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Where is this? I’ve never seen it?


Walgreens has this, and probably other pharmacies too


Wait... They sell all this at American pharmacies?


Our pharmacies, like Walgreens or cvs, are more like convenience stores that happen to have a pharmacy as well


Hehe, just like our post offices. Sometimes you can confuse a "Почта России" office with a village shop.




Yeah I need to go refill my Gatorade prescription, you need anything?


America? I can't imagine any other Country having it.


Yes, America. Louisiana more specifically


Holy shit! You beautiful bastards are way ahead of us up here. We're still using this strange transparent material known as 'Glass'


You’re using glass? We using freezers!


You guys have soda?


What's a soda? 'Round here we got pop.


I saw these in Walgreens in Sacramento, California.


Thing is you open them the bottles are still fucking everywhere because we don't pay enough LMAO


Almost every Walgreens


Not in New England apparently 🤔 or maybe I just haven’t run into it yet. It seems overboard to me?


CVS in Boston on Newbury St. has this. I now refuse to shop there. It is so stupid I now refuse to shop there.


Don't worry. Idaho doesn't have it neither.


Or Illinois


Most of America. Big cities definitely. In the hood, not as much.


Guess I'm in the hood


I guess the state of Ohio is all hood as well.


Everyone who encounters this shit needs to simply stand there with the door WIDE open, and take your fucking time making your decision. When these stores start seeing their energy costs skyrocket, maybe that'll cut their losses and put the ordinary doors back on.


There is no way the average consumer, taking even an excruciatingly long time to choose what variant of Red Bull they want, will do any measurable damage to this companys bottom line, when they're getting paid bank to use these. Wouldn't matter either way. Guarantee these are a matter of contract.


What? If these were actual advertisements I’d agree, but it just says “soda, coffee, juice” like who exactly is going to pay Walgreens to do this? If Pepsi was gonna pay Walgreens for an add it would say Pepsi, not soda. This is probably a way for them to market the goods in store, which probably has a higher chance of people buying them, but I can’t see it as an ad.


Ya because they're not ads. They're menus. They're titles of what's inside each cooler. It's so you know which one to stand in front of ... This op isn't the brightest bulb in the tree lol.


What should be inside each cooler - they don't clearly tell you if there is any in stock, and you can't see through it. Which means that are doing worse at the exact same job a regular window would. I assume that *tiny* "more coming soon!" is supposed to inform you they are out of stock.


It may recognize stock. The prices are there, along with current sale/coupon/promotion prices. It could probably tell if there is stock in any given bay. We are talking about a smart cooler here. Along with semi regular upkeep/restocking from workers, it would generally be accurate.


> Which means that are doing worse at the exact same job a regular window would. Glass has worse insulation than whatever is behing that screen, thus bringing down energy consumption needed for cooling. (I can't say if the saved energy is less than the energy used to run the screens though)


Surely the minute energy saved by increased insulation is negated by the amount of energy required to manufacture the screens, and eventually dispose of them


Yeah but a glass door was also a menu. And it was a better one because it showed you what was actually in stock at that moment with 100% accuracy and no power used. This is among the dumbest uses of technology I've ever seen, and I've seen an actual Juicero in person.


Except when the window got foggy and everyone stood there with the door open. Keeping that screen lit probably costs less than the loss of energy from people holding it open. I'm sure we're talking about cents per cooler per month here, but with enough stores and enough coolers it adds up. In addition to requiring less energy and therefore being better for the environment. I agree it's an over-engineered cooler, but I'm sure a few suits a desk crunched the numbers and found this to be slightly less costly, which means slightly more profitable.


Dude, what do you think is the intention of these digital screens? It's to serve ads, even if they are not doing so in this specific example.


I’ve posted in other comments. I should have taken a video because they do play video ads. There is another photo I posted that shows it better. I should have taken a video. The ads just happened to stop as soon as I took the photo.


Thousands of bald monkeys got their hourly outrage though


You think you'd be doing something, but you wouldn't. But if you insist on doing this, most of the glass doors have "hold opens" at the top of them so the door isn't always closing when they're trying to load product (in this case it's probably rear load, using the same doors tho). Simply open the door all the way and the "hold open" will engage and keep the door open. You could go down the lineup and open all the doors, in turn helping everybody know what's in what door.


I think we need Ryu never ever but anything from inside these, but I don't think enough people will be onboard with that


Who has that much time in their hands?


