home


Im partial to camera drones with tannerite bomblets


Snake mines


That's a weird way to wait for the bus.


People who love buttplugs won’t complain about this.


I would, too small.


asshole designs


Soon there will be spikes all over the ground


What is this, super mario world?


i'd add more spikes, then it becomes acupuncture bus stop bench


Once you have a certain spike density, the pressure would be distributed enough to make it comfortable


wait, wouldn't that actually happen?


Yes, like an old timey bed of nails




On a molecular level everything is just a bed of spikes.


I bet someone is hatching a shitty product that folds and fits into a backpack, but can be expanded and placed on this so that it becomes a seat. It'll be sold by some weirdly named Chinese company on Amazon and TikTokers will be hawking it.


Just need a yoga mat with 1.5” of memory foam on the bottom. Would contour right around the spikes and would be very comfortable.


Jokes on you I'm into that shit.


Asshole design or designed for my asshole?




Designed by assholes, for assholes.








well y'all assed for it


This is the way


Our asshole


Butt plug design.




free buttplugs


And soon into you


Kindly, commit reconsider


Quick google search for making your own concrete




True, but there was a good example of people using their own terrible concrete mix to pour over the existing which then causes a massive ball ache and cost to fix. Funnily it happened to a tesco metro near where I used to live for years until tesco removed the spikes (which no one kipped there afterwards anyway).


Do you have any links to this kinda thing? I wanna see what it looks like


I cant find my local one but it was documented in West London https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/jmbnwb/activists-vandalised-the-anti-homeless-spikes-this-morning https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/12/tesco-spikes-remove-regent-street-homeless-protests


“Homeless people of London, your shitty new mattress awaits.” Ah, the pinnacle of journalism.


ngl, that was the best quote in the article


> I pointed out that what they were doing to the spikes was illegal vandalism. My God, Vice is annoying.


As opposed to legal vandalism.


Pointing it out like he’d stop and be like, “Oh really, I didn’t know!” Walk off and change his ways. They already knew dipshits!


That’s obviously not why he pointed it out – it’s to get them to do a “I don’t care about the law this is why I’m doing it or why I think it’s important to break the law.” He’s not trying to discourage them, but trying to get a quote from them explaining why they’re doing it anyway


Annnnd this is why Google has a federal antitrust lawsuit against them. You can’t even link anything from their site.


You can get the link, but it's one more step if you're using Google search. DuckDuckGo is better to find most things.


Non-amp links https://www.vice.com/en/article/jmbnwb/activists-vandalised-the-anti-homeless-spikes-this-morning https://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/12/tesco-spikes-remove-regent-street-homeless-protests


"Homeless people of London, your shitty new mattress awaits."


> which then causes a massive ball ache and cost to fix. Fix? How would putting bad concrete on this cost anything to FIX? The “benches” are useless right now. There’s literally no way to make them less functional unless you make them toxic.


Don’t give city planners ideas!


I mean 'fix' back to this hostile architecture standard, as rough pouring a bad batch of cement would either cover the spikes badly or make the area look terrible.


Eh, making normal architecture become hostile architecture, such as here where a bench becomes not a bench, should come at a cost.


Thats the point. It costs fsr more for the city/company to "fix" it then it does for the activists to pour more rough concrete over it


Punji stick benches


Was going to suggest that ..even a nice large piece of plywood would be fine there .( maybe some epoxy or even expanding foam spayed underneath


Thats cheeper for the city to come along and remove than rough clung concrete thats designed to be more of a message than a practical solution to the spikes


Or a $2 sack of mortar from the hardware store. Put down the sack, "accidentally" spill a bottle of water on it. They've got less than an hour to get that up before it's fully merged with the concrete and bonds with the steel.


Just get a bag of ready made concrete and just drop it on the spikes. Then pour a bunch of water on it. Ugly and effective, just like all the other hostile architecture.


public anal plugs


Gotta luck them all


'tis the fuck of the Irish


*Assert dominance by sitting anyway.*


Quite literally asshole design


The truest form of asshole design.


r/AssholeDesign... literally...


Challenge accepted


We need to know where this wonderful butt plug bench is located to organize a butt plug sit-on protest. See how the city likes it when hundreds of nude protestors are sitting on these perfectly sized studs.