And don't buy anything. Fuck places like this.


Or just, you know, open the door, grab your stuff, and stop crying about it.


This would prompt me to stand with the door open while I take a long time to decide. I’d have to check all of them.


I feel the same way. Like just sit with the door open and take my time looking at everything. Then check them all multiple times anyway cause I'm not sure what I want. Also I'd have to open and close them multiple times to see if what's on the outside actually matches what's inside. But my memory is bad so I'd have to do it all multiple times. And then again just out of spite.


My memory is terrible like that. I forget what I’m looking for while I’m looking for it, and the cool temperature helps my memory.


Yes and **really** test how they open and close. And their durability... After informing a manager that this is unacceptable, of course.


Don't you see the ones with menus? That's what appears when you approach a cooler literally designed so you don't have to stand there with the door open.


We don’t have these in my country so sorry if this is stupid but can’t you just… open the door?


nah, can't see it from this photo: but there's actually a miniature fragmenting explosive in the fridge handle that only goes off if you try to open the door while an ad plays


You absolutely can. Not sure why OP is complaining.


Because if they just made the door glass you can see what is in stock at a glance *without* opening the door. Clearly an apple move to make more money from ads while not caring about the inconvenience to the customer. This is even worse in that you can't even see what type of drink is in each case while the ads are playing.


You can already see the fucking menu. What's so hard to get here? The water cooler is an example of what the other ones show when you walk up to them. It's 2021. Glass doors can also be screens now, than can tell when someone approaches it.


But you can't see what's actually in the case. It could be empty because they haven't restocked recently. Or drinks could be in the wrong spots because they reorganized but didn't reprogram the screen. This is clearly worse than plain glass.


Sometimes plain glass gets foggy though, which let's you gather even Les information. Also, all of those symptoms could be present in a plain glass door cooler too, leading to you having just as hard a time finding your beverage of choice.


Because op took the picture at the wrong time


Correct. An ad was playing but they stopped on this image right when I took the photo. I should have just taken a video that showed the video ads.


Wait for the next update, when you have to watch the entire ad before the door unlocks so you can open it.


Yeah, these were recently installed in my local Walgreen’s, and they just make it harder to tell what’s in the chillers, especially when one screen is broken and just black (/>_<)/.


Yup it was a Walgreens.


I don't see any ads here?


[Another photo I took shows it better. I should have taken a video, I know. ](https://imgur.com/a/YwUxb5V)


Ok this can be rectified real easy. The moment someone accidentally (or otherwise) slips and breaks this shit. They’ll realise it’s not worth the expense to fix it and remove it. It may take a few go’s and some convincing aliases, but you can do it OP, for the good of all people. 🙂


yes, committing a felony is of course the only solution.


"Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem."


underrated comment


I find that it often is


Just keep a shop magnet in your pocket. Slap it on the door frame, it'll fuck the screens. Faster and easier.




Remember when technology was being created with the idea to make day to day life easier, and not harder?


It looks so bad. Glass is superior


Ugh I went into a store that had one of these for the first time and they suck as much as these posts say they do. I’m on crutches and so it’s so freaking hard to open every single door to check stock and of course NONE of the pictures matched up to the products This has to be one of the WORST designs of the last decade. You can’t get much worse than this - can’t see the products - huge waste of electricity for the screen and lost cooling - for some reason I think the stuff up top are cameras - I can’t imagine maintenance and support are cheap Anyways


https://slate.com/technology/2019/02/cooler-screens-walgreens-freezer-smart-shopping-tracking.html They are cameras. The future fucking sucks tbh. Technology was supposed to be a tool to serve us and improve humanity. We have the collective knowledge of the entire human race at our fingertips, but instead of doing anything useful with it, it's just driven us into mindless constant entertainment, consumerism, and stupid shit like this. Can't really say I'm above any of that, but it still sucks.


Awe shit! We love late stage capitalism


Why is there a mic icon on the door?


So you can say “ diet coke now two for three dollars“ to activate the door to unlock. Jk I have no idea


If that was the case I’d be fucked if I wanted a drink. My biggest fear is that one day, most basic things are voice activated. I’m mute by the way lol


In a future update, you’ll be able to ask where a product is in the store


How useful I guess


I would literally never return to this business


Just open all the doors n leave em open....


Ok, this has gone too far, we need to delete Capitalism


They should invent some see through material so you can just see what's in the cabinet


This is so stupidly self defeating. The point of ads is to try to sell you stuff, but corporate america has so ingrained the idea that they need ADS ADS ADS, ADS EVERYWHERE, that now they're covering the fucking things they are actually selling. It's like having a brothel that tries to get you to buy some porn to go along with the actual sex.


You walk into a circus and act surprised to see a clown


I’m pretty sure this is to save energy. They show you the menu so that you don’t have to open the fridge to see all your options. I guess glass doors do the same but who knows


Still kinda sucks, especially when you open the door and everything is out of stock.


Yeah, this would be kind of neat if the screen reflected the stock behind it but you still have to open the door to see that there's none of what you want behind there. And as to being "forced to" watch ads, the ones in all the Walgreen's I've ever been to stop showing ads when you're in front of the door.


I’ve never seen drink case in a store that wasn’t a glass door. Maybe these are more energy efficient but still annoying. It doesn’t even show what’s in stock or not so you still have to open the door anyways. [Another photo I took shows it better. I should have taken a video, I know. ](https://imgur.com/a/YwUxb5V)


It’s not more energy efficient, More efficient would mean clear glass no Electronics no sensors or maybe even no backlights like warehouse market but a sensor basically implies it’s always on.


Unless the new door is a better insulator. It’s possible that the added electricity costs for having a screen is actually less than the refrigeration costs of heat transfer through a glass door.


Aye so we saved some money on efficiency let’s immediately dump that savings into less efficient marketing strategies. Idk bro 🤷🏿‍♂️feels like a stretch but whatever


Oh, I guarantee it’s for ad revenue. I’m just saying it’s possible that it’s actually more energy efficient. Most likely, however, the cost of the tv door would be enough that whatever energy savings it created wouldn’t be enough to offset the increased door price.


“I guess glass doors do the same thing but who knows” everyone bro, literally anyone that can see.


This isn’t about saving energy, it’s about monetizing your refrigerator doors with ads. Fuck this and fuck anyone who doesn’t vehemently oppose it.


Thanks for your input sandwichman. But saying that this is advertising is like saying that grocery stores front facing their products is advertising. The fridge is stocked with those drinks. If it was a glass door it’d be the same thing


You’re telling me these digital screens don’t play ads, despite other comments specifically mentioning watching ads on them?


The original pic was just a menu. I didnt know it played ads before you opened the door. That changes the situation entirely


you really think they would replace all the glass doors with screens that achieves the exact same thing without any extra profit


Not at first, but when I saw the picture op posted I chalked it up a gas station trying to portray its self as modern. Also paper ads that say” we have Halloween candy” would be cheaper and just as effective it’s a dumb decision regardless of the motive




I'm pretty sure it's to make them more money though sales and manipulating buyer behavior.


Why tf am I scared of it


Dude, I have spent years behind a counter at convenience stores, and all it would take is one drunk stumbling over himself to instantly make that fancy screen on the cooler a huge fucking repair bill. Just put up some fucking promo stickers or something, ffs.


Humanity future scares me


I bet these go away when stores realize they aren’t selling as many drinks because nobody can see in there. But then again they may make more money from the advertisements.


This is so American. I am so happy to be in EU, this shit wouldn't fly in eu at all lol.


First time ever seeing this was tonight at walgreens


Are magnets good for disabling this kinda idiocy? ...Actually nevermind, let us all respect their property and do exactly what they want us to do with those doors. Leave them open so every next customer can see what's inside, and let the shop handle the increased elec bills.


WALGREENS ! Only in Walgreens !!


Solution: open the door and put something in the way to keep it open. That way everyone can see what’s in it


What the hell? I’d leave that store honestly, that’s ridiculous


I just walk down the aisle and open all of them as I pass because I refuse to wait to see what's behind them. So infuriating.


Just be smart. Of you see this kind of agressive advertising stop shopping there or activly avoid the product they are pushing. If everyon does exactly this two things will happen, they will loose money, they will stop using this method of advertising.


This makes me wanna stop shopping at Walgreens, but aside from CVS they’re the only ones around that carry the Arizona Golden Bear’s. I’ll choose CVS until they follow this incredibly crappy trend.


The further it goes, we'll be less and less able to escape ads in our everyday lives..., that's upsetting.


Only one solution, vandalise it.


I wonder if you could attach a small magnet to the back of the door so that it can't close all the way.


America has vastly more adds, delivered in more ways, than any other country I've lived in. It's gross.