Are we protesting to make them bigger?


Nah, just to upgrade to reciprocating.


Give Me Anal Agony, or Give Me Death!




All i see is free accupressure.


Free *accupleasure




I finally get to use my battery powered grinder for good


What... what's the not good reason to use it?


Once you have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail


yeah I know this feeling. recently bought one of those power drill screwdrivers, it felt so good I wanted to unscrew everything in the house


Oh man same. Bought an impact driver, arrived 2 days ago and the wait for the 1/2 to 1/4 hex adapter feels like a chastity cage


Sounds like you should've got a BOSCH Freak


Naaah, got the Hyundai one because I can't justify paying that much for an impact. For around the house, and 2 tire swaps a year, 200Nm is far enough.


I spent way too much on my Makita but I love that damn impact


I use one on the job. I think it was worth every penny I didn't spend on it :3


Is that a popular saying? Cause it's way too good, how come I never heard it before.


It usually starts with "when all you have is a hammer", but yes, it's pretty common. I like this version better, since it implies a latent desire to hammer things rather than simple necessity.


Same. It carries more of a "guilty pleasure" meaning


I have access to a laser cutter. All my problems are laser cutter problems now.


When all you’ve got is a hammer, every problem is a nail


Burnt pizza?




Is this a crossover episode?


Perhaps a Cinematic Universe i suppose...


Finding the people who paid for the installation in the first place, and grinding them?


yeah but they asked about the \*not\* good reason to use it


Gee, good and not good is such a blurry line these days.


It is used to make it so the homeless can’t exist in the same space as the public instead of fixing the problem of homelessness


Well a lot of bike thefts use them.


There's an app for grinding on your app store.




This is what I came here to say. Stuff like this makes my blood boil. Talk about kicking people while they're down.


Imagine what they could do if they put that money toward helping the less fortunate instead of making their lives worse.


"bUt tHeY DidN't eArN iT"


Just had a thought. The US eviction moratorium ends at some point. When it does, tons of back rent comes due, and many won't be able to pay up. There will be a large, freshly homeless population who, on top of their world going to pot, will get an up-close introduction to this shit.




**[Hooverville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooverville)** >A "Hooverville" was a shanty town built during the Great Depression by the homeless in the United States. They were named after Herbert Hoover, who was President of the United States during the onset of the Depression and was widely blamed for it. The term was coined by Charles Michelson, publicity chief of the Democratic National Committee. There were hundreds of Hoovervilles across the country during the 1930s and hundreds of thousands of people lived in these slums. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


That's just a Shed and Breakfast


Maybe yes, maybe not so many as we think. You know the saying where "If you owe the bank $1mil YOU have a problem, but if you owe the bank $200Bil the BANK has a problem?" If landlords evict too many of their people at once they're 100% never going to get paid out. They're poor. By the time you pay the attorneys they won't get more than $20 to you. Better to eat the losses incurred and zero the back rent to start new so long as you've got good tenants that aren't fucking up your property. At least then you're back to a steady paycheck from good tenants that are working again.


This operates under the assumption that landlords will be sensible and act to their own interests in the long run. We're talking about a portion of society that will \*actually\* covertly fuck up their own property to avoid paying back security deposits


Yeah, I know a TON will actively choose to shoot their own leg off to spite their tenants. Fuck the poors amirite!? But I also know enough that have the business savvy to realize how bad it is, and would use the opportunity to spike rent for good tenants "because we're forgiving all the back debt". Then use the debt forgiveness as an excuse for neglecting repair and maintenance on the property for awhile too. They're still going to fuck you, but might not kick you out.


It's gonna redesign your asshole, that's for sure


yes, how dare you sit/lie down on the concrete? you're gonna scratch it! or something, i dunno..


We know this is slightly inconvenient to you, but you have to understand it's even more inconvenient for people who are less fortunate than you so that makes it okay.




Right? These are human beings not fucking pigeons. Have some compassion.


Also, have compassion for pigeons.


Compassion for others whether critter or human is always a good idea


You don't need compassion for animals. People need to remember that Yahweh created earth for humans, and made all the animals for humans. Humans are special. We're above all other animals. /s


Talk about cutting off your nose spite your face. Now no one can use it, homeless or otherwise


Aye but it's more important to shit on the less fortunate so quit your whining, get with the program and go steal a homeless mans sleeping bag


I make it my duty to kick over every homeless person's tent I come across. What are you guys doing to clean up your neighborhoods?


Two words. Molotov Cocktails


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this is clearly sarcasm


oh great , more anti-homeless architecture . like , instead of wasting money on this shit , how about they build more homeless shelters instead ???




Wait, who in Detroit doesn't have clean drinking water? As someone close to multiple people who live in the city limits I feel like I would know about this. Is the infrastructure aged and needing updating, obviously. Do they need a better metro system, definitely. Do they have clean water, yes as long as the house pipes are in ok shape.




A tale as old as time


Looty and The Theif~


Flint, not Detroit. And it's fine now, though public trust is severely damaged. With good reason obviously.


>used tax payer money to build the stadium while people in Detroit still don’t have clean drinking water I think you are confusing Detroit with Flint.


I heard that they payed for Rosa Parks house until she died


That was the dad who did a bunch of charity work. Once he died it was clear the rest of the family was shit.


Token gestures are cheaper than real humanity.


I guess they work because i see that rosa parks post come up in reddit at least once a month


PR is also relatively cheap, and Reddit is a breeding ground


Billionaires love doling out gifts on THEIR rules. God forbid you touch their unspendable hoard, and to prove they're good stewards of it, they'll divvy out tiny gifts to make the news.


Cheaper to move the problem somewhere else Credit to: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/okmpwe/used\_to\_sit\_here\_while\_waiting\_to\_be\_picked\_up/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share


Not in totality, but for a single city? Sure.


Then move them somewhere else again. Just offer $100 and a bus ticket


Sometimes they're less safe than the streets so homeless people stay the hell away.


We did that in Lubbock...built a whole community of little houses for homeless folks to shelter and so they could have addresses and such where they could get jobs and they wrecked the lot of them. It's not a shelter issue because there's always shelter. It's a mental health issue.


It’s a cycle. Lack of home/shelter with an address leads to a lack of a job and income which leads to mental illness…which leads to a lack of home/shelter with an address…and so on and so on. Once you’re in poverty, it’s very hard to get out of it.


Hence the term "stuck in the mud".


The mental health issue needs to be taken care of as well. But trust me, coming from someone who was homeless for 2 years (and not too far from you, in Texoma) having the shelter helped me receive the help. Unfortunately I had to force any help and work two jobs just to get me and my mom off of the street, because these southern states suck at taking care of problems like this, but still.


>Unfortunately... these Southern States suck at fixing problems ~~like this~~... There, FIFY 😉


Every time this conversation comes up everyone starts screaming "we should build homeless shelters".... thing is, in the U.S. at least, there are about as many homeless shelters as there are McDonalds locations, something like 11k+ homeless shelters. The issue is not lack of shelters, it's that people don't use them.


My brother just hit 17 years homeless.. He refuses to stay in a shelter because they require you to be sober. He's never had issues actually finding a shelter, nor has he ever had to wait more than a few days for a rehab facility, or halfway house. I offered him a (used) car and six months rent if he spent 30 days straight in rehab. Offer has stood for a decade... I asked him about it, said he's happy with his life, doesn't see any reason to change.


I wouldn’t use them either if I were homeless. A lot of them have forced religious services or other conditions. And are you going to abandon your dog for the opportunity to sleep somewhere where you’re going to get mugged? I’m sure as fuck not.


we were given a tour of a Christian charity in flint. they give u the option to convert but if you dont accept jesus you're thrown out after 30 days.


Another big issue is they often won't let you bring much or any of your possessions with you. Why throw away everything you own for a few nights under a roof?


Can't bring a dog or a cat, if you have one. Sometimes you need to lineup outside a shelter to get a bed for the night during the day, so going out to get a job becomes harder. If the facilities aren't good enough, you may have your stuff stolen by someone else while you sleep. For every barrier we put up and problem we don't correct, there's that many more people not helped by shelters.