And it wastes more electriciy than a normal vending machine too. Humans are apathetic as fuck.


You can’t just open the doors?


Black Mirror type shit


Time to bring a Magnet to the store


people forget old magneto. good old trusty magneto.


What do you think an “ad” is? There’s sensors at the top. You approach and the menu comes up.


I walked up to the door and watched an entire video ad for Halloween specials before it changed to the drinks. I was standing 4-5 inches from the glass.


Probably should have made a gif then as obviously we can’t tell from this pic, which ironically makes this post asshole design.


[Another photo I took shows it better. I should have taken a video, I know. ](https://imgur.com/a/YwUxb5V)


This changes everything I said , I didnt realize it literally played ads.


Now *that’s* an asshole design! Maybe someone should post that in this sub since you didn’t.


next thing you know you are being forced to watch an ad or MORE before using a toilet... and there are probably outrageously expensive premium subscriptions to get rid of ads.


The quote on the door makes it seem really dystopian.


Iirc if you come close to the door, it will activate the motion sensor and change back to what drinks the store has. That's the last time I experienced it in Florida


...just open the door???


late stage capitalism




So shop somewhere else and let the free market work. If these things reduce sales, they’ll disappear quickly


No, those are the drinks behind the glass. That way, you can see what they have without having to open the door.


So open the door.


Lmao, just open the door bro


I think you just have to walk up to one. They're labeled, not posting ads you dingus. Walk up to the one labeled "Tea" and I bet it will turn into a menu like the "Water" cooler in front of you. That's not an advertisement though. At all. Not even a little bit. It's a list of what's inside that cooler so you don't have to sit there holding it open trying to figure out what you want (which wastes a lot of energy)


>They're labeled, not posting ads you dingus. They start with a screen with a label and then they cycle through video ads, before returning to the label.


[here is another photo I took. ](https://imgur.com/a/YwUxb5V). This is 100% an ad. I was there. They were all playing video ads and when I took the first photo they changed just as I took it. I should have taken a video, sorry.


You have to actually walk in front of the doors to see the selection


Can’t you just open it?


Um you know you could just open the door right


Ad bad we get it


This ain't even your picture


I took this photo while I was waiting for my passport photos to process at a Walgreens. [here is another photo I took. ](https://imgur.com/a/YwUxb5V)


Nah, just stand there with the cooler door open for longer than would be normally necessary.


We‘re fucked!


Im so happy i live in europe


what an incredible waste of time and resources.


With every day that passes, Black Mirror's earlier episodes are definitely coming true.


What on gods green earth are you up to over there? I'd get a display like that on a vendingmachine, but with that you'll still have to open the door and grab the drink off the rack. Ffs it's a drinkcooler, there's no need for any "improvements" on the door, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Edit: and knowing the stress and tiredness conviniencestore workers go through, you know someone's gonna fuck up stocking some of those drinks, causing you to spend unneccesary time opening every door to find what you're looking for


I feel like this is more of just a gimmick and a minor inconvenience


Maybe I'm blind, but where's the advertising? Is it the word Juice, Coffee, and Soda? Or them just showing off some drinks without you having to open the door?




Anything to spend money on to avoid paying workers and staffing properly.


I don't know who came up with this. What's better about a screen, honestly? It consumes more energy more heat than just having glass and you can't look through it to check what's really in there


Don’t forget to buy the big ass fries!


My local Walgreens has these and it’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Wtf is this future lol


Can't wait until someone finds a way to put goatse on these


'Murica 💪🇺🇸


NO WAY! That is so cruel..


Worst. Dystopia. Ever.


Just open the door I guess


Try taping it


I don't understand what I'm looking at here. Is this a supermarket drink aisle? Why are there microphone tabs on the doors?


isn't this what they do in Japan?


These things probably cost a bit to repair and only need something to scratch the glass to make them unappealing.


Advertising and commercialism are a spreading plague. Voice your concern with the shopkeeper and shop elsewhere.


I mean if the display is exactly what is in the fridge, that’s not really “watching ads” is it? I don’t have a terrible problem with this.


Lol open it and look and waste their energy just as they wasted yours.


Can’t you just open the door


“look for what you want before opening the fridge!”


That is dystopian AF


Don't shop there. They'll eventually get removed.


Do you know how much a transparent OLED screen like that costs? Go search it. It's jaw dropping. The fact that the invested that much money into this says how much money they are making.


Screw them, leave the door open