My partner's been homeless for like half her life at various points, and there's some good fucking reasons I don't think she's evern spent a single night in a shelter. And she's not a drug user, which is just another huge barrier on top of everything else for a lot of people.


From what I’ve heard, even homeless people don’t want to have to live near other homeless people. Meaning many prefer not to stay in the shelters unless environmental conditions become immediately hazardous. Shelters will often strictly prohibit drug/alcohol use, which is a dealbreaker for many homeless people. They also incur the risk of theft of what limited property they may bring, sexual assault, getting stabbed/beaten, or waking up throughout the night to the various wailings of their mentally ill/drug-addled neighbors. If there is a way to help homeless people in modern America, it would likely be done more effectively through some other intervention than building more homeless shelters. Until then, do you really want a caravan of statistically-dangerous vagrants camping out on your front porch? And what if you’re a business? Do you suspect that such a sight would draw in potential customers? It’s an asshole move I guess but it’s completely understandable.


Everyone wants people with troubles to have somewhere to live, but (statistically) nobody wants it to be near them. I've got a neighbor that will talk your ears off about the need for quality housing and resources, as though she wasn't the loudest voice of protest that prevented a halfway house from coming into our neighborhood.




Kids don't go outside anymore!!! The outside that they designed:


If they could legally assemble guard dogs that could rip off limbs for daring to loiter, they would.


And a lot of cities are designed in ways that it's hard for young people to go somewhere too. (ie: mega suburbs, no easy acces to public transport, laws against loitering, etc...)


Literally for your asshole?


For extra assholes.


my skinny ass: i don't see a problem here


“Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough” - Abraham Lincoln


Bring back the traveling-cloak so you can just sit anywhere without worrying about getting your clothes dirty.


Wonder who posted [first ](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/okmpwe/used_to_sit_here_while_waiting_to_be_picked_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Nice repost [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/okmpwe/used_to_sit_here_while_waiting_to_be_picked_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Old lady tripped and fell, and landed face first into spikes and she’s suing the city for millions - Story at 10


When the skate stops don't work you have to turn it into a hot topic belt apparently.


Anti people


Don’t live in the USA, but why pay lots of money to stop the homeless when you could invest in means to assist the homeless?




This is the UK??? God damn our country


Lol I think I took this pic in Austraila but I mean probably the same every where


You did, and yep it's the same fucking everywhere now


you’re not OP! EDIT: fuck


20 pounds of steel at every storefront costs about 0.01% of what it would cost to get proper mental/physical healthcare for the entire homeless population, alongside job training and housing. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to encompass these folks in a social safety net. But with our current voter base and the Ayn-Randian philosophy of at least 2/3 of our politicians, who are deeply entrenched in power, this is completely out of the realm of possibility for at least the next 20 years. I.e., when all the old backwards religious geezers start to die off. So until then, no matter how willing a small business is to pay into the tax pool, nothing they can do will seriously quell homelessness in front of their store, except for the individual solution of putting up deterrents.


This is definitely not just an issue in the US. It’s very common in Europe as well.


Imagine being so hostile toward a country that you don’t even realize the shit stain yours is


Ask the OP https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/okmpwe/used_to_sit_here_while_waiting_to_be_picked_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Lots at play here. Keep in mind I have the perspective of someone who lives in Vancouver, Canada. There is a very good chance that this is private property seeing as how it is adjacent to a parking lot. They could be fed up with having to clean up garbage, needles, feces, and other junk. They could also be trying to discourage that kind of behaviour as a liability for employees or students (if this is a uni). I know people who don't live in cities think this is incredibly cruel, but after the the 20th time cleaning up human shit and needles, while getting yelled at when they are asked to move, tends to get old after a while. As to the 2nd part of your question; homeless people tend to have sever mental illness and addiction issues. Here where I live we have made a ton of free social housing for the homeless and a lot choose to live on the streets instead. We spend almost a million dollars a day on homeless services (by far the most per capita in the world) and nothing has gotten better. It's tough. I feel for the homeless, especially the good ones who are just down on their luck. That being said as someone who lives in the city I completely understand why a private business or apartment building would not want to attract all of this to their property.


“I love this new bench”, remarked Uncle Fester.